ENGLISH The Henrik Holappa saga

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In anticipation of my forthcoming video, here is information taken from the “Henrik Holappa” page of this website (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/henrik-holappa):

White human rights activist Henrik Holappa

My family has served Finland as soldiers for centuries; Holappa is actually a place name in my ancient Scandinavian country. I find myself in America for two reasons: 1) I always wanted to visit this vast and fascinating country, an offshoot of Europe that has changed the whole world; 2) There is no freedom of speech now in Finland, except to discus the weather, and I face 4.5 years in prison if I return to my homeland. I dared from 2005 on to ask publicly why our white, clean, modern, crime-free Scandinavian country needs to let in immigrants from Sudan, Somalia and Turkey who viciously gang-rape white Finnish women. There was no gang rape in Finland for thousands of years before this recent Muslim influx.

Viivi Avellan is a well-known radio broadcaster in Finland. She was nearly fired by the jewish-owned radio station after she admitted on-air that she liked dating Scandinavian men, which was denounced as Nazi racism.

Finland is near the very top of Europe and the Arctic Circle.

Every country in the European Union now has laws called “hate speech laws,” which declare any criticism of minority immigrants by native whites to be a felony crime. And such courageous whites actually go to prison. In Germany, an attorney got 13 years recently for criticizing minority power, in Austria an engineer got six years, a poet got six years, and in Britain a Simon Sheppard, who had fled to the United States seeking politican asylum, was arrested by US Homeland Security (run by the Homeland Security secretary Janet [Winer] Napolitano, a jewish lesbian appointed by Barack Obama). She sent Mr. Sheppard (r) and another Briton, Stephen Whittle (l), back to Britain in chains, and Sheppard received four years, and his friend two years, in minority-filled, violent prisons for protesting minority violence — by black Africans and Muslims — against white English families. Criticism of homosexuality is now punishable in England by seven years imprisonment. There is strict gun control, there are hundreds of thousands of video cameras recording the whole country, and nearly no possibility of revolt.

A Finnish patriot created this image below, which reflects the actual reality. The Finnish government flies Africans by the planeload into the once all-white Finland, and gives gang rapists eith a suspended sentence plus therapy or at most two years in prison — but four years for whites who complain about it, and the government and media call them “terrorists” who “preach hate,” who “defame the honor of the Finnish black community” and who “abuse freedom of speech.” A bill is now working its way through the Finnish parliament (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/01/20/four-years-prison-for-visiting-pro-white-websites/) to make it a felony crime, punishable by four years imprisonment, to even look at a pro-white website.

Henrik in Sarver, Pennsylvania, north of Pittsburgh, as a political asylum applicant

I say it is the immigrant gang-rapists who are the racists and they are the women-haters by degrading, raping and disrespecting the beautiful white girls and women who are the natives of my nation. I say it is they who hate, who are “extremely dangerous” and should go to prison and then go home immediately. But the Finnish government, which is fanatically “politically correct,” calls me, a 23-year-old Finn, a “racist” and “extremely dangerous” for saying out loud what almost all Finns really think and say privately but are now afraid now to say publicly any more. This fear began in 1995 when the media pushed the Finnish parliament into passing so-called “hate-speech laws.”

Finland is the blondest, most blue-eyed country on earth, and was virtually crime-free and spotless before 1995, when African and Muslim immigration began to be organized by the “government,” saying Finland was not “diverse” enough, the population was aging and more taxpayers had to be brought in.

Finland (like Butler County, Pennsylvania, shown here) is 98% white and used to be crime-free until hyper-violent immigrants started coming in….

The “politically correct” government now calls me a “white supremacist,” suggesting I think the white race is best.

But I see black, brown and yellow “white supremacists.” I see immigrants all moving voluntarily to white countries, to every white country around the world, and to only white countries. They literally crawl through the desert, climb into sweltering metal shipping containers, and paddle rafts and little boats, all to try to enter any white nation they can. Who then by their actions act as if white countries were best? Who shows an absolute preference for white countries, for all white countries, even preferring death to staying in their original country?<

I advocate that Third World peoples should instead love, and feel pride in, their own races and fix their own social problems, not import them here. I am glad if Finland or America, England, France or Australia, help suffering Third World countries. But if they bring us their violence, drugs, crime, hate, anti-white racism and white supremacism to us, these “guests” have worn out their welcome.

In America I am now seeking freedom and protection for my right to oppose all hate-based racism, all violence toward women, all white supremacism by any race, and all intolerance — no matter which race practices them.

I love Pittsburgh. Here in front of Shadyside Presbyterian Church.

Margi Huffstickler and I [John] paid two thousand dollars for an immigration lawyer in October 2009 and Henrik applied for political asylum. Here I and Henrik stand in front of the amazing headquarters building of Pittsburgh Paint and Glass (PPG).

And I embrace this great country that was founded by and for Europeans like me in the 1600s. Europeans like me have come here for 400 years, fitting in, seeking freedom to speak out, to protest wrongs and to say one’s opinion without the police knocking on the door the next day.

I have already had my home searched three times, I have been arrested for three days, kept in a cell with the light burning day and night with no way to call a lawyer, and I was told in June that the top prosecutor in Finland, Mika Illman, will “get” me so as to “make an example” of “racists.” Yet he belongs to the Jewish people, and his people, in Israel, crush the Palestinians every day with tanks and anti-Arab racism and torture. Amnesty International has put Israel on the list of “torturing governments” every single year since 1963. In Israel non-Jews are not even allowed to marry Jews, or convert them to any other religion. If Israel openly calls itself a “Jewish state,” can Finland also stay a “Finnish state”?

I hope America will now protect a young man who opposes gang rape in Finland by violent, women-hating, undesirable immigrants, who still opposes it via the Internet to his homeland, and who now seeks to shield American women from the same violence and racism.

And I spend time here to warn Americans that the madness of political correctness will lead to throwing them too in prison for their views. America, for 400 years you have been, as your national anthem says at the end, “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

But if I go back and am brave in Finland, I will not stay free for long. It is time for Americans to stay brave — so at least their country can stay free. And part of that freedom is a woman’s absolute right to walk without fear on the streets of her own city without a gang of foreign men stalking her to rape her, or make lascivious comments about her, or call her a “whore” because she does not cover up her whole body Muslim-style or convert to the religion of Islam.

I am here also to remind Americans not to lose their freedoms to “political correctness” as my country has, for the alternative would be prison for them too, rape for their women and girls, and eternal fear of their own government.


Henrik Holappa gave his first speech ever in November 2008 in Memphis, Tennessee to a gathering of the European-American Rights Organization, presided over by David Duke, Ph.D., who is heard introducing Holappa at the beginning of the video below. His first speech was before an audience of 130 people and it was held in a foreign language, English. His excellent and heartfelt speech ended on a rousing note of appreciation for Americans and their freedoms, and it was met with a standing ovation.



Henrik Holappa was arrested by the United States Department of Homeland Security on March 9, 2009 on alleged immigration violations.[2] The arrest made Holappa somewhat of a celebrity among American white nationalists, including his apparent mentor, John de Nugent, with whom he was staying near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and David Duke[3] He was held at the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility, located at Batavia, New York (State).

The Finnish government desisted from indicting Holappa, his political asylum case became void, and he was expelled from the United States by the Department of Homeland Security back to Finland on June 3, 2009, after 87 days in federal custody.

From the Washington DC newspaper, American Free Press

Every country in the European Union has laws called “hate speech laws,” which declare any criticism of minority immigrants by native whites to be a felony crime. And such courageous whites actually go to prision. In Germany, an attorney got 13 years recently for criticizing minority power, in Austria an engineer got six years, a poet got six years, and in Britain a Simon Sheppard, who had fled to the United States seeking politican asylum, was arrested by US Homeland Security (run by the Homeland Security secretary Janet [Winer] Napolitano, a jewish lesbian appointed by Barack Obama). She sent Mr. Sheppard and another Briton, Stephen Whittle, back to Britain in chains, and Sheppard received four years, and his friend two years, for protesting minority violence — black African and Muslim — against white English families.


Subject: American Negro Replacement Foundation

We are distraught over the recent earthquake that hit Haiti causing the estimated deaths of up to 200,000 Haitians. We are asking the US government to donate 200,000 Negroes to replace them as quickly as possible with an additional 50,000 on standby from Detroit and Newark.

Then and only then can we guarantee that Haiti will continue to maintain its proud record as the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.

Please urge your city to give and give generously.

Thank you,

The American Negro Replacement Foundation
Creating poverty around the globe for 400 years.
3225 Martin Luther King Freeway Southeast
Washington, DC 20000


  1. Let me get this straight. Tons of blacks, mexicans, cubans
    et alia and ad nauseam can come here and God forbid we get rid of them.

    But one white guy from Finland comes here, for asylum, and we send HIM back?

    The sheeping of america is almost complete!!!!!

    • Obongo was feeling his oats when he arrested Holappa in March 2009. He has been defanged by his own blunders since then. The time has come for him to feel the suffering and imprisonment (after trial) which he caused Holappa (as well as all his friends) — eighty-seven days in SOLITARY — with no books no magazines, and no tv of any kind. That is an interminable time to be in solitary with nothing to read! Imagine just ONE DAY just staring at four walls!

      I assure you that the American people will hear loudly and hear clearly from me about this case.

  2. It is true that Finland has had beautiful blue-eyed, fair-haired strong people and crime
    free. It is not right for Finland Government to bring in third-world peoples to disrupt this
    serenity. Finland is so far from the third’world countries that the clash of races can prove
    unfavourable at times. I would like to see Finland like it was years ago. I do believe that
    each and every country should manage their own problems, because it just doesn’t make
    any sense for another country that knows how to live properly, support a country filled with
    rape crimes that produce mass human population that begs for help from other countries –
    no sense at all. Every country has it beauty and should be left as so….this is called the
    wise diversity.

  3. In a time of universal deceit speaking the truth is a revolutionary act George Orwell

    Martin Luther King had a dream…
    America’s indigenous native White sons and daughters got a nightmare

    What do you do when your car breaks down on Martin Luther King Boulevard?

    Multi- racialists/multi-culturalists dream of an integrated society…

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