The Nameless War, by Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay (3 of 4)

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Lawrence of Arabia leads his Arab allies to freedom – and the Empire then betrays them


(Continued from


On the 23rd May, 1940, within the first fortnight of Mr Churchill’s Premiership, many hundreds of British subjects, a large proportion of them ex-Servicemen, were suddenly arrested and thrown into prison under Regulation 18B.

For some days the entire press had been conducting a whirlwind campaign, in rising crescendo, against a supposed ”fifth column” in this country, which was declared to be waiting to assist the Germans when they landed.

How untrue this campaign was, is proved by the fact that our most competent Intelligence Service never produced the flimsiest evidence of any such conspiracy, nor evidence of any plan or order relating to it, nor the complicity in such an undertaking of any single man arrested. Had such evidence been forthcoming, those implicated would undoubtedly have been charged and tried, and very properly so. But there was not one case of a man arrested under 18B being a British subject, who was so charged.

Four charges were actually framed against one lady, the wife of a distinguished Admiral, [Wilmot Nicholson], Mrs [Christabel Sybil Caroline] Nicholson. She was tried by a Judge and jury, and acquitted on all counts. This however, did not prevent her being arrested as she left the Law Courts, acquitted, and being thrown into Holloway Prison [photo] under Regulation 18B, where she remained for years.

Regulation 1 8B was originally introduced to deal with certain members of the I.R.A., who were committing a number of senseless minor outrages in London. Without this Regulation, no liege of His Majesty in the United Kingdom [79] could be arrested and held in prison on suspicion. This practice had long been abandoned in this country, except in short periods of grave proven conspiracy, and on those occasions Habeas Corpus was always suspended.

18B enabled the medieval process of arrest and imprisonment on suspicion to be revived without the suspension of Habeas Corpus. It was, in fact, a return to the system of Lettres de Cachet, by which persons in pre-Revolutionary France were consigned to the Bastille. Here, it should be remembered, that those persons enjoyed full social intercourse with their families, and were allowed their own servants, plate, linen, food and drink whilst in prison ; a very different treatment to that meted out to persons held under 18B, whose treatment for some time was little different from ordinary criminals, and, in fact, worse than any remand prisoner.

These I.R.A. outrages were so fatuous in themselves and so apparently meaningless, at a time when there were no sharp differences between this country and the Irish Free State, that I commenced making a number of inquiries.

I was not surprised to discover at length, that special members of the I.R.A. had been enrolled for the committing of these outrages ; and that they were practically all Communists. I had it on excellent authority that the Left Book Club of Dublin had been actively concerned in the matter ; and finally the names of 22 of these men were put into my hands ; and again I was informed on excellent authority that they were all Communists.

Immediately on receipt of this information I put down a question to the Home Secretary, and offered to supply the necessary information if the matter were taken up. Nothing came of my representations.

From these Communist-inspired outrages, however, there resulted Regulation 18B. Though the I.R.A. were pleaded as an excuse to the House for a Regulation, hardly any of their members were ever arrested under it ; but in due course it was employed to arrest and hold for 4 or 5 years, uncharged, very many hundreds of British subjects, whose one common denominator was that they opposed the Jewish power over this country in general ; and its exertion to thrust her into a war in purely Jewish interests in particular.

Now Communism is Jewish-controlled. If Marxist Jewry needed a device for securing the assent of parliament to a regulation like 18B, what simpler method could there be to achieve this object, without arousing suspicion as to the real ulterior motive, than arranging for a few communist members of the I.R.A. to plant bombs in the cloakrooms of London stations ?

Everyone is supposed to be entitled to their opinion in this country ; and, furthermore, where we cannot supply absolute proof, we can say with the Home Secretary, as I do here, that I have “reasonable cause to believe” that this is the real story behind Regulation 18B’s enactment.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1940-45) and Home Secretary John Anderson (September 1939-October 1940:,_1st_Viscount_Waverley) leave 10 Downing Street in May 1940


John Anderson, later Viscount Waverley

When the Clause was first introduced into the House, the original wording laid it down quite clearly that the Home Secretary should have the power to detain persons of British birth and origin “If he was satisfied that” such detention was necessary. This terminology was, at least, crystal clear. No other opinion or check upon the Home Secretary’s personal and absolute discretion was envisaged: a return, in fact and in very essence, to the Lettres de Cachet and the Star Chamber.

The House of Commons refused absolutely to accept such a clause, or hand away its powers of supervision, and its responsibilities as the guardian of the rights and liberties of the citizen to any individual, be he Cabinet Minister or not.

The Government accordingly had to withdraw the offending sentence ; and brought forward a second draft for approval some days later. In this new draft, drawn up, as Government spokesmen laboured to explain, in accordance [81] with the express wishes of the House, the necessary safeguard from arbitrary prevailed, and executive tyranny had been introduced.

For the words “Home Secretary is satisfied that,” had been substituted, “Has reasonable cause to believe that.” The Government spokesmen explained at length on this occasion that this wording gave the required safeguard. Members of Parliament were led to believe that their wishes had prevailed, and that they were to be the judges of what would or would not be “Reasonable Cause” for continued detention (as was proved in subsequent debates), and a rather uneasy House passed the Clause in this form, and on that understanding.

British House of Commons in 1940 before its destruction by a German bomb in 1941

Two years later, when the Counsel of an 18B prisoner argued in Court along these lines, and demanded some sort of ventilation of his client’s case before Members of Parliament or a Court, no less a person than the Attorney-General himself pleaded on the Government’s behalf, that the words “Has reasonable cause to believe that,” meant precisely the same as “Is satisfied that.”

There the matter had to rest as far as the Law Courts were concerned, though it was the subject of the most scathing comment of a most eminent Law Lord.

I myself was arrested under this Regulation on 23rd May, 1940, and thrown into Brixton Prison, where I remained in a cell until 26th September, 1944, without any charge being preferred against me, receiving merely a curt notification from the Home Office on the latter date that the order for my detention had been “revoked.” A paper of “Particulars” alleged as the reasons for my detention was supplied to me soon after my arrest.

I replied to them during a day’s interrogation by the so-called Advisory Committee, before which body I could call no witnesses, did not know who were my accusers, or the accusations they had made, and was not allowed the assistance of a lawyer. These particulars, together with my [82] detailed reply to each, were set out in part II of a Statement I supplied later to the Speaker and Members of the House of Commons ; and will be found in the Appendix of this book.

They were based upon the untrue assertion that my anti-Communist attitude was bogus, and a cloak for disloyal activities. How untrue this slander was can be easily proved from my previous ten years’ record of unceasing attacks on Communism, both by questions and speeches in the House of Commons and outside.

Brixton Prison today

In 1940


On the morning following my release from  Prison, I proceeded to the House of Commons at my usual hour of 10.15 a.m. ; an action which appeared to cause no little surprise. It was not long before Jews and their friends were on my trail, and that of the Right Club. A string of provocative questions soon appeared on the Order Paper ; but, like Gallio who, when the Jews took Sosthenes, and beat him before the Judgement seat, “cared for none of these things,” I gave no sign of interest.

[JdN: this is a refererence to Acts 18:17 in the New Testament regarding a Roman proconsul, Gallio, who was uninterested in a controversy the Jews wanted to stir up against a Christian. ”The [Jewish] crowd then grabbed Sosthenes, the leader of the synagogue [a Jew suspected of converting to Christianity], and beat him right there in the courtroom. But Gallio paid no attention.” ]

The reporters in the Press Galleries were then turned on, to endeavour to extract from me some, at least, of the names in ‘the Red Book’ of the Right Club membership.

Now the names in the Red Book of members of the Right Club were, as the newspapers have shrieked aloud, kept strictly private, with the sole object of preventing the names becoming known to the Jews.

The sole reason for this privacy was the expressed wish of the members themselves. To me, personally, the keeping of the names secret was only a disadvantage. It facilitated misrepresentation of every kind by my enemies ; the publication of the names would have been of great assistance to me in every way. The sole reason for this stipulation on joining by so many members was the well-grounded fear of Jewish retaliation of a serious nature.

I remember in particular the conversation on this subject with one of these reporters from the Press Gallery of the House of Commons. He was an engaging young man, and particularly importunate. Would I not let him have just a [84] few of the names?

“Supposing,” I said to him, “your name had been amongst those in the Red Book ; and supposing that in disregard of my promise to you not to reveal it, I proceeded to communicate it to the press ; and supply that definite evidence that you were a member of a society to fight against Jewish domination over Britain: you would not keep your job with your paper for six months.”

“I shouldn’t keep it for six minutes,” was the prompt reply.

“Exactly,” I answered. “Now you can see why I can’t give you the name of even one member of the Right Club from the Red Book.” You yourself confirm their worst fears.”

Many hundreds of poor fellows find themselves in such a position today ; indeed, hundreds is merely a matter of expression. The real number must be prodigious. How many, one might ask, can afford to run the risk to their livelihood, which is involved in letting it be known that they are aware of the Jewish grip and prepared to oppose it.

Even the wealthiest and most influential magnates of the land dare not brave the wrath of organised Jewry as the story regarding the Daily Mail controlling shares on pp. 6 and 7 of my statement to the Speaker shows. (See Appendix I.)

Not only in Britain has this been the case, but perhaps even more noticeably in the U.S.A., as the diaries of the late Mr James Forrestal prove.

The Forrestal Diaries, published by the Viking Press, New York, 1951, only reach me as this book goes to press.

James Vincent Forrestal (February 15, 1892 “ May 22, 1949) was the last Cabinet-level United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense. His diaries from 1944 to March 1949 were serialised in the New York Herald Tribune in 1951, and published as a 581 page book The Forrestal Diaries, edited by Walter Millis in October 1951. They were censored prior to publication.

Coming from a man of high integrity, who was U.S. Navy Under Secretary from 1940, and Secretary for Defence from 1947 until his resignation and suspicious death a few days later in March 1949, they are of the utmost significance.

The most important revelation therein is dated the 27th  December, 1945 (pages 121 and 122) :

“Played golf today with Joe Kennedy (Joseph P. Kennedy, who was Roosevelt’s Ambassador to Great Britain in the years immediately before the war).

I asked him about his conversations with Roosevelt and Neville  Chamberlain from 1938 on.

(l-to-r) Joseph Kennedy, Junior (killed on 12 August 1944 when his bomber spontaneously exploded in mid-air; Colonel Elliott Roosevelt, the president’s son, was, by just an amazing coincidence, piloting the warplane directly behind his; nota bene that Joe Junior, as British biographer Nigel Hamilton’s book JFK -Reckless Youth proves, was as antisemitic at Harvard and anti-interventionist as his father); Joseph Kennedy, Senior,  the US ambassador to Britain 1937-40; and John Kennedy (whose PT boat was cut in half by the Japanese, with two sailors lost, on 2 August 1943: he was murdered by the Jews after he blocked the Israeli atomic bomb in Dallas, Texas on 22 November 1963:

He said Chamberlain’s position in 1938 was that England had nothing with which to fight and that she could not risk going to war with Hitler.

Kennedy’s view : That Hitler would have fought Russia without any later conflict with England if it had not been for Bullitt’s [William C. Bullitt, a half-Jew and US Ambassador to the USSR and then to France] (9) urging on Roosevelt in the summer of 1939 that the Germans must be faced down about Poland ; neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington.


William C. Bullitt


Early years

Bullitt was born to a prominent, well-to-do Philadelphia family, the son of Louisa Gross (Horwitz)[4] and William Christian Bullitt, Sr. His grandfather was John Christian Bullitt, founder of the law firm today known as Drinker Biddle & Reath.[5] He graduated from Yale University in 1913, after having been voted “most brilliant” in his class. He briefly attended Harvard Law School but dropped out on the death of his father in 1914. At Yale he was a member of Scroll and Key.

The Scroll and Key building at Yale; it is considered the most powerful of the secret societies at this university, more even than Skull and Bones.

Bullitt, he said, kept telling Roosevelt that the Germans wouldn’t fight, Kennedy that they would, and that they would overrun Europe. Chamberlain, he said, stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war.” [Author’s italics]

If Mr. Forrestal’s information regarding the impulses behind the recent war needed any confirmation, they have already had it from the outspoken statements of Mr. Oswald Pirow, former South African Defence Minister, who told the Associated Press on the 14th January, 1952, in Johannesburg that

“Chamberlain had told him that he was under great pressure from World Jewry not to accommodate Hitler.”

Sendoff by Luftwaffe troops of Pirow (civilian in the center) after a meeting in Berlin

A second most important revelation in The Forrestal Diaries concerns Zionism.

It is clear from the entries, that by December, 1947, Mr. Forrestal was becoming greatly concerned by the intervention of the Zionists into American politics.

*** Two meanings of the word ”Zionism”

Zionism supposedly means only the innocent desire by Jews to have their own homeland in Palestine and be safe there from persecution, be left alone, and leave the world alone too, in other words, be off by themselves, peacefully living inside their own country. That is one meaning of the word Zionism, and is the version the media propagates.

But the real Zionism, Talmudic Zionism, means the Jews use Palestine as the base and headquarters of a world empire ruling over humanity. They acquire nuclear weapons, overthrow gentile governments, and make Israel into the center of a prison planet, with the wardens being the Jews.


The Talmud

That is a completely different, and far more sinister meaning of the word Zionism.


He records conversations with Mr. Byrnes and Senator Vandenberg, Governor Dewey and others, in attempts to lift the Palestine question out of party politics. From this time on he would seem to have made continuous efforts with that end in view. The Diary records on the 3rd February 1948 (pages 362 and 363) [86] :

“Visit today from Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. [photo], who came in with strong advocacy of a Jewish State in Palestine: that we should support the United Nations ‘decision’…

FDR Junior was married five times, and the third time was to a Felicia Schiff Warburg Sarnoff. []

I pointed out that the United Nations had as yet taken no ‘decision’, that it was only a recommendation of the General Assembly and that I thought the methods that had been used by people outside of the Executive branch of the Government [ + the White House] to bring coercion and duress on other nations in the General Assembly bordered closely onto scandal …

I said I was merely directing my efforts to lifting the question out of politics, that is, to have the two parties [ + Democrats and Republicans] agree that they would not compete for votes on this issue. [ = compete as political parties in pandering to the Jewish lobby, offering the Zionists more and more, even whatever they demanded, such as letting the Jews throw the Palestinians out of their homeland and basically giving them whatever they wanted.]

He [FDR Junior] said this was impossible, that the nation was too far committed, and that, furthermore, the Democratic Party would be bound to lose, and the Republicans gain, by such an agreement.

I said I was forced to repeat to him what I had said to Senator McGrath in response to the latter’s observation that our failure to go along with the Zionists might lose the states of New York, Pennsylvania and California ” that I thought it was about time that somebody should pay some consideration to whether we might not lose the United States.”

After a short note by the Editor of the Diaries the entry for the 3rd Feb. 1948, continues (page 364) :

“Had lunch with Mr. Bernard M. Baruch.

Churchill and Baruch

After lunch raised the same question with him. He took the line of advising me not to be active in this particular matter, and that I was already identified, to a degree that was not in my own interest, with opposition to the United Nations policy on Palestine.”

JdN: Like most Big Jews, his look was arrogant and he was filthy-rich. He mentored Dwight Eisenhower into hatred of the Germans (his own ancestry) and watched over his career, going from officer to general to Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, then President of Columbia University and finally the two-term President of the United States.

It was about this time that a campaign of unparalleled slander and calumny was launched in the United States press and periodicals against Mr. Forrestal. So greatly did this appear to have affected him that in March 1949, he resigned from the U.S. Defence Secretaryship ; and on the 22nd of that month was found dead as a result of a fall from a very high window.

The  entrance building of the US Navy’s National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. The ”despondent” Forrestal ”fell” out of the 16th floor window with a bathrobe sash around his neck. Even the Wikipedia article, under the heading ”Assassination Theories,” strongly implied Zionists killed him for opposing the creation of Israel.

*** Wiki on Forrestal

Secretary of Defense

In 1947, President Harry S. Truman appointed him the first United States Secretary of Defense. [] During private cabinet meetings with President Truman in 1946 and 1947, Forrestal had argued against partition of Palestine on the grounds it would infuriate Arab countries who supplied oil needed for the U.S. economy and national defense.

Instead, Forrestal favored a federalization plan for Palestine. Outside the White House, response to Truman’s continued silence on the issue was immediate. President Truman received threats to cut off campaign contributions from wealthy donors, as well as hate mail, including a letter accusing him of “preferring fascist and Arab elements to the democracy-loving Jewish people of Palestine.”[11]

Appalled by the intensity and implied threats over the partition question, Forrestal appealed to Truman in two separate cabinet meetings not to base his decision on partition, whatever the outcome, on the basis of political pressure.[12]

In his only known public comment on the issue, Forrestal stated to J. Howard McGrath, Senator from Rhode Island:

McGrath, here with President Truman,  was US Attorney for  Rhode Island 1934-40; governor of Rhode Island 1941-45: US senator 1947-49; and US Attorney General 1949-52 

“…no group in this country should be permitted to influence our policy to the point it could endanger our national security.”[13]

Forrestal’s statement soon earned him the active enmity of some congressmen and supporters of Israel. Forrestal was also an early target of the muckraking columnist and broadcaster Drew Pearson, an opponent of foreign policies hostile to the Soviet Union, who began to regularly call for Forrestal’s removal after President Truman named him Secretary of Defense.[14]

Pearson told his own protege, Jack Anderson, that he believed Forrestal was “the most dangerous man in America” and claimed that if he was not removed from office, he would “cause another world war.”



I shall always be grateful to the many Members who made my return to the House very much easier than it might have been, by their immediate greetings and friendly attitude. Many, I fear, whose actions in the Chamber itself and outside were detected or reported to the press representatives, found themselves the victims of a vendetta inside their constituencies and in the Press on that specific account.

When we reflect upon these bloody happenings from the time of King Charles I to our own day,

…..we can at long last find only one cause for satisfaction, if such a word can be in any way appropriate. It is that for the first time we can now trace the underlying influences which explain these hideous disfigurations in European history.

In the light of present-day knowledge, we can now recognise and understand the true significance of these terrible happenings. Instead of mere disconnected occurrences, we can now discern the merciless working of a satanic plan ; and seeing and understanding, we are in a position to take steps in the future to safeguard all those values, which we love and stand for ; and which that plan clearly seeks to destroy.

We can at last begin to oppose the planners and operators of that plan, knowing about it and their technique, which till now have been known to them alone. In other words, being fore-warned, it is our fault if we are not fore-armed.

Let us not forget such words as those of the Jew Marcus Eli Ravage, who wrote in the Century Magazine U.S.A. in January 1928 :

“We have stood back of, not only the last war, but all your wars ; and not only the Russian, but all of your revolutions worthy of mention in your history.”


Nor should we forget those of Professor Harold Laski, writing in the New Statesman and Nation on 11th January, 1942 :

“For this war is in its essence merely an immense revolution in which the war of 1914, the Russian Revolution, and the counter revolutions on the Continent are earlier phases.”

Nor the warning from that eminent Jewish American Attorney, publisher and reporter, Henry Klein, issued only last year :

“The Protocols is the plan by which a handful of Jews, who compose the Sanhedrin, aim to rule the world by first destroying Christian civilisation.”

[…] Not only are the Protocols genuine, in my opinion, but they have been almost entirely fulfilled.”

They have indeed been largely fulfilled ; no small measure of Jewish thanks being due to Mr. Roosevelt and his “ardent lieutenant,” the self-styled “architect of the Jewish future.”

In the process, however, Britain and her Empire and, worse still, her good name and honour have been brought down to the dust.

As Professor Beard wrote:

“The noble principles of the Four Freedoms and the Atlantic Charter were for practical purposes discarded in the settlements which accompanied the progress and followed the conclusion of the war. In the validity of this statement the treatment of the people of Esthonia, Lithuania, Poland, Roumania, Yugoslavia, China, Indo-China, Indonesia, Italy, Germany and other places of the earth bear witness.”

There appeared recently in the press the cry of Mrs. Chiang Kai Shek calling Britain a “moral weakling” (in reference to China). “Britain has bartered the soul of a nation for a few pieces of silver”, she is reported as saying ; and further : “One day these pieces of silver will bear [89] interests in British blood, toil, sweat and tears on the battleground of freedom”. It might be General Sikorski himself speaking, might it not ?

*** Polish general Wladyslaw Sikorskiładysław_Sikorski

General Sikorski was an outstanding Polish war hero, prime minister, defense minister  and anti-communist who headed the Polish government in exile  during WWII, because Poland was then, of course, German-occupied, He was against giving the eastern half of Poland away to Joseph Stalin and his Soviet Union. He became more and more ”inconvenient” to certain people in Britain and the United States,  and his American-built plane, a B-24 ”Liberator,”  conveniently crashed on take-off from the British colony of Gibraltar in 1943.

We must remember that Britain supported Poland and supposedly went to war in 1939 to save or free Poland. And here they are murdering the leader of Free Poland to appease the Soviet Union, according to  that theory, which is held by many people.


In the same paper I saw that Mr. Jackson Martindell, president of the American Institute of Management, has declared that “an Englishman’s word is no longer his bond”. How often have I heard this from Arab sources since 1939 ? “I hate to say this,” Mr. Martindell continued, “but Britain is becoming poor morally as well as economically.”

*** Britain promises Palestine to two different peoples

JdN: Of course, the Arab complaint is that in WWI, British Army colonel T.E. Lawrence, or ”Lawrence of Arabia,” as he was called,

…had urged the Arabs to rise up against their Turkish masters and become free Arabic countries. (In WWI, England and Turkey were enemies.)

The Ottoman Empire in 1914 and the Arabic successor states created after it was broken up: Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Qatar, etc.

Well, then, the Brits said the Arabs of Palestine would rule Palestine, their own country.

But the Jews had gotten a promise from the British Empire to give said Palestine to the Jews for a Jewish national homeland.

That was in ”The Balfour Declaration.”

So in effect the British promised Palestine BOTH to the Arabs AND to the Jews.

So the Arabs felt, of course, very betrayed. They had fought alongside Britain to overthrow the Turks….

Peter O’Toole plays Lawrence next to actor Omar Sharif in the 1962 film “Lawrence of Arabia”

And then, once they had done so, the British had come in, creating colonies, Palestine, Jordan and Iraq; the French had taken Syria and Lebanon; and so, basically, Arab freedom had never happened.

It was just that new masters came along.  So what Captain Ramsay is referring to here is that the Arabs learned NOT ”to trust the word of a British gentleman.”


From Poland to Palestine and on to China these words are re-echoed, and be it said, reiterated by the Jew-wise section of this country for so many years.

The reason is not far to seek. No man can serve two masters [a quote from Jesus Christ], more especially when the principles and interests of these two masters are as widely divergent as are those of Britain and her Empire, and Jewry and their Empire, the U.S.S.R.

Ever since the fall of Mr. Chamberlain’s Government, the interests of the Jewish Empire have been advanced as prodigiously as those of Britain and her Empire have been eclipsed.

Stranger than all this ” should any dare to state the truth in plain terms ” the only response is an accusation of anti-Semitism.

As Mr. Douglas Reed has clearly shown, the term “anti-Semitism” is meaningless rubbish ” and as he suggests it might as well be called “anti-Semolina.” The Arabs are Semites, and no so-called “anti-Semite” is anti-Arab.

*** on Douglas Reed:

Douglas Launcelot Reed was a top reporter for The Times of London, one of the world’s great newspapers at the time, and in the 1950s he began criticizing Zionism, and the behavior of the Israelis and what was happening in the Middle East, and so he was fired by The Times, though then one of their most famous reporters.

He then wrote a very famous and excellent book, called The Controversy of Zion (one of the first books I read in my own full awakening in 1978). It is about the battle between good and evil within the Jewish soul, and he went back thousands of years to show what was happening within this people.

So Mr. Douglas Reed has clearly shown the truth, especially in his The Controversy of Zion, a book I recommend everyone to read.

As Wikipedia says:

Reed died in Durban, South Africa in 1976.

Two years later The Controversy of Zion was finally brought to print, the manuscript having lain on top of a wardrobe in Reed’s home for over two decades.


It is not even correct to say that he is anti-Jew. On the contrary, he knows better than the uninformed that a fair proportion of Jews are not engaged in this conspiracy. The only correct term for the mis-called “anti-Semitic” is “Jew-wise.” It is indeed the only fair and honest term.

The phrase “anti-Semite” is merely a propaganda word used to stampede the unthinking public into dismissing the whole subject from their minds without examination : so long as that is tolerated these evils will not only continue, but grow worse.

The “Jew-wise” know that we have in Britain a Jewish Imperium in Imperio [JdN: a kingdom within a kingdom, or in Latin, literally, ”an empire with an empire”], which, in spite of all protestations and camouflage, is Jewish first and foremost, and in complete unison with the remainder of World Jewry. If any doubt this they need only read Unity in Dispersion, issued in 1948 by the World Jewish Congress, which proclaims Jewry to be one nation.

Not all Jews here wish to be railroaded into this narrow social tyranny ; but unless this country affords them some way of escape they dare not take the risks ” very grave risks ” of defying it : and so they perforce co-operate to some degree.

Even worse, certain Gentiles with no good excuse support this united force, which is in turn used to influence or control our political parties, our home and foreign policies, press and public life.

This unholy united front must be exposed and frustrated. One step towards this objective would seem to be firstly an enactment to prevent Gentile Esaus from lending their hands for the carrying out of orders uttered by the voice of Jewish Jacobs.

*** Jacob and Esau

This is a reference to the Bible story of Jacob and Esau. The Jews descend from Jacob, and Esau refers to the peoples of the Gentile world. Jacob ruthlessly tricks his brother to get their father’s blessing and his brother Esau’s inheritance.

As Wiki says (admits):

Jacob’s vocation as Isaac’s legitimate heir in the continued founding of the Jewish people is reaffirmed.

Daniel J. Elazar suggests that the Bible indicates that a bright, calculating person who, at times, is less than honest, is preferable as a founder over a bluff, impulsive one who cannot make discriminating choices.[4]

Wiki also speaks of Jacob’s “deceptive behavior”……


Another, the detachment from the Jewish United Front of Jews, who do not wish to subscribe to the dictates of the World Jewish Congress.

First and foremost however is the need to inform people of good will as to the truth of this matter, particularly in regard to the real anatomy, aims, and methods of the Marxist enemy.

It is to that end, that I humbly offer the contents of this book to all who are determined to fight against Communism.




Statement by Capt. Ramsey from Brixton Prison

to the Speaker and Members of
Parliament concerning his detention under
Paragraph 18B of the Defence Regulations.

All the particulars alleged as grounds for my detention are based on charges that my attitude and activities in opposition to Communism, Bolshevism, and the policy of organised Jewry were not genuine, but merely a camouflage for anti-British designs.

In the following memorandum, which could be greatly expanded, I have given a minimum of facts, which prove that not only was my attitude genuine, open, and unvarying during the whole of my time in the House of Commons, but that in the course of my researches I had accumulated numerous and conclusive facts compelling such an attitude, and leading logically to the formation of the Right Club, an essentially patriotic organisation.

During the whole of my time as M.P. (since 1931) I have kept up an open and unremitting attack on Bolshevism and its allies. Indeed, I had already started this opposition long before I became an M.P.

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich ( architect in the 1930s of the Ukrainian famine and the Great Terror

The following survey will show this ; and also the eventual formation of the Right Club as the logical outcome of my work.

This work falls into three phases.

During the first, dating from soon after the Russian Revolution till about 1935, I supposed the powers behind Bolshevism to be Russian.

In the second (1935-38) I appreciated that they were International.

By the third phase, I realised them to be Jewish.


It was always a mystery to me in Phase I why Russians spent so much time and money on revolutionary activities in Britain.

My first active step was to speak in the election made famous by the publication in the Daily Mail of the letter written by Zinoviev alias Apfelbaum, calling for revolution in Britain. (I spoke against Bolshevism, and in the Northwich division.)

A leftist ”exposé” of the Daily Mail, whose founder and second publisher were in fact genuine nationalists.

On being elected in 1931, I joined the Russian Trade Committee, which kept a watch on their activities here. I also joined the Council of the Christian Protest Movement, founded to protest against the outrages on priests, nuns, and the Christian churches committed by the Bolsheviks. Hansard will show that I asked many questions during this period, attacking their activities in this country.


In Phase II, I recognised the forces behind Bolshevism not to be Russian, but international.

I tried to picture the composition of that mysterious body, the Comintern, over whom, according to the replies to my Parliamentary questions, the Soviet Government could exercise no control.

In the latter end of this phase I had made sufficient progress with this mental picture of the Comintern, that I made it the subject of a number of addresses, which I gave to Rotary Clubs and other societies in London, Edinburgh, and elsewhere, entitling them frequently ”Red Wings Over Europe.”

This second phase lasted well into the Spanish Civil War. Recognising almost at once the guilt of the Comintern in the whole affair, down to the International Brigade, I attacked them continuously by a stream of questions in the House.

The attitude of the entire British national Press at first amazed, and subsequently helped to enlighten me, as to the real powers behind World Revolution. The press presented General Franco’s enemies as liberal and Protestant reformers, instead of the anti-God international revolutionaries they were.

Officials of the Russian Cheka were actually in charge of the prisons on the Red side. McGovern established all the main facts in his pamphlet, ”Red Terror in Spain.”

I organised parades of sandwich-men at this time to expose the Bolshevik guilt in Spain, assisted a paper called The Free Press, and did what propaganda I could. Some eighty or ninety M.P.s subscribed at one time or another to these efforts.

In September 1937 I accepted the Chairmanship of the United Christian Front Committee, on behalf of Sir Henry Lunn. Thereafter many thousands of letters were sent out over my signature to leading people in the Kingdom, appraising them of the true facts of the war in Spain, and urging Christians of all communities to join in combating the Godless Red Terror, that threatened Spain then, and thereafter all Europe, Britain included.

A number of patriotic societies now began to co-operate regularly with me in this work against Bolshevism, including the National Citizens’ Union, the British Empire League, the Liberty Restoration League, and the Economic League. We took to meeting regularly in a Committee Room of the House of Commons.

In May 1936, when I set out to oppose the entry into this country of agents of the Comintern for attending the so-called Godless Congress, we were joined by the British Bible Union, the Order of the Child, and the British Israel World Federation. From information given me by these societies, I realized that the previous Godless Congress, held at Prague, had brought under unified control all the National Free-Thinker societies, who were now under the authority of the Militant Godless of Russia, and were therefore a subtle and potent weapon for Bolshevik propaganda.

At our meetings to co-ordinate opposition, we all agreed that while it was perhaps the right of British men and women to hold a Congress on any subject, this liberty should not be construed into licence for international revolutionaries to develop their plans for the destruction of the religious, social and public life of our country.

On the 28th June, therefore, I introduced a Bill entitled the ALIENS’ RESTRICTION (BLASPHEMY) BILL, to prevent aliens from attending this Congress, or making it the occasion for the distribution of their blasphemous literature.

The Bill received a first reading by 165 votes to 134. In the No Lobby were Messrs. Rothschild, G.R. Strauss, T. Levy, A.M. Lyons, Sir F. Harris, D.N. Pritt, W. Gallacher, Dr. Haden Guest and Dr. Summerskill.

In the autumn of 1938 I was made acquainted with the fact that the power behind World Revolution was not just a vague body of internationalists, but organized World Jewry. The first document so convincing me was actually a British Government White Paper, of whose existence I had not been previously aware.

This quoted verbatim an extract from a


report received by Mr. Balfour on September 19th, 1918, from Mr. Oudendyke, the Netherlands Minister in Petrograd, who was at that time in charge of British interests there

, as follows :

“The danger is now so great, that I feel it my duty to call the attention of the
British Government and all other Governments to the fact that if an end is not put to Bolshevism at once the civilization of the whole world will be threatened. This is not an exaggeration, but a matter of fact … I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless as above stated Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread over Europe and the whole world in one form or another, as it is organized and worked by Jews, who have no nationality and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.

The only manner [96] in which this danger can be averted would be collective action on the part of all the Powers.”

Almost as remarkable as the above quotation was the fact brought to my notice simultaneously, namely, that this White Paper had been immediately withdrawn, and replaced by an abridged edition, from which these vital passages had been eliminated. I was shown the two White papers ” the original and the
abridged issue, side by side.

The second document which came to my notice at this time was the booklet entitled, The Rulers of Russia, written by Dr. Dennis Fahey, C.S.S.P. [an important Catholic priest in Ireland], and bearing the imprimatur [permission of the Catholic church] of the Archbishop of Dublin, dated the 26th March, 1938.

*** Father Dennis Fahey

Fahey was a fierce enemy of  communism, freemasonry and rabbinic Judaism.

Interestingly, as a boy he became close and lifelong friends with the future first president of Ireland,  Eamon de Valera, while playing rugby.

Fahey also warned that Britain and America were being gradually ”sovietized.” Fahey was strongly opposed to the Irish Republican Army, which he claimed was a communist organisation, and there is, in fact, a definite and strong marxist influence within the IRA today, which actually got all sorts of training from the Soviets in cold war times and is in fact in favor of unlimited Third-World immigration into Ireland.

His ideas had a huge effect on a famous radio priest of the 1930s, Father Charles Coughlin, who was listened to by sometimes up to one third of the American people during the Great Depression. He became a famous anti-Jewish, anti-Wall Street, anti-Federal Reserve  and anti-Roosevelt speaker on NBC radio nationwide from his location in Royal Oak, Michigan, near Detroit and spoke out against the war and Roosevelt until the Catholic Church ordered the priest to stop his radio broadcasts  and the US Post Office refused to deliver his newsletter to his readers.


In the opening sentence of this pamphlet Dr Fahey writes :

“In this pamphlet I present to my readers a number of serious documents which go to show that the real forces behind Bolshevism are Jewish forces ; and that Bolshevism is really an instrument in the hands of the Jews for the establishment of their future Messianic kingdom.”

Dr. Fahey then adduces an interesting volume of evidence. On page 1 he gives also the following passage by Mr. Hilaire Belloc, taken from the latter’s Weekly, dated 4th February, 1937 :

*** Hilaire Belloc was a powerful, Catholic, Anglo-French writer and sometime Member of Parliament


“As for anyone who does not know that the present revolutionary Bolshevist movement in Russia is Jewish, I can only say that he must be a man who is taken in by the suppression of our deplorable Press.”

Other authorities quoted in the pamphlet include Dr. Homer, D. Sc., Count Leon de Poncins in his Contre-Révolution, and evidence given on 12th February, 1919, before a Committee of the United States Senate by the Rev. George A. Simons, Superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Petrograd from 1907 to October 6th 1918.

The Rev. Mr. Simons stated on this occasion with regard to the Bolshevik Government in Petrograd :

“In December 1918 … under the Presidency of a man known as Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) … out of 388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians, and all the rest (with the exception of one man, who is a Negro from North America) were Jews … and 265 of these Jews belonging to this Northern Commune
Government that is sitting in the old Smolny Institute come from the Lower East Side of New York ” 265 of them.”

On page 8 Dr Fahey quotes figures showing that in the year 1936 :

“The Central Committee of the Communist Party in Moscow, the very centre of International Communism, consisted of 59 members, of whom 56 were Jews, and the other three were married to Jewesses …”

“Stalin, present ruler of Russia, is not a Jew, but he took as his second wife
the twenty-one year old sister of the Jew L.M. Kaganovitch, his right-hand man,
who has been spoken of as his probable or possible successor. Stalin’s every
movement is made under Jewish eyes.”

Nadezhda Kaganovich, the second wife of Stalin, shot herself in 1932 after an argument with her husband.

Their daughter, Svetlana, famously defected to the West in 1967.

In addition to these documents there now reached me a quantity of evidence concerning Jewish activities in Great Britain in the shape of subversive organizations of every description, anti-religious, anti-moral, revolutionary, and those working to establish the Jewish system of financial and industrial monopoly.

Thus I became finally convinced of the fact that the Russian and Spanish revolutions, and the subversive societies in Britain, were part and parcel of the one and the same Plan, secretly operated and controlled by World Jewry, exactly on the lines laid down in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, filed in the British Museum in 1906 (which had been reproduced soon after the last war [WWI] by The Morning Post, and from which this newspaper never [financially] recovered).

*** The Morning Post 1772-1937

The Cause of World Unrest[edit]

The paper gained notoriety in 1920 when it ran a series of 17 or 18 articles based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, text previously published in Russian by Sergei Nilusas the last chapter, Chapter XII, of Velikoe v malom (The Great in the Small: The Coming of the Anti-Christ and the Rule of Satan on Earth).

It is still widely held that Victor E. Marsden, the paper’s Russian desk correspondent, used the copy of this rare book retained by the British Museum to translate this last chapter for the paper. (Some have questioned this because the anonymous 1923 publication crediting Marsden as the translator in the pamphlet‘s preface occurred three years after Marsden’s death on October 28, 1920.)

These articles were subsequently collected and formed the basis of the book, The Cause of World Unrest, to which half the paper’s staff contributed, mainly George Shanks; also Nesta H. Webster. But main credit for the compilation was given to the paper’s editor, Gwynne. The book further denounced international Jewry and cultural and social dissolution among the Christian Nations.


These Protocols are no forgery, and I and others could supply evidence to that effect that would convince any impartial tribunal.

At the next meeting of the patriotic and Christian societies, I felt in duty bound to broach the Jewish question ; and realized, very soon, that there had come a parting of the ways. With very few exceptions our co-operation ceased.

*** Christianity and Judeophilia

This is part of the reason why some antisemitic forces have come to view Christianity as an enemy of the truth about the Jews, because most Christians, particularly Protestants, study the [Jewish] Old Testament —  Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Joseph in Egypt, and all these Bible stories — all this has a sort of pro-Jewish effect, especially on Protestant Christians.

Christianity as presented today has many Christians feeling, “‘Well, the Jews used to be God’s Chosen People, maybe they still sort-of are, or maybe some day they will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.”

So they have sort of a soft spot in their heart for the Jews, though they defamed, tortured and murdered their Lord.

Jesus yells at Jewish leaders (John 98:44) ”You are from your father, the Devil!”


The Talmud is violently anti-Jesus, as this Princeton professor has proven:äfer/dp/0691143188 Particularly instructive verses portray Jesus as a bastard (Sanhedrin 67a, Shabbat 104b), revel in His execution (Sanhedrin 43a), and depict Him as burning in hell in hot excrement (Gittin 57a).

High Priest Caiaphas gloats 

What Captain Ramsay is saying here is that he went to these Christian societies that were very anti-communist, of course,  but once he told them ”Look, what’s behind this communism is the Jews,”  then, as he says, ”I realized very soon that there had come a parting of the ways and with very few exceptions, our cooperation ceased.”

Most Christians just would not go along with anything anti-Jewish, or, as Ramsay puts it, even ”jew-wise.”  

Moses Pijade, Yugoslavian Communist leader


I realized that if anything was to be done, some special group would have to be formed which, while retaining the essential characteristics of the former one, would take up the task of opposing and exposing the Jewish menace.

It was then that the idea of the Right Club originated, though the actual formation did not actually come about till some months later, in May 1939.

[JdN: This was, of course, a mere three months before the Second World War broke out.]

From the autumn of 1938 onwards, I spent many hours a week talking to back-benchers and members of the Government alike on these subjects.

[JdN: A back-benchers  is a member of the UK parliament who does not have any official position in the government or in one of the opposing parties. 

The parliament members who are government ministers, the ”front-benchers,” sit in the front benches and near the table. In the parliamentary system, all government members are also members of Parliament, unlike the US system, where neither the President nor his Cabinet Secretaries serve in the Congress. The US system clearly separates the executive and legislative branches.

So Captain Ramsay, as an MP, would speak with both the Conservative back-benchers like himself and with government ministers, the front-benchers, such as his friend, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.]

The very magnitude of the issues involved put many off. One particular rejoinder typifies in my recollection this sort of attitude :

“Well, that is all very disturbing, awful, in fact: but what is one to do about it ? I shall go off now and try and forget all about it as soon as possible.”

About the end of 1938, news was brought to me that the control shares of the Daily Mail [newspaper] were for sale.

[JdN: As stated earlier, the Daily Mail was founded by genuine patriots, was a major newspaper and still is, and published then and now many interesting truths of a patriotic, nationalistic, right-wing and conservative bent. It won’t touch the Jewish issue, but it will touch a lot of other things. Buying control shares meant buying enough stock in the company that owned this newspaper to hire a new editor and reporters and determine the paper’s slant.] 

Knowing that a severe advertisement boycott had been put in operation against the paper following upon its having printed two or three articles giving what in Internationalist eyes had been a pro-Franco view of the Spanish Civil War (in reality, it was just the truth), the news was no great surprise to me.

Could I find a buyer ? I decided to approach a certain very wealthy and patriotic peer [JdN: a member of the nobility and the House of Lords], the head of a great business. A mutual friend arranged an interview.

On introduction I gave a survey of the activities and power of Organized Jewry in general, and of their secret publicity control in Britain in particular, as I saw it. When I ended after some 70 minutes, general concurrence in my views was expressed.

[JdN: The stakes here for the future of the world were huge, since if the number-one conservative newspaper in Britain came out against a war with Germany, it probably would not have happened, especially not with the Conservative Party then being in power. But if Jews bought the paper, it would redefine British patriotism as declaring war on a dangerous and evil Third Reich.]  

Thereupon the mutual friend and I tried to persuade our hearer to buy the said shares and “tear the gag off the conspiracy of silence.”

“I daren’t,” he replied, “they would bring me to a crust of bread.

If it was only myself, I wouldn’t mind ; I’d fight them.

But many of my shares are held by the widow and the orphan, and for their sakes I must refuse.”

On our expressing astonishment that Jewry could inflict such crushing retaliation on a man of his financial strength and industrial power, and so conspicuous a national figure, he gave us details of just such retaliation directed against him by Organized Jewry some years previously.

He had refused to comply with some demands they had made of him affecting his works. After a final warning, which he ignored, a world boycott had been started against him, which had become effective in 24 hours, wherever he had agents or offices. Fires and strikes also mysteriously occurred.

The resulting losses had finally compelled him to give in. Within 24 hours the boycott was lifted all over the world.

The consistent mis-reporting of important features in the Spanish Civil War had deeply impressed many M.P.s. They felt that a bias so extreme, so universal, and so consistent, always against [General] Franco, indicated the existence of some deliberate plan, and though unwilling to agree my thesis, that the Jews were operating this control by various means, and that the whole affair was part of their World Plan, nevertheless many felt that something was very wrong somewhere.

In the course of these conversations I obtained the support of Members of all parties to the Bill I was preparing in this connection.

On December 13th, 1938, I introduced the Bill entitled COMPANIES ACT AMENDMENT BILL, which made it compulsory for shares in Newspapers and News Agencies to be held in the actual names of the holders, instead of the names of nominees as is done now in the majority of cases.

[JdN: In other words, the real owners of the stock under Ramsay’s Bill would be made public, not some agent. This would show who really controls the newspaper and thus has the power to fire the editor, or the reporters, and change everything, if they want.]

The Bill received a First Reading by 151 votes to 104. In the Aye Lobby were Members of all parties, including 13 Right Hon. Gentlemen (8 of these Socialists).

[JdN: “Right Honourable” refers to high government officials, mayors of major cities, admirals, and to members of the House of Lords:

In the No Lobby were messrs. Rothschild, Schuster, Shinwell, Cazalet, Gallacher, Sir A. Sinclair, Gluckstein, and Mr. Samuel Storey opposed, also blocked the Bill ; and seemed suitable for that role.

I now took the decision to proceed at once with the formation of a group similar in character to the group of representatives of Christian and patriotic societies, which I had worked with up to the emergence of the Jewish problem ; but this time a group which would place opposition to that menace in the forefront of its activities.

The group was finally inaugurated in May 1939, and was the Right Club. Simultaneously, a Committee was formed with the dual purpose of co- ordinating the work of all the Patriotic Societies referred to above, and of being a recruiting ground for the Right Club. This group was called ”the Co-ordinating Committee.”

Mr. Cross was the Secretary, and the late Duke of Wellington, President of the Liberty Restoration League, was the Chairman at most of the few meetings we held. The first object of the Right Club was to enlighten the Tory Party [JdN: a slang term for the Conservatives, like saying in the U.S. ”the GOP” for the Republican Party] and clear it from any Jewish control.

Organized Jewry was now clearly out for another World War. The failure of their International Brigade in Spain, and the growing exposure of themselves, and the consequent risk of total collapse of their plans rendered immediate war, from their point of view, imperative.

In July 1939 I had an interview with the Prime Minister [Neville Chamberlain].

I dealt with the Russian Revolution, and the part Jewry had played in it ; and with the Spanish Revolution, prepared and carried out on similar lines by much the same people ; with the subversive societies in Britain, and the Press and news control existing in this country. I finally drew the Prime Minister’s attention to the underground work that was going on with the object of overthrowing his peace policy and himself, and precipitating another war.

Mr. Chamberlain considered that charges of so grave and far reaching a character would require very substantial documentary proof. I decided to collect documentary proof which would make it possible for action to be taken.

[JdN: What Ramsay is conveying here a message about a conundrum, which is why Sir Neville Chamberlain stayed on as prime minister when the war he hated began in September, 1939.

He pursued the war in a very lackluster and unenthusiastic manner. One would think that since he was against the war he should have just quit.  

Chamberlain was no angel, but he was basically a good guy. He WAS against the war.

And his logic in staying on as PM was:

”Okay, there is going to be a war. I cannot stop the Jews from having their war, but I’m the moderate guy here, and maybe something is going to change. Maybe the public will turn against the war, or get tired of it, realise it’s stupid,  and then I will be right there, because I will still be the prime minister, and then the Germans will make us a generous offer. 

I”ll accept it, and go to the British people and say, ”We’ve had our little war, it was pointless, both sides want to go home, and I recommend that we make peace with the Germans. The real enemy is the communists — the Soviet Union.’

That is why Chamberlain stayed around as the prime minister in a War Cabinet even though he did not believe in the war — because he was hoping that he could end it in the future. 

But had he stepped down in September 1939 when the war began, his fellow Conservative, his fellow Tory, the infamous Winston Churchill would have come in as PM, and he was a real war fanatic, a war monger. He would want a war until Hitler Germany was completely destroyed, just a pile of smoking ashes.  

Nuremberg 1945

 And Churchill would not care if the British Empire were bankrupted and millions of Britons died — because he was hired by the Jews. So Neville Chamberlain was staying in power mainly to keep Winston Churchill OUT.

And Ramsay, trying to somehow be supportive to Chamberlain, decided the Right Club should go low-profile after only a  few months of operation.]

The outbreak of war enabled the Jews to give their activities the cloak of patriotism. Their press power enabled them to portray those opposing their designs and exposing them as pro-Nazi, and disloyal to Britain. The difficulty I was faced with was that while I was in duty bound to warn the country against the consequences of a policy influenced by Organized Jewry and opposed to British interests, I, at the same time, did not want to create difficulties for Mr. Chamberlain.

It was decided, therefore, that the Right Club should close down for the duration [JdN: duration of the war, which they hoped would be short].

The spirit of the Club naturally led the younger members to join the [Armed] Services, wherein they have served with distinction on most fronts. It was in keeping with the same spirit that others, not so engaged, should continue to fight the internal [ = Jewish and masonic] enemy, no less formidable than the Axis Powers and in a way more dangerous, owing to his secret methods and the fact that he can work from within as well as from without.

To this end, therefore, I and others in an individual capacity disseminated on occasion some leaflets of mine called Do You Know ? and Have You Noticed ? ; my verses beginning “Land of dope and Jewry”, and some anti-Jewish stickers. This was wih the idea of educating the public sufficiently to maintain the atmosphere in which the “phoney” war, as it was called, might be converted into an honourable peace.

It was certainly not defeatist, as Jewish propaganda tried to make out. It was not we of the Right Club who were holding back from the fighting Services in this war, any more than in the last ; quite the contrary.

I was determined to make further efforts to convince Mr. Chamberlain, and even perhaps the 1922 Committee, of the truth of my case, and thus avert total war, and commenced reinforcing the documentary evidence already in my possession.

By January 1940, I had details of nearly thirty subversive societies working on various revolutionary and corrosive lines, and had completed a very large chart, showing the principal members of each.

Six names stood out clearly, as a sort of interlocking directorate. They were Prof. H. Laski,

Mr. Israel Moses Sieff, Prof. Herman Levy, Mr. Victor Gollancz, Mr. D.N. Pritt, M.P., and Mr. G.R. Strauss, M.P.

Victor Gollancz, leftwing publisher

In February 1940, on my arrival in London, I was handed the literature of a new group, who were advocating FEDERAL UNION. The list of supporters’ names was startling. It might have been copied from the chart I had just completed. There could be no mistake as to the source of this scheme. Later, when this group became active, I put down the following questions :

Captain Ramsay asked the Prime Minister whether he could assure the House that the creation of a Federal Union of the European States is not one of the war aims of H.M.’s Government.

Mr. Butler (on May 9th) gave a non-committal reply. To this I asked the following supplementary :

Captain Ramsay : Is my Right Hon. Friend aware that this plan, if adopted, will arouse hostility against us in almost the whole of Europe, who look upon it as the setting up of a Judeo-Masonic super-State ?

[Note. ” The Protocols of the Elders of Zion make it clear the World Jewry and Orient Masonry will set up just such a regime after the Gentile States have been reduced by War and Revolutions to hewers of wood and drawers of water.]

Mr. Butler : I would rather leave my Hon. Friend’s interpretation of this plan to him.


A virulent press campaign was now in full swing to suppress “Anti-Semitic” views and activities by declaring that “Anti-Semitism” was pro-Nazi.

Fearing less the Home Secretary might be inclined into this direction, which was a false direction, I asked him on May 9th, 1940 :


Captain Ramsay : Whether he will give an assurance that care will be taken both in the administration of the present regulations, and in framing revised ones, that a distinction is made between anti-semitism and pro-Nazism ?

Sir J. Anderson : I hope that any restrictive measures applied to organized propaganda may in practice be confined to such propaganda as is calculated to impede the war effort ; and from that point of view I cannot recognise as relevant the distinction which My Hon. and Gallant Friend seeks to draw.

Captain Ramsay : While thanking by Right Hon. Friend for his reply, in view of the fact that he seems somewhat confused on this point, will he assure the House that he refuses to be stampeded into indentifying the two things by a
ramp in our Jewridden Press ?

Sir J. Anderson : There is no question of my being stampeded into anything.


It was in the last weeks of Mr. Chamberlain’s Premiership that I was enabled to look through some of the U.S. Embassy papers at Mr. Kent’s flat.

47 Gloucester Place, London, apartment of Tyler Kent (location of the three dots)

This then was the position, and these were the considerations which led me to inspect them.

1 . Together with many members of both Houses of Parliament, I was fully aware that among the agencies here and abroad, which had been actively engaged in promoting bad feeling between Great Britain and Germany, Organized Jewry, for obvious reasons, had played a leading part.

2. 1 knew the U.S.A. to be the headquarters of Jewry, and therefore the real, though not apparent, centre of their activity.

Back of the US one-dollar bill until 1935

Redesign of the bill and of the Great Seal of the United States in 1935 under Roosevelt (his initials of approval are seen lower right, and his order that the pyramid and eagle logos be switched)

3. I was aware that Federal union was the complement in international affairs of the scheme of Political and Economic Planning (P.E.P.). [JdN: This was a socialist plan to have the government take over all the major industries and large businesses of the country, and this is exactly what began to happen after World War Two. The British people voted out Churchill; they never liked the war, which he promoted and ran, and now it was over. So in came the Labor Party, which was the socialists, and they began taking over private businesses.],_Baron_Sieff

The Chairman of P.E.P. is Mr. Israel Moses Sieff, who is also Vice-Chairman of the Zionist Federation and Grand Commander of the Order of Maccabeans, designed to bring about Bolshevism by stealth in the sphere of industry and commerce [JdN: in other words, gradual communism, while not even using the word ”communism” at all], and that it must be regarded as the Super-State, which is one of the principal objectives of International Jewry.

by Baron Studios, 5 x 4 inch film negative, 23 February 1966

4. I recognized that plans for establishing Marxist Socialism under Jewish control in this country were far advanced. As to their intentions, there could be no doubt.

5. I knew that the technique of International Jewry is always to plan the overthrow at critical junctures of any national leader who seriously opposes some essential part of their designs, as for instance Mr. Chamberlain had done by adhering to his policy of pacification, and that in this case Mr. Chamberlain’s fall would precipitate total war.

First British War Cabinet in WWII: (L-to-r, rear) unknown official; Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty [half-Jew];  Leslie Hore-Belisha , [Jewish] Secretary of State for War; and War Cabinet minister Lord Maurice Hankey [who later opposed the Nuremberg ”War Crimes ” Trials]. Front Row, Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary; Sir John Simon, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister; Sir Samuel Hoare, Home Secretary; and Lord Chakfield, Co-ordination of Defence.

6. I remembered that Mr. Lloyd George had said in the House of Commons, that if we were let in for a war over Poland without the help of Russia, we should be walking into a trap. We walked into that trap.

Lloyd George with Adolf Hitler in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria on 4 September 1936; behind them is German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop

Further information as to its origin, design, and ultimate objective, would have strengthened Mr. Chamberlain’s hand, and would have enabled him to take the appropriate counter-measures.

As a Member of Parliament, still loyal to Mr. Chamberlain, considered it my duty to investigate.

About the 9th or 10th of May I went to Scotland for a fortnight’s rest, having seen only a part of the documents, and intending to resume my investigations on my return.

Before I could conclude them, however, Mr. Chamberlain had fallen from office, and I was arrested a few days later on the steps of my house, when I returned to London on the 23rd May 1940.

I am appending the Particulars, alleged as Reasons for my detention, and my comments thereon.

Brixton Prison, August 23rd, 1943.


There follows here a copy of the Particulars, which were alleged to be reasonable grounds for my detention for the last three years. [JdN: Everything he wrote and proved here failed to get him out; he spent another year, adding up to a total of 4.5 years, in the horrible Brixton Prison.]

It will be seen that the whole basis of every one of them is, that my opposition to Communism, Bolshevism and World Jewry was but a sham ; a disloyal ruse, in fact, adopted, to mask anti-British activities in relation to the war.

Anyone conversant with doings in the House of Commons will be more or less familiar with the anti-Bolshevik activities that I have kept up openly and consistently all through my time in the House since 1931 ; and which activities became anti- Jewish in 1938, when I realized that Bolshevism was Jewish and an integral part of their World Plan.

The framer of these Particulars brushes aside the whole of that eight years’ record, and proceeds to fabricate and reiterate some new and disloyal purpose, for which slanders he offers no shred of substantiation.

(Continued at