UK to deport White American mother, minus her baby and British husband, but Muslim rapists and pedophiles are welcome to stay

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The UK Home Office, in charge of immigration, is again showing its anti-White bias by deporting an American mother who started a family with an Englishman.

JdN: I first saw this story on a French pro-white website.


English-born Dominic James and his American-born wife Katy, née Garlington, have a two year-old daughter who was born in Eastbourne, England. Katy has lived and worked in Britain since 2003, and has never claim benefits (welfare). The couple have been married for nine years, but she has been separated from her baby daughter after the Home Office deported her back to the US, because the family temporarily moved there in 2009.

Dominic James said “We recently applied for a visa, requesting the Home Office to consider an application for my wife to remain in the UK. We included 15 letters of support, including personal messages from close friends, our doctor, our daughter Madeline’s nursery, our parish priest and bank manager.”

“Our family wrote the stories of how my grandfathers fought and died in the wars for our country, to secure the freedom of their future generations. But it was all to no avail: the Home Office says that my wife can return to the US on her own, leaving me to look after our daughter without her mother.”

“They refused our application on the grounds that breaking a family apart is a reasonable and justifiable decision, even though Madeline’s life will be broken apart.”

“I rue the day I decided to try life in America for a temporary period in 2009, as I had no idea that the UK government would close the door on us and deny us the right to return. All of us who find ourselves unable to live here with our non-EU spouses never expected it; a betrayal of our rights as British citizens, locked out of our own country, exiled for the mistakes made by previous immigration policies.”

“Our life has been on hold since we applied. Their verdict is a great blow to us and will impact the life of all our close family, and especially my daughter.”

James runs a bicycle dealership but Garlington said she had previously been the higher earner as an IT project specialist, earning the equivalent of £57,000 a year [ = US$76,500]. But she is not allowed to work in the UK while she has no visa. “We never considered ourselves poor,” Garlington said. “My husband has a business which is profitable, he is a hard worker and I was working in the US but they never took into account my earnings.”

Also: Ah, the Jewnited Kingdom says he does not make enough money, so…. WTF? It still makes no sense. Or does it? Peter Hitchens is a part-jews and former communist, a trotskyite even. Now he writes conservative things, and he admitted the following:

Meanwhile, Britain, a White Christian country, has plenty of room for “thousands” (then PM David Cameron’s words) of “Syrian” men (just generic Arabs from all over; they “lose” their passports, which is their ID, very much on purpose) that Brown Muslim countries aren’t interested in helping.

You see, even though Britain may have a Conservative government, they, like a Liberal or Labour government also want to “diversify” the country. Whether left-wing or right-wing, those in the top parts of society are aiming to destroy White majority countries by mixing us with non-White people.

Joschka Fischer was an Antifa, then a Green, a part-jew, and later a top German Cabinet official. Many say he murdered a German policeman and got away with it. He said openly the German people were dangerous, and so by bringing immigrants in the Germans would be, in his words, verdünnt, “diluted.”

Were this done to any other group on the planet, to Tibetans, for example, it would be called genocide, and only an evil psychopath would support such an agenda. However, we are living in a world where White genocide is not only acceptable but desirable, and to publicly oppose this agenda can get you in trouble with the law in some countries.

Fortunately, it is perfectly legal to call them out and say “‘diversity’ is just a code word for White genocide. “ They can’t take that wording from us.

I know many cases like this, including some with catastrophic outcomes ….

I wish to first explain clearly that the treaty of 1975 creating the “Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,” signed by 56 countries in Helsinki, including America and England, clearly prohibits the separation of married couples for reasons of visas or politics.

And taking a baby away from its mother is a monstrosity.

I am a very close friend of a long-married couple where he is British and she is Swedish (and a beautiful woman as well …).

They had to decamp from Britain for four months for her to renew her visa!

He lost his job as a result, and eventually their house also — because of having to pay hotel costs in exile in Szeczin, Poland (a dirty, atrocious city next to a clean and orderly Germany). Then the stress of collapsing living standards and despair caused the wife, pregnant, to lose her baby in a miscarriage!

But every swarthy Muslim can enter to rape, behead, you name it.

Thank you, Mister Churchill … .. and thank you, General de Gaulle, and Mr. Roosevelt. You saved the Whites from me. 😉



PS This story first ran in 2016. Maybe there was a good outcome. I did finally find this:

We are very relieved to find out this morning that our visa decision was reversed with the help of MP [Member of Parliament] Caroline Ansell and the media attention that we received! Thank you so much to everyone who helped us in our fight to get this decision reversed!


Ansell, a pretty good conservative in the Tory party:


But why is there no story to be found on this happy ending?

Were the media actually UN-happy about it? I guess so…..

I can say from my own experience with the US immigration authorities, that in three cases of white nationalists from Europe or Canada who came here and applied for polical asylum, The Germans Ernst Zündel and Germar Rudolf,. and the Finn Henrik Holappa did not get it, and instead were all arrested under the same totally fraudulent charge of “missing an immigration hearing”! They got no notice of said phony “hearing,” which is how they missed it!

And yet the Statue of Liberty is supposed about persecuted people finding freedom here. Not WHITE people!


  1. There are many publicised cases in Britain where lefturds stop deportation flights of gimmegrant rapists, murderers, drug dealers, pimps, paedos, etc.

    The self-invited who “bring vital skills to Britain,” they tell us.

    Even the wog politicians like Dianne Abbott said “The trouble with Britain is there are too many white men.”

    But things go full-circle in life.

    And they will all die screaming.

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