Afrikaner way to stay warm; chemtrails and job destruction mania

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Heats a whole room for R1.50 a day.

…..Raping a small town (Ontonagon, Upper Peninsula of Michigan)

The two things that have shocked me here in Ontonagon, Upper Michigan are:


1) literally destroying copper mines and 2) literally destroying paper mills. They (Wall Street, the feds, the Khazars) flooded a copper mine for two years with Lake Superior water to make its shafts collapse, so as to illegally boost copper prices (price fixing), which “made 100 years of copper ore inaccessible” (quote from an experienced miner there). And they tore down the profitable paper mill, scrapped (destroyed, not dismantled) the million-dollar anti-pollution device, then dynamited the paper mill’s steel-reinforced concrete foundation, and ripped out the railroad tracks, again to reduce production for illegal price-increasing — raise the price of paper by reducing the production of paper.

This price-fixing was banned by the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890! They are rolling back all the progress of the 20th century!

Last evening at 9 pm (we are very far north, 47 degrees N, in Ontonagon, Upper Michigan) the sunset sky was endless, straight bands of reddened chemtrails, a strange railroad-tie pattern…  No attempt was made to look like some natural thing.

You know what is fascinating?  I am witnessing here in Ontonagon the sudden beginning of massive chemtrailing in a town that, due to its isolation, never had it.

A deep-blue sky before April 20th when I launched my new video VIP PEDOPHILES –KILL THEM ALL:


A whole generation of Xers and Millennials  may have grown up knowing only milky-gray skies, but these people here have not and they are talking about it.  Here’s a pic for you, not from here, but also on a body of water and the pic shows just what I now see, a very sudden onset of massive chemtrailing

A German comrade called me and said the TV weather reports now call chemtrails “Schleierwolken,” a definite neologism for a “neo” thing, meaning literally “veil clouds.”

So they are NOT claiming these are innocent contrails, but rather just “veil clouds.” 😉 Oh, so nothing to worry about, just veil clouds, like cumulus and cirrus! 😉

Weather report: “Today clear skies and windy in the morning and veil clouds in the afternoon.” 😉


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