ENGLISH My take on horrifying report on EKP about Polish migrants in England killing and eating swans

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Polish Migrants to Britain Teaching Blacks also to Illegally Hunt & Barbecue Swans to the Horror of British Locals

[source: http://www.europeanknightsproject.com/south-african-other-migrants-kill-swans-barbecue-them-in-parks-to-the-horror-of-locals/]

“A twenty eight year old South African man was arrested in June in the historic town of Cambridge for killing a swan.” Why did he think it was legal?

At the EKP we write a lot about cultural compatibility. It’s the primary reason we oppose the mass migration of African, Middle Eastern and now Eastern European people into our lands as passionately as we do. It is also why the EKP believe we should be filling our immigration needs with white and other non-black South Africans – 96% of whom (YES 96% of all white South Africans are denied residency) are rejected because our membership in the EU dictates our immigration policy.

There’s an array of reasons why people of sub-Saharan African origin, who prescribe to Islam, or have lived under Soviet Bolshevism for an entire century, are culturally incompatible, therefore unable to properly assimilate into our civilised society. The hunting and barbecuing of one of our most beloved creatures in our public parks-an animal that was once referred to as ‘Her Majesty’s” Swan, is another egregious example of why we need to impose a moratorium on the mass immigration of culturally incompatible people, before our civilisation is lost.

You read that right. Migrants, who have absolutely no business even being in Britain, are squatting in public parks where they hunt swans, ducks and other animals, that have been placed there for all of our enjoyment. This hideous practice, that was started by Polish and Baltic migrants in 2004, has now been adopted by Romanians, and most recently in Cambridgeshire by black Africans as well. Although we are certain the black Africans, who have been known to hunt and eat their neighbour’s pets back home, know how to kill swans without Polish assistance, the fact that Eastern migrants have been getting away with this practice since their arrival, has set a dangerous precedence. Africans, getting caught, have actually used the excuse that they witnessed “white Poles doing it”, so they thought it was okay.

And this has not sat well with the British population, which is becoming increasingly more nationalistic with every swan killed, mosque built, immigrant to local HIV infection, and benefit scam they learn about.

Britain invests a lot of time and money in its parks. It uses money from the National Lottery, taxes, local councils and donations to finance the maintenance and development of natural environments. Britain spends more on public parks, as a percentage of GDP, than any other nation on earth. The British people utterly LOVE their nature, and have fought for centuries to see & preserve their natural habitats, in spite of the fact the nation is vastly overpopulated and developed.

Brits also love their parks, and spend a great deal of time walking their beloved dogs in them, however in the stretch of nature reserve along the river Nene  – an area of natural beauty, architectural splendour, and historic importance, this is sadly no longer the case.

The dead swans, blow darts, muti dolls and spears (joke), empty potato vodka bottles, refuse-as if there’s been an Occupy protest, has irked the locals quite badly. A recent newspaper poll taken in Peterborough – a stop along the famed River Nene Green-belt, claimed that almost 60% of the parks visitors felt uncomfortable spending the day there now.

Peterborough is a bit north of Cambridge on this map, west of the “notch” in the eastern English coastline




Migrants from Lithuania, Romania, Poland and now Africa are using the nature preserve between Peterborough and Cambridge, as a supermarket – hunting swans, killing wildlife like squirrels and badgers. Where the killing of a swan was once a hangable offence, offenders, who pretend they are unaware that it is illegal, get off with little more than a caution when the police are called out.

EKP Director Giacomo Vallone writes, ‘the killing of our beloved swans for food-an animal we have spent millions of pounds protecting, whose murder was once punishable by hanging, has nothing to do with education as some leftist immigrant activists tell us. It’s cultural, stems from a lack of breeding, and in my opinion is a blatant act of disrespect and disregard for our culture, rights and society. It’s become so widespread in migrant communities the practice has now been learned by African migrants, who’ve seen how easy it is to dine on wild fowl from their Eastern European counterparts. Quite remarkably even the Muslims have more respect and sense than these fiends.” G Wolf

When I contacted the Peterborough Police I was told that although most of the offences had been perpetrated by Eastern European migrants, there has been a recent spate of Africans committing similar crimes. The officer told me how:

“A twenty eight year old South African man was arrested in June in the historic town of Cambridge for killing a swan.” He stated that he had been accused of bludgeoning the swan to death with his shoe and then eating it on the side of the road. The meal was cooked in a steel trash can that had been modified for the meal. Spears were NOT found. I actually asked that ;) The officer stated that defendant stated for the record that he had no idea it was illegal as he had seen other migrants killing birds and eating them on the park. The man said he had seen it on dozen of occasions.

When I asked the officer which people he was referring to, he responded by telling me how a Pole, who had been living in Britain for 4 years, still speaking little English, was arrested for a similar act. While he wouldn’t answer my question with a straight answer, the implication that Poles were behind most of the Swan killing seemed to be his message.

Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Paul and Andrew in Peterborough


I was told of one instance where a savage had the audacity to cook a swan at a public barbecue station in the midst of dozens of other families. Imagine the horror people must have had watching these savages tear apart the beloved majestic bird, stripping it of its feathers and tossing it on the grill. The arresting officer actually allowed the savage bugger to finish his meal before bringing him in.”


A witness to the incident told the police that he was walking his dog along the river when he saw a migrant trying to net a swan. The man had been tossing bread into the river, in an attempt to lure him. When the swan approached he’d swing his fishing net at it, getting it tangled in the majestic creature’s beak.

In spite of the fact that there are literally dozens of sign posts that have been installed, to explain to the foreign idiots that the swans are for looking at, NOT eating, they continue to do so in record numbers. It has gotten so bad councils are considering putting signs up in several languages. The local park warden told us that he didn’t think the signs would work as the Polish would tear them down. “Polish poachers know enough about the law to destroy all signs warning – in several different languages – that illegal fishing and taking of wildlife will not be tolerated. Every week, Mr Means replaces these warnings posted along the river bank after they have been torn down.”

When I asked him about the recent spate of African migrants engaging in similar behaviours he sighed, and responded that they had learned from the local migrant population that they can get away with it.

Still, with the overwhelming evidence of poaching, police have been pretty quiet on the whole thing. The policeman I spoke with was at best hesitant to communicate with me, in spite of the fat that I told him I was a local animal rights activist doing a story for my blog to help get the word out.


Fear of being culturally insensitive, and worse still, a rayssis’!

How far we have fallen as a people…

To allow some liberal idiot to tell us that in the interest of tolerance & its ugly stepsister political correctness, we have to accept things we know are morally wrong disgusts me.

Still, that is what is happening here. Public officials are told that if they act in their communities interest, and in this instance, the interests of our wildlife, & someone gets offended in the process, that they have committed what amounts to a mortal sin. I can picture the offended Zulu warrior and Polish hunter-gatherer holding hands and crying arm and arm, as their cultures have been insulted.

To them I say, take your culture back to KwaZulu-Natal and Krakow, because in our country we hunt in designated areas, killing animals that aren’t part of our national treasure, and shop in supermarkets. Don’t like it, bugger off. If that offends anyone reading this, I am sorry, but that is how I feel.

And where are the liberal animal rights activists? Busy terrorising people for wearing leather shoes? Like the feminists in South Africa have been silent while thousands of women have been preyed upon by blacks for sport, they have been totally silent, as our nation’s beloved swan population has come under attack by sotto-umani. I pointed this out to a PETA representative in London, exactly as I have here, and she told me we have to be careful to understand cultural differences.

I was so furious I wanted to reach through the phone and turn the vile liberal hypocrite into a human skin coat.

But this is quite typical. If women are raped by black men and, in the interests of women’s safety, you state as much, you will be tagged a racist.

People genuinely concerned about the well-being of our swans and wildlife, who point out the savagery, are being regularly told that it is their racial hatred that is making them angry, not the death of the swans. The left wing media have been quick to chastise people critical of the killings and dismiss said incidents as myths being spread by opponents of immigration and masterminds of some sinister racist agenda. The police reports and the fact that this has now been documented thousands of times is an inconvenient truth.

The Daily Mail reported that “Professor Roy Greenslade, media commentator of the left-leaning Guardian newspaper, denounced one report in The Sun – headlined ‘Swan Bake’ and revealing how the Queen’s swans were being poached and barbecued by Eastern Europeans – as a cynical attempt ‘to inflame passions’ about immigration.”

Typical left-wing lunacy. Feigning concern for animals  one moment and then looking the other way, when it’s one of their team (immigrant from mass migration policy, are a weapon the left use against us) that’s behind the heinous crime, the next. Just as feminists ignore the fact that the vast majority of all rapes are committed by blacks in the west, these phony animal right s activists, ignore the killing, if it is perpetrated by a migrant. Let’s not confuse genuine immigrants with these migrants.

And how big of a problem is swan poaching?

A Malone of the Daily Mail writes that, “With hundreds of thousands of new Eastern European immigrants arriving in the past five years, those unable – or unwilling – to pay for accommodation in Peterborough and Cambridge have instead adopted the lifestyle of ancient Slavic tribals,  albeit with a penchant for vast amounts of strong Polish vodka and beer.

Living in crude shelters made of wood and plastic sheeting, scores of immigrants have taken up permanent residence all along the Nene River. Using crude snares and nets, the inhabitants are preying on swans, fish, rabbits, pigeons and even snails – all plundered from this expensively-restored habitat and cooked on open fires.For, according to a flurry of alarming reports, Eastern Europeans are stalking the creatures of the River Nene and, to the horror of local residents, are reputedly now targeting the city’s swans. Rather than simply enjoying the spectacle of these majestic birds, it was claimed that immigrants see the swans as a rich source of food, and are trapping the birds, then roasting them on open fires along the river bank.

River Nene in Peterborough


The Peterborough Evening Telegraph, which this week revealed details of the scandal, has been inundated with letters and emails since claiming that ‘legally-protected swans’ were being ‘butchered’ by immigrants who are ‘raping’ Peterborough’s waterways by snaring the birds then battering them to death with iron bars.

Of course, stories of immigrants killing and eating swans – once a treasonable offence punishable by hanging because all swans are Crown property and owned by the Queen – have emerged with increasing regularity since Britain’s borders were thrown open to Eastern Europe in 2004.”

And before people feel any pity for these beasts. would you be as quick to empathise if they went to a local zoo and killed the bears for a trappers hat or Ushanka?

The Daily Mail’s A Malone continued,

In truth, I was also deeply sceptical about these latest reports from Peterborough, believing there must be some other reason for the mysterious appearance of swan carcasses along the river – the work, perhaps, of foxes or some deadly swan blight?

But, I can report, the reality is even more disturbing than hitherto reported. Indeed, so bad is the situation that the people charged with protecting the river believe the situation is grave and acutely perilous for Peterborough’s swan population if the killing is not stopped.

Indeed, at one camp I visited, hidden in bushes on the edge of a field 500 metres from the river and just a ten-minute-walk from the centre of Peterborough, it was abundantly clear that these people are dug in for a long stay.
This camp is also where three swan carcasses were recently found hanging from a tree branch beside a fire built around stones and other bricks which are used to balance heavy steel cooking pots.

Beside the cooking area was a living area – another wood and tarpaulin structure, with a table surrounded by boxes to sit on. Food such as sugar and bread hung in plastic bags from trees to prevent wild animals from eating them.  There was no one at home when I visited, but the camp was clearly still in use. As well as feathers and other bones around the fire, I found piles and piles of snail shells, which had been cooked and emptied of their contents.

A separate ‘bathroom area’ had been created ten metres away from the huts, where soap and toothpaste hung in bags from trees, along with a bucket used for washing.

The residents had even put down pieces of wood and cardboard to try to keep the mud off their feet following their morning ablutions. The camp was also littered with empty beer cans and vodka bottles. Intriguingly, as well as all sorts of animal detritus, I also discovered one of the weapons of choice for capturing and killing swans. Propped against a tree was a thick, strong sea angling rod – built to take the strain of hauling big fish from the oceans.

A local park warden told us that  he would not let his son fish here alone, as he did as a boy, because of the threat from these gangs of Eastern European poachers.

‘This park and river should be an absolute joy,’ he says, as night falls and gangs of Eastern immigrants carrying crates of cider decamp along the water. ‘But people are scared to come here.

‘I know of people who have fished here all their lives, who now will only come if they have friends with them for protection. Polish leaders say these people just need education – but that’s rubbish. People do not need to be educated to know they are breaking the law.’

Indeed, these poachers know enough about the law to destroy all signs warning – in several different languages – that illegal fishing and taking of wildlife will not be tolerated. Every week, Mr Means replaces these warnings posted along the river bank after they have been torn down.

Nor are these the poachers of lore, taking ‘one for the pot’. Last weekend, a gang of Polish men was caught using nets to try to empty a pool full of spawning fish. By killing females and young, they threaten the entire fish stock in the river. ‘People call this immigrant-bashing,’ says Mr Means. ‘It’s not. I’d be saying exactly the same if it was English people. But it’s not – it’s Eastern Europeans. They play it daft when I catch them with fish – but what can you do?’
As we are talking, Kathy Hornig, an animal welfare officer, is on a secret mission further downstream at a place called Black Bridge.
Here, another immigrant camp has been built amid high bushes near the river, and the occupants have been seen repeatedly taking swans from the water.
With the camp residents scattering as she approaches with other animal welfare officers, her mission is a success: she discovers the carcass of a mature, adult swan inside a plastic bag hanging from a tree branch by the camp.
Acutely conscious of the potential for tensions between locals and immigrants over the slaughter of British wildlife, the investigators removed the carcass of the dead swan for further tests to determine how it died.  ‘We’ve been aware of this [killing swans] going on for some time,’ Ms Hornig said. ‘The people trying to catch swans are causing them extreme distress. But I cannot say with 100 per cent proof that the swan was killed for food, nor will I speculate about why it was here. I do not want to make any further comment.’ Political correctness rearing its ugly head again.

Marion Todd, a former Mayor of Peterborough, whose house is near the Nene, has spotted countless carcasses of birds, as well as bags full of fish, being carried by immigrants back to their camps. ‘I’ve absolutely no doubt that these swans are being killed for food. We cleared one overgrown area where camps have been built – and found lots of swan carcasses. Put it this way: the swans did not disappear and their bones were not found on fires before the immigrants came.’

And so the carcasses are piling up and the death toll is mounting. Officially, there have been six recent confirmed cases of swans being killed by immigrants to eat. But the true number is believed to be far higher.
Of course, it’s not just animals that are affected by this influx of immigrants. Few locals dare to use the park in the evening now, and even in daylight hours many will only use paths in sight of other people.
It was in 2004 that Labour threw open Britain’s borders to immigration from other EU states, prompting hundreds of impoverished Eastern Europeans to head to these shores.
With more than 60,000 other immigrants predicted to arrive in Cambridgeshire by 2016, the Polish Mission in Peterborough this week said that migrants should be educated, rather than punished, if they are caught poaching. When approached by The Mail yesterday, the Polish Mission was unable to comment.

A spokesman for the Polish Embassy in London last night confirmed diplomats were aware of the swan killing allegations but questioned the scale of the problem.
‘How many Polish people are involved?’ he said. ‘Four or five. A minority. If somebody has broken the law by behaving in this bestial way, I’m sure they will be punished according to the British law. I’ve heard of four or five people being arrested. It creates the wrong picture to say that hordes of Polish people are taking British wildlife.’

At the camp where the latest dead swan was found this week, one immigrant from Lithuania had been left behind when her countrymen fled after the raid by animal welfare officers.
As rain lashed down, the woman, who stank of cheap cider and refused to give her name, peered out from beneath her tarpaulin-covered tent. She kept repeating ‘No understand – no passport’ when I asked her about the swan killed and prepared for the camp pot. ‘Please go,’ she said. ‘No say nothing. No trouble.’

Jonathan Means is unimpressed. ‘They know what they are doing is wrong – they just pretend they don’t if they get caught,’ he says.

contributed by EKP’s English Knights Project correspondent

…..My comment

This story is just appalling. I appreciate it for its raw truth and part of that brutal reality is that white people with blond hair and blue eyes (Poles, and many others) can act like animals, not just certain blacks or other races — as the more negative WNs imagine. Pls see my: http://www.democratic-republicans.us/moral-and-strategic-failure-of-white-nationalism
Polish children in folk costumes
Polish sailors
I had a very negative experience with a Lithuanian WN and 9/11 researcher.
He bought a failing Scandinavian lodge (bar, dance floor, and rooms)…
Six months later the place was still totally filthy — and when I upbraided him for it, and his out-of-control German shepherd dogs, he felt undying hatred for me, what is called “narcissistic rage.” Such people have no real self-esteem, just aggressive insolence and cockiness, and some Poles are among the very worst of them all in this regard. Poles are generally detested by all their neighbors: Germans but also Lithuanians, Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Czechs and Slovaks. In fact , a very well-known WN leader (I promised not to reveal his name) visited the former (German) East Prussia and the part of it that is now Polish territory, and said: “John, I never thought I would use the term “white n—-r,” but after seeing how the Poles have turned that pristine, clean, neat old German province into a garbage dump, that is the only word that went through my mind. It is like they did nothing since 1945 except drink vodka!”
So, clearly, having white genes is not the be-all and end-all.
Am I bashing Eastern Europeans? Not at all! In fact, I believe Hitler foolishly lost the war because of his (widely shared) antipathy toward Slavs.  https://johndenugent.com/hitler-germany/hitlers-great-mistake-in-russia
The reality is that vodka and alcoholism are the bane of Slavic life, but also of life in Ireland (where the problem is whiskey or beer)
…or in Scandinavia, and those countries obviously are not “Eastern European” at all. You cannot get more WESTERN European than Ireland! Ireland is not Romania!
The reason taxes on booze are sky-high in Scandinavia and Finland is mostly to reduce alcoholism. A Finn told me a regular beer in a cheap bar over there would cost $5!
I recall an episode of “The Simpsons,” and Homer and his loser friends are down at Moe’s Bar, a real dive. Larry (on far-right in screenshot below) has his chin literally on the bar counter, looking depressed, and moans:

“Who would have thought that a depressant could make you so depressed!”😉


There was a good reason why America tried banning alcohol from 1919 to 1933, in the age of “Prohibition.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition) Booze does not solve problems, and it makes many more depressed, even surly and violent!
“The Drunkard’s Progress”: A lithograph by Nathaniel Currier supporting the temperance movement, January 1846

Stages (from left to right): 1) A glass with a friend 2) a glass to keep the cold out 3) a glass too much 4) drunk and vicious 5) the summit is attained; jolly companions; a confirmed drunkard 6) poverty and disease 7) forsaken by friends 8) desperation and crime 9) death by suicide


The answer is national socialism 2.0 — not just for Germans, but for all nations and peoples — to unite us for jobs, freedom dignity and to avoid the genocide and enslavement planned for us by the Pharisee Jews!


Solutreanism is national socialism for all races and peoples, WE, not ME, and I call this universal creed SOCIAL NATIONISM.

Service to others and not to self!



…..Listen to our unique, powerful, informative and funny “Ebony and Ivory Aryans” show on radio 8-9 pm Mo-Fri on www.themicroeffect.com!




I ask one and all to consider a donation. Three months ago we got tossed onto the street due to my (our!) views, my credit card service was cancelled (and a new one w/Bank of America, which hosts the anti-Holocaust site CODOH, to replace it, also was cancelled, stating my “Nazi” views were the reason), our mail was briefly also stolen (after two sharp protests it is fine now, and has been tested), my MyVanilla debit card was cancelled — and the latest is that Skype cancelled me an hour before our radio show!

The enemy clearly thinks I am someone to worry about. Maybe I am the kind of man that you want to support.


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