UPDATE David Duke polling at 5%, is invited to Republican debate for US Senate in Louisiana; updated page on libelous accusations

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….UPDATE Duke reaches 5%, is invited to November 2 debate


David Duke is pictured. | AP Photo
David Duke has had little presence on the campaign trail and has raised little money so far. | AP Photo

David Duke qualifies for Louisiana Senate debate

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke has qualified for a televised debate in Louisiana’s Senate race after a new poll showed him drawing 5 percent of the vote.

Duke, a white supremacist, announced he was running late this summer, saying GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump had inspired him and drawn more followers to his cause. Other Republicans in the state have disavowed him and the Republican National Committee and Louisiana GOP explored booting him out of the party.

Raycom Media, which owns four television stations in the state, commissioned a poll to determine who would qualify for the Nov. 2 debate, and Duke met the 5 percent threshold, according to the Baton Rouge Advocate. Dillard University, a historically black university in New Orleans, is hosting the debate.

Louisiana hold its all-party primary on Election Day. A candidate can win the seat with a majority of the vote, but the Senate seat looks almost certain to go to a Dec. 10 runoff between the two top vote-getters that day. GOP State Treasurer John Kennedy led the poll with 24 percent of the vote, followed by Democratic Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell with 19 percent and Democratic attorney Caroline Fayard with 12 percent. Republican congressmen Charles Boustany and John Fleming earned 12 and 11 percent of the vote, respectively.

Duke has had little presence on the campaign trail and has raised little money so far. He previously served as a state representative in the late 1980s and lost the 1991 gubernatorial election.

…..Wikipedia: Duke at 3%



Of course, there is probably a Bradley Effect with Duke (people afraid to tell a pollster they will vote for a controversial candidate) and his real support may be at 6% or even 9%. But unless he gets up to 15%, he will not be one of the top two candidates and thus not be in any runoff. I doubt he will succeed in this, and here is why:

When I moved 900 miles from Washington DC in 1989 to help Duke down in Metairie, Louisiana, he was a handsome young stud and sort-of a fresh face, since his Klan days were then long behind him and “Duke the Republican” was a new thing.



But his myriad scandals caught up with him. This book is unfortunately 100% accurate. Do reporters lie? Yes — and Tyler Bridges, then living shacked up with a negress, did hate Duke — but with the Dukester, Tyler Bridges did not need to invent anything. I can verify 80% of what is in here personally from knowing the man, his ex-girlfriend, his family, key supporters such as Howie Farrell and Jim McPherson, and most of all just by living in his district in Louisiana myself in 1989-90.



Duke today shows the ravages of not just age but many face lifts and nose jobs that donors unknowingly paid for so he could chase skirts even into his fifties, and all that surgery finally went south. Duke is just four years older than I am.



This is me today, just a Skype screenshot, unretouched, and the pistol and combat knife were chosen for good reason. There is plenty of local hostility toward me for who I am and for my big Trump signs on my house right on the main street into town. Were I not a former Marine, and a trained killer, I think there would already have been some serious incidents. There was one already in a local tavern when four drunken leftists surrounded me.



…..It is all a case of instant karma for his vile attacks on me, who was loyally supporting him, defamations launched from his own poison keyboard and telephone, and via his minion, Don Black

In 2008, Margi and I drove 900 miles one-way in a tiny 1992 Honda with a very bad transmission to help save his besieged 2008 conference in Memphis, Tennessee. We both spoke there at a time when other speakers were bailing out and the venue kept being changed to due to death threats to hotel staff from the minions of the fat black faggot and antifa organizer, Darryl Lamont Jenkins.




Key speakers at that conference; I am second from the left; Duke is center; Derek and Don Black are at the extreme right.


Margi, a trained classical singer with a master’s degree, prepares to sing an art song by Stephen Foster as Duke and online radio host James Edwards listen


I speak — my attitude was pragmatic — Duke’s books, videos and name recognition are doing our race a lot of good, so I supported him despite what I knew about him firsthand as a person and what his own closest supporters told me


Margi and I after the conference at the monument in Memphis to confederate cavalry genius Nathan Bedford Forrest, removed in 2015 in the anti-Confederate media frenzy after the supposed Charleston Church shoeting by Darryl Storm Roof



……On David Duke and Don Black


…Major New Orleans newspaper Times-Picayune discusses the debate — not one word about Duke


Louisiana Senate race: Where to watch first statewide TV debate Tuesday

2016 Senate top 5 copy.jpg
Louisiana Senate candidates invited to the Oct. 18 debate: Clockwise from upper left, Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell, D-Elm Grove, Lawyer Caroline Fayard, D-New Orleans, state Treasurer John Kennedy, R-Madisonville, and Rep. John Fleming, R-Minden. (NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune archive)

With sharpened barbs and rising pique ” telltale signs of a tight competition ” the top five Louisiana Senate candidates will face off at 7 p.m. Tuesday (Oct. 18) in the first statewide televised debate in the race to replace retiring Sen. David Vitter, R-La.

It will air in New Orleans on WYES-TV and will be streamed on LPB’s website.

Several veins of attack have developed as each candidate settles on which rival presents the biggest obstacle to winning one of two spots in an expected Dec. 10 runoff.

The leading Republicans, U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, and state Treasurer John Kennedy, have zeroed in on each other in recent attack ads. The top two Democrats, Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell of Elm Grove and New Orleans lawyer Caroline Fayard, are waging a scorched-earth barrage of ads and emails to undercut one another.

U.S. Rep. John Fleming, R-Minden, will round out the debate cast as he tries to attract voters on the most conservative end of the spectrum.

The 90-minute debate will be held at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston. Louisiana Public Broadcasting will air it on television and on Facebook. Council for A Better Louisiana President Barry Erwin and LPB CEO Beth Courtney will moderate.

No single stage would have been big enough to accommodate all 24 candidates who jumped into the race. But the means by which the council winnowed the list has caused a bit of a stir. Unaffiliated candidate Troy Hebert sued for being excluded. Two other candidates, Charles Marsala and Beryl Billiot, joined him before a state judge dismissed their argument last week that focused on the $1 million fund-raising threshold to qualify to step on stage.

Retired Air Force Col. Rob Maness, R-Madisonville, finished third two years ago in the last Senate race and has threatened to formally complain to the Federal Election Commission should the council not add him to the debate list.

Besides raising money, qualifying candidates also had to show they were polling above 5 percent and had an established campaign committee.

……Updated Libelous Accusations page

Libelous accusations online against JdN


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