Crop circles: just plain weird & not really relevant? How’bout alien antisemites bypassing the media to warn us?

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Crop circles: just plain weird & not really relevant? How’bout alien antisemites bypassing the media to warn us?Crop circles: just plain weird & not really relevant? How’bout alien antisemites bypassing the media to

Conversation between me and a Greek friend who is an artist, comrade and businessman, “P”:

He did this brilliant portrait of the late great Willis Carto 

Dear P,
I think you as an artist and a Greek with knowledge of proportions will find this video VERY intriguing on many levels.
I am eager to get your feedback after watching the whole video.
I made this comment below the video:
Fascinating at around 30: 00 — the lady saying that heart pacemakers stop working within the crop circle. How did hoaxers with boards cause THAT? 😉 And how did the hoaxers cause the protein levels to go up by 50%? (“Convince me against my will, and I shall believe it still.”)
There is squaring of the circle and all kinds of things involving “pi” going on here…
…..and the numbers 5040 and 7920
Most relevant to me is the decoded message to mankind: “YOU ARE BEING DECEIVED.”
*** P back to me:

Hi John,

I find the subject fascinating!
There are many reasons that crop circles could not be man-made, some of which you listed.
Do people realize how difficult and time consuming it would be to duplicate the precision of these designs over such a large area? How would a couple of pranksters even begin to lay out such a complex design across a cornfield? Where would they even draw their design? On moving cornstalks? The naysayers haven’t even begun to understand how impossible this would be.
Not to mention eyewitnesses who say they were often done in 10 or 20 minutes. Or the many videos that capture the light orbs floating over the fields.
What I find most intriguing is the patterns and the numbers cited. This is pure sacred geometry. I’m not sure how much you know about sacred geometry, but I’m virtually an expert on the subject. I have been studying it for decades. But over he past few years I have made great breakthroughs in my understanding of it.
We can talk about it at length sometime, if you like, but the two numbers cited above are perfect examples: 5040 and 7920.
5040 was Plato’s favorite number. Plato was a Pythagorean. Pythagoras was a super genius of the kind that come around once in a millenium.
*** JdN
Pythagoras was also a huge proponent of reincarnation.

Pythagoras was a great ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher who discovered or promoted  the number “Pi” (3.1415926 ….) and also attached great importance to reincarnation to explain our lives. Among the ancient Greeks, reincarnation was a doctrine closely associated with the followers of the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. According to Pythagorean teaching, the soul survives physical death. After a series of reincarnations each one following a period of psychic cleansing in spiritual environments the soul becomes free eternally from the cycle of reincarnations.

As early as the 4th century BC Aristotle and Aristoxenos ascribed the beginnings of mathematics among the Greeks to the Pythagoreans or to the founder, Pythagoras, himself.

In late antiquity and the Middle Ages, the conviction was widespread that Pythagoras had founded mathematics, especially geometry, for the ancient Greeks the key part of mathematics … ..By around 532 BC. he appeared in the Greek-populated southern Italy and founded a school in Croton (now Crotone in Calabria ).


the last doric column standing of the temple of the goddess Hera, wife of Zeus



Its members or inner circle formed a close-knit community, lay down a disciplined, modest lifestyle (the “Pythagorean way of life”) and pledged to be faithful to each other. Pythagoras, who was an excellent speaker, gained great impact on the citizens and made political claims. He also won influence in other region, even among the non-Greek population.


Wiki continues: “Pythagoras is traditionally considered the discoverer of what is known as “the Pythagorean theorem,” a theorem of Euclidean geometry about right triangles.


The great philosopher Plato, heavily influenced by Pythagoras, preached reincarnation in his masterpiece The Republic.

Alexander the Great believed himself the reincarnation of the warrior Achilles from the Trojan War saga. Fearlessly, he fought as both the commanding general and the king in the very first row in every single battle of his career, sure that, through reincarnation, he had an immortal soul and could not really ever die.


Scene with Achilles in Wolfgang Petersen’s film “Troy”


The goddess of agriculture, Demeter, in Homer’s Iliad  []:
 “Ignorant humans! Heedless, unable to recognize in advance
            the difference between future good fortune [aisa] and future bad.”
       So saying, the goddess changed her size and appearance,
            shedding her old age, and she was totally enveloped in beauty.
            And a lovely fragrance wafted from her perfumed robes.
            The radiance of her immortal complexion
            shone forth from the goddess. Her blond hair streamed down her shoulder.

Nordic aliens…. beautiful and compassionate

You know what this means? Though of course embellished, Greek “mythology” about the gods and goddesses was basically TRUE.
And that is why Greece was the fountainhead of our civilization, because these gods slept with and impregnated Greek women.
*** [Returning to the comrade’s email to me]
5040 is 1x2x3x4x5x6x7. It s also the combined radii of the Earth and Moon (3,960 miles + 1,080 miles).
7,920, of course, is the diameter of the Earth in miles. But get this. 8x9x10x11 = 7920!
Is that mind-blowing, or what?!
This is the real proof that God, or a Supreme Intelligence created the universe.
Essentially, all religions, including Christianity, are based on this knowledge. This code is encrypted in the stories told when you add or multiply the numbers used throughout many Bible stories. The masses take the stories literally, but the stories are only vehicles used to conceal hidden truths that could not be openly told to the masses. After all, you can’t cast pearls before swine…
As far as the patterns of the crop circles, they too illustrate the mathematical and geometrical nature of matter as vibrations move in geometric patterns like the ones depicted. Pi, the phi ratio, the square root of 2, 3 and 5 are the five basic ratios found throughout nature. All are in perfect mathematical precision. A nautilus shell, a pine cone, a sunflower, and the human body proportions are all in the phi ratio, also known as the Golden Mean. The Fibonacci sequence is also based on the phi ratio (1:1.618).
Clearly, the crop circle makers are communicating with us though the universal language of sacred geometry. It would be interesting to try and figure out what they are trying to tell us.
Here’s another observation about numbers and celestial dimensions.
Take the Sun and the Moon. During a solar eclipse the Moon exactly covers the Sun.
From our perspective, they appear to be exactly the same size. Yet in reality the Sun’s diameter (864,000 miles) is 400 times bigger than the Moon’s diameter (2,160 miles). What are the odds that the two heavenly bodies are both at the exact distance away from Earth so as to appear identical in size? The chances of this being an accident are very slim.
Now consider what the chances are that the Sun is EXACTLY 400 times bigger than the Moon? I mean to the mile! 400 is a pretty round number, don’t you think?
Now take the number 432, another one of these magic numbers. A simple number, 4, 3, 2.
If you divide it in two you get 216. The Moon’s diameter again is 2,160 miles.
But if instead you double 432 you get 864. The Sun’s diameter is 864,000 miles.
Now get this. If you square 432 (432×432) you get 186,624. That is the exact speed of light per second!
Light is the most important element in the universe, both from a scientific and a spiritual perspective. Everything is ultimately made of light:
Ponder the significance of the number 432 in terms of light. It relates to both the Sun and Moon dimensions and to the speed of light.
The Sun is our source of light in the day and the Moon our source of light at night.
By the way, a Platonic year, one complete cycle of axial precession, takes 25,920 years. It is divided into 12 zodiac ages. Each age is 2,160 years, exactly the number of years as the diameter of the Moon in miles.
For someone to dismiss all this as mere “coincidence” they would have to be a total moron.
Hi, P.
Well, I hit the jackpot sending this video along to you! 
Extremely interesting, to say the least, about the earth and moon radii… Mind-blowing.
The aliens in that documentary did state explicitly a warning that we are being deceived.
In the seemingly related 1977 “Gramaha” incident, we get a very similar message, that 1) earth is being taken over and 2) BY THE MISUSE OF MONEY.
I think we are truly the heirs of the ancient Greeks if we step entirely outside the box….
…..update: huge, cylinder-shaped UFO spotted from plane window over Germany


This was taken from my webpage:

We must understand ONCE AGAIN, as did all our ancestors realistically until the Freemasonic-backed “Enlightenment” went on its pseudo-debunking rampage, that earth-man is not only not alone, we are a relatively low form of intelligent life using the surface of this planet, we are seen correctly as barbarians who use all our technology, once invented, to murder each other in new ways,  and no species views earth as ours at all on both historic and moral grounds.

Any sober review of western history will show the mass of white humans are just, sorry to be so blunt, high-class niggers, who use technology, not spears, when we massacre.

Why do we do this? Because psychopaths control every western government, and no, I do not mean just the Jews. They would be nothing without white psychopaths, traitors who do their bidding for money.  5% of whites are psychopaths — and are the natural allies of the enemy jews. They lie and betray out of sheer pleasure. The Masons are the main transmission belt of Jew instructions to the white gentile world.

VIP pedophiles – my viral video

[frame src=”” width=”720″ height=”406″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” allowtransparency=”true” scrolling=”no”]

The jews in turn are puppets themselves of a malevolent race, led by an actual being, their governor on earth, a demonic creature called Yahweh.



Earth is a place of struggle between various species in our galaxy, a battlefield planet.

Earth humans are now devolving at this time into a slave race under the human subspecies that is used by Yahweh.


Screenshot from actual color film footage in 1952 (a home movie) as UFOs buzz the US Capitol

Actual headline in the Washington Post newspaper


…..Major Russian-Israeli rabbi says Jews do come from another dimension and are “here to conquer the world” and “the earthlings.”


  • 16:42 “Having that energy from that planet, we will take over those living on this earth.”
    At 20:42 he refers to “the people of earth” that the Jews must conquer and lead….
  • 21:39 “Maybe we will throw something into [the goyim’s] water.”

    23:05 “The hard drive with the data is being revealed in you.”

    25:28 Jews at one time were almost dissolved into the “earthlings.”

    25:34-48 “Jews aren’t from this world; they are from another planet. I agree with that.”

…..Hideous, neaderthalic Jewess screams abuse at BNP activists peacefully demonstrating against Third World fake refugees


(Btw, If you look at the leftist crowd, it is 80% females. The Founding Fathers of the US, back in 1788, decided women should not have the vote, period. Why not? Not lack of brains. But the problem is most are estrogenomaniacs… maternal feelings and nurturing toward the poor blax-jews-muslims-refugees-poofters, etc. ad infinitum.


Compassion — for our mortal enemies! And the enemies ESPECIALLY of white women and girls! Hormone-induced MADNESS!)

ENGLISH 1,400 white, native English children raped by Muslim immigrants in Rotherham, Yorkshire “ police arrest frantic parents trying to rescue them




The Jews were originally roaming hordes of criminals, mercenaries, exiles (expellees) from Near Eastern countries such as Egypt, the Hittite Empire, Sumer and Babylon called Apiru (Hebrews) who were the perfect people, a gene pool of psychopaths, for the demonic alien Yahweh to “choose” as his servant humans.


A neanderthal



the pedophile murderer Leo Max Frank:



…..Astounding, very proven incident (even Wikipedia!): hundreds of thousands saw British television news interrupted by BENEVOLENT aliens

What the below shows is that the best elements of the earth-surface race, which is who we are,

the struggling earth-surface race, a MIX OF GOOD, BAD AND IN-THE-MIDDLE,

….can and must evolve to a higher level of heroism, intelligence, and tough love.

In the end, a wonderful civilization is possible:  at peace, rich frjm wise us eof technoiloigy, safe and happy.

THS IS MY MISSION — TO CHANGE THE PARADIGM OF HOW WE THINK. To make first of all the truth sacred… But it makes us uncomfortable at first to make a gigantic mental adjustment.

They have not lied to us only about the Jews and race, the Holocaust and Germany, and about Jesus being a Jew who wants Gentiles to be all-forgiving wimps … but about being “alone in the universe,” because those interfering with us need us to continue deluding ourselves that we are alone.  

As Goethe said: No one is more enslaved than the slave who deludes himself that he is free.

In other words, to avoid rebellions, manipulation is the best form of enslavement.




Only truth can save us! 


As you read the below, think that I need your financial help to bring to fruition a new faith for Aryan mankind.




[Source: Southern Television broadcast interruption – Wikipedia ]


Thirty-nine years ago SOMEONE took over a British television program and broadcast instead an important message for the people of Earth.

The transmission occurred on 26 Nov 77 at 5:12 p.m. when a strange unknown voice overrode, took over, or super-modulated the TV signals from five transmitters that were monitored by the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) in England. IBA did not detect the intrusion.

The 5+1/2-minute message overrode a scheduled newscast read by Ivor Mills on Southern ITV, England, and was heard by listeners as far away as Andover, London, Newbury, Oxford, Reading, Southhampton, and Winchester.

Map of English cities reporting they heard the mysterious voice; Andover is west of Winchester, and also marked by a dot.



Excerpt from the book Paranormal Dorset by Roger Guttridge






IBA engineers at Croydon, Surry did not hear the override, and at the main transmitter at Southhampton, Hants monitoring system, there was also no evidence of the takeover. A police spokesman told AP and UPI that the message was taken seriously: “They were frightened and generally scared.”

The voice spoke slowly and deliberately, with a strange, inward authority, calm, serene, never scolding.

It said, as transcribed:

This is the voice of Gramaha, the Representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you.

For many years now you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet earth.

We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your worlds so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your world and the beings on our worlds around you.

This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into a New Age of Aquarius. The new age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.

[The following two paragraphs, found in the original transcript, were taken out when the sound recording was released.]

For many years your scientists, governments and generals have not heeded our warnings; they have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the earth and the beings of your sister worlds, in a moment.


The wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come. We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realized this — that atomic energy is always directed against life. It has no peaceful application. Its use, and research into its use, must be ceased at once, or you all risk destruction.



All your weapons of evil must be removed.

The time of conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the highest planes of evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this.

You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

Hear now the voice of Gramaha, the representative of the Asta (Ashtar in some texts) Galactic Command speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you — the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends giving you worthless dross in return.

Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within, that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you, and you will lead yourselves on to the path of evolution.

This is our message to you, our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light, and will do all we can to help you.

Have no fears, seek only to know yourselves and live in harmony with the ways of your planet earth.

We of the Asta Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the planes of your existence.

May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the Cosmos.

…..My comment

It is hard to know if this audio recording was real or fake,but the content is consistent what serious ufologists (and also anti-NWO activists) believe to be true.

One comment I have read is the video mus be fake because the voice has a British accent. This is of course, if one just stops and thinks, a ludicrous kind of objection.
If a high-tech civilization can fly faster than the speed of light acxross the galaxy, can it not train a person or even a computer to speak word in a British or any accent?
Many of us earthlings can learn to do so. I myself have a virtually perfect accent in German and even in the Austrian dialect, and can in fact imitate Arnold Schwarzenegger (or Adolf Hitler 😉 ) for laughs.
Some commentators have added that the accent is actually not a perfect British accent — and not American either — which might suggest authenticity – that non-earth humans did it and not hoaxers.


For more:

¦..My totally new message

First reactions:

1) Truly professional job, this video, with great background music ” and as entertaining as a Hollywood movie!

2) Dear John, I just saw your video, and I am deeply touched by your words. THANK YOU for it. Very moving; I have tears in my eyes ¦. all the best, R.

I replied: “Dear comrade, thank you for this delightful review! John “

-Glad you liked it, John. My words come from my heart. Never before have I heard a more touching speech.

3) It has begun! In the great battle against the warriors of El (angels) Shaddai (Shadow)! Gather up, seek allies and crash this evil system! Heil Hitler!SPREAD THIS VIDEO, SHARING IT ALL OVER, AND HELP US! NATIONAL SOCIALISM NOW FOR ALL PEOPLES OF THIS WORLD!

I wrote back:

You know, people thought and still think Hitler was an egomaniac, but he understood, as well as all military commanders, that the people give up hope in times of crisis if they have no leader they trust, love and revere! It is only out of duty that a man emerges from the ranks to proclaim: Follow me to victory!



sb-German filming-stream-roaring-run

Standard postage stamp during the Third Reich

AH stamp2



Conspicuous dark circles in fatigue

adolf hitler-3-4-s-1939


Mehr :


….Crop circles — trying to talk to the best of the people themselves, going around their governments 


žBlack Sun” SS symbol appears in giant English crop circle; royal adjutant in RAF comes clean about a telepathic žhuman alien” who knew all British nuclear weapon secrets




Hall of Generals of the SS headquarters


…..A new crop circle ¦ ¦ 3 km south of Lake Ammer (“Ammersee”) in Bavaria ” discovered on July 18, 2014

Dear fellow beings of light,

I just got a link about a new crop circle which is almost just around the corner from me, so I drove there myself. When I found it, I was so happy, tears came to my eyes.

I needed just 12 minutes to get there, driving through Unterdiessen on Lake Ammer.

Map of Munich and Upper Bavaria (“upper” refers to altitude, as compared to the flat lowlands)


Lake Ammer

ammersee region



 Collegiate Church of Mary in Unterdiessen


A villa on Lake Ammer


A distant view of the Alps and Austria (Tyrol) from the lake



crop circle-raisting-ammersee-satellite-system-7.24.14

There were already some 20 people there when I arrived. Since the grain is ripe, it can be harvested as soon as it gets dry again.Therefore, I can only advise everyone who wants to see it live to get in the car and drive over ASAP. It is still there now because it has been raining a lot here in Upper Bavaria, in fact from Saturday through Monday.


crop circle-raisting-ammersee satellites plant-turned away-07/24/14

Each crop circle has a message for us humans to awaken and love each other!

crop circle-raisting-ammersee-24.07.14

We have every reason to celebrate every beautiful crop circle!

Snapped from a hot-air balloon above the site ¦

crop circle-raisting-ammersee-from Balloon 24/07/14

With love to you from Charlotte

……two recent SWASTIKA crop circles



Hitler posed in akimono wqith swastikas  in white circles, given him by the Japanese. Their culture uses swastikas constantly.




¦.Why are crop circles made?


The Wikipedia article on crop circles is so ludicrous, it is the worst disinfo I have ever seen. Crop circles are always beautiful,perfectly executed and symmetrical, and many appear in the middle of the day instantly, with no one seeing them made.

There is no evidence of mistakes or false starts, or evidence of people having been at the site: no trash, no cigarette butts, no tire tracks, no foot tracks, etc. How do DOZENS of workers and vehicles get out to the middle of a wheat field without leaving trampled-down areas of wheat as they approach the spot? (My maternal grandparents  [photo], had a 200-acre farm in Glocester, Rhode Island, and I spent lots of time there as a boy. There is NO WAY one can silently cut down huge areas of wheat, corn or any other crop in seconds and without bringing in major equipment.)

John and Elizabeth Colwell

John Thomas Colwell Elizabeth Angell Colwell

Wiki actually says “weather phenomena” (or pranksters) make crop circles, which appear in seconds. There is no doubt that if a team of humans had all night, and paid off the farmer, they could create one of these. It is simply the cutting down of wheat according to a design. But having a human do it can be part of the NWO regime discrediting genuine, ET-caused crop circles.


Here is more likely the truth, and it is reassuring: .

Note at between the second and third minute a report by an eyewitness of a crop circle being made in seconds and in COMPLETE DARKNESS.

The intent of crop circles seems to be to use beauty to attract us and then issue benevolent warnings (NOT threats) that our species, humanity, and planet are being taken over by “deceivers.” (I think if they just up and said overtly “Jews,” then brainwashed people would recoil from the message.)

From 4:52 on, a communication is shown and is interpreted. The message was put down in a binary language ” the same exact one used by NASA in 1974 ” in a crop circle near the biggest radiotelescope in England, in Chilbolton, Hampshire, England. (see also the 1977 Hampshire TV tower incident below.) .

The date was August 15, 2001 (less than a month before “9/11 ³ ¦.). It says, when the binary language is translated, that they are four feet tall, have one more strand of DNA than humans do, reside on three planets, and total 21 billion individuals. Then they warn:

“Beware the bearers of false gifts & their broken promises. Much pain but still time. eelrijue. [?] There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing.”


¦.Now to review the 1977 BBC incident again in more detail

Southern Television broadcast interruption

Southern Television broadcast interruption
Date November 26, 1977
Location Southern Television
Participants Unidentified
Outcome Unsolved

The Southern Television broadcast interruption was a broadcast interruptionthrough the Hannington transmitter of theIndependent Broadcasting Authority in theUnited Kingdom at 5:10 pm on 26 November 1977. The broadcast message is generally considered to be a hoax, but the identity of the hijacker is unknown.


A speaker interrupted transmissions for six minutes and claimed to be a representative of an “Intergalactic Association”. Reports of the incident vary, some calling the speaker “Vrillon”[1] or “Gillon”, others “Asteron”.[2][3]

[JdN: This is inane. The voice states its name, and it does not sound at all like “Vrillon,” “Gillon”, or “Asteron.” Wiki is often terribly disinforming when it comes to ETs who are warning humanity about a gradual planetary takeover.

This is the same Wikipedia where the Jew director, Jimmy Wales [photo], deleted the entire article on me, John de Nugent, saying I was “not noteworthy” — making me the only man that Google has over 1.4 million hits on but no article exists on me on Wikipedia! And my life has been far from just blogging!]



Now look on the Wiki article on David Duke — reams of info!

That is because his ex-wife and now the wife of Don Black works for the Jewish Fanjul sugar cane billionaires who own Domino Sugar!

And the same Wikipedia poo-poos the whole 1977 incident where an alien voice took over the TV program!

The voice, which was disguised and accompanied by a deep buzzing, broke into the broadcast of the local ITV station Southern Television, overriding the UHF audio signal of the early-evening news being read by Andrew Gardner[citation needed] from ITN to warn viewers that “All your weapons of evil must be removed” and “You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace.”

The interruption ceased shortly after the statement had been delivered, transmissions returning to normal shortly before the end of aLooney Tunes cartoon. Later in the evening, Southern Television apologised for what it described as “a breakthrough in sound” for some viewers. ITN also reported on the incident in its own late-evening Saturday bulletin.

The broadcast took over the sound only, leaving the video signal unaltered.


At that time, the Hannington UHF television transmitter was unusual in being one of the few transmitters which rebroadcast an off-air signal received from another transmitter (Southern Television’s Rowridge transmitter on the Isle of Wight), rather than being fed directly by a landline.

The Hannington transmitter in southern England (Hampshire parish), from where the broadcast signal was hijacked.
Location of the Rowridge TV transmission tower (black dot) on the Isle of Wight on the English Channel

As a consequence it was open to this kind of signal intrusion, as even a relatively low-powered transmission very close to the receiver could overwhelm its reception of the intended signal, resulting in the unauthorized transmission being amplified and rebroadcast across a far wider area. The IBA stated that to carry out a hoax would take “a considerable amount of technical know-how[4] and a spokesman for Southern Television confirmed that “A hoaxer jammed our transmitter in the wilds of North Hampshire by taking another transmitter very close to it.”[2] However, like theMax Headroom broadcast signal intrusion a decade later, the identity of the intruder was never confirmed.

Public and media response

The incident caused some alarm locally, and attracted considerable publicity in the next day’s Sunday newspapers,[5] with the IBA immediately pronouncing that the broadcast was a hoax.[6] The IBA confirmed that it was the first time such a hoax transmission had been made.[7]

The event was reported around the world[8][9]with numerous American newspapers picking up the story from the UPI press agency.[10][11]

The broadcast also became a footnote inufology as some chose to accept the supposed ˜alien’ broadcast at face value, questioning the explanation of a transmitter hijack. Within two days of the report of the incident in the Times, a letter to the editor published on November 30, 1977 asked “[How] can the IBA “ or anyone else “ be sure that the broadcast was a hoax?”[12] The editorial board of one local newspaperäthe Eugene Register-Guardäcommented, “Nobody seemed to consider that ˜Ashteron’ may have been for real.”[13] By as late as 1985, the story had entered urban folklore, with suggestions that there had never been any explanation of the broadcast.[14]

*** (end of Wiki excerpt)

Here is the actual audio transmission (and transcription) as the video of the evening news continued to play.

The exact name of the speaker has been interpreted as Gillon, Glon, Bramaha or Gramaha. The current consensus opinion is to use the name Gramaha. The voice, appropriately enough, uses a British accent (for British television ” bizarre how some mock this fact, as if aliens could fly between stars but not master a British accent ¦. ;-) ). It sounds a bit mechanically generated, and has a deep, authoritative, masculine sound without sounding overly “scary.”

aliens-nordic-direct-stareTypical appearance of a Pleiadian, an “exonordic” (extraterrestrial nordic human); the U.S. military and NASA simply refer to them as “Swedes” or “Scandinavians”; they are simply highlyä advanced humans who eat food, have sex, raise children, use the toilet and are of our species.ä Most are blond with blue eyes, but some are red-haired or brown-haired with green eyes. They are known for being very tall (6’5 ³ or more), usually very handsome, with superb musculature, and wear a Prince Valiant hairstyle (see PV illustration). Most Pleiadians whom regular humans have seen have been male, which is understandable; the Pleiadians who visit earth seem to be soldiers and at war with two other species, the Grays and the Reptiloids.)

Prince Valiant “ this hairstyle was common in the British aristocracy in the Middle Ages; very short hair, by contrast, was a sign of a peasant, or even a convict.



Gramaha’s Message


This is the voice of Gramaha, the representative of the Asta Galactic Command speaking to you. For many years now you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet earth.

We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your worlds so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disasters which threaten your worlds and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The new age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.



For many years your scientists, governments and generals have not heeded our warnings; they have continued to experiment with the evil forces of what you call nuclear energy. Atomic bombs can destroy the earth and the beings of your sister worlds, in a moment.

Israel Has 80 nuclear warhead, can make 115 moreThe wastes from atomic power systems will poison your planet for many thousands of your years to come. We, who have followed the path of evolution for far longer than you, have long since realized this “ that atomic energy is always directed against life. It has no peaceful application. Its use, and research into its use, must be ceased at once, or you all risk destruction.


All weapons of evil must be removed.

The time of conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the highest planes of evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

Peace demonstration on the Leipziger Straße in Berlin


Hear now the voice of Gramaha, the representative of the Asta Galactic Command speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you “ the energy you all know as money and will put it to evil ends giving you worthless dross in return.

The anti-German, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson with his Federal Reserve Jews


JdN: a fun but maybe not outlandish graphics




Hillary Clinton?

hillary clinton-reptilian-inside

Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within, that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you, and you will lead yourselves on to the path of evolution.

This is our message to you our dear friends. We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies. You know that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light, and will do all we can to help you. Have no fears, seek only to know yourselves and live in harmony with the ways of your planet earth.

We of the Asta Galactic Command thank you for your attention. We are now leaving the planes of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the Cosmos.

Source: # / 1977-alien-voice-news/4556599879


¦..Evidence of ancient atomic wars on earth

Maybe why Gramaha was so insistent!

Physical Evidence Of Ancient Atomic Wars Can Be Found World-Wide 3 June, 2014 “ In 1952 archaeologists conducting excavations in Israel discovered a layer of fused green glass. The layer was a quarter of an inch thick and covered an area of several hundred square feet.It was made of fused quartz sand with green discoloration, similar in appearance to the layers of vitrified sand left after atomic tests in Nevada in the 1950s.

Five years earlier a thin layer of the same glass, was dug up below the Neolithic, Sumerian and Babylonian strata in southern Iraq.

To the south, the western Arabian desert is covered with black rocks that show evidence of having been subjected to intense radiation. These broken and burned stones are called “harras” that are strewn over an area of 7,000 square miles.


“Some single fields are one hundred miles in diameter and occupy an area of six or seven thousand square miles, stone lying next to stone so densely packed that passage through the field is almost impossible. The stones are sharp-edged and scorched black. No volcanic eruption would have cast scorched stones over fields as large as the harras. Neither would the stones from volcanos have been so evenly spread. The absence in most cases of lava ( the stones lie free) also speaks against a volcanic origin for the stones ¦” Immanuel Velikovsky, “Earth in Upheaval”

A small piece of unusual yellow-green glass carved into the shape of a beautiful scarab beetle is a part of the famous pectoral of Tutankhamun and can be seen in Cairo Museum, Egypt.

The jewel was tested and found to be glass, but surprisingly it is older than the earliest Egyptian civilization.
The glass, known as Libyan Desert Silica Glass, covers a large area measuring about 30 miles east and west by 80 miles north and south and is located on the Libyan-Egyptian border.

It is 28.5 million years old and shows a grade of transparency and purity (99 percent) that is not typical in the fusions of fallen meteorites.

An extend area of strange, glassy stretches of fused silica have also been found in the most desolate areas of the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. Especially interesting are the layers discovered at Lop Nor in Sinkiang, in the vicinity of the present Chinese atomic site.

The results obtained from examined radioactive surface in the area indicate that layers of fused silica does not originate from the modern nuclear detonations but had been there longbefore China became a nuclear power.



This would mean thar Gobi’s fused silica comes from the very distant past.In 1908-09, ancient ruins of the city of Khara Khoto town were unearthed, in the Tangut province, located about 300 kilometers from the famous Silk Highway. Working in one of the exacavation sites, Piotr K. Kozlov, the Russian archaeologist dug up a sarcophagi with two well-preserved bodies of an unknown king and queen.

According to his estimations, the sarcophagi was buried about 12000 BC. In another excavation of the same ruins, Professor Kozlov unearthed a large bottomless pit at the depth of 1800 meters. Its vitrified melted walls looked like glittering blue glass.


“Some phenomenon unknown to us must have melted the very stone and left the shiny glazed walls. Local tradition speaks of lightning bolts crashing down from the heavens and hollowing out this excavation.
But what kind of lightning can carve out an excavation almost a mile-and-a-quarter deep and leave it with glittering blue walls?” Hartwig Hausdorf, “The Chinese Roswell”

The fused glass that can be found in many places around the world has a long history and provides physical evidence that atomic explosions were a part of Earth’s history in the past.


¦ ¦ancient rocket blast-off sites

Book proves a hated alien force was blasting off into space in 2000 BC and probably nuked rebellious humans

This is an email I sent to a top scientist:
I would strongly urge you to acquire and read the 2012 book Fremde Raumschiff-Startplätze book by retired German aviation engineer Peter Brüchmann.
I just finished it.
      Peter Brüchmann, born 1931, German-American.
      Higher school examination/annual course 1949.
  • Technical training / finishing education at the Daimler Benz Automobile Manufacturers (Mercedes-Benz) in Hamburg and Mannheim, Germany.
    • Special study / professional education in Automobile and Aircraft Technologies (Certified Engineer).
    • Award “The Car of Tomorrow”! 1957, Technische Hochschule Karlsruhe (Teamwork).
    • Regular membership in the German Engineers Association (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure,VDI) since 1957.
    • Employed designer and test engineer at the Daimler Benz Plants in Sindelfingen, Germany, as well as in the aircraft industry.
    • More than 90 research and test reports concerning different aircraft developments and aircraft-specific material investigations.
    • 1963-1973 test and flight test engineer in the civilian and military aviation in Europe and USA.
    • Individual membership American legion, Airforce.
    • Sports pilot of long standing.
    • Some patents announced.
    • Senior Instructor in Authority at the Lufthansa Technical School (now: Lufthansa Technical Training).
    • 1978 -1992 co-author : the official, containing some thousand pages book Grundlagen der Luftfahrzeugtechnik (Basic of the Aircraft Technologies), what has been required by the German Aviation Authority Luftfahrt-Bundesamt and ordered by the German Government for Public Traffic Bundes-Verkehrsministerium, Part 1 Basics(ISBN 3-88585-000-1) and Part 2 Aeronautics/Structures (ISBN 3-88585-001-X).
    • Different technical articles in International periodicals of technical and scientific character.
    • Report about the development of the first bird-strike pneumatic test gun, 1966.
    • Co-author: the authorised technical training book for aircraft mechanics and maintenance personnel Technologie des Flugzeuges(Aircraft Technologies),äISBN 3-88064-159-5, last issue 2007.
    • Private publisher of the two essential books “Warum die Dinosaurier starben? / Why did the Dinosaurs die, ISBN 3-8311-4213-0 and Mars und Erde, Katastrophenplaneten/ Mars and Earth, Accident Planets.
    • After legal retirement independent reviewer/reporter at the Public Relation Office of the Lufthansa Technik AG in Hamburg, Germany.
    • Owner of the office Support Aircraft Engineering.
  • Private Residence in the United States of America since 1982
In Germany it can be ordered from
Kuno Haberkern
Iptinger Buchdienst, Kappelhalde 8,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany 75446
Translation: [Above the photo] 4. [My] first perception of the launch sites (scorched areas) [Below the photo] A scorched area seen diagonally [using Google Earth], as I saw such sites from airplanes. At the photo’s upper edge: part of the circle-shaped expelled dirt, which forms around the launch site what I call the “inner corona.”
The diameter of the dark cloverleaf comes to, both here and in all other scorched areas I have noted, between 150-200 meters [ = 180-240 yards]. The inner corona has on average a diameter of 500-600 meters [ = 600-720 yards; ed.: a football field is 100 yards ¦] Often a further corona is found further out. The blast distance from the center is about 3.5 kilometers [ = 2.2 miles]. If one takes aerial photographs from about 2 kilometers altitude [6,600 feet] the longest spokes often go out of the picture.
The blast distance [thus] exceeds the pneumatic shock wave of the [atomic bombs] dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki [by the U.S. in August 1945].
Transl. Germ.-Engl. Today’s landing craft are based on solutions that correspond to those likely used by ancient space shuttles.
Brüchmann rightly points out that the earth, humans and landing situations have not changed in 4,000 years. Space craft will tend to have four legs for stability, like a table, and landing bowls for setting down on rough terrain. Note that the light x marks in the scorch areas reflect where the engine blasts and scorching are blocked and deflected by the four landing legs.
Photos of lined-up launch sites, with exact GPS coordinates given so you can verify them yourself. No one can say these deep indentations marks made in rows were created by nature. Even if they resulted from meteorite strikes, they would not be lined up like this. It looks like what a military would do: soldiers in a row.;-)
I suppose the most startling info from Peter Brüchmann is that around perhaps 2 000 BC some apparently hostile, exploitative aliens (which makes me think of the 2008 bookGenes, Giants, Gods and Men,unleashed hydrogen-bomb warfare on rebellious humans. .
They had been flying almost exclusively from earth up to an orbiting station, perhaps ferrying something they needed such as (I speculate) gold, or God forbid, humans or human body parts.
Based on the prevalence of very many charred blastoff sites, and very few airstrips, they were seldom traveling from point A to point B on earth.
The effect of the hydrogen bombs was a (deliberate?) catastrophic fusion in the atmosphere. The oxygen in our atmosphere caught fire, which is a reaction that both sides back in WWI feared  Hitler, Hans Bethe and Robert Oppenheimer.
The nitrogen (atomic weight 14) combined to form silicon (AW 28) and this bound with oxygen to form silicon dioxide, which is SAND.
Brüchmann speculates that this was entirely deliberate. . The effect, he says, was to inundate what is now the Sahara area with billions of tons of sand, annihilating a huge rebel area that at that time was teeming with people and cities, many or all of whom apparently were at that time, as he claims, in open revolt.
Brüchmann believes that the Sahel (the scrub-brush area south of the Sahara) was where they blasted off from, apparently in a hurry.
What is now the country of Chad, but also Nazca, Peru, the Yucatan next to Chichen Itza, and an area near Samarkand, Usbekistan, are full of the traces of blastoffs and also of a few rocket mishaps, with the rocket clearly toppling sideways and traveling at huge speed along the ground and then exploding in a huge fireball.
A scan from the book. (Translation of the caption from Germ.-Engl. below.)
A truly classic clover with definitely visible white support legs and a center that is hardly still recognizable as a black cross.
The four leaves of the clover shape are blast marks, just as with our rocket engines today if they did not have a blast pit underneath them and flooded with water from a high-standing watertower, located to the side, at the moment of ignition. I witnessed a space shuttle launch relatively close-up, that carrying the Hubble Telescope. Without water inundating a blast pit —  creating the billowing white steam we see (below) at US launches from Cape Canaveral, Florida,  there would be a gigantic scorch mark, possibly 2.5 football fields in diameter.
This is clearly NOT zero-point energy in use, as is posited for flying saucers, but a combustible fuel comparable to what the US and Russia and Germany (Third Reich and what I call the Fourth Reich post-1945, the one that Operation Highjump was hunting) still use today.


  ¦ ¦ NASA photos allegedly hacked (possibly by Gary McKinnon?

Gary McKinnon


Gary McKinnon (born 10 February 1966) is aScottish[1]systems administrator and hackerwho was accused in 2002 of perpetrating the “biggest military computer hack of all time,”[2]although McKinnon himself — who has a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome — states that he was merely looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of UFOactivity and other technologies potentially useful to the public. On 16 October 2012, after a series of legal proceedings in Britain, Home SecretaryTheresa May withdrew her extradition order to the United States.

Alleged crimeMcKinnon is accused of hackinginto 97 United States military and NASAcomputers over a 13-month period between February 2001 and March 2002, at his girlfriend’s aunt’s house in London,[3] using the name ˜Solo’.[2]

The US authorities claim he deleted critical files from operating systems, which shut down the United States Army’s Military District of Washington network of 2,000 computers for 24 hours. McKinnon also posted a notice on the military’s website: “Your security is crap”. After the September 11 attacks in 2001, he deleted weapons logs at the Earle Naval Weapons Station, rendering its network of 300 computers inoperable and paralyzing munitions supply deliveries for the US Navy ˜s Atlantic Fleet. McKinnon is also accused of copying data, account files and passwords onto his own computer. US authorities claim the cost of tracking and correcting the problems he caused was over $700,000.[4]

While not admitting that it constituted evidence of destruction, McKinnon did admit leaving a threat on one computer:

“US foreign policy is akin to Government-sponsored terrorism these days  It was not a mistake that there was a huge security stand down on September 11 last year  I am SOLO. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels. “[5]

US authorities claim that McKinnon is trying to downplay his own actions. A senior military officer at the Pentagon told The Sunday Telegraph: “US policy is to fight these attacks as strongly as possible. As a result of Mr McKinnon’s actions, we suffered serious damage. This was not some harmless incident. He did very serious and deliberate damage to military and Nasa computers and left silly and anti-America messages. All the evidence was that someone was staging a very serious attack on US computer systems.”[6]

Arrest and legal proceedings

McKinnon was first interviewed by police on 19 March 2002. After this interview, his computer was seized by the authorities.[7] He was interviewed again on 8 August 2002, this time by the UK National Hi-Tech Crime Unit(NHTCU).[7][8]

In November 2002, McKinnon was indicted by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District ofVirginia.[9] The indictment contained seven counts of computer-related crime, each of which carried a potential ten-year jail sentence.[7]

Extradition proceedings

McKinnon remained at liberty without restriction for three years until June 2005 (until after the UK enacted the Extradition Act 2003, which implemented the 2003 extradition treaty with the United States wherein the United States did not need to provide contestable evidence), when he became subject to bail conditions including a requirement to sign in at his local police station every evening and to remain at his home address at night.

If extradited to the US and charged, McKinnon would face up to 70 years in jail.[10] He has expressed fears that he could be sent toGuantanamo Bay.[11][12]

Appeal to the House of Lords

Representing McKinnon in the House of Lords on 16 June 2008, barristers told the Law Lordsthat the prosecutors had said McKinnon faced a possible 8-10 years in jail per count if he contested the charges (there were seven counts) without any chance of repatriation, but only 37-46 months if he co-operated and went voluntarily to the United States. U.S.-style plea bargains are not a part of English jurisprudence (although it is standard practice to reduce the sentence by one-third for a defendant who pleads guilty)[13] and McKinnon’s lawyers contended that in effect this was intimidation to force McKinnon to waive his legal rights. McKinnon also claimed that he had been told that he could serve part of his sentence in the UK if he co-operated. He rejected the offer because the Americans would not guarantee these concessions.

McKinnon’s barrister said that the Law Lordscould deny extradition if there was an abuse of process: “If the United States wish to use the processes of English courts to secure the extradition of an alleged offender, then they must play by our rules.”[14]

The House of Lords rejected this argument, with the lead judgement (of Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood) holding that “the difference between the American system and our own is not perhaps so stark as [McKinnon]’s argument suggests” and that extradition proceedings should “accommodate legal and cultural differences between the legal systems of the many foreign friendly states with whom the UK has entered into reciprocal extradition arrangements”.[15]

Further appeals

McKinnon appealed to the European Court of Human Rights,[16] which briefly imposed a bar on the extradition,[17] but the request for an appeal was rejected.

On 23 January 2009, McKinnon won permission from the High Court to apply for a judicial reviewagainst his extradition.[18] On 31 July 2009, the High Court announced that McKinnon had lost this appeal.[19][20] McKinnon’s legal team, solicitor Karen Todner and barrister Ben Cooper, have applied for a judicial review into the Home Secretary’s rejection of medical evidence, which stated that, when he could easily be tried in the UK, it is unnecessary, cruel and inhumane to inflict the further stress of removing him from his homeland, his family and his medical support network.

British government blocks extradition

On 16 October 2012, Home SecretaryTheresa May announced to the House of Commons that the extradition had been blocked, saying that “Mr McKinnon’s extradition would give rise to such a high risk of him ending his life that a decision to extradite would be incompatible with Mr McKinnon’s human rights.” She stated that the Director of Public Prosecutions would determine whether McKinnon should face trial before a British court.[21] On 14 December, the DPP, Keir Starmer, announced that McKinnon would not be prosecuted in the United Kingdom, because of the difficulties involved in bringing a case against him when the evidence was in the United States.Gary McKinnon


¦… My campaign to expose the Israeli company NUMEC 1959-69 which saturated my (2012-14) town of Apollo in western Pennsylvania with lethal radioactivity

 (top left) John Kennedy meets ” with an iron political smile ” the founder and first prime minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, who did not look at him and rightly suspected he was a closet antisemite. (See the-jewish-was-on-the-kennedys ); (top right): The brothers Bloomfield [Yiddish: Blumenfeld], smugglers for Israel using an export-import company in Canada, with Ben Gurion


(Center left): Tibor Rosenbaum, banker for the Israeli company Permindex, which laundered blood money for the top mafioso Meyer Lansky into legitimate businesses. (Center middle) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania Arlen Specter, a Jew, who wrote the official, and bogus “Warren Commission Report” on the assassination of John Kennedy, which claimed a single bullet, shot from behind by a single gunman, Oswald, killed the beloved U.S. president ” an assertion which 80% of all Americans reject, according to polls. (Center right) The murderer of Oswald was Jack Ruby (born Rubinstein). He was allowed to confront Oswald in the basement of the main police station in Dallas to silence him forever. Few Americans realize that Jack Ruby was a Jew. Instead of dying in prison of cancer, he was reportedly spotted boarding a plane to Israel.

shooting-oswald-ruby-dallas(Links below): The supposed “nuclear-fuel-making” factory called “NUMEC” in Apollo, Pennsylvania was Jewish-owned (and run by the chemist Zalman Shapiro and the financier Loewenthal). Shapiro smuggled secretly, against the will of John Kennedy, illegal nuclear bomb material over to Israel. (Bottom right): Rare photo of a meeting between U.S. Senator Arlen Specter and Zalman Shapiro.


The secret Jew, Israel-backer and Vice President, Lyndon Baines Johnson; a radiant First Lady, Jackie Kennedy; and the U.S. president in Dallas on the fateful day of 11/22/63.

John Kennedy was a huge Hitler admirer:

In 1945 Kennedy visited Hitler’s former residence at Obersalzberg, the “Berghof,” and then the Eagle’s Nest.

Berchtesgaden and the Unterberg mountain


Hitler’s Berghof before the war


Eva Braun at the Berghof with a pet rabbit


The Berghofä as it looked in 1945 after an American bombing raid. Former Navy lieutenant Johnä Kennedy accompanied Admiral James Forrestal (whom the Jews killed in 1949 as an enemy of Israel by “suicide caused by depression”) in visiting Berlin and other key sites of Hitler’s activity.


Lieutenant Kennedy



Afterwards Kennedy noted on August 1, 1945 in is his private diary, published in 1996):


After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years

Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.

He had boundless ambition for his country, which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him.

He had in him the stuff of which legends are made.

“Adolf Hitler means victory”

Kennedy and Hitler both even had a relationship with the same gorgeous Danish female reporter!


Inga Arvad sat for days as a guest next to Adolf Hitler in 1936 as he he attended the Olympic Games in Berlin.




I have had a real slowdown in donations and now request you do your part. Even five or ten dollars helps me to go down new paths. If you are in England or America, I have trusted people who can personally pick up your donation and forward it to me and you can stay below the radar — while I risk my life for you and our race and nations every day.




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John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

(906) 884-6689 ;-)

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Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



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