Innocent animals massacred for fun in Texas — the psychopaths among us

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By patriot, writer, family patriarch,  true Texan and former history professor Raymond Goodwin  of the Lone Star State: [photos and insertions added by John de Nugent]


This has been a most disappointing, frustrating, and sad day in my part of the world. Two events define what I’m feeling. Both involve articles in our local paper. First, some 60 miles down the road from here, an owner found 28 of his sheep and 15 emus shot to death in their pen. The animals were said to have been shot at close range.


This is heart-rending, because it happened and also because the chances of finding the killer or killers are slim to none. But, in a system that operates as it SHOULD, IF the killer or killers are caught, they should face nothing less than the death penalty “ NOTHING. But rest assured, if they are caught, there will be a fine, maybe some public service time, and probation. And that is exactly why such crimes occur!


         When my state [of Texas] was young, anyone who stole a horse was subject to the death penalty. Seem harsh? Think about the value of a horse to its owner. Often times, life or death. Another thing to think about “ horse thieves were RARE because of that penalty if they were caught.


Make a public spectacle of those who killed the sheep and emus, telecast their execution. You reckon that would make others think TWICE before they’d do such as that?? Oh, but that is too SENSIBLE, and must not be allowed in today’s America “ an America totally divorced from the roots of its founding. How far adrift we have gone!!

*** JdN My essay on the sadistic, evil, incorrigible and untreatable nature of the psychopaths who walk among us:



         The other event is the incident involving a fraternity at the University of Oklahoma. Perhaps by now you have heard of it “ young white males singing a song, in which they used that forbidden word and singing that their frat[ernity] would always be totally WHITE. Someone with them recorded them “ put it on social media “ and you would have thought the world was coming to an end!! The greatest SIN that could be committed “ “RACISM” “ had been voiced by WHITE males, and MUST be immediately stomped and destroyed before it corrupts anyone, and EVERYONE must disavow and condemn those involved! In chorus, as one, the president of OU, faculty, football coach, and too many more to count, joined hands with the politically-correct government and media, demanding the heads of the offenders! So many “AMEN’S” were shouted, I could hear it in South Texas! What were they saying? Just exactly what you would expect from gutless cowards so imbued with political correctness and White GUILT that where their brains used to be you will now find only manure! “Mea culpa, mea culpa!!” These ignorant pimps and servants of the very force that seeks to destroy our race were all over this, to quickly RUIN the lives of young men who did nothing more than sing and use terms FORBIDDEN by the CANCER that rules America. You have second thoughts about this, and about my wording? OK, allow me to ask you this “ had the offending group been NON-WHITE, and singing vicious hatred of WHITES “ do you think for a moment the reaction would have been the SAME?? If you do “ you are a damned fool, and you live a lie.


**** JdN Black South African TV reporter mugged on air by fellow Blacks ( I suppose apartheid, which ended 21 years ago, caused this…)


The same cabal that conducted the “Russian” revolution in 1917 and then subjected that poor populace to decades of torture, murder, and intimidation are responsible for this travesty. They are doing HERE what they did THERE “ establish a CLIMATE OF FEAR in this country, making people AFRAID to speak, for fear of “offending” those who call the shots in DC “ much better known as Tel Aviv West.


Today’s USA is close to being the USSR of the 1950s. And it is thanks to the SAME coterie of vampires who have managed to corrupt our country by getting passed “quota systems” and “hate crime” laws and through its media, pushing the concept of White GUILT upon our people. They have done that through academia, entertainment, the courts, and yes, the churches.


         If you are not disturbed by this latest example of hatred/control of our race, that just shows how far you have allowed yourself to be denigrated by the politically correct crowd, and how far you are allowing our children and grandchildren to be subjected to even worse! THEY “ the ones who control our media, our courts, our academia, OUR government “ are establishing a CLIMATE of FEAR in OUR country. The freedoms and liberty that were bought for a bloody price in 1776 are rapidly disappearing. The point of no return is being reached “ meaning that we will exist as free citizens or as slaves to the SYSTEM. What can be done? The best advice I can give is to say, WHITE folks, GET OFF YOUR KNEES!! You do not OWE a DAMNED thing to ANYBODY! FIGHT for your RACE, for your people, especially for your children!! Cast off the vampires, drive stakes through them, follow Christ’s admonition in John 8:44!!!


The alternative is to condemn our people “ our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren “ to what will be, not LIFE “ but mere existence, as robotic slaves to our mortal enemy. It is us or them. If you think it is alright to allow non-Whites their PRIDE in their ancestry and who they are, but “racism” for WHITE people to have those SAME feelings “ then to HELL with you! As Christ referred to your kind “ you are HYPOCRITES to the nth degree. And you are no better than the anti-Christs who are USING you.  



…..Mike Delaney was telling me about the Walmarts

 I was talking with neighbor Mike Delaney yesterday, who told me that Walmarts  are especially designed to be convertible into detention areas. They have no windows, few entrances and exits, the parking lots can quickly be encircled with barbed wire, and Walmart has even built some of these “big-box stores” and then left them standing empty down the street from other stores that are operating and selling goods. What’s up with that?


Also, the huge signs out front that say WAL [STAR]MART  — different stores have different star shapes and colors…. coded for FEMA! Just like football stadiums, they all are designed to LOCK YOU UP.

your new home before the work and death camp


….yet David Duke says we should not worry about FEMA hysteria.

And that Israelis did not do 9/11.


And Duke says, with Kevin MacDonald chiming in, that the modern Israelis are NOT Khazars (a cruel, barbaric Turko-Mongolic people converted after 700 AD to Judaism) and really are, as the Christian ‘Zionists like John Hagee say,. the returning Jews of the Bible times….

Really? So why this in The Times of Israel?   (By the way, this article is sarcastic in tone and covers the entire Khazar theme while ridiculing it without any effort whatsoever to actually refute it.)



…..What is the Eternal Solutreanism that my sacred book will explain to the masses?



I just sent 100 Euros to the young German who was detained for five brutal hours of interrogation in Chicago and sent back who had tried to visit me. I am also trying to arrange him housing. He has helped me promote my work among the Germans, who now are half my readers!

Homeland Security breaks promise, detains, interrogates, and sends young German back; moochers and nobility, brain-dead US Army off to fight Russkies


Your donations enable me to finish my sacred book — and help those heroes who are working hard in turn to help me, and suffer tremendous losses and take huge risks in the process.


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