Macho Russians pound jew allies in Syria; not a hate crime for Obama — multinational mulatto kills ten white Oregon Christians; when whites were not pussies

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…..While macho Russians pound ISIS and Jew-puppet “Syrian rebels” against Asad

(Screenshot, not a video link)


also a screenshot


I cannot BELIEVE “comrades” who refuse to read my massive evidence (, decline to use their brain and eyeballs,  and defame the blond, blue-eyed, Slavic-Baltic-looking son of a cook named Vladimir Putin as “a Jew” or “their puppet.” (Yes, he has met with rabbis and did photo ops; yes, he finally passed a weakly enforced law on the Holocaust after 15 years of pressure — but the Holocaust plays no role in Russian society, unlike in the west; there is no pity party for “the poor Jews” in Russia — Russians see Hitler as just the latest leader who hated the Jews, just as they do). Putin is now destroying the whole concept of “Greater Israel” via attacking ISIS and preventing the destruction by Israhell of anti-Israel Syria. 



Putin went twice as president of Russia (2000 and 2007) to the home of the antisemitic Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn AFTER, Putin-slandering numbskulls, AFTER, A-F-T-E-R,  his Jew-bashing masterpiece “Two Hundred Years Together” (Jews and Russians) came out.



Read Solzhenitsyn — in his final book and elsewhere — about the Jews! (I, with comrade Roy Armstrong, translated this 55-page analysis of Solzhenitsyn’s harsh view of the Jews! The fact that he also blames certain non-Jews for bolshevism is just a tactic –same as Putin. Say “I love the Jews” — and then DO the opposite.)




Goodbye “Greater Israel”! Assad’s Syria ain’t falling — thanks to Putin, the one whom brainless WN numbskulls slander because JEWS spread he is their friend to undermine support among antisemites for him.


If Putin were a Jew, why does the media demonize him? Putin hates this mulatto bisexual!

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and U.S. President Barack Obama share a toast during the luncheon at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, September 28, 2015. REUTERS/Mikhail Metzel/RIA Novosti/Pool ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and U.S. President Barack Obama share a toast during the luncheon at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, September 28, 2015.


U.S. President Barack Obama, right, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin pose for members of the media before a bilateral meeting Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, at United Nations headquarters. (Mikhail Klimentyev/RIA-Novosti, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)
U.S. President Barack Obama, right, and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin pose for members of the media before a bilateral meeting Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, at United Nations headquarters. (Mikhail Klimentyev/RIA-Novosti, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)



Russian marines before landing in Syria to prop up the anti-jewish Assad — notice the “diversity” 





….Mulatto murderer slaughters ten white Christians; Obongo blames guns

Coudenhove-Kalergi, the advocate of a race-mixing European Union way back in the 1920s with Rothschild money (, said the new mixed-race man, unlike pure-race-people, would be flexible but have no character.

he was himself part-Japanese and part-European

Das Pan-Europäische Manifest by Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi


The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and castes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.[xii]

[This new mix-breed] is the typical multi-soul man with the wide, rich, all-encompassing soul. His strongest antipode is the insular Briton (including American and Australian cousins), highly bred one-racial-soul men whose strength lies in character, in the will, in the one-sided, in the typical. He owes modern Europe the most closed, perfect type: the gentleman.


This guy, like 32% of young people under thirty in America today (U. Michigan study), was a pure narcissist. His only “value” was his own fame.

Narcissism is going up by one percent per year! It has doubled to 32% in 20 years. Narcisissm is not vanity –checking your hair frequently in the mirror —  but radical selfishness; you would cut your own friend’s or mother’s throat to get what you want.

Before you even read this article, read this first: (white!) college sorority girls just taking “selfie” pictures of themselves throughout an entire baseball game:


  1. I am getting so bored with young-soul zombie whites who never wake up. So now they are once again “grieving” and candle-light-vigil-ing and hugging each other — but not over the 16 million Germans we killed in WWII who were trying to STOP this jew-caused insanity! Maybe in a previous life these ten victims of yesterday were RAF and US Army Air Force who were bombing Dresden!


2. Had any of these students been concealed-carrying a firearm, one of them would have shot this mulatto narcissist scumbag after the first shot in his planned rampage!




Incogman and Philip Marlow []:


Half Breed Freak Did The Oregon Shootings


Man, you could really tell the media were licking their chops when they heard one of the witnesses say it was a White male they saw doing the shootings at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Turns out the guy was a half breed mulatto (often called a High Yellar) ” a type well-known for going off their rocker!

Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, shot 17, killing 10, in a single classroom where his victims were sitting ducks. Sounds like he hated Christianity, too, asking his victims what religion they were before putting a round into them. Plus, he appears to have been impressed with the media notoriety of Vester Flannagan ” the ugly mulatto-looking faggot who shot the three Whites on live local Roanoke, Virginia TV back in August.

The cops put the Oregon freak down, thankfully saving taxpayer dollars down the road. Now the media is going to describe him as a “Neo Nazi” simply because he once bought a Nazi hat online years ago and called himself “conservative” (means JACK). Harper-Mercerwas no “Neo Nazi” but a Neo Nutcase.

You just can’t be a half breed Nazi. That’s simply ridiculous. Sure, maybe he wanted to be one, but couldn’t and so his puny brain shorted out at the futility. Nazis do represent a kind of tough, no-nonsense coolness, thanks in no small part to Jew holohoax propaganda over the years. Hell, even pervert S&M Jews get off on wearing Nazi uniforms and stuff!

These half breeds can’t seem to feel comfortable with either blacks or Whites, or very possibly have a dangerous kind of genetic DNA mismatch, resulting in a predisposition to anti-social violence. Maybe it’s simply seeing their ugly, yellowish skin in the mirror every morning before going out into the world. Such types often grow up crazy.


Another thing most Whites don’t know about, is that blacks have some bizarre thinking when it comes to skin tone. The more White you look, the better. Or at least that’s what it used to be. Nowadays, black blacks think of themselves as “more gangsta” and half breeds as pussy boys. Maybe he was dissed by some brothers. No telling what issue twisted up “hiz haid” ” thanks to the crazy multiculturalism turning White countries into zoos and the ever-more extreme Hollywood violence every time you turn on the TV.

One L. GohThe guy who shot all those kids at Virginia Tech in 2007 was a psycho Korean, mentally unsuitable for living in conjunction with decent White people. When Koreans snap, they really do snap. Big time.

Another Korean, One L. Goh (right), killed 7 at Oakland’s Oikos University in 2012. The world record single instance spree killer was a Korean in Korea, who shot over 50 with a M1 Garand and also used hand grenades, too.

Now you might tell yourself I’m just a mean old SOB. Yeah, I certainly am mean as a snake when it comes to this matter ” I can’t stand seeing the Jew media promoting MY GREAT RACE to breed away! Nor can I sit idly by as the evil NWO Jews turn our lands into filthy mud holes in their long-running quest for controlling our countries and eventually the planet.

So call me a “White supremacist” all you GD want!

Now we’ll get a bunch of media preaching about gun control. Hey! I got a great idea: Make it illegal for blacks to own firearms! Hell, I got an even better idea: Why don’t we just ship all these animals back to Africa and be done with it?

” Phillip Marlowe

‘The more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight’: College gunman, 26, was ‘filled with hate,’ lived with his mother and asked if his victims were Christian in rampage that left at least ten dead

  • Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, has been identified as the gunman at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon 
  • Killer with British father died in gunfight with police and had four guns – three pistols and one rifle and bodyarmour 
  • He killed 10 and wounded at least seven, and just three days prior he had downloaded This World Surviving Sandy Hook BBC Documentary 2015 according to his profile on a website community 
  • Harper-Mercer said he was ‘mixed race,’ a ‘conservative Republican,’ ‘not religious,’ and ‘living with parents’ 
  • He celebrated Nazis and IRA online
  • In August he praised TV station shooter Vester Flanagan and said killing more people meant ‘in the limelight’
  • Harper-Mercer made his victims lie on the ground and then stand up and state their religion before shooting them according to eyewitnesses, also asking if they were Christian and saying; ‘Good, you’ll see God in a second’
  • Do you know Chris Harper-Mercer or his family? email:

The Oregon college gunman who murdered at least ten people was today named as Chris Harper-Mercer – a 26-year-old with links to Britain who celebrated other mass murderers and said: ‘The more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight’.

The killer, who said he idolized the IRA and Nazis, yesterday walked into Umpqua Community College in Roseburg wearing body armor and carrying three handguns and a rifle before shooting dead students.

Witnesses said he had made his victims stand-up at gunpoint and say if they were Christian before telling them: ‘Good, you’ll see God in a second’ and shooting them. Survivors only saved their own lives by playing dead.

After his bloody rampage was reported to police he was then killed in a gunfight with officers with one source saying: ‘He appears to be an angry young man who was very filled with hate’.

His British father Ian Mercer, who lives in California, said today: ‘I’m just as shocked as everybody at what happened today. I’ve just been talking to the police and the FBI. That’s all the details I have right now, is what you know already.

He added: ‘Obviously, it’s been a devastating day. Devastating for me and my family’.

Neighbors said Harper-Mercer from was a visibly ˜anxious’ and friendless loner who lived with his mother and surfed dating sites looking for love. He was often seen wearing camouflage clothing and may even have joined the U.S. Army.

Scroll down for videos

Suspect: Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, has been identified as the gunman at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg - an American with links to Britain who appeared to celebrate Nazis and the IRA

Suspect: Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, has been identified as the gunman at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg – an American with links to Britain who appeared to celebrate Nazis and the IRA

Chris Harper-Mercer

Chris Harper-Mercer

Menacing: Chris Harper-Mercer in two undated photos, one posted to a dating site (left) and one posted to his MySpace account (right)

Tragedy: A victim covered in a bloody blanket is seen being wheeled to an ambulance from the college campus after yesterday's shooting, where at least ten died

Tragedy: A victim covered in a bloody blanket is seen being wheeled to an ambulance from the college campus after yesterday’s shooting, where at least ten died

More than 100 law enforcement officials were on the scene of the deadly shooting in rural Oregon

More than 100 law enforcement officials were on the scene of the deadly shooting in rural Oregon

People gather for a candlelight vigil at Stewart Park in Roseburg Thursday evening hours after the mass shooting

People gather for a candlelight vigil at Stewart Park in Roseburg Thursday evening hours after the mass shooting

Posts across a host of websites also show how Harper-Mercer apparently idolized the violence of Nazi Germany and the Irish Republican Army.

He used a reference to a Nazi war medal as his dating profile name, and posted glowing reviews of Nazi memorabilia he had bought online.

His Myspace page is littered with images glorifying masked IRA fighters, lauding them as ˜undefeated’ and ˜looking cool’ “ right next to images of him holding a rifle.

Harper-Mercer wrote in a post this August about how much he admired Vester Flanagan, the Roanoke shooter who killed a cameraman and newscaster at the television station where he had been employed after getting fired.

On that same profile it also showed that just three days ago Harper-Mercer uploaded This World Surviving Sandy Hook BBC Documentary 2015 for people to watch on the file sharing site.

Do you know Chris Harper-Mercer or his family? email: 

‘On an interesting note, I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are. A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone,’ wrote Harper-Mercer of Flanagan.

‘His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.’

He closed by saying; ‘Also, if anyone gets the chance, go on youtube and see the footage of him shooting those people. It’s a short video but good nonetheless. Will post more later.’

According to his profile on a dating site Harper-Mercer is ‘mixed race,’ a ‘conservative Republican,’ ‘not religious’ and lives with his mother – and appears to have a large family from Britain.

State Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum and other officials originally said 13 people were killed in Thursday’s shooting, though that number may have been too high.

‘At this time, we are reporting and can confirm 10 fatalities in the shooting,’ Douglas County sheriff’s deputies, Sheriff John Hanlin said Thursday evening.

‘This number is the best, most accurate information that we have at this time.’

In shock: The father of Chris Harper-Mercer, Ian Mercer, who is British, said he was shocked that his son has gone on a murderous rampage

In shock: The father of Chris Harper-Mercer, Ian Mercer, who is British, said he was shocked that his son has gone on a murderous rampage

A DHS police investigator is seen with a canine at residential location believed to be the apartment where Harper-Mercer lived with his mother

A DHS police investigator is seen with a canine at residential location believed to be the apartment where Harper-Mercer lived with his mother

Hannah Miles (center) is reunited with her sister (left) and father Gary Miles (right) after the shooting

Hannah Miles (center) is reunited with her sister (left) and father Gary Miles (right) after the shooting

Students, staff and faculty with their hands up are evacuated from Umpqua Community College in Roseburg

Students, staff and faculty with their hands up are evacuated from Umpqua Community College in Roseburg

Police search students outside Umpqua Community College in Roseburg after Thursday’s rampage

Gallery: On the killer's MySpace page he has several posts and pictures where he appears to praise the IRA and their terrorist activities

Gallery: On the killer’s MySpace page he has several posts and pictures where he appears to praise the IRA and their terrorist activities

His parents Ian Mercer and Laurel Harper were married until 2006, and he lived in an apartment complex near the shooting.

Harper-Mercer’s motive is still not known at this time, but he came armed with three pistols, a rifle, body armor and a large amount of ammunition.

He demanded that his victims lay on the ground and then made them stand up one at a time and state their religion before opening fire according to one traumatized eyewitness.

Kortney Moore said she was in her writing class when a bullet went through the window hitting her teacher in the head. Soon after, the shooter was inside the room demanding to know the religion of her fellow students.

The 18-year-old laid on the ground next to some of the victims shot by the gunman but managed to make it out alive.  

Anastasia Boylan, 18, was one of Harper-Mercer’s victims who only survived by playing dead.

Her father Stacy spoke to CNN and described his daughter’s horrifying ordeal, saying that Harper-Mercer at one point asked who was Christian, and told them all to stand up.

‘And they would stand up and he said, “Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just about one second,”‘ said Stacy.

‘And then he shot and killed them.’

The man then broke down as he tried to understand how it was possible for the 26-year-old to be able to so slowly and methodically murder so many people and refill his handgun without anyone coming to the rescue of these students.

His daughter was shot in the spine but still alive when Harper-Mercer demanded she stand back up, but she refused and instead acted dead so he moved on, her father said.

Anastasia also told her father that Harper-Mercer shot her professor first point black, saying; ‘I’ve been waiting to do this for years.’


‘As I’m sure you all know, a few days ago there was a shooting in Virginia. A man named Vester Flanagan opened fire on two former colleagues on live TV. He also recorded his own footage of the event. While reading about the event, I read some excerpts of his manifesto the media was releasing. And I have to say, anyone who knew him could have seen this coming. People like him have nothing left to live for, and the only thing left to do is lash out at a society that has abandoned them.

‘His family described him as alone, no partner/lover. A victim not only of his own perception but also of our social media soaked environment. He posted the footage on Facebook and twitter as well tweeting while he was running from the cops because he wanted the world to see his actions, much like many others post menial and trivial details of their life online and expect us to see it. Only his was at least a bit more interesting.

‘On an interesting note, I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are. A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight.

‘Sorry if this seems a bit disjointed, but these are just my thoughts on the matter. I thought I’d post this seeing as how my last blog post generated some good comments.

‘Also, if anyone gets the chance, go on YouTube and see the footage of him shooting those people. It’s a short video but good nonetheless. Will post more later.’

Umpqua Community College alumnus Donice Smith (L) is embraced after she said one of her former teachers was shot dead

Umpqua Community College alumnus Donice Smith (L) is embraced after she said one of her former teachers was shot dead

Friends and family are reunited with students at local fairgrounds after the deadly shooting

Friends and family are reunited with students at local fairgrounds after the deadly shooting

Students, staff and faculty are evacuated from Umpqua Community College in Roseburg shortly after the shooting

Students, staff and faculty are evacuated from Umpqua Community College in Roseburg shortly after the shooting

At least one injured woman was shot in the chest. The casualties were transported to different hospitals  

At least one injured woman was shot in the chest. The casualties were transported to different hospitals

A girl is comforted shortly after being evacuated from Umpqua Community College

A girl is comforted shortly after being evacuated from Umpqua Community College

Police were checking students' backpacks as a precaution before busing them off campus 

Police were checking students’ backpacks as a precaution before busing them off campus

Bronte Hart, who lived in the apartment below Harper-Mercer and his mother said the young man ‘seemed really unfriendly’ and that he would often ‘sit by himself in the dark in the balcony with this little light.’

She also said that his mother was seen ‘crying her eyes out’ on Thursday.

The shooter’s stepsister was shocked by the news.

‘I don’t know what to say. I’m shaking right now,’ said Carmen Nesnick in an interview with NBC Los Angeles.

‘He was a nice guy. He put everyone before himself. It doesn’t sound right because he wanted everyone to be happy.’

She also said that she had not seen her stepbrother in a year, and that he was born in England before moving to the United States.

Ian Harper, the father of the gunman who is divorced from the young man’s mother, told CBS Los Angeles; ‘I am just as shocked as anybody at what happened today.’

The Los Angeles Times spoke to former neighbors of Harper-Mercer and his mother Laurel who described the pair as loners.

They also said that Harper-Mercer, who would often wear camouflage pants tucked into black boots, seems to carry around a black case with a gun inside and loved target shooting.

Rosario Lucumi, 51, said that mother Laurel would frequently call her son ‘baby’ despite the fact that he was an adult, and would get involved in disputes over loud noises and at one point a cockroach infestation she said was keeping her son awake at night.

Lucimi’s daughter, Rosario Espinoza, said the young man always appeared ‘anxious’ and ‘nervous.’

Shortly after the mass shooting, President Obama addressed the nation demanding stronger gun laws, saying that the country has become ‘numb’ to these mass shootings.

He also asked that the public look at the number of Americans killed by guns over the past ten years compared to the number killed by terrorist acts.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 153,144 people were killed by homicide in which firearms were used between 2001 and 2013, the last year that data are available reports NBC News.

The Global Terrorism Database – which uses a criteria to determine terrorist attacks but also includes acts of violence that are more ambiguous in goal – estimates that 3,046 people in the U.S. died in terrorist or possible terrorist attacks between 2001 and 2014.

A Mercy Health Medical Center doctor said in press conference, that 10 patients arrived at the hospital and three were transferred to PeaceHealth in Springfield.

Two of the patients were treated and four people went to the operating room with three of those patients stable now and one in critical condition.  One person died in the emergency room.

Of the three female victims at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend in Springfield, two were in critical condition and one in serious.

The station KATU reported, citing a school official, that gunfire erupted at Snyder Hall located in the English building on campus, which is comprised of about 16 auxiliary buildings.

Authorities said that there doesn’t appear to be a link with international terrorism.

Reports from a police scanner recorded a dispatcher saying he was ˜exchanging gunshots right now with a shooter’ who was located in Snyder Hall.

Brady Winder, 23, of Portland, was on campus when he described hearing a ‘thud.’

He told The News-Review he then then heard a barrage of gunfire and saw students fleeing ‘like ants.’

One neighbor, who lives across the street, recalled to CNN hearing what they thought were ˜fireworks’.


The FBI is today investigating whether a warning message on an online forum was posted by the shooter hours before he murdered 10 students at an Oregon college.

Officers are probing whether Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, wrote the anonymous message on bulletin board 4chan: ‘Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest.’

It was written at 1.19am yesterday morning and the first shots were fired at Umpqua Community College at 10.38am.

MailOnline has been unable to verify the authenticity of the message, although police are said to be treating it seriously because 4chan has been used my school shooters in the past.

In 2013, 18-year-old student Neil Allan Macinnis shot dead two women at a Virginia college – before the killing he posted on 4chan asking users to ‘wish him luck.’

Scroll down for video 

A sinister warning message purportedly from the shooter who opened fire at an Oregon college allegedly appeared on an internet forum last night. can not verify the authenticity of the message and has contacted 4chan for a response

A sinister warning message purportedly from the shooter who opened fire at an Oregon college allegedly appeared on an internet forum last night. can not verify the authenticity of the message and has contacted 4chan for a response

History: In 2013, 18-year-old student Neil Allan Macinnis (pictured) shot dead two women at a Virginia college - before the killing he posted on 4chan asking users to 'wish him luck'

History: In 2013, 18-year-old student Neil Allan Macinnis (pictured) shot dead two women at a Virginia college – before the killing he posted on 4chan asking users to ‘wish him luck’

The message, which is time stamped 19:19 p.m, continued: ‘happening thread will be posted tomorrow morning. so long space robots.’

‘Will post again in am, 10 min countdown. Won’t say more to much to prepare.’

The alleged post is no longer visible on the website – the cached version was first posted on Reddit.

Under the disturbing message, many users encouraged the person to go ahead with their threat and even advised the poster on the best ways to kill people.

One user wrote: ‘I suggest you enter a classroom and tell people that you will take them as hostages. Make everyone get in one corner and then open fire.

Students, teachers and members of the community gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the shooting

Students, teachers and members of the community gathered to pay tribute to the victims of the shooting

People wait for information at the local fairgrounds where students from Umpqua Community College were taken

People wait for information at the local fairgrounds where students from Umpqua Community College were taken

People gather at a road block near the entrance to Umpqua Community College, in Roseburg, Oregon Thursday following a deadly shooting

People gather at a road block near the entrance to Umpqua Community College, in Roseburg, Oregon Thursday following a deadly shooting

Multiple ambulances are pictured on the scene with at least one patient on a gurney at the Roseburg campus 

Multiple ambulances are pictured on the scene with at least one patient on a gurney at the Roseburg campus

Out in full force: Heavily armed police officers walk on the UCC campus Thursday after the shooting 

Out in full force: Heavily armed police officers walk on the UCC campus Thursday after the shooting

Security sweep: Authorities move from building to building to secure the campus

Security sweep: Authorities move from building to building to secure the campus

A bullet casing is marked at the scene of the massacre in Roseburg, Oregon, where 

A bullet casing is marked at the scene of the massacre in Roseburg, Oregon, where

…..Fearsome Kelts

[If you have any Scottish, Welsh, Cornish, or Irish blood, these are your people. Adolf Hitler was racially a Kelt, full of poetry and beauty as well as war:]





Warriors who made an art of slaughter: They’re our most fearsome and brutal ancestors. But a thrilling exhibition at the British Museum shows the Celts created weapons as beautiful as they were bloodsoaked

  • New show at British Museum reveals astonishing array of Celtic weapons
  • The primitive warriors killed their enemies and then ripped off their heads
  • Axes, spearheads, shields and other killing machines are all on display
  • The exhibition Celts: Art And Identity is at the museum until January 31

They were the wild-haired, primitive savages who roamed Britain before the Romans turned up and knocked some civilisation into them. The Celts were never going to defeat the invading Romans with their superior military strength, vast empire and underfloor central heating.

But a new show at the British Museum shows quite how underrated the Celts were, with their exceptionally beautiful craftsmanship in bronze and gold and their highly sophisticated, utterly horrifying weaponry.

The Romans gave Celtic rage its own name: Furor Celtica. When their blood was up, the Celts would attack at top speed in a massed charge. Just killing their enemies was not enough, however. They also enjoyed ripping the heads from their dead foes and strapping them to their belts or horses, a symbol of the strength they had taken from those they had vanquished.

Scroll down for video 

Pictured is actor James Norton in the 2014 film Northmen: A Viking Saga

Pictured is actor James Norton in the 2014 film Northmen: A Viking Saga

One of the stunning bronze helmets on display

A carnyx war horn, with boar's head detail, which was found in Scotland

Pictured left, one of the stunning bronze helmets on display. Right, a carnyx war horn, with boar’s head detail, which was found in Scotland

The British Museum exhibition is packed with objects used for eating and drinking, personal grooming, pagan worship and warfare. Some of the best Celtic art in Iron Age Britain was used to decorate killing machinery, particularly scabbards, sword hilts and shields. The ancient British economy was largely given over to the arms trade.

Take the Eaton hoard, found on the edges of Norwich, which contains 145 bronze axes and spearheads dating from between 950BC and 750BC. Here was a warring civilisation ” and a pretty advanced manufacturing one ” that could turn out weapons on a mass production basis.

What a spine-tingling, bowel-chilling sight the Celtic army on the march must have presented. The Greeks and Romans considered the Celts to be a kind of wild barbarian and it is easy to see why; with their horned helmets and gleaming, elaborately decorated shields, they fully intended to present as shocking a sight as possible.

Their weapons were not just for killing either, but for glittering display, to put the fear of God (the Celtic god Toutatis, that is) into the enemy, long before their weapons clashed.

The ˜Battersea shield’, found in the Thames at Battersea, South London, and thought to have been made between 350BC and 50BC, would have been a particularly heart-stopping prospect. With its polished bronze, raised decoration and red glass inlay, it is thought to have been a ˜display shield’, raised aloft in flamboyant display to get the enemy quaking.

The same urge to show off your weapons is found in a 300BC iron sword in a bronze scabbard, from Kirkburn, Yorkshire. It has more than 70 components to it, from a pommel of horn to iron glass inlays in the handle.

British Celtic weapons were decorated with haunting symbols, designed, it is thought, to scare your enemy, impress your allies and give you magical protection on the battlefield.

A 300BC shield from Chertsey, Surrey, has a handgrip ending in pairs of serpents. Paired animals were thought to save you on the battlefield and are also found on scabbards and belt hooks.

The Battersea shield is decorated with swirling, S-shaped lines, reminiscent of swans’ necks. Another shield, from 300BC, also found in the Thames at Wandsworth, has a pair of scary birds with hooked beaks and staring eyes, chasing each other around the shield’s edge.

Different parts of Britain developed their own ways of decorating their beloved weapons. In Yorkshire for instance, they favoured delicate scrolling patterns on their scabbards.

Trace what it means to be Celtic at the British Museum

Loaded: 0%
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Lavish: A torc, worn round the neck, made of twisted gold and silver threads

Lavish: A torc, worn round the neck, made of twisted gold and silver threads

Pictured is the reverse of the Hunterston Brooch, an intricately carved item made about 700AD

Pictured is the reverse of the Hunterston Brooch, an intricately carved item made about 700AD

In Ireland, they preferred short swords with bronze hilts carved in human shapes. A 300BC scabbard from Lisnacrogher, County Antrim, is inscribed with double axe heads. These weapons were so revered that they were often buried with the dead, as sacred offerings.

The star of the show is a 200BC helmet, found in the Thames by the site of today’s Waterloo Bridge. It is just the sort of horned helmet you imagine Vikings drinking their enemies’ blood from.

In fact, those horns would have been deeply cumbersome and impractical in battle; they are there purely for expensive, terrifying show.

There are even reports of Celts using lime to make their hair stand in spikes to give themselves a more monstrous look. Others tell how the Celts were a full head taller than their Mediterranean enemies.

The Celtic battlefield was not for the faint of heart. The air rang to the screams of the dying and the clash of sword on shield and the shrieking of the carnyx, the Celtic musical instrument of war.

These were bronze, animal-shaped horns, connected to long tubes through which soldiers bellowed their war cries. One AD75 carnyx, from Deskford, Aberdeen, depicts the head of a wild boar, with wrinkled skin and an upturned snout. At the British Museum show, you can listen to the noise it would make: it sounds like the grating death cries of an animal being slaughtered.

The most impressive of all the Celtic war machines was the lightweight chariot that could zip across the battlefield at top speed. When the Romans took on the British Celts in AD43, they were much impressed by the enemy’s nippy little chariots.

Intimidating: A horned helmet, made around 200BC, found near in the Thames in Waterloo, London

Intimidating: A horned helmet, made around 200BC, found near in the Thames in Waterloo, London

Pictured is a silver ring of Trichtingen found in south west Germany, dated 200-500 BC

Pictured is a silver ring of Trichtingen found in south west Germany, dated 200-500 BC

The Celtic war queen Boudicca used to terrify Roman soldiers when she charged forward in her chariot in full cry, although reports that she had attached scythes to the wheels to chop off her enemies’ legs are probably overblown.

The Celts were so attached to these chariots that they were often buried with them. In 200BC, a Yorkshireman was buried at Kirkburn under his carefully dismantled chariot and lay there undisturbed until archeologists found the tomb in the Eighties.

It wasn’t just chariots that were so carefully looked after. In Torrs, in Dumfries and Galloway, a 300BC bronze cap for a horse has been discovered. The horse’s ears poked through specially designed holes.

With their long experience of using chariots in battle, British Celts became extremely adept at turning them into killing machines.

Flamboyant: With its polished bronze and glass inlay, the Battersea Shield was used to scare the enemy

Flamboyant: With its polished bronze and glass inlay, the Battersea Shield was used to scare the enemy

First, they hurled javelins at the enemy from their chariots and then they moved in for the kill with swords. Their swordmanship was special, too. Most continental Europeans drew their weapons from scabbards hanging at their waist. Only the British dramatically drew their swords from scabbards hanging off their backs.

Across Europe, it seems, Celts had their own trademark way of killing. In Spain, they delighted in stabbing their enemies close up, with short swords.

In southern Gaul, they were keener on heavy armour and longer swords. In Scotland, the Picts were deft with the light crossbow.

After the fighting came the feasting. At the British Museum, there is a ˜flesh-hook’, found in Dunaverney, County Antrim. Dating from 1,000BC and decorated with little swans, cygnets and boiling cauldrons. (The Celts were not so keen on fish however; very few fishbones survive from Celtic settlements.)

They then washed their meat down with wine, ale and mead, poured from huge, iron cauldrons. The show includes an AD40 bronze tankard from Brackley, Northamptonshire. it is so big that it is thought Celts went in for communal drinking from the same cup.

Included in the show is an iron sword from Hod Hill, Dorset, the site of a battle between the Celts and the Romans in around AD50. The siege of the Celtic hillfort ended in a Roman victory and the Romans proceeded to build a fort on top of the Celtic walls.

The iron sword was probably made for one of those victorious Romans and yet the engraved pattern of trumpets and dots found on its hilt is very reminiscent of the Celtic Iron Age, centuries before the Romans came here.

The same mixture of Celtic art and Roman military prowess can be found on an AD50 helmet from northern England. It is decorated with those familiar swirling, Celtic lines on the neckguard and on its side-plates.

So, just for a moment, you think it must have belonged to a plucky British Celt fighting a losing battle against the Roman invaders. But look a little closer and you will see the inscription, ˜II’, on one side, the Roman numeral for two.

A ˜w’-shaped pattern on the neckguard is a conscious imitation of the carrying handle of a Roman legionary’s traditional helmet.

British Celts and Romans even shared gods. An AD200 plaque from Hertfordshire is dedicated to Mars, Roman god of war, and Toutatis.

So, yes, the Celts lost their military struggle against the Romans, but their legacy of blood-soaked beauty lives on and is still conquering museum visitors to this day.

  • Celts: Art And Identity is at the British Museum until January 31. Harry Mount’s book Odyssey – Ancient Greece In The Footsteps Of Odysseus is published by Bloomsbury.

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