All whites are not created equal

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Always has a nice f—word for everyone 😉

An eastern Massachusetts friend wrote me he had some extra time to read my blogs today since the snow is falling and the DPW (Department of Public Works) is not doing its job, cutting into his business (and he is a family man with kids):

He added:
The fact is that the guys who were dumb screw-ups in high school — who “have an uncle” on the DPW that gets them on — can’t even be bothered to get their hind ends out of bed and plow the roads. 
It’s not like they’ve had much to do this year up here.  
These types kill me.   How many accidents could be prevented each year if these layabouts would actually take a little pride in their work and do a good job? 
It’s like the old joke, what’s orange and sleeps three?  A DPW truck.
I replied, as a Rhode Island and Massachusetts cognoscente:
College girls soccer team
But it seems someone knows who I am.

….Facebook account closed

 This happened actually a few weeks ago. No warning. 2,438 Facebook friends.

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