ENGLISH Was the Malaysian flight shootdown intended for Putin’s plane?

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…..The ECM [Electronic Counter-Measures] Battle in the Sky Above Poland, Russia and the Ukraine That Saved Putin’s Life but Downed MH17


by Tim, Earl of Stirling

When I learned that Vladimir Putin was going to travel to South America for the last game of the World Cup and for the BRICS Conference [to create an alternative to the US dollar — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6th_BRICS_summit],

‘The leaders of Russia, India, Brazil, China and South Africa all want a world not ruled by the US dollarBRICS_leaders_in_Brazil-2014


…I was concerned that Putin might be physically attacked.  Now when the US President travels, he flies on one of two identical Boeing 747-200B USAF Presidential State Aircraft.  The one that he is riding in is officially designated as Air Force One; the other is carrying staff and reporters, etc., but is also acting as a decoy aircraft making the task of shooting down the correct Boeing 747 more difficult.  The planes have constant fighter coverage with AWACS and refueling tankers.  In areas over the ocean the US Navy has been known to re-task supercarrier task forces to provide USN fighter coverage when necessary.

Now Russia remains a nuclear superpower, but it no longer is the overall superpower that the old Soviet Union was with its Warsaw Pact allies.  There is no Warsaw Pact now, and many of these nations are members of NATO.  The USSR is broken up and long gone.  So Russia cannot provide the level of protection to its , a IL-96-300PU, that the American President has.  Still, the Russians do take special efforts to keep their Head of State safe.

The Russian “Air Force One”, with the Russian letters for “Russia,” “Rassiya” in red on the side.


Considering the level of pre-WWIII events currently happening in the Ukraine and the Middle East, and the growing irritation that Globalists and Zionist forces have had with Putin and his Russia, the security experts charged with protecting Putin were no doubt very concerned about his long overseas visit.

Putin effectively stopped an Israeli/US attack on Iran almost two years ago and a US/UK/Israeli attack on Syria about a year ago.  The US/Zionist/Globalist supported/funded coup against the elected Ukraine government and the resulting conflict was a calculated effort to draw Russia into a war over the Ukraine and thereby tie it down in order to allow Netanyahu free hand to create his long-sought General Middle East War.  Putin has proven to be a brilliant strategist and not easy to trap.  Hence, I believe that the decision was made to “take him out” of the picture by destroying his state aircraft as it flew over Russia but near the Ukraine on his return from South America.

That the Latin American trip included a key Brics Conference in Brazil which was a direct attack on the Rothschild-headed Global Banking Cartel’s power over the global economy and financial system, was a key factor in the decision that Putin had to be eliminated.

Taking the Russian State Aircraft down presented a number of problems.  If it were downed over the open ocean, fingers would point at America as the superpower capable of global military action.  Host nations did provide considerable security to Putin and his aircraft while he was in their nations and airspace.  What better place to attack the IL-96 than over Russian airspace near the Ukraine, shortly after it had left Polish airspace.  At worst the coup junta in the Ukraine would be blamed and Moscow might invade the Ukraine in response, thereby tying down its military and freeing the Mideast for a truly horrific general war.

The Russians were well aware of the dangers and were actively looking for stealthed fighters and mobile ground-to-air advanced systems with airborne state-of-the-art sensors.  A few years ago, Russian engineers devised a way to ‘stealth’ existing non-stealthy aircraft using a plasma system.  This system has been reported on and no doubt copied  by various western powers.  Now no stealth system is perfect, and in fact the whole field of stealth has had its share of PR hype.  The attempt is to create a ‘black hole’ in the sky that no radar or infrared/etc. signals are capable of being detected.  However, no such system is perfect and highly advanced electronic systems can usually detect a stealth aircraft (manned or unmanned) operating in a given area.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH-17 is seen at the G3 gate of Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, before it took off, heading to Kuala LumpurBased on assorted reports and a general knowledge of military systems including ECM (electronic counter measures) this is what I believe happened in the skys over Poland, Russia and the Ukraine that led to the deaths of 295 people on Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17:  Russian Air Force electronic surveillance/ECM aircraft were able to detect a stealth fighter in/near the expected flight path of the Russian State Aircraft.  Since shooting down this aircraft was not a certainty, especially since the Ukrainian Junta had just moved a number of advanced ‘Buk’ ground-to-air missile systems into eastern Ukraine, the Russian ECM aircraft immediately began to spoof things.  The IL-96 was likely contacted by satellite secure radio transmissions and told to turn off or change its ID squawking and a nearby large aircraft, the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 Flight MH17 was spoofed to cover its normal ID code and replace it with the IL-96 code.

In the meantime the Israeli Air Force F-15 (likely a F-15I two-seat Strike Eagle with AIM-20 AMRAAM radar-guided missiles and using a plasma stealth system), which had taken off some time, from a base in Azerbaijan, before the IL-96 was in Poland, was positing itself in a ‘kill box’ anticipating the known altitude, speed, route, and time window of the Russian jet.  This is where the Russians make use of ECM to protect the Presidential State Aircraft of Russia.  They knew that the IL-96 and a similar sized Boeing 777 (Flight MH17) were traveling along the same route over Poland.  According to Russia’s Interfax News Agency:

“I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing  intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was  close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters.  The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the  Malaysian aircraft – 15:44 Moscow time,” a source told the  news agency on condition of anonymity. “The contours of the aircrafts are similar, linear dimensions  are also very similar, as for the coloring, at a quite remote  distance they are almost identical”, the source added.

The Malaysian airliner was now being electronically spoofed by Russian ECM to give the ID of the IL-96.  The Israeli flight crew knew that the plane was over Ukrainian airspace, but just barely, and it closed to make a visual contact.  What it saw was a white large airliner sized plane.  It launched a radar-guided AIM-20 AMRAAM missile from a few miles away to lesson the radar jamming expected to be on the IL-96 and destroyed the target and quickly exited the local area.


Early reports, and these are always most important as they are given and reported before a coverup can be initiated, quoted multiple witnesses on the ground that a fighter had fired a missile and this missile had hit the airliner bringing it down. The witnesses thought that the fighter was a Ukrainian fighter such as a Su-27 which has a twin-tail and from a distance looks similar to a F-15 with its twin-tail.

The Russians have no advantage to ‘outing’ the true story.  For one thing they helped, by using ECM, to cause MH17 to be shot down.  Secondly, without a downed Israeli F-15I, to prove the story, it would simply be a “he said, she said” story that the Israelis and Ukrainians would deny.  So we have this on-going back and forth claims that the Junta’s Buk surface-to-air missile downed the Malaysian  airliner, or that somehow the ‘rebels’ shot it down, or that the Russians fired a surface-to-air missile that took it down.

However, experience intelligence analysts in Europe and elsewhere are not apt to buy a story line that somehow a large airliner was shot down over the Ukraine, when no plane had ever been shot down at this altitude (33,000 feet) before during the on-going conflict and moreover that this same airliner had crossed paths with Putin’s State Aircraft, returning from the Brics Conference in South America, only minutes before being shot down.

This is an absolute disaster for Netanyahu’s Israel.  When you try to kill someone like Putin you damn well better get the job done or he is apt to institute a ‘payback’ that you will not want to pay.  Further, a large number of European nations, and others, are realizing that tiny Israel tried to kill the President of Russia.  That will not work in Israel’s favor.

The aftereffects from this event are only just beginning but they are apt to change the world.

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