Russians release ominous conversations between US-British and US-US spies regarding Ukraine before Malaysian Airlines shootdown

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CIA agent phone calls before Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 plane crash



Wiki (very anti-Russian report, as usual under the aegis of Wiki founder,m fiancier Jimmy Wales [photo], but this part is accurate):


According to the poll conducted by the Levada Center between 18 and 24 July 80% of Russians surveyed believed that the crash of MH17 was caused by the Ukrainian military [a Sukhoi-25 fighter jet].


Only 3% of respondents to the poll blamed the disaster on pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.[316][317][318]

The aircraft crashed outside Hrabove, near Torez in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast, with debris spread over a 34 square kilometres (13 sq mi) area to the west and northwest of Hrabove.[95][96] The fireball on impact is believed to have been captured on video.[97]Photographs from the site of the crash show scattered pieces of broken fuselage andengine parts, bodies, and passports.[98] Some of the wreckage fell close to houses.[99]Dozens of bodies fell into crop fields, and some fell into houses.[100]

Added: (Fri Jul 17 2015)

 CIA agent in the middle of July of 2014 was near Grabovo village of the Donetsk region of Ukraine where the Boeing Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17) was shot down.

The transcript [here actually a transcript back into English from the Russian translation of the original in English] of some CIA agents having phone conversations partially clarifies the events preceding the air crash on July 17, 2014 in Ukraine, killing all 298 passangers and crew.

Audio files were provided by people of the ex-head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Valentyn Nalyvaichenko after his resignation.

The audio file is available on: [I am no sure this is David L.Stern, since he svoice sounds different on other videos.]

Also here:

June 25, 2014

X (American accent): Hello.
Y [British accent]: Hello.
X: How is the preparation work going?
Y: Just as it was planned.

X: Have you met with Ukrainian “warriors”? (laughs)
Y: (laughs) Not today.
X: I need you to personally control “the complex.” It should be at a certain location at certain time. Understand?
Y: Yes, sure.
X: I want you to personally do this.
Y: Yes, don’t worry.
X: Ok, good luck.
Y: Good luck.

[At 0:37-39, contrary to the ridicule in the western jewsmedia (, they do not say just “luck” to each other at the end (which supposedly is all Russians would say to each other, and they claim these are Russians faking US or Brit accents). Instead, they actually pronounce a very quick “g’luck” just as English speakers might indeed say to each other — in colloquial speech — as a sign-off before some planned event.]

June 27, 2014

Y: Hello! I didn’t have time to tell you yesterday… It was a right decision to get Poroshenko [the fat Jew billionaire who is puppet president of Ukraine after the overthrow with Israeli and Jew-S money and lethal snipers of the legitimate (and pro-Russian president Vanukovich] to replace Koval.  [ summary: Porkoshenko fired Koval and and replaced him with Colonel-General Valery Heletey.]


Por[k]oshenko, a crooked Jewish oligarch whose father served a long prison term for fraud in the Soviet period.


Petro Poroshenko

X: That was John’s decision [presumably John Brennan, CIA director [photo]:]. We thought it was right.


Y: I am proud to be in his team.
X: He said we should follow the Saudi model… You know what I mean.
Y: Yes, sure.
X: Why are you talking about this now?
Y: I got many questions concerning Buk’s movement from the Koval’s team. I hope, they don’t suspect anything?
X: Of course, no. Thank you for telling me this. It is important there is no leak.
Y: Don’t worry. We completely understand everything.
X: Excellent. Goodbye.
Y: Bye.

July 1, 2014.

Y: Hi.
X: Hi.
Y: I want to ask you something. Just for understanding.
X: Sure. Go ahead!
Y: Who recommended Heletey to us?
X: Are there any problems with him? Is he…?
Y: No, no… Everything is fine… I just need to know…
X: One of our people recommended him… Do you need to know his name?
Y: mmm… Is there a problem?
X: His name is Nalyvaichenko… He asked to discuss this with John… through Kondratyuk.
Y: I understand. That is all. No more questions. (laughs)
X: (laughs) Great. Remember you should be very careful with “the complex.” Time frames are of crucial importance. You can’t be early. You can’t be late. You’ve got to be just in time. I don’t trust Ukrainians. They are on drugs and drunkards.

Y: Sure, don’t worry. No problem.
X: Good luck.
Y: Good luck.

July 4, 2014

X: Hi. People working with “the complex”… are they freshmen or professionals?
Y: Say it again. I did not hear, what?
X: Soldiers who work on “the complex”… the Buk… Do they know what they are doing?
Y: We found the best of those available
X: I was a little worrying, that’s it. We were planning it for a long time. If there are any faults… any mistakes… people we work with will never forgive us.

Y: Yes, sure. I’m doing my best.
X: Very good. I count on you.
Y: Goodbye.

July 11, 2014

Y: Hello.
X: What happened?
Y: No problems. Everything is fine. But I need to tell you something.
X: I’m listening.
Y: I am worried, there probably was a leak. Can we change the staff?
X: Do you have exact information? Or is it just your suspicion?
Y: No, no. It is just … intuition. (laughs)
X: Ok. I will check everything again. Let’s hope your intuition is wrong this time. (laughs)
Y: Thank you. Goodbye.

July 15, 2014 (Both voices now American.)

X: Hi.
L: Hi.
X: How are you?
L: John, I need to tell you something important.
X: I would ask you not to mention our names in the conversation. Have you forgotten it?
L: Sorry… I am very irritated and worried.
X: Has anything happened?
L: Not yet. But I am sure it may.
X: Listen… There is no reason to worry… You are just tired… We’re all tired…
L: No! I got absolutely exact information that Russians are hunting me.
X: Where does it come from?
L: Stop! Please, don’t interrupt me. I personally made sure our Ukrainian colleagues are watching me. And I they might be listening to us now. I can’t understand what the reason is… It can be either treachery or…
X: Listen, it is just how the things always are… Let them do their job.
L: No, just listen it to the end. I have absolutely exact information that Russians are hunting me. All the more, they have a positive experience in this, if you know what I mean, but… I’m sure if something happens, our bosses will give me up, and believe me I, we, personally I will have to get out of this myself. You know it very well how easily they can let us down.
X: Yes…
L: So I have my own system that can ensure my safety. For at least our bosses will not forget or abandon me.
X: What are you talking about?
L: I have several documents confirming that in Ukraine we are acting not on our own behalf… We are not terrorists… We act at the order of our management.
X: You are mad!
L: No, it is very serious. These are not the games we played in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is much more serious. And I don’t want to alone hold responsibility for everything that should happen with this object! I don’t want to!
X: Wait…
L: No, mate. I have already decided everything. I have these documents in several memory sticks and they, as you understand, are in different places. If something goes wrong, Russians get me and I get no support, then the documents will appear in mass media.
X: Listen… Do you understand that I’ll have to report on this.
David L. Stern: Yes, that’s what I count for…
X: OK… But I would ask you… Not to act thoughtlessly…
L: Sure… I have thought everything through… But you should understand me… Ukrainians try to follow every step I make… Russians are hunting me… Our bosses are simply indifferent to the situation. The only thing that matters for them is the successful completion of the operation.
X: I understand… You’re tired… You know, I will try to do something… I promise. And you don’t make any steps now.
L: Sure.
X: Can you tell me where you got these documents from?
L: (laughs) You know the answer… Of course, no.
X: Ok… You made me worry. I’ll try… I mean, I promise to do what I can for your safety.
L: Ok… I have no doubt in you… Alright… Good luck… Talk to you later.
X: Bye… Take care… Talk to you later.



….among the 298 victims of MH17

It exploded in midair and sent the passengers, stewardesses and crew falling and tumbling 35,000 feet (10.6 kilometeers/6.6 miles) out of the sky, at 120 mph, many of them possibly alive until they hit the ground, miserably burned by the fire, passing out from lack of oxygen for the first two miles of the fall, then coming to again and  freezing at the high altitudes, far above Mount Everest.




American Quinn Schansman


Almost 2/3rds were Dutch citizens; others were East Asians or whites.

Three Australian kids


  Dead baby


 Dead couple


Victims by Nation Number
 Australia 27
 Belgium 4
 Canada[c][42] 1
 Germany[d] 4
 Indonesia 12
 Malaysia[e] 43
 Netherlands[f] 193
 New Zealand 1
 Philippines 3
 United Kingdom[g] 10
Total 298

The incident is the deadliest airliner shootdown incident ever. 80 of the 283 passengers were under 18.

Stories of the individual victims:


…..Russia’s Putin releases satellite photo of (Ukrainian?) Mig-29 shooting down MH-17 




By Jim Stone

Mig-29 shootdown of MH17 confirmed, and Putin knew it from DAY ONE: Russia can hack American satellites!


On the 14th, the night before the G-20 summit in Brisbane, Australia, Putin revealed a photograph intercepted from an American spy satellite that proves MH17 was shot down, NOT SHOT “UP” BY PRO-RUSSIAN REBELS ON THE GROUND — AS THE AMERICAN JEWSMEDIA SCREAMED…

Channel 1 in Moscow ( says NO ONE saw any “Buk” ground-air missile (which the pro-Russian rebels had) take off.

(The Buk missile system (Russian: “???”; English: beech) is a family of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems developed by the former Soviet Union and Russian Federation and designed to engage cruise missiles, smart bombs, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles.)

1) would have been heard for six miles,

2) seen for 15 miles, and

3) have left behind a huge plume of smoke.

It seems the Russians HACKED a US spy satellite, proving

the US and Obama KNEW it was the Ukrainian Air Force that shot down the innocent passenger jet, murdering in cold blood 298 civilians!



Jewish prime minister via putsch of Ukraine Yatseniuk


Jewish president of Ukraine, the billionaire oligarch Poroshenko08-14_petro_poroshenko

Main thing, it was ….

Maybe it was shot down on Obama’s own orders, since he is from a CIA family, he worked for the CIA himself (see by former NSA official Wayne Madsen),


… they even got his Jewish maternal granddaddy light duty 300 miles behind the lines as a supply sergeant during WWII….

Obama's Grandfather at War.

….and it was the CIA that mounted the coup d’etat that overthrew the legal, pro-Russian president Yanukovitch — and started the whole Ukrainian crisis!






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This log is to confirm to those who send me useful items “cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts ” that I did receive them. (I formerly listed all donations by amount, but this has proven unwise for a number of reasons, and I changed my policy in March of 2015.)

If you sent a donation and I did not get it, please let me know at the email address, at, or by calling me at (906) 884-6689, or writing me (see below) on Skype or Facebook!


John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

(906) 884-6689 ;-)

Facebook: John D. Nugent

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA



I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn. 😉


2 MILLION hits on Google



checks to “John de Nugent”

cash in a greeting card (or aluminum foil)


US postal money order (or Canadian postal money order in US dollars)





even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL! aluminum-foil us-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-2 50-euros-germany-aluminum

Amazon gift card

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Finally, choose a card and amount. That’s it!




Many supporters have contacted me asking if there is a quicker and easier way to donate to my work. The good news is, yes there is.

If you already have a Paypal account, you can get a PayPal reload card, and then send me by email or phone call the numbers off the back and amount.

(Ask me then for the proper email address for Paypal ” they banned me  — and Andrew Anglin and others — BUT I have several friends with PP………….. 😉 )



Or get a PayPal account yourself and send funds that way. Rather than filling out forms and re-inputting your card details over and over again, you can donate simply by providing your email and password.

Yes, it really is that simple. The solution is to set up a personal PayPal account. You will only have to input your details once and then attach your credit/debit card to your account.  When making a donation in the future, you only need your email and password and it is all done automatically.

It’s quick, easy and hassle-free – no more filling out endless forms. Please set up a personal PayPal account here:

Once your account is set up, please go to the “Wallet” section and add your credit/debit card and then enjoy the ease and speed of contributing to my Solutrean work in the future.

 –(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

Greendot debit card available at any dollar store, Seven-Eleven, Rite Aid or CVS pharmacy.


Put cash money on it at the checkout counter, go home, set up your account online, then send me money from your card to mine via email to

(Every Mexican in America and every poor White person with no bank account knows how this works. 😉 )

 Greendot is found in every RiteAid, CVS, dollar store, Kmart, Walmart, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, and Radioshack in America  60,000 locations across the USA since the year 2000..
You just buy one for $4.95 and take it to the cashier with the cash you wish to PUT on that card. (The minimum to put on is $20.)
The cashier takes the cash, puts it electronically on the card (like a temporary debit card) and hands it back to you.
“Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)
-Want to communicate with me secretly?  Start a Hushmail account (takes 30 seconds!) and then write me at with the secret name of your Hushmail account. I will theN contact you at your Hushmail account. :-)(


I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?






–August 14, 2014 via check by KF in Ohio

–August 11, 2015 donation from JD in New York State

–August 7, 2015 donation via Stripe from JA in North Carolina

–August 2, 2015 donation via Stripe from M in Canada

–August 2, 2015 donation via Stripe from M in Canada

–July 28, 2015 US postal money order from D. in Florida

–July 25, 2015 cash from a German comrade in Pennsylvania

–July 24, 2015 via PayPal to from G in South Carolina

–July 23, 2015 cash from a lady comrade in Massachusetts

–July 14 2015 from BS in  Connecticut and from AM in  Pennsylvania

–July 13, 2015 from a comrade and fellow former Marine in Florida, and a history magazine about the Norman Conquest and Iwo Jima

–July 11, 2015 from a comrade Ian in Connecticut

–July 10, 2015 from a comrade B. in Holland

–July 10, 2015 $100 in cash wrapped in aluminum foil from a comrade in North Carolina, and a letter praising the first five chapters of my translation into English of Die spirituelle Welt [“the Spiritual World”] by Michael Winkler of Germany on the details of reincarnation. [The courageous Winkler is facing a judge on my birthday, July 14, 2015 , for politically incorrect writing.]

(1/4 down here:




arrived here safely at 306 S. Steel St., Ontonagon, Michigan 49953 USA


The enemy is very afraid I will get the financing I need to start a heroic Aryan religion that will turn us into fighters. If anyone understands the power of religion it is the Jews themselves!


I am living now in Upper Michigan, USA, on the Canadian border…My goal is go as far north as I can 😉


I am creating for Westerners a new religion based on Vedanta, the true Aryan religion of karma and reincarnation of our ancestors…. because we Westerners today are mentally, spiritually and karmically in a disastrous condition… and for me only true, ancient Indo-Aryan values can save us.

I am now completing a translation of Michael Winkler’s book Die Spirituelle Welt, “The Spiritual World.”


This fleshes out the details of exactly what happens when you die. Winkler is a very well-known political commentator in Germany ( and is often fined for being politically incorrect.



This is not a gobbledy-gook religion I am founding, but based on facts and truth. Anyone who sees this essay knows I am not inventing crap to get your money.

I wrote to a white Indian supporter in India:

I studied at the ashram in Pennsylvania of a brahmin, Swami Rama (Himalayan Institute,


One of the greatest adepts, teachers, writers, and humanitarians of the 20th century, Swami Rama (1925-1996) is the founder of the Himalayan Institute. Born in Northern India, he was raised from early childhood by the Himalayan sage, Bengali Baba. Under the guidance of his master, he traveled from monastery to monastery and studied with a variety of Himalayan saints and sages, including his grandmaster who was living in a remote region of Tibet. In addition to this intense spiritual training, Swami Rama received higher education in both India and Europe. From 1949 to 1952, he held the prestigious position of Shankaracharya of Karvirpitham in South India. Thereafter, he returned to his master to receive further training at his cave monastery, and finally in 1969, came to the United States where he founded the Himalayan Institute. His best known work, Living With the Himalayan Masters, reveals the many facets of this singular adept and demonstrates his embodiment of the living tradition of the East.

And my professor of Indo-European and Sanskrit studies at Georgetown University was a brahmin from Benares, Shaligram Shukla.

I am talking a serious path to turn us aside from selfishness, cowardice and foolishness toward our true being. Sin will never satisfy! In the end, the happiness becomes sadness, the thrill becomes a nightmare, the pleasure becomes an addiction. Sin never keeps its promises. In the end, what we need is a new Aryan religion for disciplined heroes, so we can take these JEWS DOWN: 

 That IS THE ONLY MISSION and the only satisfaction. Vengeance and victory.

–July 8, 2010 from a comrade in North Carolina

–July 7, 2015 from comrade J in North Carolina

Building a shed with him and Mike Delaney of


–8 Juli 2015 von J in North Carolina–8

–July 10, 2015 from DP in Australia

–July 8, 2015 music CD from JN in Nevada

–July 6, 2015 from anonymous in Charlotte, North Carolina a USPS money order and letter

–July 1, 2015 from AL in Colorado

–June 27, 2015 from JL in Australia

–June 26, 2015 from B. in Massachusetts

–June 23, 2015 books from C in Germany

–June 17, 2015 from PR in Australia

–June 16, 2015 von K.B. in San Francisco

–June 7, 2015 from L.L in Australia

–June 6, 2015 from P.L. in Georgia

–June 3, 2015 from AF in Michigan and from ML in Germany
–June 1, 2015 from B. in Chicago, Illinois
–May 31, 2015 from J.K. in South Carolina; from J.S. in the UK;  from G.D. also in South Carolina, and from S.J. in Ohio; book from SH in Idaho

–May 23, 2015 $10 in cash from K. in South Carolina

–May 20, 2015 $25 from Glastonbury, CT

–April 17, 2015 5 Euros from Germany and stamps, and 40 Euro from Finland




–March 15, 2015 40 Euros from S. in Finland


–March 3, 2015 50 Euros via PayPal from K. in Germany

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