I could not agree more and have other reasons as well.
Coulter is basically a closet WN on both race and the Jews.
See also:
…..Hilarious Republican Convention cartoons
(mostly liberal but funny)
…….Life is just a bowl of cherries
Mike Delaney of and 911MissingLinks came over this morning and knocked, waking me up from bed, shouoting: “John, come on outside — and look!”
So no power, phone, internet — nothing for about six hours.
Here is where you see how white this town is. Friendly neighbors gathering, helping, passing on advice, rumors and helpful tips.
Nobody looting, stealing, skulking or lurking. No National Guard.
Some even had their own generator, and would have shared their electricity if needed.
Just white folks helping each other, and efficient white crews got everything going again very quickly.
…How about Upper Michigan just declares itself a Federal European-American ( = white) Reserve?
(like the Indians have reservations)….
….. where whites can be safe, and pass on their genes,
and protect their heritage and values,
and teach their kids, not white guilt,
but to honor their hardworking and decent white ancestors,
both great and small,
….and the values that made white America once the envy of the world??
And never again be sent off to kill for the Jews!
….More on the UP of Michigan
I can create thousands of jobs up here in gasifying wood chips, and for $2,000 give a family heat and electricity for five years!
Drone video of Ontonagon and Lake Superior by drone builder Mike Delaney:
Lake of the Clouds, 10 miles west of my house
White people as far as the eye can see 😉
Many women up here have learned to hunt from their fathers
a typical local tavern
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