Sorry to hear of your Facebook block, John. I admire ALL of your work. TM
* ** I replied:
Dear comrade M down in Georgia,
Guardian angel was watching — the lower ball joint snapped just before Mike Delaney (of,, and & his five kids could get on the highway. If there is one thing I am sure of, it is that if you are a good and decent (though not necessarily perfect) person, someone “On High” may be watching out for you. 🙂
No angel fixed his ball joint ;-), but they sure did make it break just before he hit high speeds.
[02:34:48] John de Nugent: ….frigging unbelievable about that left front tire….
[02:36:15] John de Nugent: How fast were you going when it snapped off?
[02:36:38] Mike Delaney: just pulled into a gas station, and it came off there. Couldn’t have happened at a better place and time.
A guardian angel, I do believe, as with this gal:
I am going to appeal to you , if you care about our race and about Mike, my work, and your own survival, to make a donation today.
Why? fulfills a vital role as a video platform that is Jew-free and where you can hammer the Jews, or tell the truth about black crime, Mexicans, muslims, homos, satanism in Hollywood, vaccines, chemtrails, pedophile presidents like Bill Clinton, etc. without your videos being deleted and your entire channel banned.
Why do you think this hit video of mine (35K views) is accessible? BECAUSE IT IS ON TRUTUBE!
In fact, all my videos are on Trutube!
….To donate to Mike Delaney
It looks like this:
…..My videos — all on TT!
Your truly ON MIKE DELANEY’S TRUTUBE) confronting the US Army Corps of Engineers over the radioactive Israeli dump in Apollo, Pennsylvania, which has given rare forms of cancer to EVERY single family in that town. (A “local activist” and lesbian was at that very moment screeching from her seat that I was a “Nazi,” and twice rammed me with her elbow or body, then ran to the cops, braying that I “struck” her.)
I felt like saying: “Babe, if I had struck you – and I don’t strike a woman – you probably wouldn’t be alive. What you deserve is not a beating but a firing squad — for siding with Israelis that have been murdering the people of your own village with horrible cancers.”
RURAL Armstrong County, Pennsylvania has 20 % more cancer than urban counties with far more industry because the Israelis dumped radioactivity at night down the toilet and into the rivers, streams and woods.
I was “hot” 😉 when Patty Ameno began screeching and then tried to set me up — but merely brandished the proof in my hand that Israel did this cancer disaster in the process of illegally making atomic bomb material. It is all on the video — on Mike Delaney’s Trutube.
(I must say that Patty Ameno changed her tune in 2014, two years after all this, and she had the guts to apologize to me in front of a group of people and a friend of mine as eyewitness at the Apollo, Pennsylvania post office.
I wonder if maybe her hatred of white nationalists was affected by her black lesbian lover cleaning her out of every penny she had from their joint bank account?
I stayed a gentleman throughout and a proud, white, heterosexual male of the old school; it was she that changed, who told me I had been right all along; and I respect that in her.)
Here are those two videos, and my German-American friend Brent did a fabulous editing job:
¦..NUMEC “ Israelis make a Pennsylvania town radioactive & kill thousands with cancer as they illegally steal plutonium for their WMDs & dump the waste
NUMEC Part 1 “ Radioactive Contamination Kills Thousands
NUMEC Part 2 “ John de Nugent Confronts The Army
And this dangerous power of TruTube is exactly why the Jews did a mega-hack, with the most vicious Israeli criminal saboteurs, on over six months ago.
It used to look like this, and used to have PayPal for donations:
Now it looks like this, and is basically an archive site. For over six months now, you cannot add any new videos, make any comments or even click “like.”
All this is very concerning to me for many reasons.
First, I cannot stand the thought of Mike and his family (five great kids) living in poverty, with Internet cutoffs and potentially fatal car problems.
Mike is both a great and a fun guy, and more importantly, an outstanding activist….
Here Mike boldly confronts US Senator and Jew Russell Feingold of his native Wisconsin:
Mike confronts Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner (starting at 0:56) .
Mike interviewed by Canadian television on 9/11.
I would agree with the first two comments underneath this video:
AnotherTruePatriot 1 year ago
Exactly….I couldn’t agree with you more.
Here a vile, hairy Jew hits Mike, who got it on film and, oh yes, paid the guy a visit off-camera
His website features the best video ever on how Israel and the Big Jews (not some b-s Alex Jones-ian “banksters/globalists/Saudis”) did it — getting OVER TEN MILLION VIEWS.
His website used to have 50,000 unique visitors DAILY — as big as Andrew Anglin (“Daily Stormer”) today.
But that was when Mike was doing full-time activism and 9/11 films, having given up his computer career (photo; working for others in 2007, then he had his own successful business in Milwaukee, and bought his own house, so he is debt-free at least. HIS ONLY DEBTS ARE FROM TRYING TO KEEP TRUTUBE UP WITHOUT YOU DONATING.)
….To donate to Mike Delaney
It looks like this:
…..Why I need TT
Now my other concern is that my creation of a new Aryan religion on January 30th will be deeply hampered by the lack of Trutube.
YouTube just closed – with no warning whatsoever — my German YT channel, “Mut zur Wahrheit” ( = “Courage for Truth”), which had fourteen thousand subscribers.
It has been replaced by another with the same name, with three thousand subscribers now and rebuilding, but the Khazars can (and likely will) shut this one down just as easily.
They did not even claim it was using “copyrighted music” or use any other b-s pretexts.
They just brutally deleted the whole channel. I went there — and it was gone.
Anyway, my religion, and book, Virtus, will be introduced by a video that I think will go viral — and it must not be deleted by the Jews!
I will be saying controversial things there that neither I nor anyone else has ever said before, on this blog, any website or anywhere else at any time.
I merely hint at it in this interview:
Virtus means manliness in Latin, and the crux of all our problems is wimpy men.
Never blame women or children who forget their roles; it is when men are men that everything else falls into place.
(For a short discussion of some aspects: and for key ideas and my resumé see
I began getting what I can only describe as “signs” almost a year ago, seemingly suggesting to me that, however unworthy I may feel, it was time to say what I have held back for decades from saying to the world.
But way back in 2004, I sensed that feminized cowardice in males would be the central problem to battle and oppose…… that the day would come when Whites DO wake up, and then are too pussy to do anything about it.
And then the worst moment possible for a man will come – when they will cower in the corner and hear the shrieks of their women being raped and their children being killed.
And they will moan: “God, if only I had done more when there was still time.”
If you think this is not exactly where we are going, just watch the video Hellstorm.
I did three voices for this life-changing video, and Margi also did three.
Sure, this happened WAY BACK in 1944-45 to the Germans, but do you actually think the Jews who ran the Hellstorm of the German civilians have changed in any way?
Get your head out of your ass!
And hey, okay, then forget Germany and all that “ancient history” — fine.
Say “Well, that was the Red Army, and communism is gone.” (Not even true because the US Army did some of the worst atrocities of all — think Rhine Meadows and the Dachau tortures of SS men by American Jews.)
Then how about what the blacks in South Africa have done since 1994 to the Whites there?
Zimbabwe: Farmer murdered on his property after handover to Black majority rule.
South Africa: Farmer murdered and tortured in his fields. Note how he was burned. This was post-1994 when S.A. (South Africa) was handed over to Black majority rule.
In the “New South Africa” ” shot point-blank as he slept in his bed.
I already asked an artist friend in France named Joel to draw this — the proper blend of Mars and Venus, male and female, yin and yang,
South Africa: Beautiful, young white woman butchered.
South Africa: White man, attacked in his house as he slept, and murdered in his own bathtub. Note how they slashed his wrists as he tried to protect himself.
We must restore masculine men and feminine women if our race is to survive.
Never will there be any white movement based on nerd pussies and carping bitches.
Did I offend you? Good. 😉
….Music video of white Boers agonizing about leaving their country in fear — betrayed and defenseless after 370 years of hard work, blood and sacrifice
“Time to Trek”
……A new Aryan religion based on facts
I challenge anyone to read either Life after Life by Dr. Raymond Moody or the new book, Imagine Heaven, to not “get it” that we are immortal beings, a higher power judges us on our thoughts, words and deed, and you better straighten out.
John Burke, a former engineer and agnostic
See also my blog on 90 Minutes in Heaven:
110 mph combined-speed, head-on collision with an 18-wheeler truck
A pulseless body, already going cold for an hour and a half, returns to life.
Did you know there have been 59 scientific studies on over 3,000 people who have been revived on the operating table or in the ER and have reported in detail on what they saw, whom they met, what they discussed, and what happened to them on the other side?
Did you know that people born blind who never, ever, ever saw anything at all when alive, have come back and reported on meeting other dead people and giving exact and accurate physical descriptions of them that matched reality?
(In the afterlife, everyone is 30, btw, and in their prime.
My late friend Willis Carto, for example, no longer looks like this….
but like this….
How does someone born blind who has never SEEN anyone or anything know after they come back from the afterlife exactly how they looked?
Because they were no longer blind in the afterlife.
Did you know that most are met by loving and supernatural beings and shown a fair and accurate video of their life, with suggestions how to change, but that some experience hellish and demonic attacks, and when revived by the doctor and nurses, BEG the ER doctor to save them so they do not have to go back there?
And the worst thing of all for a man is to be a selfish COWARD.
In fact, the Vikings taught that the gods might just EXTERMINATE FOREVER THE SOUL of a coward.
In Virtus, we love the hero and we despise the coward, who runs when duty calls.
I became aware of “signs” a bit more when Mike told me once how, having had a terrible childhood, he ended up in foster care –and two different suspected Jewish child molesters started trying to get close to him ” and one went suddenly blind (a Sidney Cohen) and the other, at 58, a Mel Golden, dropped dead.
I had a weird experience then myself last spring…. A local women here in Ontonagon had told me how her late husband and high school sweetheart (who died recently of the after-affects of Agent Orange from Vietnam) would, from the afterlife, move things around in her house to show he was still watching her and caring about her, and once — in the middle of July — put his favorite Christmas tree ornament., a black kitten, from a cardboard box up in the third-floor attic, smack-dab in the middle of the living-room carpet — on a hot July morning when she arose! (She told me many other examples.)
Well, I had a VERY weird experience six days after my first really successful video came out. It started like this:
On Adolf Hitler’s birthday, April 20, 2015, I released this powerful and humorous video., as stated above:
Mike Delaney gave it a prominent spot on the TruTube homepage and it began climbing by 2,000 views a day there and by thousands more on Vimeo.
Almost immediately, the feds began daily chemtrailing with two jets of our highly isolated town of 1,400 on Lake Superior!
It is sixty miles to the nearest large towns of Houghton (northeast) and Ironwood (southwest)!
That is a good chunk of Ontonagon, folks. Two Boeing 727 jets spraying chemtrails 2-3 X a week over a little village?
Photos I took in April 2015 on Greenland Road (Route 38), while walking to “Pat’s IGA,” the only grocery store in town. TWO CHEMTRAILS = from TWO JETS.×768.jpg
It was sickening to see this sort-of pristine town also suddenly get regularly chemtrailed (every windless day, that is) just as in large population concentrations, but I guess Obongo is worried that I and Mike might dezombyize some people. 😉
Mike is part high-tech German and part impish Irish. 😉
Anyway, on the 26th of April, with my VIP Pedophile video taking off, and chemtrails blizzarding the town for the first time ever (there had been sporadic chemtrailing before I moved up here, when it was just Mike and his family, but it was sprayed by just one jet, and it was rare), then suddenly this other weird thing happened….
…..the first of several bizarre occurrences.
This is the cutting board in my kitchen. What are these two plastic measuring-cup thingies “Made in China” doing there? No, I did not buy them; no, Margie did not buy them. I walked to the local café for a coffee (three blocks), came back, and bam, THERE THEY WERE.×1024.jpg
So was it the FBI saying “We were in your house?” (A common tactic to create fear, and they did this to me in October 2007 in Alexandria, Va.:
Pretty risky, though, for the FBI, because I was not gone very long –again, about 15 minutes — it was broad daylight, my house is right on the main drag (S. Steel St.) and you can see the whole three blocks to the café (“Connie’s”).
500 feet up and 500 feet back (200 meters up and 200 meters back) from my house (blue dot) to Connie’s (white dot). 15 minutes max including chitchat. It is not enough time for any human being to enter my house and exit it safely, and there are no bushes to skulk in.
Nowhere for anyone to hide
And furthermore, I am very, very, very armed and ready to shoot at anyone, anytime in my house, or anyone anywhere who attacks me.
In fact, I open-carry around Ontonagon. It is a very deliberate tactic — and IT IS NO BLUFF. When you know there is life after death, what counts is not prolonging life by cowardice — but a shorter, braver, more meaningful life.
If I caught any stranger in my house I would kill them.
Russian 9mm Makarov and Walther with laser sight
.380 chrome pocket pistol and knife, doing a video beside Lake Superior with Mike Delaney
My pipe — a little touch of Rockwell, whose party was my start in national socialism. When I am at my German keyboard, these three little pals are right with me.
40-caliber automatic pistol; the “full metal jacket” rounds coming out of this two-pound monster blow right through a telephone pole, kicking up grass and dirt like a geysir. A .40 round would knock someone wearing kevlar back or even down, and ready them for the head shot –my preferred m.o. at close-range.
…..and this is just some of the stuff I have here, all legal.
So I began wondering….. How could the FBI get in and out that fast? I even had a direct line of sight of my house for 10 of the 15 minutes. Why would they dare?
What if it WASN’T the FBI?
Was it like that woman I mentioned above in this town whose late husband, the vet who had died of Agent Orange, was moving stuff around to show he was watching over her?Was it some guardian angel saying “We’re keeping an eye on you, John.”
The next experience was this one. My landlord is a very friendly guy, not a WN, but he totally supports freedom of speech (for me and everyone), he was put through hell by Obama in an unrelated matter (accused of being a whistleblower and spent two years in custody — before all charges were reduced to a misdemeanor!), and he also studied languages at Georgetown University (Arabic and Persian) when I was there studying German and French.
Anyway, Jim invites me over one noontime for some freshly backed pizza – ahhh, homemade crust, fresh garlic, all-natural and good. I cannot say no, and tear myself from my blog, because all Jews and no pizza make Johnny a dull boy. 😉
Mind you — Jim also lives four houses away — important for the timeline.
I go down, enjoy two fabulous slices of pizza, am gone a mere fifteen minutes, and return at 12:15.
And see this in my kitchen sink.
A half-drunk bottle of bottled water next to my $100 top-of-the-line water filter (upper right white tower).×1024.jpg
I never drink bottled water. The longer the H2O sits in that plastic, the more bisphenol-A leaches into it and thus you are drinking artificial female hormones – estrogen – into your body!
Also, why buy bottled water for a dollar or dollar-fifty when you have a one-hundred dollar water filter sitting right there?
And if I did drink bottled water at all, I would put the rest in the fridge to keep it cool….
Holiday Station Spring Water – the cheapest stuff they got at this convenience store-gas station chain called “Holiday Station”.
The filter Middle-right, $106.99
Moving forward, and speculating, because such things used to not happen to me….or rather, I did not notice them…. but, heck, things are speeding up now, for me and for all of us… In the movie “Ghost” with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore, do you remember how the murdered man, now a ghost, learns with great effort how to move physical objects? Because even from the other side he realizes he has to try to protect his widow?
This second video (playing just a great Righteous Brothers music track and some key scenes) shows the ghost (Patrick Swayze) interacting desperately with the physical world, not because he is refusing to move on, like some stubborn poltergeist haunting the joint, but only because his beloved is still in danger. (His evil business partner, played by the Jew Tony Goldwyn, had paid the Puerto Rican to murder HIM, and now she has to die.)
I have to confess to you — I was really impacted by this seemingly silly bottle thing.
Because “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
If the Big Guy or one of His angels is sending me some signal, then I prick up my ears and try to understand it, or at least do my duty more seriously and better than ever, and if there is some big new task God wants me to do, I sure as hell below and heaven above will do whatever God wants me to do.
But what happened even after that, 24 hours to the second before the Charleston Church shooting, was the final straw in breaking my fear and hesitation to go forward with my destiny, a new Aryan faith community.
I have one more video to show from the Ghost movie, at the end.
…..The two weird apparitions before Charleston, on June 17 and July 12
I will now tell you something ….
For the first time in my sort-of long life, after all, 60 years (I was born in Providence WAY back on July 14, 1954, back when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth 😉 — and Elvis Presley first performed in public just three days later),
In 1954 this country was 89% WHITE, prosperous and happy….
… well, I had, shortly before this mass murder in Charleston, what I can only describe as an ominous “vision.”
As I have explained, everything for the whole white world depends on America waking up and doing something very soon. This is the only white nation left with guns and free speech.
AND all the key websites awakening white Australia, white Canada, and white Europe are all on computer “servers” and using webhosts that are located in the United States.
If America too descends now into an EU-type situation — with bans on both guns and so-called “hate speech” ( = the TRUTH about racial differences and about the Jews) — then it is over.
Now I have never before had such an experience, and am a person who is entirely factually-oriented and with both feet on the ground.
This s also why I enjoyed working 1981-84 for Dr. William Pierce, the former physics Ph.D. and professor. That man was oriented toward accuracy, facts and truth every second of his life.
I met Dr. William L. Pierce in 1981, a former physicist and chairman of the pro-white National Alliance.
I wrote several articles on recruiting new members for the National Alliance, spoke at the 1983 NA convention in Chicago and chatted with fellow speaker Robert Mathews after his incredible speech about “being men.”
I also moderated the 1984 NA convention, and built a rapidly growing Washington-Baltimore Unit of the NA.
I left the NA on good terms in 1984, viewing it however as lacking both 1) a true religious base and 2) an adequate number of women members for a viable long-term movement.
Now, some of my views are somewhat controversial, even today when public opinion is shifting in my direction, on topics such as reincarnation, or the existence of other intelligent life in the universe and the view that they are visiting here.
But you will note that all my essays are fact-packed. I do not demand you just believe me or believe in me. I offer you hard proof. Look:
And so when I had this vision, I told it immediately to Margi, and to a trusted lady comrade named Andrea, and to the Rebel of Oz in Australia, with whom I work closely, and to another companion, Angie, over in Germany, and all this I communicated in writing, as proven below, before the Charleston church massacre (or whatever it was) happened.
What happened to me was this:
At precisely 24 hours to the dot before the gunman opened fire, that is, at 9:05 pm on Tuesday, June 16th, 2015, a wave of fatigue came over me and I felt the sudden need to go to bed. I did not even call Margi, with whom my custom is to speak every night. (She was in North Carolina helping her aged parents … Actually her stepfather, a fine man of 91, just passed on 🙁 )
What I saw after five hours of sleep at 2 am was this. (I had gotten up, used the bathroom, and went back to bed, debating if, after five good hours of sleep, I should just get back up, stay up, and do some work.)
Suddenly, there was something whirling, hovering, over my bed. I was as wide-awake as could be.
Gray, brown and black rags were whirling there, like the rotating brush in an American car wash that removes road grime from the car. The thing was spinning… but it was a big ball, like a disco ball hanging from the ceiling, but of course not with shiny little facetted mirrors. 😉 It was a spinning ball the size of a basketball.
Boston Celtics star Larry Bird with a basketball
And then I saw several flashes of light (maybe six?), on the bottom left next to me and a couple of my right (maybe three?)
….Nine flashes of light.
Well, I guess that pointed to the nine gunshots ….
A screenshot from a video of me firing my Walther, at the exact second the gunpowder blast emerged from the barrel — a bright grayish-white flash.
For me, this vision meant a warning to me that the enemy wants to make sure that this supposed Dylann Storm Roof church massacre, staged by the racist, supremacist jews who despise all gentiles, is designed to lead to the final and total legal ban on our freedom.
Then comes the gulag and genocide.
The Jewnited Snakes government must be prevented from implementing this.
Frankly, it shocked me to have this “vision.” It was like seeing reality, beholding a real object, and not seeing a movie or CGI, or having a dream. No, it was not in any sense a dream. I felt as if were I to reach out, I could have touched and felt this spinning thing. An the lights, the flashes, were just like muzzle fire.
So I took the precaution to immediately tell various friends and comrades IN WRITING what I had seen, and then, sure enough, the mass shooting or this staged event with the supposed white supremacist happened.
So he burns the American flag, this evil blond nazi…. just to piss of the patriotards.
….Facebook Private messages with “Andrea”
Our Facebook chat began at 12:34 pm (noontime) on the 17th of June, thus 8.5 hours before the supposed massacre.
You can see, lower-right, at the top of the chat window “Wednesday [June 17, 2015], 12:34 pm”
[I to Andrea] “I had a VERY weird experience last night.”
Andrea: “What happen[ed,] John?
JdN: “Right… I had a very real apparition, of a whirling, hovering thing like, well, that raglike car-cleaning device at automatic car washes… gray, silver and black, spinning, and flashes of light to my left and a bit to the right — it was there whether my eyes were closed or not, and I was 100% wide awake when it happened, though I had just gone [back] to bed. I had just snapped off the night table light and was not especially sleepy. I felt it was some message to start my religion asap, as if it were time to speed things up, because something was going to happen…”
…..Second apparition July 11-12, 2015
I saw a second double apparition in mid-July of 2015…. as I was drifting off to sleep about 11:30 pm (July 11) I saw three bright white flashes from the upper right, and then about 2 am (July 12) heard what sounded like a glass window being smashed.
I instantly woke up when I heard the smashed-glass sound, yelled out “What?” (for lack of a better exclamation 😉 ) and grabbed my .40 caliber, taking it off safety, but I could find zero damage to the house, neither to ours nor to our neighbor’s house.
Something or someone seemingly is trying to get me in gear. 😉
…..What all this means
I think this is a divine sign I must start my religion. I do not feel worthy but apparently someone disagrees. 😉
I am a practically oriented man who cares about jobs, good schools and safe streets for working people.
I am also not a megalomaniac who claims God regularly talks to me and made me His prophet. 😉 And no angel is dictating to me word-for-word my sacred book. It is just I who am writing it, an imperfect man, a sinner and mortal like everyone else.
But I guess God wants me to move forward. I think God is saying “Just do it. I will take care of the rest.”
Back in June I was helping Mike Delaney and his North Carolina friend Jamie with a multi-day construction project –the new Trutube office. Here I am handing Mike up a nail gun.
More work was done in August by Jamie, me and Mike, even working until almost 11 pm in the long high-north summer days.
The shed still needs a roof, but there are no funds and now it is winter. Six months later….and Trutube is still down too, entirely from a lack of donations. Actually a comrade in Scotland sent generous funds twice, but American comrades are, I guess, buying beer to defeat the jews. 😉
There is now no question that the Charleston “shooting” (whether faked and using crisis actors or a real massacre using a “Manchurian Candidate” — whose role was to be a “hate-filled, blond, white supremacist with a gun” hmmmmmmmmmmm…. just whom might THAT be targetting? 😉 ) was a false flag and scheme to begin the final process of:
1) taking away our guns, our aright to defend ourselves, which every animal enjoys, and
2) ending our God-given freedom of speech.
And then finally it was the threat from the White House….
….A religion not based on semitic malarkey but facts, truth and evidence
‘Return To Life’: How some children have memories of reincarnation
Mar. 16, 2015 at 11:14 PM Jake Whitman and Cynthia McFadden
It’s not unusual for little boys to have vivid imaginations, but Ryan’s stories were truly legendary.
His mother Cyndi said it all began with horrible nightmares when he was 4 years old. Then when he was 5 years old, he confided in her one evening before bed.
“He said mom, I have something I need to tell you,” she told TODAY. “I used to be somebody else.”
The preschooler would then talk about “going home” to Hollywood, and would cry for his mother to take him there. His mother said he would tell stories about meeting stars like Rita Hayworth, traveling overseas on lavish vacations, dancing on Broadway, and working for an agency where people would change their names.
She said her son even recalled that the street he lived on had the word “rock” in it.
“His stories were so detailed and they were so extensive, that it just wasn’t like a child could have made it up,” she said.
Cyndi said she was raised Baptist and had never really thought about reincarnation. So she decided to keep her son’s “memories” a secret ” even from her own husband.
Privately, she checked out books about Hollywood from the local library, hoping something inside would help her son make sense of his strange memories and help her son cope with his sometimes troubling “memories.”
“Then we found the picture, and it changed everything,” she said.
That photo, in one of the books from the library, was a publicity shot from the 1932 movie “Night After Night,” starring Mae West in her film debut.
“She turns to the page in the book, and I say ‘that’s me, that’s who I was,’ Ryan remembers.
Cyndi said she was shocked, and only more confused, because the man Ryan pointed to was an extra in the film, with no spoken lines.
But finally she had a face to match to her son’s strange “memories,” giving her the courage to ask someone for help.
That someone was Dr. Jim Tucker, M.D., the Bonner-Lowry Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia.
The child psychiatrist has spent more than a decade studying the cases of children, usually between the ages of 2 and 6 years old, who say they remember a past life.
In his book, “Return To Life,” Tucker details some of the American cases he has studied over the years, including Ryan’s.
“These cases demand an explanation,” Tucker said, “We can’t just write them off or explain them away as just some sort of normal cultural thing.”
Tucker’s office contains the files of more than 2,500 children ” cases accumulated from all over the world by his predecessor, Ian Stevenson. Stevenson, who died in 2007, began investigating the strange phenomena back in 1961, and kept detailed interviews and evidence on each case.
Tucker has painstakingly coded the handwritten files, discovering intriguing patterns. For instance, 70 percent of the children say they died violent or unexpected deaths in their previous lives, and males account for 73 percent of those deaths ” mirroring the statistics of those who die of unnatural causes in the general population. There’d be no way to orchestrate that statistic with over 2,000 cases,” Tucker said.
Tucker said the majority of children he has investigated say they remember average lives ” and rarely do they claim memories of someone famous.
He said Ryan’s case is one of his most unusual because of the incredible detail he was able to provide.
Tucker, with help from researchers working on a documentary, tried to identify the man Ryan pointed to in the book about Hollywood.
After weeks of research, a film archivist combing through original production materials for the movie “Night After Night” was able to confirm who he was. His name, Marty Martyn, a former movie extra who later became a powerful Hollywood agent and died in 1964.
“If you look at a picture of a guy with no lines in a movie, and then tell me about his life, I don’t think many of us would have come up with Marty Martyn’s life,” Tucker said, “Yet Ryan provided many details that really did fit with his life.”
After digging through old records ” almost none of them available on the internet, and tracking down Martyn’s own daughter, Tucker was able to confirm 55 details Ryan gave about his life.
It turns out Martyn wasn’t just a movie extra. Just as Ryan said, he had also danced on Broadway, traveled overseas to Paris, and worked at an agency where stage names were often created for new clients.
Tucker also discovered Ryan’s claim that he lived on the street with the word “rock” in it was nearly spot on — Martyn lived at 825 North Roxbury Dr. in Beverly Hills.
Tucker was also able to confirm other obscure facts that Ryan gave ” how many children Martyn had, how many times he was married, even how many sisters he had. While Martyn’s own daughter grew up thinking her father had just one sister, Tucker was able to confirm he actually had two, again, just as Ryan claimed.
Dr. Tucker’s research is not without critics. When his work was recently featured in The University Of Virginia Magazine, some readers shared their outrage in the comments section. One reader wrote he was “appalled” that this kind of work is being done at the university. Another called Tucker’s research “pseudoscience.”
Tucker said he’s only trying to apply the rules of science to the mystery of reincarnation. Even with Ryan’s case, there was one fact the detailed obsessed scientist thought the little boy had wrong.
“He said he didn’t see why God would let you get to be 61 and then make you come back as a baby,” Tucker said.
That statement seemed to be incorrect because Martyn’s death certificate listed his age as 59 years old when he died.
But as Tucker dug deeper, he was able to uncover census records showing Martyn was in fact born in 1903 and not 1905, meaning Ryan’s statement, not his official death certificate, was indeed correct.
Now that Ryan is 10 years old, he said his memories of Marty Martyn’s life are fading, which Dr. Tucker said is typical as children get older. Ryan said while he he’s glad he had the experience, he’s also happy to put to move on, and just be a kid.
This article was originally published Mar. 16, 2015 at 8:05 a.m. ET.
…..What progress on my book?
A comrade wrote, asking:
Dear Mr. de Nugent,
Is your 2004 book on Virtus available, or are you working on an update? I am very interested in reading it.
The book was written in 2004 but has been updated to death with four huge, additional topics:
1) Reincarnation, because polls now show 50% of Americans, a dramatic increase, are open to the idea of reincarnation and especially the facts backing it up;
2) UFOs, other life in the universe, and non-earthlings actually interfering with us; the same consideration applies as in #1; about 50% of Americans are now open to the idea “we are not alone”, especially due to the “H2 Channel” on cable tv, which is very slanted but provides lots of truth about aliens who are non-human (and almost none about human aliens, many of whom are benevolent because we are their kin, albeit relatively primitive compared to them in technology, morality and unity); I just talked with a local gal here last night who saw a white, bright object or craft shoot at a huge speed straight into the earth at night “ and there was no crash, explosion, nothing; a retired chemical engineer was awoken one morning by a blinding light over Lake Superior that streamed into his bedroom, “as bright as a hydrogen bomb”; his wife actually saw it as she was already up. Fewer and fewer people today who are solid citizens with good reputations are afraid to talk about what they have seen with their own eyes. Many, in fact, now will admit with out hesitation “I saw a UFO, but believe it is some secret government project” “ which might indeed be the case (as in “the secret space program”), nor it might not be “ours.” The main thing is I can talk about such things much more openly than in 2004 “ and I need to, because if other species are interfering with us earth-surface humans ” some friendly, some neutral, and some very unfriendly toward us ” this must be faced and dealt with. In the same way, Britain and Germany cannot possibly solve their problems without dealing with the gigantic power of the US interfering with their politicians, economy, their military ” NATO ” and their media.)
3) Whites (Solutreans) were here in America long before the Indians, who wiped THEM out (by sheer numbers); this total reverse of the guilt-genocide trip happened starting around 2006; many white males are cowards today not just due to liberal-feminist brainwashing and fear but also due to literally not being neurochemically as manly as our fathers and grandfathers, and the sperm count and low fertility and high rate of childless couples reflects and proves this.
4) the manosphere topic ” the decline of masculinity and literally of the hormone testosterone itself (23% in 30 years) in white males
…..Danish woman writer says the next revolution is The Return of the Male
Europe’s tragedy: Too much Angela Merkel, too little masculinity
… understand me, understand THIS
….Two round-swastika-shaped crop circles appeared in 2015 — for the first time ever
near Berlin, Germany’s Schoeneberg airport
…..And then the SS black sun symbol appeared as well in a crop circle!
Ox Drove, near Bowerchalke, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. Reported 8th August.
In numerology 888 (August [eight month], 8, 2015 [2+1+5 = 8]; the symbol of Adolf Hitler is 88 [Heil Hitler = HH = eighth letter of the alphabet twice = 88] ¦.
(Also, in the year 888, the first German-European Reich, created by Charlemagne, collapsed ” see Wikipedia under “888”: )
This is definitely an exact SS-type, National Socialist, esoteric swastika wheel, as in the floor symbol at Wewelsburg castle, the spiritual home of the SS; see the Wikipedia article “Black Sun” (occult meaning) to see for yourself.
Since IMO Adolf Hitler is the most defamed man who ever lived, whose goal was to liberate mankind from the bloodsucking Zionist hydra, I hope this means that he, or his forces and successor, will return and cleanse this suffering world ” and successfully this time ” before this planet becomes a miserable slave-world under a greedy, cruel, arrogant, Jewish master race.
……Final scene from Ghost
….To donate to Mike Delaney
It looks like this:
Or write Mike at
Or donate to me on Stripe or via PayPal (see below) with the notation
for videos
….and Mike will thank you for funds received.
TruTube must be up for my video of January 30th. The Jews will hate it and you will love it.
John de Nugent
306 S. Steel Street
Ontanagon MI 49953
+1 (906) 884-6689 😉
Facebook: John D. Nugent
Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)
Need secrecy? Then start a
or account and then send me your new secret email address.
Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA
¦How to donate & recent donors
Financial transaction certified by and SSL certificate. Pls donate $5 or more. Thank you!
This log is to confirm to those who send me useful items “cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts ” that I did receive them. (I formerly listed all donations by amount, but this has proven unwise for a number of reasons, and I changed my policy in March of 2015.)
If you sent a donation and I did not get it, please let me know at the email address, at, or by calling me at (906) 884-6689, or writing me (see below) on Skype or Facebook!
winter (Marine EGA – eagle,globe & anchor – in the window)
I and Margi since 2005
Many supporters have contacted me asking if there is a quicker and easier way to donate to my work. The good news is, yes there is.
If you already have a Paypal account, you can get a PayPal reload card, and then send me by email or phone call the numbers off the back and amount.
(Ask me then for the proper email address for Paypal ” they banned me ” and Andrew Anglin and others ” BUT I have several friends with PP ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦.. 😉 )
Or get a PayPal account yourself and send funds that way. Rather than filling out forms and re-inputting your card details over and over again, you can donate simply by providing your email and password.
Yes, it really is that simple. The solution is to set up a personal PayPal account. You will only have to input your details once and then attach your credit/debit card to your account. When making a donation in the future, you only need your email and password and it is all done automatically.
It’s quick, easy and hassle-free “ no more filling out endless forms. Please set up a personal PayPal account here:
Once your account is set up, please go to the “Wallet” section and add your credit/debit card and then enjoy the ease and speed of contributing to my Solutrean work in the future.
“sending valuable jewelry or gold coins
I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?
What is my religion based on?
“January 16, 2016 in cash from PS in Florida
“January 12, 2016 via Stripe from LS in New York State
“January 12, 2016 via Stripe from TS in Belgium
“January 7, 2016 via Stripe from JM in New York State
“January 6, 2016 via Stripe from G in Canada
“January 2, 2016 (personal item/gift) from anonymous in York Cty, Toronto ,Canada
“January 2, 2016 via Paypal from M in Germany
“December 30, 2015 via Stripe from R in Arizona
“December 28, 2015 from V in Massachusetts
“December 24, 2015 from K in Massachusetts
“December 20, 2015 via PayPal (to from M in Scotland
“December 19, 2015 via PayPal from M in Florida
“December 17 , 2015 via Stripe from A in Pennsylvania
“December 16, 2015 via PayPal from J in England
“December 15 via Paypal from J in New York State
“December 14, 2015 via PayPal from F in Germany
“December 4, 2015 cash from TS in Illinois
“December 1, 2015 via PayPal from MK in Germany
“November 26, 2015 via PayPal from JC in England
“November 26, 2015 via Stripe from SC in Nebraska
…..Addendum: My British grandfather watching over me after his death