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My late friend Ted Gunderson was an FBI official for 28 years, then a whistleblower. His specialty after he retired was investigating and exposing satanic murder of children and FBI coverups of this horrendous crime, and its protection of child rapists and child murderers.


The FBI protected Jewish and black child rapists, murdered witnesses, and intimidated and threw victims in prison.








This blog entry is also published here


and here

…..And I said no — the standard procedure for any high-profile WN.

I have done ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong, and so it is only for purposes of intimidation, or a “fishing expedition.”

And why should I be anti-government NOW when my guy, Trump, has WON?

I said to the sheriff, as I have clearly started before to the JTTF (Joint Terrorism Task Force), there will be no arrest, ever, NOR will I ever enter unarmed any building full of hostile men who are bearing arms.

Two of my Trump signs were torn down yesterday, btw.







……Franklin Coverup ” gigantic heartland pedophile scandal ” crawling with Pharisee Jews and FBI protectors


I strongly agree with this ¦. It bothers me when I smile innocently at kids and they look back at me with fear and distrust. I say Hang instead the pedophiles and be done with them!  

My new hit video has 20,000 views on all platforms!


. ¦.The Pharisees behind the horrific Franklin scandal


Anyone who wishes to understand me and my mission HAS to sit down, make some time, and actually watch all 59 minutes of “Conspiracy of Silence.”



This video represents the raw, smuggled-out, out-of-focus yet compelling final copy extant of a 1994 video documentary by Yorkshire Television in Britain, which was suppressed by the Discovery Channel at the last minute before broadcast in that same year 1994:

On the right in this 1940s photo you can see the billionaire Jew pedophile Alan Baer of Omaha, with other members of the Brandeis family that totally ran the main city in Nebraska. ( Alan Baer, now roasting in hell, for years raped Boystown boys until their anuses bled, and shoved hot metal devices into children to torture them and make them too afraid to go to the police. He got off with a tiny fine.


The Brandeis Building in Omaha paragraph from the bottom of his whitewashed obituary)

In 1990, a grand jury investigating various allegations surrounding the 1988 collapse of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union indicted Baer on two panderingcharges. He later pleaded no contest to a single reduced charge of aiding and abetting prostitution and paid a small fine.

The Omaha World Herald celebrity columnist and Jew Peter Citron, who ridiculed the valiant Nebraska state senator John DeCamp and, worse, the child victims of pedophilia as defamatory hoaxers. Citron jubilated in his column whenever the FBI framed the teenage victims and got them sent to prison for “perjury”. Later it came out that Citron was one of the most violent members of the Omaha pedophilia ring.

The overtly Jewish reporter for the Omaha World-Herald C. David Kotok ( and Frank Partsch constantly wrote World- Herald editorials viciously attacked senator John DeCamp, the whistleblower, demanding alos that the child victims be imprisoned for perjury.


Former assistant US ambassador to South Vietnam, and CIA director (under Nixon and Ford) William Colby, like so many others in the Franklin coverup case who advised or helped DeCamp, died suddenly. He was fished out of a river in front of his home under the most questionable of circumstances in April 1996.

Victim Paul Bonacci went to prison for saying what Jews such as Baer and Citron, blacks and corrupt congressmen had done to him and other children.

Victim Troy Stoner saw his brother Sean murdered to intimidate him, and developed multiple-personality disorder from years of being raped and tortured. He too was sent to prison through the exertions of the FBI.

Jew assistant district attorney Robert Sigler threatened Stoner with a subpoena for perjury and prevented him from testifying what had happened to him and other innocent, trusting, Midwestern children. Female victim Alisha Owens was sentenced to 27 years for speaking out!

Federal Judge Warren Urbom, who recently killed a man in traffic and got off with a small fine, contained the scandal involving pedophilic US congressmen.

In his sworn testimony before U.S. District Court Judge Warren Urbom (a native of Nebraska)[pp.105, 124-126 of the court file] on February 5, 1999, Bonacci specifically namedCongressman Barney Frank (D-MA) as having participated in the parties “also telling the judge he had “relationships with him” in Washington, DC and was flown to Massachusetts for sex in the basement of Frank’s Boston home. [2-5-1999, p. 126]

“Larry King [the REPUBLICAN black child molester, savings-and-loan master thief, and ringleader of the molestation ring] was released from prison [for bank fraud only] on April 11, 2001 after serving about five years [of a 15-year sentence for stealing a whopping $40 million].”

King sang the national anthem to open the Republican National Convention in 1988 in New Orleans, Louisiana, the confab which nominated George H.W. Bush for president.


King’s mansion on Embassy Row in Washington DC, where dozens of children were flown in to be molested and tortured by congressmen.

After the Secret Service allowed Paul Bonacci to have access to the White House on July 3, 1988, one of DeCamp’s investigators said the young pedophile victim was able to draw a floor-plan of the presidential inside living quarters of the White House.

In the video below, former high FBI official (and friend of mine) Ted Gunderson, who died suspiciously last year, interviews Bonacci,. who says he had (was of course forced into) sex with Congressman and Jewish homosexual Barney Frank ” who btw was one of the main culprits in the mortgage meltdown of 2007 that triggered the current recession ” and that he witnessed then Vice-President George H.W. Bush, whom many Republicans perceived as a limp-wrist just by the way he talked, getting oral sex with both a white teen boy who was being held as a captive and, on another occasion, with a black teenage boy named Webb from Nebraska. (around 4:20 to 7:18)



Also see for details of Frank’s use of Larry King’s captive children.

Minnesota state Attorney General Hubert “Skip” Humphrey, Jr., the son of US senator and then US Vice-President Hubert Humphrey, released a 29-page report titled “Scott County Investigations,” which closed the case against the Franklin pedophile ring in Minnesota, citing “insufficient evidence.”

President George W. Bush has a heartfelt encounter at the White House with male prostitute Jeff Gannon, who was kidnapped as a young Omaha newspaper boy named Johnny Gosch and put into the molestation “training program” of Larry King to “service” Washington VIPs.

The devolution of Nebraska boy Johnny Gosch to gay whore Jeff Gannon, who defiantly logged himself in 200 times in the White House visitors log kept by the Secret Service while George W. Bush was president.


Government sickos sadistically sent this photo of three tied-up boys to Mrs. Gosch to torture her emotionally. The boy on the right is her son Johnny.


Johnny Gosch after being branded with a cattle brand, again, in a photo sent to his mother.

This is my promise to you as a donor to the Eternal Solutrean movement:

As a victim myself of government pedophiles, I have a special background. I am glad for you that you lack my experience with the rawest of psychopaths, but this special background gives me a unique inner fire. My personal goal is to exterminate all child molestation ringleaders as the two-legged reptiles they are. As John DeCamp says at the end of “Conspiracy of Silence,”with pedophilia as blackmail, an entire government and country can be taken over.

This is not JUST about justice for the victims, of which I am one, or personal vengeance. It is about explaining a key puzzle to to the masses, who hate pedophiles and I saw this again with people foaming at the mouth over Jerry Sandusky.

I will explain HOW via pedophilia blackmail our government officials have become so absolutely enslaved to Zion.

Child molestation is so unforgivable and despicable that even the worst convicted murders in prison want to get their hands on the molester and kill him themselves. I know, because the prisoner who strangled pedophile priest John Geoghan, who had molested 130 boys with the approval of Bernard Cardinal Law ( of Boston, now living a cushy life at the Vatican under the Pope’s protection, used to write me from Bridgewater prison in Massachusetts ¦.

No one else but me in our white Cause has this very special inner steel and hatred for evil.

And no one before me, to MY knowledge, has ever brought out extensively the heavily Jewish angle to the “Franklin Coverup.”

…..White House threat of 11/22 of 2015, exactly one year ago

Holappa and mind control; the White House threat of November 2015


Holappa leaves interview with Norwegian television, head down and sheepish after denouncing his own comrades to the leftist enemy. Supposedly his book in Finnish extensively attacks me. 
Former Marine Corps major William Bates Fox runs this patriotic website ( and subrented a room at my Sarver house from me in 2009-11.
His viewpoint is not national-socialist but pro-white, paleo-conservative constitutionalist.

Major Fox in Nicaragua in the 1990s


(This arrangement helped me pay the rent, gave me more physical security, and gave Fox convivial and benevolent surroundings instead of a hostile-liberal-landlord situation ” the bane of every WN activist, and a horror which we experienced four times in 2014.)
And Major Fox got to know Henrik Holappa as well as anyone could.
He also visited Holappa, with Margi and others, twice at the Buffalo Federal Detention Facility in Batavia, New York State.
I sent him the following:
From: John de Nugent [mailto:   ]
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2016 12:56 AM
To: Major USMCR William Bates Fox; Major USMCR William Bates Fox
Subject: Fw: Holappa crawls to the Jew enemy
Subject: Holappa crawls to the Jew enemy
This is the man who defamed me all over America and Europe.

*** Major Fox replied:

From: “” <>
To: “” <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 June 2016, 5:49
Subject: The Henrik Holappa tragedy

Dear  John:
Thanks for keeping me updated regarding the sad news about Henrik Holappa.
I am glad you have gone public with the likelihood that an MK-ULTRA program (or something similar) was inflicted on you as a child by malevolent forces. 
In the long run our movement can only benefit from the truth, to include revealing the unspeakably evil measures used to mind-control and otherwise manipulate and damage people who could make a positive contribution to America.
Best regards,
*** I replied:

Hi, Bill.

I think what makes my case unique is that I had the force of will to rebel against it. Others are “smoothly” indicted into the program and become its totally compliant tools.

I am not sure if you saw my follow-up blog on the Holappa case, but in it my position is evolving.
Margi, and others, have raised the possibility that Holappa was an agent from the beginning ¦. or at least (I suspect) by the time he came to America in June of 2008.
Stan Hess, who as you know is in Coeur d’Alene, called and thanked me for this blog, [].
When Holappa was filling out his long story for the political-asylum lawyer Valerie May of Pittsburgh, he mentioned as part of his persecution being arrested by the Finnish SUPO (political police) and held for three days in a cell with fluorescent lights that were on full-blast for three days.
SUPO headquarters in Helsinki, Finland
SUPO symbol 
supo-logo-suomen_poliisin_miekkatunnusSupposedly this was to “prevent suicides.” At least, it would aid the guards to see what you were up to as a prisoner, such as either hanging yourself or merely lying there.
As I read this ” and as you can see, I came to the conclusion that I was put in a Manchurian Candidate program myself, I thought:
This sounds like special treatment. I do not think they leave the lights on for three solid days for every pickpocket or burglar they pick up. 
And somehow it made me pensive, Bill, it evokes something in me myself, but I could not put it all together at that time.
Holappa did tell me that the SUPO had inherited all the Soviet secret-police, KGB mentality of the Finlandization period of 1944-91, such as crushing dissidents.
We know that the Soviets also had a mind-control program,and brought in psychiatrists to use drugs and other things on “dissidents.”
So why not use it in 2006 on a white nationalist they had in their clutches?
So, and here I can only speculate, it is possible that Holappa was Manchurian-Candidated back in 2006 already.

(On the right should be options to rent or buy the movie. Yes, the hero is the black movie star Denzel Washington but the movie is not about race or blacks at all.)
When he told on my radio show in March 2008 about the Somali gang rape of a Finnish woman that awakened him (as he hinted, it involved the atrocity of forced female circumcision!), I felt that no one can know this story and then still think muslim immigrants are wonderful. No one could be that liberal as to not be horrified. And he had a sister himself ¦.
In any case, now I wonder if, as I said, he was not actually inducted into mind-controlled initally during his first three-day arrest in Oulu in 2006.
There was a strange listlessness about Henrik that one also sees in David Duke. In the many hours that he and I would walk the dogs and roam over the hills of Sarver, I truly never felt that he was connecting emotionally with me at all.
I remember then, when I read his 2011 book Wrongfully Accused, ( that same distant quality to his writing, as if he were going through the motions.
What MK means is you are somehow dead inside.
And I am proud that I, one of the few, ran away for home at ten and ceased to be dead.

The best Manchurian Candidate is of course one who does believe as we do, but will obey any command to destroy us, his own friends and comrades.

Well, he will not succeed, and neither will his jew masters.
Another friend wrote me:
It is indeed possible that the SUPO had information linking HH with some major crime and forced him to spy for them. Seems unlikely but cannot be excluded from possibilities. [] It is also strange that Finns would drop all charges against him when he was deported back to Finland.
I replied:
Yes, I would agree that he was probably discouraged by his life, and having a [personal detail that would embarrass someone else], and especially it would bother him that his own Finnish Resistance Movement voted him out as leader.
His career and life were stalled.
But indeed, why were all three threatened indictments against him dropped? Something is fishy, and it was even back in June 2009.

ZOG never drops prosecution except to get something.

In my view, because of the constant harassment I have suffered since especially 2011,  I am a high-priority ZOG target, and so, of course, is the Nordic Resistance Movement in the Scandinavian countries.



Anyone who gets a threatening call from the White House can draw this conclusion.


Printout of the traced call from the Ontonagon County Telephone Company. It is official, and a copy of the readout was just given by me to Ontonagon County Sheriff Dale Rantala.: The origin of the phone call to me yesterday, 11/23/15, at 3:27:39 pm, was the telephone number (202) 456-1414, and that number is THE WHITE HOUSE.

¦.Listen, this is MY country, Fagbama from Kenya!

A sympathetic yet puzzled reporter with in Washington DC asked me why on earth the White House would threaten me and two friends.





I replied:

Well, first of all, it was indeed totally precedented, and typical negro-thug, third-world-dictator behavior. I have never heard of any such threats before by the WH itself, and I have been in this Cause for 36 years.


The FBI, yes. Usually, they are the thugs who come to you and make a verbal threat.


Example (going WAY back):  George Lincoln Rockwell (here with some plagiarizer and whoring preacher named King) used to get donations from a factory owner in California.


Suddenly they stopped. Rocky sent two supporters over to ask him what happened. He said the FBI came and threatened him with the IRS, saying “It is not the donations you have made so far, but the size of the donations you COULD make.”





Later, the FBI defamed Rockwell to an expelled member named Patler, incited him to hate Rockwell, and so the hate-filled nerd ambushed him and shot him with an M-14 file, killing the ONLY leader with huge charisma and fearlessness the Cause had in the Sixties. 


My blog [below] goes in detail into possible triggers.

1) my attacks on the gay-financed NPI (this is my main explanation ” Obama and his crew being fags, and we saw with [mutual acquaintance and big writer] how unstable, resentful and volatile fags can be) 

2) exposing possible importation of ISIS into US at night by Obama regime

3) I have moved to the whitest (and due to Swedes and Finns, the blondest) area of the US (99%) and with the highest percentage (2/3rds) of vets “the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (




4) I advocate an alliance of white patriots with RUSSIA



But the feds have been after me since 1990, when I ran for Congress and got 26.7%% of the vote in the GOP primary as an open Nazi.

McAtee Nugent WSMV TV Nashville

Then I was the one who interrupted the Holocaust Museum opening in 1993, and Bill Clinton, Elie Wiesel and the president of Israel had to talk over me.




5) I confronted the US Army Corps of Engineers at a November 2012 public meeting over the NUMEC nuclear-fuel scandal ” a town in Pennsylvania called Apollo where every family household has at least one cancer death due to an illegal Israeli operation to make uranium and then smuggle it over to their Dimona nuclear bomb facility; the Israelis dumped radioactive waste at night in the water, the woods and literally down the toilet.

jdn-looks-skeptical-at-colonel-usace-mike-27-nov-2012-parks Scroll down 2/3rds to “NUMEC”

(and see


Then Homeland Security (using a muslim-named ICE official in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) arrested a young Finn, Henrik Holappa, who lived with us for ten months, applying for political asylum after we paid $2K for his lawyer ¦ I saw them arrest him with three steel chains around his body, and he spent 87 days in the federal detention facility in Batavia, NY, then expulsion from US soil for ten years. 


It is probably an accumulation of many things ¦.

Most of all, Mike Delaney is up here too and so you have two ultra-hardcore, intelligent NS people with people and IT skills.

Mike Delaney in IT in 2007, before, and 



And we are working on a big economic thing ¦. [taken out].

Obama is deliberately trying to impoverish all lily-white areas. He closed the paper mills, copper mine and shipbuilding just in the last five years. He does the same in Appalachia.

And I financially backed Jack Sen with over $600 at a critical moment, a charismatic British nationalist with English, American and Indian connections who now has 48 million hits on his name on Google, ran for Parliament, and is now holding a big luncheon for his new organization, British Renaissance, on Sunday! He just gave a fantastic speech to the British Democrats Party of former MEP Andrew Brons last weekend.





With the former Home Secretary!





Sen’s new book!  It is excellent, and when Jack asked me to do so, I added my own essay to it.


British Renaissance ” I am recording a video today for their luncheon




Still, it’s not all roses ¦

br event dinner jack senHow sad of a situation are we in?

We’ve had to move the venue several ˜miles’ out of town due to harassment, hire out 3 vans to transport people arriving by train, employ 3 former military servicemen to handle ˜the gate’,  ¦. []

The Home Secretary recently banned American WN Matthew Heimbach from speaking at this luncheon, and he is excluded from Britain now for five years!




And the pro-faggot NPI excluded him as well!

Well-funded “National Policy Institute” rents Nat’l Press Club, has openly “gay” speaker, and bans Christian WN because he is against homosexuality

11/10/2015 //

NPI speaker Jack Donovan, an open and flaming homo who teaches “masculinity”


“Yeah, I’ve been a top [sexual position, the thruster] for years. I basically fuck men like they are women ” but I’m glad they’re not.”à—474.jpg


We need masculine men, feminine women, and more white babies!


¦..I am not okay with the faggot takeover!

I oppose ” as a fmr trained member of Marine Corps intelligence ” the enemy takeover of white nationalism ” by the proven techniques of 1) agents, and 2) bribes and blackmail of genuine believers. 





¦..I am not okay with the pedophile takeover!


[iframe src=”” width=”720 ³ height=”406 ³ frameborder=”0 ³ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” allowtransparency=”true” scrolling=”no”]

¦..Recent cover of Out magazine

epa05019904 A handout cover image released by Out Magazine showing a portrait of US President Barack Obama on the cover of the magazine's Out 100 issue as their 'Ally of the Year' in New York City, New York, USA, 10 November 2015. According to a release from the magazine it marks the first time a sitting US President has been photographed for the cover of an LGBT publication. EPA/OUT / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++

Why do they hate and fear me?

Because I have zero desire to live as a slave on my knees. and I will never sell out and make any deal. My ancestors in 1635 came here from England for FREEDOM!


Rapid fire at 20 feet in pouring rain; hey bad-ass, this could be your skull!


Thomas Angell, my ancestor (via two family lines) of both my mother and father, came to Rhode Island in 1636 with the English gentleman Roger Williams. And he gave part of his apple orchard in 1638 for the first Baptist Church ever in the thirteen British colonies.

Why? Baptists believe it is wrong to baptize children, saying the choice of religion should be left to adults and their free will! The Baptists fled to America for FREEDOM!












John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent There seems to be a real NEED to explain this away. 😉

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent [to a nerd] For now the fifth time (and take a course in reading the English langage after this), the caller ID AT THE PHONE COMPANY also said the White House number, and the person who called all three of us had ACCESS TO THE PRIVATE CELLPHONE NUMBERS OF TWO CRITICAL FRIENDS-SUPPORTERS. No frigging “spoof card” can do that!



John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent One more such stupid remark and you are blocked.

Dan Allan

Dan Allan lol ¦I was just trying to help you. Block me for all I care.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent DONE. 😉

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Dweeb1: But the White House never calls ME! 😉

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Dweeb2: Hey, I post good shit too on Facebook! 😉 ¦/keyboard-warriors-trolls.jpg



John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Did you interrupt President Bill Clinton while inaugurating the Holocaust Museum? ¦/jdn-bullhorn-stage-millions ¦



John D. Nugent
The weekly Washington City Paper, 1993 



John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Did the Discovery Channel do a hitpiece on you? ¦..HOSTILE, LYING VIDEO BY DISCOVERY CHANNEL

A Discovery Channel program from February 2010 ” contradicting two earlier Discovery Channel documentaries (“Homicide at Kennewick” and “Ice Age Columbus”). Four hostile non-whites show up, and sit within three feet of me, having no bodyguards on such short notice. (This explain the pistols.) The British, half-Jewish, bisexual host, Olly Steeds, ridicules the scientific fact (proven by skeletons, tools, weapons and carbon dating) that whites came to the Americas thousands of years before the Amerindians, and attacks me as a dangerous man. Four hours of interview with JdN are edited down to four hostile minutes. (After the Alan Colmes FOX show, the Jews do not like to do live shows with me which they cannot edit afterward.)

February 24, 2010 Discovery Channel hatchet job on me ¦/John-de-Nugent-Hostile-And-Lying ¦

“Heinrich Himmler sat in this castle in a chair made of human bones. ¦. And John de Nugent believes in the same ideas.”
John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Dweeb3: No, but I posted “like” on a Facebook graphic. So why doesn’t the White House call ME? wink emoticon

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Dweeb4: Ehh, Nugent’s just inventing it! ¦/fat-american-eating ¦


John D. Nugent Dweeb5: Yeah, well, I didn’t know all that stuff about you. 😉

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Well, try r-e-a-d-i-ng the links I post to my b-l-o-g, or at least looking at all the pretty pictures. 😉


¦..Wonderful video on a heritage to protect!

(French w/English subtitles)

¦ ¦Feds close bank accounts and credit cards of USAF drone whistleblowers!
four-harassed-usaf-drone-operator-whistleblowers“We are former Air Force service members,” the letter begins. We joined the Air Force to protect American lives and to protect our Constitution. We came to the realization that the innocent civilians we were killing only fueled the feelings of hatred that ignited terrorism and groups like ISIS, while also serving as a fundamental recruiting tool similar to Guantanamo Bay. This administration and its predecessors have built a drone program that is one of the most devastating driving forces for terrorism and destabilization around the world.”

Elsewhere the former drone operators have described how their colleagues dismissed children as “fun-sized terrorists” and compared killing them to “cutting the grass before it grows too long.” Children who live in countries targeted by the drone program are in a state of constant terror, according to Westmoreland: “There are 15-year-olds growing up who have not lived a day without drones overhead, but you also have expats who are watching what’s going on in their home countries and seeing regularly the violations that are happening there, and that is something that could radicalize them.”

By reliable estimates, ninety percent of those killed in drone strikes are entirely harmless people, making the program a singularly effective method of producing anti-American terrorism. “We kill four and create ten,” Bryant said during a November 19 press conference, referring to potential terrorists. “If you kill someone’s father, uncle or brother who had nothing to do with anything, their families are going to want revenge.”

Haas explained that the institutional culture of the drone program emphasized and encouraged the dehumanization of the targeted populations. “There was a much more detached outlook about who these people were we were monitoring,” he recalled. “Shooting was something to be lauded and something we should strive for.”


¦ ¦Why did the WH call and threaten me?

I can only speculate why the White House called to “warn” me and two major supporters.

I now think it was real, and probably from a high-level fag.  It was incredibly bizarre, unprofessional, and Third World-like. Within 20 minutes, I, Mike Delaney of (a friend and neighbor) and trucker Jamie Anderson, a key supporter, all got the same basic phone call. Judge for yourself.

As I reported then:

I just got a threatening phone call from the White House ¦. on caller ID it said “WHITE HOUSE SW”

No joke.

And Mike Delaney [photo w/sign] of and Jamie Anderson, a successful truck driver and supporter, got calls TOO.



All within the last half hour, from the same white man, around 40, with a deep, official-sounding voice.


[Sorry, envy-eaten dweebs, it was not some pimply Jewish teenager, or some black WH phone operator on her lunch break. 😉 ]


Jamie and I cutting wood for the new office


Jamie and Mike were asked the identical question:


“Do you know John de Nugent?”


Upon their identical answer “Yes” he said

“We want you to know we are watching him.” [click]


I was asked:


“Are you John de Nugent?”


Upon answering “Yes” he said

“We want you to know we are watching you.” [click]

And I answered:
“Good! Just watch me!” 



But part of it, I suspect, is the new religion of Virtus I am creating: Virtus being Latin, the language of ancient Rome meaning manliness and virtue.


If anyone knows the power of religion (and of money, really of both), it is the Jews, and then the Muslims and Masons!


And what they fear is a man who, facing our final and total genocide, can teach others to fight the genociders, ready to die if need be (and reincarnate) to take them down.


The person who called me and two others COULD have used call spoofing for the caller ID part, but
“had absolutely no way to change the phone number,
“or to fool the phone company; and
“how did he discover the private cell phone numbers of Mike Delaney of and of trucker Jamie Anderson?

Only a government, foreign spy agency or phone company can get private cell phone numbers.

AND It would have to be someone who DARES to misuse the term “WHITE HOUSE” without fear. It is a felony to misrepresent oneself as a federal agent or agency. It would take a lot of cojones and foolishness to misrepresent oneself as being the White House. 😉
I do wish to apologize at this time to the scoffing and jealous trolls who will hate me even more ” now that the White House is harassing me and not them. 😉
Printout of the traced call from the Ontonagon County Telephone Company. It is official, and a copy of the readout was just given by me to Ontonagon County Sheriff Dale Rantala.: The origin of the phone call to me yesterday, 11/23/15, at 3:27:39 pm, was the telephone number (202) 456-1414, and that number is THE WHITE HOUSE.
Closeup (with dots added) for the receiving and calling numbers, I being the recipient ” the “Called Party Number,” at (906) 884-6689.
The “Calling Party Number” was (202) 456-1414:
So who is at (202) 456-1414?
Contact page at Fairy Barry’s website
Fagbama’s homepage
Other possible reasons why someone at the Obama White House would hate me:
1) the NPI under Richard Spencer of the Rockefeller-run University of Chicago is a gay takeover of American white nationalism, and I have exposed this gay coup more than anyone else!
Obama is overtly pro-gay and likely bisexual himself; he bathed the WH in rainbow colors after the Supreme Court banned states from banning “gay marriage”

UPDATED William Finck, Mike Delaney and Brett Light on homophile Richard Spencer and his NPI; Normans and Jews; superb movie “The Road”


2) I have blogged on how Obama is flying in ISIS fighters at night from Germany to the Harrisburg, Pa. Int’l Airport and to the Dover (Del.) AFB from Ramstein AFB in Germany!!!
The non-US citizen Barry Soetoro is flying in Islamic State fighters on Air Force jets at night into Dover AFB and into Harrisburg PA airport via UPS cargo planes, then he buses them out at night on the interstates and distributes these ISIS fighters around the US. “Barack Hussein Obama”
is de facto the man behind ISIS, the Islamic State. [See further below!]
3) Obama’s animus against me goes back to 2007, however. During the Bush presidency the Finnish kid we took in 2008-09 was not disturbed and even gave speeches, but under Obama (5 weeks after his inauguration) he was arrested, put in solitary for 87 days and expelled with a ten-year ban. ¦/jdn-henrik-holappa ¦
After all, even a total pervert like Obama probably resents me running the nude photos of his communist, slutty and Jewish mother. 😉
FAIRY BARRY, your time will come! It is “I” who am “watching” YOU!

And remember, Barry, to cover your fudgepacking lifestyle, you murdered three of your fellow black fags in the fall of 2007! ¦/obama-gay-body-language ¦


Your victims Barry:


And in January 2011 you also murdered Ashley Turleton, a white wife and mother, and chief of staff for a Long Island NY congresswoman, by burning her alive in her BMW in her garage on Capitol Hill:


John D. NugentAnd the most you can do, Fairy Barry, is kill my body, but not before I defend this body I am currently using: Ya gotta make a martyr out of me first! 


1 Comment

  1. A comrade wrote me:

    Yep, that’s a messed up deal. As always, don’t talk to the police. You never gain anything. Good job on saying you don’t want to talk to them.

    My concern is that the literally cocksucking negro in the WH is going to exploit more than even now his capability as (illegal-alien, non-US citizen) “president” to cause devilment toward me and ossibly other WNs in his final two months “in office.”

    This is another example illustrating his black-bolshevik mindset and his will to do harm to our founding white American people in his final months.

    He has ordered a halt to all aerial surveillance of the US-Mexican border so more hispanix can pour in before Trump cracks down, all “undocumented Democrats.” 😉

    Texans are outraged and the governor, Greg Abbott, says he may activate the Texas Air National Guard to surveil the border.

    Another comrade asked me:

    Did you know the Sheriff, so they thought he could talk you into it? Is that what they were doing?

    I replied:

    Yes, sort of, but the FBI always goes through the local sheriff if no charges have been filed –out of respect for his historic sheriff role, going way back to medieval England, as the chief LE (law enforcement) officer in his county.

    The sheriff himself is a decent guy, does not throw his weight around or act like a bully, and just won reelection handily by being tough on crime but friendly to law-abiding citizens, of whom I am certainly one.

    Though he is a Democrat on paper, I would not be surprised if he was also for Trump, like most law enforcement personnel, and he knew well that I had three Trumps sign on my house right on the main street going into town.

    He also approved my concealed-carry permit (the Michigan system until around the end of last year was that a county board approved or rejected all CC permits; the Michigan CC permit is recognized in 35 states. and the mandatory course and pistol range test are very good).

    And he was very well aware of the threatening phone call I got from the White House, because I brought his office a copy of the phone trace by the Ontonagon County Telephone Company…… showing clearly the “White House Switchboard” number as the calling party and me as the called party.

    He was actually just as friendly and respectful on the phone yesterday as he has always been, and told me in sort of a reassuring way that he would be right there with me during the FBI conversation, which I appreciated, though I probably came across more as outraged at the FBI than appreciative of his attempt at helpfulness, which I regret.

    But I have zero benefits — and only risks — from any gullible willingness to talk to enemies eager to help the Obama tyranny to explore new ways to cause me further misery, poverty, fear, defamation — or even death.

    I cannot wait for Trump to get in — and the end of the disgraceful misrule of our country by a bisexual, bolshevik, half-Jewish, illegal alien who should be arrested for multiple frauds and at least four murders of people who know of his bisexual pastimes, and his alien ashes deported back to Indonesia, the only country in which Barry Soetero holds any citizenship.

    I will repeat what I said yesterday, respectfully as always, to Sheriff Dale Rantala:

    “If anyone thinks they can come here to arrest me on some trumped-up charge, a man who has committed no crime, there will be trouble.”

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