UPDATED: MUSLIMONSTERS attack couple on Christmas Eve; WHY are hate-filled immigrants allowed into our countries?

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Hate crime:

Muslims beat up Danish couple in Copenhagen

with iron chains on Christmas Eve

 [source: https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2014/12/26/muslims-beat-up-danish-couple-on-christmas-with-iron-chains/]

This is a copy-and-paste from the Copenhagen newspaper Ekstra Bladet, DenmarkTranslated by Nicholas Sennel

“The couple from Vesterbro in Copenhagen was on their way home from Christmas Eve.

The couple was walking along around Enghaveplads (Copenhagen area known for roaming packs of Muslims) when a young guy came cycling. He was only 16-17 years, but seemed very confrontational.

˜What do you want? Do you have a problem ˜, he asked us several times and got off his bike, Nanna says to Ekstra Bladet.

At one point Mads asks the youth ˜What “ what do you want ˜? and the teenager goes amok.

Nanna describes how the youth hits Mads in the head with a glass bottle.

Suddenly more youths come up from a basement. They are armed with iron chains, the kind that is used for locking scooters and motorcycles. They attack Mads. He defends himself, while punches and kicks rain down on him, and soon he fall to the ground.

˜He [boyfriend] shouted at me that I should run, but I was afraid that they would kill him. So I intervened,’ says Nanna Woodsman.

She was knocked to the ground and had her face beaten with the iron chains. Thereafter, the youths ran away. ¦

Nanna was hit directly in the face with chains and, among other things, she has lost a tooth and got a split lip. ¦

Nanna describes the perpetrators as “migrant youth.”

A: Man, foreigner possible Somali background 16-17 years wearing blue hooded sweatshirt, dark clothes and white sneakers shoes.

B: Male maybe Somali 16-17 years, bald wearing black winter jacket with white hoodie, light jeans and dark shoes.
The victim later writes on her Facebook page:

“The blood is streaming from my mouth, the back of my head and the other wounds. My lip is split in two, all the way up to the nose. ¦ I do not understand.. I am left with a lot of questions. Why? Why us? What is the meaning of this extreme violence? What is happening in the head of those immigrants, when they thrash a couple that is on their way home from Christmas Eve? I am filled with hate, frustration, and sadness. I do not want them in my neighbourhood, my city, or my country.”

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