Fasces in US symbolism

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Fascist Lincoln? Those are indeed fasces on either side, bundles of rods that symboliye the authority of the State since Roman days.

against law, constitution, liberty and humanity to save the Union and prevent the further spread of negro slavery. He wanted to send all the blacks back to Africa or elsewhere, and was brutally frank to black leaders at a December 1862 meeting when they came with a list of demands.

Ironically, it was the South that (to strengthen its power in the Congress) was trying to spread slavery to the new states being admitted to the Union,  and thus spread the unwanted negro race throughout the otherwise lily-white United States of the time.
There were sincere men and heroes in both north and south in that terrible war.
Actually, the fasces were also on the American dime (ten-cent piece) from 1916-1945, thus through both world wars and the careers of Adolf and Benito! I remember these beautiful coins well as a boy. All this Greco-Roman culture reminded Americans we were not a mishmash of Third World immigrants, but an offshoot of EUROPE and EUROPEAN civilization!
As for the use of the fasces, the jews have no problem with fascism — as long as they are the fascists! 😉

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