Bill Clinton at private Caribbean rape island of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein

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…..17 MILLION search results on Google


….This blog is also part of a major change in my whole meme.

–a comrade: How so?

–JdN: I have decided what the supreme-hot button issue for the masses must and will be, the one thing that brings BACK a healthy, primitive, instinct-triggering rage.

I decided that the rape of white women and children is the most potent of all the many hot-button issues, the most universal “outrager.” Even liberals & Jews, especially feminists, cannot condone it. One can debate 9/11, Holocaust and especially race….

–comrade: Indeed. It’s been awhile since I’ve heard of the Epstein case. Is this creature still on the loose, or behind bars?

Yes, out and running around free, after two years behind bars, for screwing 12-year-old white girls with with his rectal-orifice friends Clinton and Dershowitz.


But even the most intractable, self-hating White cannot condone the rape of women and children, and this is now a huge public issue.




“You know what I really hate?”









I guess that is why I will never be Mr. Nice Guy








I am also about to release a major audiobook/video on this case:

I want to be able to pugnaciously shame anyone with this one poke-the-finger-in-their-chest question, comrade:

“So YOU call yourself a MAN, yet you are OKAY with the massive rape of innocent women and children???”


Men must protect women and children no debate is possible!


 …..Daily Mail protects Jack the Ripper because this woman-killing fiend was a JEW!

On September 6, 2014 the Daily Mail (the least-bad of the British papers) reported the truth: Jack the Ripper (who killed British women and cut their guts out)  was a Polish Jew, Aaron Kosminski!


Aaron Kosminski





Complete Daily Mail article of Sept, 6, 2014 saved for posterity on MY site:

The fiend was called “the Ripper” because the pervert mutilated the dead women,  pulling out intestines, etc., leaving a ghastly mess to behold.


On October 6th, 2014 we got another bullshit theory — about a solved crime — taking us away from the real JEW perp!

The Jews are at war with our women and children!

Polish poster — The Scourge of Humanity!


…..The National Enquirer (don’t laugh — they would have been sued out of business long ago if their facts were wrong when attacking & exposing VIPs with A-list lawyers) has front-page pix of Bill Clinton at the private Caribbean rape island of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein……………..


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…..Jeffrey Epstein: More Light



American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 24, 2015

Listen to the broadcastby Kevin Alfred Strom

THERE ARE a lot of names in Jeffrey Epstein’s “little black book.” Epstein is the billionaire Jewish oligarch who used hundreds of White teen girls, some as young as 12, as sex slaves, and traded their sexual services to the rich and powerful in exchange for who knows what favors ” and then claimed the ultimate favor when he was caught: the favor of a sweetheart non-prosecution deal. I covered the basics of his sex slave operation on last week’s program. (ILLUSTRATION: Jeffrey Epstein and Alan Dershowitz, both charged in a civil filing with sexual abuse of White high school girls.)

Epstein’s contact book was made public by the oligarch’s former “house man,” Alfredo Rodriguez. Rodriguez was arrested and served time after he failed to turn the book over to prosecutors and instead tried to sell it to attorneys involved in the case. Rodriguez said that the book would be invaluable in discovering the full extent of Epstein’s sex operations, which covered at least three states and two continents. Rodriguez stated that he had circled the names of individuals who either participated in ” or witnessed ” the sexual abuse that took place at Epstein’s multiple mansions, private jets, and private island; those who would in some way be valuable material witnesses in the case.

Alfredo Rodriguez

The “little black book” reads like aWho’s Who of elite Jews and their Gentile figureheads, along with a list of dozens upon dozens of girls, listed by their first names and telephone numbers only, who were available to provide “massage services” for Epstein and his wealthy friends in the Virgin Islands, in Paris, in New Mexico, in Florida, in New York City, and other locations. A couple of months ago, just before the Epstein case exploded in the headlines again, Rodriguez died. He was 60 years old.

Not including the much-discussed Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, here are just a few of the well-known names in Epstein’s contact book:

Dr. Elie Wiesel, professional Jewish “holocaust survivor”; the late Senator Ted Kennedy, author of so much anti-White immigration and other legislation; the Jewish “advisor” to ” and handler of ” Presidents since the 1960s, Henry Kissinger; the Jewish senior Clinton adviser Ira Magaziner; Fox News founder and hyper-Zionist Rupert Murdoch; Wall Street vulture and Jewish billionaire Ronald Perelman; Jewish comedienne Joan Rivers; ultra-wealthy Jewish bankers Edouard de Rothschild and Evelyn de Rothschild; the late Jewish banker Edmond Safra; Saudi Prince Solman; the late Jewish actor, director, producer, and neocon Ron Silver; the son of uber-oligarch George Soros, the wealthy Jew Peter Soros ” whose name was circled, and Epstein had no fewer than ten contact numbers for him; the Black governor of the US Virgin Islands, Charles Turnbull; two different governors of New Mexico, where Epstein owned a huge estate, Bruce King and Bill Richardson; convicted Jewish insider-trader Sam Waksal; the late Jewish TV journalist Mike Wallace; Jewish TV personality Barbara Walters; Jewish Hollywood mogul Bob Weinstein; Jewish media “sex expert” Dr. Ruth Westheimer; Israeli leader Ehud Barak (whose name was circled; and for whom eight contact numbers were listed); hyper-aggressive Zionist lawyer Alan Dershowitz (whose name was also circled, and for whom 15 contact numbers were given); Jewish media mogul and former head of Disney Michael Ovitz; David Rockefeller; Donald Trump (whose name was circled and for whom 17 methods of contact were listed); Jewish businessman Les Wexner (whose name was circled and for whom an impressive 71 ways of contact were given); Jewish publisher Mortimer Zuckerman, whom Epstein could contact in any one of 21 different ways; and many, many more. You can read them at

Epstein’s “little black book” also has 26 entries listed under the title Jeffrey’s “Apartments for Models,” including one for “Jean-Luc [Brunel] and guest,” “301 E 66th St. NYC.” Brunel, who ran a modeling agency, has been named as a sexual predator himself and procurer of underage girls for Epstein. Court documents show that the “301 E. 66th” address is for condos owned by Epstein, where girls trafficked into the US by Brunel for Epstein would be housed. Epstein reportedly even had the audacity to charge the young girls rent while they were being abused.

Vanity Fair columnist Michael Wolff met Epstein in the late 1990s, when he was invited to fly on Epstein’s private Boeing 727. He says “It was all a little giddy. There’s a little food out ¦ after fifteen to twenty minutes, Jeffrey arrives. This guy comes onboard: He was my age, late forties, and he had a kind of Ralph Lauren look to him, a good-looking Jewish guy in casual attire. ¦And he was followed onto the plane by ”how shall I say this? ”by three teenage girls not his daughters ¦.”

Wolff saw Epstein’s offices too, where his mysterious financial dealings made him worth some $2 billion. Wolff said “It’s an incredibly strange place. It has no corporate affect at all. ¦the trading floor is filled with guys in yarmulkes. Who they are, I have no idea. They’re like a throwback, a bunch of guys from the fifties. So here is Jeffrey in this incredibly beautiful office, with pieces of art and a view of the courtyard, and he seems like the most relaxed guy in the world. You want to say ˜What’s going on here?’ and he gives you that Cheshire smile.”

Epstein’s Florida estate was on posh Palm Beach Island ” but the teen girls he abused were mostly from across the water in West Palm Beach, where working- and middle-class Whites worked hard, sent their children to public schools, and lived in very modest homes, sometimes even trailers. In those schools, Epstein’s procurers were at work. One, older teenager Haley Robson, had “massaged” Epstein just once but agreed to lure younger girls to him for $200 for each successful “recruitment.” Robson was one of many young female procurers who sought ought White female teens at restaurants, malls, and schools. According toNew York magazine, “Skinny, beautiful young girls were approached by other girls, who said they could make $200 by massaging a wealthy man, naked. Robson said Epstein had told her the younger the better ¦ The rules were simple. Tell him you’re 18. There might be some touching; you could draw the line. ˜The more you do, the more you are paid.’ A couple of the girls said they went all the way into the experience ”one told police she visited 50 times, another hundreds of times, both having sex with Epstein and Nada Marcinkova, a then-19-year-old beauty who Epstein told one of them was his ˜sex slave’; he’d purchased her from her family back in Yugoslavia.” There were hundreds of these girls. The Palm Beach police uncovered 40. Epstein demanded their services, sometimes several at a time, often several times a day. Some girls reported being used by Epstein literally hundreds of times each. Two of the girls, who’d just made $500 in one weekend with Epstein, reportedly crowed in their abuser’s limo on the way home that “We’ll soon be rich!” But such giddy optimism didn’t always last, nor did it always occur ” many victims reported remorse, tears, depression, and shame after being manipulated by Epstein and his “team,” performing innumerable sex acts for Epstein and his “friends,” and deceiving their own families.

Let’s talk for a moment about these teenage daughters of White working families. Obviously these teens were no match for Epstein, Maxwell, and his sophisticated team of procurers ” who had mastered the art of manipulating these star-struck, troubled, or destitute schoolgirls. That’s why there are laws against child sex, and child trafficking, and sexual slavery. But with Epstein and Co., we have to consider the disparity in economic power too. Jeffrey Epstein is reportedly worth some $2 billion. These schoolgirls probably own nothing, and many of their families next to nothing. It’s been said that many working people, these days, are literally driving their net worth to work every day. With the mounting debt that characterizes our banker-ridden society, many working families probably have a negative net worth. But, for the sake of illustration, let’s assign these abused girls a net worth of $20,000 ” or a ratio of .00001 compared to Jeffrey Epstein’s wealth.  That means that when generous Jeff paid them $200 to abuse their innocence and “massage” him, it was to Epstein the equivalent of 0.2 cents per sex session, when compared to the girls’ economic position. Epstein’s thrice-daily sessions cost him the equivalent 0.6 cents per day, 4.2 cents per week ” less than $2.25 per year for over a thousand sex sessions with innumerable teenage White girls. And here’s another way to look at Epstein’s wealth: If you found yourself accused of a serious crime, you’d quickly find that good legal representation, including an aggressive investigative team, could easily cost you a quarter of a million dollars. To Jeffrey Epstein, that’s the equivalent of $2.50. A “dream team” of lawyers ” like the one that got him off incredibly lightly for his crimes ” might cost ten times that amount. But if we compare his wealth to that of his accusers, the cost of the Dershowitz-Ken Starr “dream team” was just like 25 bucks.

During the initial case back in 2005, Epstein’s friend ” and, according to witnesses, co-abuser of young White girls ” Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz spearheaded a team of private eyes who looked into the backgrounds of prosecutors, police, and the girls themselves. He provided police and the state attorney’s office with comments from a few of the victims on the social media site Myspace, where they admitted to drug and alcohol use and made a few sexual remarks. He found out one troubled teen victim had been in trouble for stealing from a Victoria’s Secret store. Epstein’s legal team reportedly harassed the family of one 14-year-old victim before her grand jury testimony. Palm Beach police stated that victims were contacted and told “Those who help [Epstein] will be compensated and those who hurt him will be dealt with.”

And, after the “dream team” negotiated with local and federal authorities for Epstein, the strangest part of the “Non-Prosecution Agreement” that resulted was that Epstein actually welcomed civil suits by the victims against him ” doubtless hoping to pacify them with money so that no further criminal charges would ensue. And some seventeen victims were paid off ” seven of them reportedly walking away with a million dollars each (to Jeffrey Epstein, the equivalent of ten dollars).

Barry Krischer

The Palm Beach police were apparently honest and uncorrupted, as pointed out by researcher Robert Morrow. Their investigations produced volumes of evidence proving that Jeffrey Epstein and his procurers were guilty of hundreds of sex crimes and other felonies. But the fix was in. Barry Krischer, the very Jewish state’s attorney for Palm Beach, refused to prosecute Epstein on any of the major charges, despite the evidence. The end result was that Epstein was only charged with a single count of “soliciting prostitution” ” the same charge a man would get if he yelled “How much?” as he passed a cop posing as a street “hooker.” Only extreme public pressure forced the single charge to be upgraded to soliciting a minor for prostitution. The outraged police chief, Michael Reiter, asked to be removed from the case in protest. He wrote to the victims, telling them that justice was not being done. He accused Barry Krischer of being influenced by money (I would say it was also a case of tribal loyalty). He turned the case over to the federal Justice Department and the FBI, who promptly negotiated the infamous “Non-Prosecution Agreement” with Epstein’s legal team and filed no charges whatever in the case ” and even immunized Epstein’s associates from any future prosecution; and sealed this highly irregular proceeding, making it secret.

This wasn’t the only time that Barry Krischer had let a Jewish sex criminal’s prosecution slide. According to witnesses, in November 2006 a Jew named Jason Shenfeld lured two young women to his bedroom, attacked them with a knife, bound them with duct tape, and forced them to perform sex acts by threatening to sic his pit bull on them if they did not. Rape-porn videos in which an attacker was portrayed raping women after binding them with duct tape were also found in Shenfeld’s possession. The women bore serious wounds from their ordeal. When the women told their story, state’s attorney Barry Krischer refused to prosecute Shenfeld, citing alleged inconsistencies in their accounts and some unflattering things in the young women’s backgrounds. Just five months after being released by Krischer, Jason Shenfeld attacked, raped, and murdered another young White woman, 18-year-old Amanda Buckley, who was found stuffed in Shenfeld’s closet, her body wrapped in bloody sheets, her hair stuck to duct tape, and her body severely bruised. After being raped, she died of strangulation.

Along with the FBI and Washington’s “Department of Justice,” Barry Krischer was instrumental in letting Jeffrey Epstein get away with his crimes.


One of Epstein’s friends told  New York magazine writer Philip Weiss that “[Epstein] thinks there’s an anti-Semitic conspiracy against him ¦.” Epstein’s fellow Jew, close friend, and, according to at least one witness, co-participant in sexual abuse, Alan Dershowitz ” also sees it that way. And so do Dershowitz’s supporters. One commenter at the Jewish Daily Forward, Rabbi Bernhard Rosenberg, puts it bluntly: “Alan Dershowitz is a scholar who has fought for Jews and Israel and for preserving the memory of the Holocaust. There is no truth to the accusations against him ¦ I have never claimed to be G-d’s voice ¦ but I know the anti-SEMITES and Anti-Zionists are enjoying this accusation, which will be proven in a court of law to be false. We Jews should speak up for one who defends Israel and the Jewish people.”

Dershowitz has claimed on television that he will seek the disbarment of the attorneys working for the victims in this case, and that he never saw anything improper, never met or saw any underage women at Jeffrey Epstein’s estates or on his airplanes, and that he only visited Epstein while in the constant company of his wife. But just yesterday, the passenger manifests of Epstein’s aircraft were released, and they show Dershowitz as a passenger on several occasions, withoutbeing accompanied by his wife, and on the same flights in which several female passengers were, curiously, listed only by their first names ” “Hazel,” “Claire,” “Tatianna,” and others.

This is an affair, I think, in which the tragedy is behind us ” the tragedy of the manipulation and abuse of young White women, which is all too common in our sick, declining society. But I predict it is going to end well. The victims’ current lawsuit may well succeed, exposing our “ruling class” Jews for what they really are, forcing a new prosecution, and exposing the deep corruption, by Jewish money and tribal loyalty, of our legal system and especially of the Washington regime’s wildly misnamed “Justice Department.” And, if the lawsuit does not succeed and the criminals once again walk free, the thoughtful and aware portion of our people ” those who have followed this case with mounting horror and outrage ” will never again look at Washington, or at the legal system, or at the Jews in quite the same way again. And that is a very positive development.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance, founded by William Luther Pierce in 1970. This program is published every week at and You can join and support us by visiting ” or write to National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. We welcome your support, your inquiries, and your help in spreading our message of hope to our people. Once again, that address is Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to keep on thinking free.

Listen to the broadcast


…..My blog on my epiphany regarding this whole topic

Somali Rapes Dying Swedish Woman & Homeless Man ” Beats Deportation; Connie Francis rape; TIME FOR THE AVENGERS


As I wrote there:

  • We humans are the only species that is ALWAYS in heat…. Funny as it sounds, if you think about it, it is true….
    Other “animals” are in heat a few times a year, but otherwise males and females ignore each other, and the female does all the child-rearing. Sex and gender differences, however, are central to this species, the human species….
  • John D. Nugent And rape is thus much worse than a beating, or even murder.. It is about taking away dignity…. and it is now becoming a nearly universal pain… I have been through it, as a child, and Margi too (twice :-( )
    I really think this is the volcano issue.
  • John D. Nugent The west is now ruled by a PLUTOPEDOPHILOCRACY:  We are ruled by billionaire pedophiles! And the whole regime is based on blackmail! Because everyone is terrified to go to prison as a known child molester!

  • 2 MINS · Like · 1
  • John D. Nugent I corresponded with the prisoner who proudly murdered the defrocked Catholic priest John Geoghan in the Boston area, who molested 130 boys. The guards let him in to do it!  EVERYONE HATES CHILD MOLESTERS! Even the most pussy liberals!


… donate for a new Aryan religion that will transform Whites from cowards to heroes!


–January 26, 2015 $50 euros from H in Germany


–January 26, 2015 five requested books and a letter from C. in France


…..The name of this religion: “The Avengers of Women and Children”?

How do these Somalians even get to Sweden? The nation is broke, racked by civil war, and Sweden is 11,000 kilometers (6,000 miles) away.

But there is money to be made flying them, and social workers and bureaucracies to make money showing them all their benefits (up to 3,000 euros/dollars a month).

When people know all this is wrong, but also see an every-man-for-himself situation or mood, or the bribe is huge, or the blackmail is devastating, or all of these come together —AND THERE IS NO AVENGER — 90% fall into line, take the money and say nothing…. then go home and drink their guilt away.

Still, only a literal pedophile and/or satanist can say what that prosecutor Jonsson said… As a prosecutor, he knows exactly what kind of a crime wave Somalians cause. He knows they will rape, torture and kill Swedish women.

(In fact, a Finn told me of a case where laughing Somalis raped a Finnish woman and then cut off with scissors her clitoris, you know, “African circumcision,” it is called…..)

People have no idea the Somalis do not “just” rape……………

There is no species of liberalism conceivable that can justify what he prosecutor said. That is a man who consciously sold his soul to the devil. Because you couldn’t fabricate that level of lunacy.


sociopath-next-door-cover-, martha-stout

We must face the relentless, merciless fact:

We live in a cryptoplutopedophilocracy ;)…. the secret rule by RICH, protected child molesters:

Alan Dershowitz, Bill Clinton, Bushes, Ken Starr, “Prince” Andrew, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker, Donald Trump ” all involved in Jeffrey Epstein mega-pedophile scandal


Top Zionist lawyer, anti-antisemite, and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz




Prince Andrew and the American sex-slave girl Virginia Roberts,

whom Epstein “rented out” to him for especially cruel, sadistic sex games


Shocking new video from Florida.



Florida School for Boys

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Florida School for Boys
Florida Industrial School for Boys Marianna.jpg
Postcard illustration, date unknown
Marianna, Florida, United States
Coordinates 30°45 ²36 ³N 85°15 ²18 ³WCoordinates: 30°45 ²36 ³N 85°15 ²18 ³W
School type Reform school
Established January 1, 1900
Opened 1900
Status For sale
Closed June 30, 2011
Gender Male
Age 8 to 21
Enrollment 100-564
Campus size 159 acres (64 ha)
Campus type Rural

The Florida School for Boys, also known as the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys(AGDS), was a reform school operated by the state of Florida in the panhandle town ofMarianna from January 1, 1900, to June 30, 2011.[1][2] For a time, it was the largest juvenile reform institution in the United States.[3] A second campus was opened in the town ofOkeechobee in 1955.

Throughout its 111-year history, the school gained a reputation forabuse, beatings, rapes, torture, and even murder of students by staff.

Despite periodic investigations, changes of leadership, and promises to improve, the allegations of cruelty and abuse continued. Many of the allegations were confirmed by separate investigations by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in 2010 and the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice in 2011.[4] State authorities closed the school permanently in June 2011.

On August 6, 2013, Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Cabinet issued a permit allowing University of South Florida anthropologists and archaeologists to excavate and examine the remains of any and all boys buried at the Dozier site.[37] Exhumations began on August 31; according to an Associated Press report:[38]

Robert Straley, a spokesman for the White House Boys, said the school segregated white and black inmates and that the remains are located where black inmates were held. He suspects there is another white cemetery that hasn’t been discovered. “I think that there are

at least 100 more bodies up there”,


he said. “At some point they are going to find more bodies, I’m dead certain of that. There has to be a white graveyard on the white side.”

Bones, teeth and artifacts from grave sites were sent to the University of North Texas Health Science Center for DNA testing. In January 2014 the University of South Florida announced that excavations have yielded remains of 55 bodies, almost twice the number official records say are there.[39][40]

By 26 September 2014 the remains of three boys, George Owen Smith (reported missing since 1940), Thomas Varnadoe (reportedly died of pneumonia in 1934) and Earl Wilson (died in 1944), had been identified.[41]


And the entire elite controls each other by interlocking, mutual blackmail for sex crimes against children. (this is also why the Catholic Chr8uch can never be purified from within… It can only be dismantled from without. The priests have dirt on the bishops, who have dirt on the cardinals, and vice versa.

The daughter of a US Army warrant officer told me her father got out after 20 years because “he couldn’t stand all the homosexuals among the top brass.” And that was twenty years ago!)

Sometimes I think my new religion should have this admittedly rather long name:

“The Avengers of Women and Children.”

For short, “the Avengers”!

I do like it actually, as it can include everyone with a noble heart, with a knightly nature, Whites, and Blacks and all other races whose actions prove sincerity.


There is nothing more primal and animal than sex, and our right to enjoy it as part of fun andlove, the procreating, under God’s miraculous power, of the new generation of humanity.

Sex must not be a searing instrument of TORTURE and MISERY.

And there is no more basic instinct than to protect our children, and then all children, from harm. So they grow up with love, and protected.

Wehrmacht soldiers comfort a little Ukrainian girl


Adolf Hitler loved children. Mussolini wrote his mistress, Clara Petacci, that Hitler was “sentimental” — he teared up when he saw kids.




Women and children cried with joy when they saw him after years of hunger, terror and despair under judeo-“democracy”.

And men became HEROES! Hitler brought out the greatness IN them!

GERMAN GIRLS and MEN after the staggering German victories of 1939-40


How heart-rending to see a child suffer. A vile Jewess named GREENBERG does paintings of white children crying.



But hey, all white kids, for GREENBERG, are potential Nazis…let’em cry….


They want our children to suffer. Because they are DEVILS!

crying little blond girl

And I can assure you of this: As a survivor myself,  I will neither forget nor forgive. I had nightmares until I was 49, and they stopped only because I finally got counseling, and it was very painful counseling. No real man, especially a Marine and son of a Marine, wants to recall times when he was small, powerless, degraded, humiliated, verbally, physically, and sexually abused, stomped into the ground, made catatonic with terror — and his innocence and childhood taken from him.

I asked a survivor of a horrific foster home how he felt about the possible new name, the Avengers of Women and Children:

[19:41:50] RD: Yeah.
[19:42:31] John  de Nugent: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like it?
[19:42:45] John  de Nugent: “The Avengers”
[19:47:21] RD: Sounds good — 10.
[19:54:01] John  de Nugent: YOU MEAN IT? Please tell me how it makes you feel. I am asking because the name of this religion is as important as the content.
[19:54:55] RD: Unbridled, John, with all my heart.

The flag has always been both a flower and a spear. The flower is our women and children,and the spear our necessary vengeance. Because vengeance is ALL the psychopath understands, the consequences to HIM, his own agony.

Let us give him what he needs!


As I write in the end of this blog, regarding little Mary Phagan, molested and strangled in 1913 in Atlanta, Georgia by the Jew Leo Frank (

Anyone who understands the strategy of Talmudic Jewry sees that trashing our heroes and spitting on all that to us is holy and revered is the core of the psychological war upon us!

To sadistically break our pride!

Every goy man a disarmed slave, every gentile lady a humiliated slut!

confederate-memorial-day-honored-in-charleston-scIt all reminds me of the searingquestion found in the great  song“Ah, may the red rose live alway”… by the great Irish-American composer Stephen Foster [photo], born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Stephen_FosterHis keltic musical genius also gave us the national classics “I Dream of Jeannie with the Light Brown Hair,” “Camptown Races,” “Old Susanna,” “Beautiful Dreamer,” “Gentle Annie,” and “My Old Kentucky Home.”

Here now is “Ah, may the red rose live alway!” with the question we all must answer…. sung by Thomas Hampson (

Here are the lyrics to “Ah, may the red rose live alway”

Ah! may the red rose live alway,
To smile upon earth and sky!
Why should the beautiful ever weep?
Why should the beautiful die?
Lending her charm to ev’ry ray
That falls on her cheek of light,
Giving the breezes kiss for kiss,
And nursing the dewdrops bright.
Ah! May the red rose live alway,
To smile upon earth and sky!
Why should the beautiful ever weep?
Why should the beautiful die?
Long may the daisies dance the field,
Frolicking far and near!
Why should the innocent hide their heads!
Why should the innocent fear?
Spreading their petals in mute delight
When morn in its radiance breaks,
Keeping a floral festival
Till the night loving primrose wakes….
Ah! May the red rose live alway,
To smile upon earth and sky!
Why should the beautiful ever weep?
Why should the beautiful die?

During this radio show, where I am interviewed by host Tom Metzger, from exactly 23:03 to 24:20, Margaret Huffstickler, of Keltic ancestry like Stephen Foster and Mary Phagan….sings the first verse of this poignant song. Why indeed should the BEAUTIFUL be the the ones dying, why are  INNOCENT the ones fearing and hiding their heads?

And not the WICKED? The answer to that is in OUR HANDS, to take action!  23:03 to 24:20

Margi, who knows too what rape is, with me, overlooking Lake Superior in Upper Michigan…..


This is a battle between good and evil,

and I thank God that our mission is clear.

We must destroy them — before they destroy us.

My video on the movie “Machete”: (

….Meanwhile the Jews protect THEMSELVES with weapons!

This is the level of infiltration we now face. The Jews have set up their own police force, they are enforcing their own laws, and White people are being driven out of their native lands by this menace.

English lad attacked by a gang of Muslims; God forbid the English be allowed armed patrols of their own communities for self-protection…


…..Meanwhile, in the similar religion of Islam, which is merely anti-white Judaism for brown people

….Muslims are openly blocking the streets and traffic in Manhattan — just as in Paris, London, Berlin and Malmö, Sweden — to worship their demonic Allah!


 This is my response —  have some bacon, Allah!


¦..What is Eternal Solutreanism?



Eternal Solutreanism:

1) it is not enough to be white; you must become Aryan, or NOBLE ” service to others, not service to self; altruism and radiant idealism, not narcissism, egomania and psychopathy

Arno Breker, The Calling


2) This world is a testing ground for your soul; God is real, and so is reincarnation and life after death. /(See God videos at the top.)

3) Psychopaths are literal human devils, born sadists with no conscience whatsoever, torturing animals as children and setting fires. They come from especially vile worlds on the other side, and form 4% of the earthly population. Another 16% are near-psychopaths, with almost no conscience.

4) The task of the Eternal Solutrean is to battle and destroy evil, and then create a wholesome world.We offer to help guide the human species for the benefit of all races.

5) The Jews of today descend from the Neanderthals, an animalistic, borderline-psychopathic and brutish clan who then became the roving apiru, from which comes the word “Hebrews,” a horde of migrant criminals and outcasts in the Middle East. They even practice incest on their own children, making them into inbred psychopaths.

As Neanderthals they have been at species war with us, the Cro-Magnons (the name for early white people) for 40,000 years. They have the upper hand now and it is literally now us or them, survival or genocide. They are about to get their revenge for being driven from most of Europe 20,000 years ago by a beautiful and superior race.



Because the Jews, as well as Arabs, Georgians, Chechens, Armenians and the various Muslim peoples, have a huge amount of neanderthal blood, they are programmed to hate White people as the descendants of the Cro Magnons. Our beauty, talents and achievements set their teeth on edge.Bolsheviks decapitated a statue of a local white hero and hanged this White female teacher from the statue’s arm in front of a church. Jesus said in John 8:44 to the Jewish leaders: “You are from your father, the Devil.”bolsheviks-.female-teacher-hanged-headless-statue-church

Read my “the Jewish War on the Kennedys”

lbj- jfk- death-stare

and then

See my two videos on the infamous NUMEC scandal:


34 Americans killed and 170 wounded in a two-hour Israeli attack on a US Navy ship



But we must always remember that the Jews are nothing, just 1/4 of 1% of the human race, without the Gentiles who treacherously betray their own to collaborate with them to get rich, powerful and famous.

The entire history of England can be understood ONLY in terms of the Norman Conquest of 1066 ” when White aristocrats sold their souls to the Jews for the money and power to conquer, enslave and tax the people of England and use them as their cannon fodder!

6) We believe in forming a new white tribe and creating white safety zones that we will guard as the corrupt and judaized world collapses. And we will help the good men and women of all races who choose to help us! We must ally together to defeat the Jew!





The ideal locations for American whites:




7) If we are with God, God will be with us. Hope is not lost. In fact, the White race is on the verge of a huge comeback, in alliance with other species in the galaxy and other races here on earth that also are suffering under the Jews. THEY are the chief enemy of all mankind!

Actual film footage in 1952 as UFOs buzz the US Capitol

Actual headline in the Washington Post newspaper


The most incredible story you can image ” the Third Reich, to survive (like the Jews in AD 70, when they lost Palestine and their temple), retreated according to a careful plan (laid down after the catastrophe of Stalingrad) to move their most elite scientists and troops to South America, to underwater bases, and to the Antarctic, during the final war years of 1944-45.

The Second World War between the Reich and the Allies thus continues but “in the back alleys” and to this day.

Over 50 of the most advanced German U-Boats are still listed as having never been sunk by the Royal or US Navy or as having ever surrendered. And the Germans were highly advanced in anti-gravity technology and also had rudimentary atomic weapons (but at that time, featurng mostly giving off radioactivity and heat, and not producing enough blast ” at that time ” to destroy a city).

But all that has changed. Both the Allies and the Reich, for opposite reasons, are keeping this continuing war low-profile. But the Reich idea was never just about Germany ” it was about the survival of ALL Aryans, of ALL Whites around the world, and of all good men and women of all races in the face of the Eternal Jew!



Waffen-SS general Leon Degrelle asked Hitler if he felt more German or more European. Hitler, who constantly built architecture that was Greco-Roman, answered: “I am a Hellene!”


A Spartan swordspartan-sword






What we now understand is that our race colonized this earth, but was long ago separated by a cataclysmic nuclear war from the home planets. The stories of the gods reflect actual visits to earth by actual, highly evolved relatives of ourselves. The “ancient aliens” theory being promtoed now non-stop on TV (by the Jews who own the TV networks) is partly valid, but the Jewish media refuses to highlight the huge role of the Exonordics, and focuses instead on the Grays and the Reptilian species, because the Jews themselves are allied with THEM. Earth is just one battlefield of an ongoing war in our entire Milky Way galaxy between the Exonordics and the Reptilians.

And this is why the low-budget 1980s movie ” ˜They Live” resonates with so many people.

8) All greatness comes from sacrifice and is born in love,ä a passion for our folk, a glorying in heroism, and an obsession with beauty.


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  1. Hey John I love your long articles very inspiring and thought provoking. Do you have any more info on this new religion or is it still in the early phases?

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