What Gandhi thought of African blacks

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Ghana’s Gandhi Statue to be “Moved”

The government of Ghana has announced that a statue of Mahatma Gandhi will be removed from its position on the campus of the University of Ghana in Accra after it finally dawned on them that the Indian leader, far from being a “champion of harmony,” was in fact a virulent anti-black racist.

The statue will be removed from its prominent position to a “place of safety,” only a few months after it was unveiled by the Indian President, Shri Prenab Mukhereje, during his state visit to Ghana last year.

The Ghana government statement said that “Mahatma Gandhi may have had his flaws,” and urged

“Ghanaians to look beyond the comments attributed to Mahatma Gandhi and acknowledge his role as one of the most outstanding personalities of the last century who demonstrated that non-violent [sic].”

(The statement, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, ends there, without further explanation.)

The brouhaha started when a group of lecturers and students began campaigning for the Indian nationalist leader’s statue to be removed, saying that Gandhi made comments “that were racist about Africans and that statues on the Accra campus should be of African heroes.”

There is truth in their allegations that Gandhi despised blacks. For example, when he addressed a public meeting in Bombay on September 26, 1896, he had the following to say about the Indian struggle in South Africa:

“Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness” (The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. II, Ahmedabad, 1963, p. 74).

In 1904, when commenting on a piece of legislation planned by the white Natal Municipal authority, called the Natal Municipal Corporation Bill, Gandhi wrote in his newspaper, the Indian Opinion, on March 18, 1905:

“Clause 200 makes provision for registration of persons belonging to uncivilized races, resident and employed within the Borough. One can understand the necessity of registration of kaffirs who will not work, but why should registration be required for indentured Indians who have become free, and for their descendants about whom the general complaint is that they work too much?” (The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. IV, Ahmedabad, 1963, p. 193).

The Indian Opinion was Gandhi’s own newspaper, and in an editorial he penned which was published on September 9, 1905 under the heading, “The Relative Value of the Natives and the Indians in Natal,” Gandhi referred to a speech made by Rev. Dube, an early African nationalist, who said that an African had the capacity for improvement, if only the whites would give them the opportunity.

In his response, Gandhi suggested that:

“A little judicious extra taxation would do no harm; in the majority of cases it compels the native to work for at least a few days a year” (MK Gandhi, Indian Opinion, March 18, 1905).

Then he added:

“Now let us turn our attention to another and entirely unrepresented community ”the Indian. He is in striking contrast with the native. While the native has been of little benefit to the State, it owes its prosperity largely to the Indians. While native loafers abound on every side, that species of humanity is almost unknown among Indians here.”

In a letter to the editor of the Times of London, published in November 12, 1906, Gandhi complained that under British rule, “kaffir police” were “hustling” Indians in South Africa. Gandhi wrote:

“Poor people were, under the registration effected by Lord Milner’s advice, dragged at four o’clock on a cold winter’s morning ”from their beds in Johannesburg, Heidelberg, and Potchefstroom, and marched to the police station, or Asiatic Offices, as the case might be. It is they who under the Ordinance would be hustled by the kaffir police at every turn, and not the better-class Indians” (MK Gandhi, Letter to the Times, London, November, 12, 1906).

In the Hollywood film made about Gandhi, much emphasis was placed on a scene where he was arrested for riding in a South African train coach reserved for whites. This incident did indeed occur, but for very different reasons than those the film portrayed.

It is claimed that Gandhi was protesting the exclusion of nonwhites from the train coach: in fact, he was trying to persuade the authorities to let only upper caste Indians ride with the whites. It was in fact never Gandhi’s intention to let blacks, or even lower caste Indians, share the white compartment.

Here, in Gandhi’s own words, are his comments on this famous incident, complete with reference to upper caste Indians, who he differentiated from lower caste Indians by calling the former “clean”:

“You say that the magistrate’s decision is unsatisfactory because it would enable a person, however unclean, to travel by a tram, and that even the kaffirs would be able to do so. But the magistrate’s decision is quite different. The Court declared that the kaffirs have no legal right to travel by tram. And according to tram regulations, those in an unclean dress or in a drunken state are prohibited from boarding a tram. Thanks to the Court’s decision, only clean Indians or coloured people other than kaffirs, can now travel in the trams” (MK Gandhi, Indian Opinion, June 2, 1906).

The Ghanaians are therefore completely accurate in their objections to Gandhi’s statue standing in Accra ”doubtless he himself would also object.

[source: http://barnesreview.org/ghanas-gandhi-statue-moved/]

Gandhi’s ashes in Poona, India (photo sent me by a German comrade)

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  1. Yes they are accurate. But so was Gandhi. Spot-on, no matter where these “kaffirs” reside in the world.

    Amazing how, thru the ages, Blacks behave as they always have and always will — Stone-Age throwbacks.

    If the White man would stop with all his altruistic BS, then Blacks would have never had a totally artificial population explosion, which in turn has created the invasion of White Western Civilization across the globe.

    Even into faraway lands such as Iceland or Finland. How pathetic.

    The White man has defied what nature and evolution had intended … Blacks were to have gone the way of the Dodo.

    I, for the life of me, cannot understand why, it seems, that the White man, especially American Whites, constantly are the only peoples that push and prop up on a pedestal the black man, like some kind of sick fetish, allowing our own Women to be sacrificed and bred out by these people.

    You don’t see Spanish tv or Arab tv, or Japanese tv or Chinese or Korean, etc. etc…placing their own kind in mixed relationships and breeding with these evolutionary throwbacks.

    Yes, I understand that the Noses have their noses in everything. 😉

    But there are plenty of White Christian Gentiles that go along to get along. I remember reading Herodotus, and, in one chapter, he talks about the different peoples he had come across or had talked to, and he heard first-hand that what Blacks were called in lower Africa, which was troglodytes.

    *** hole dwellers in Greek



    I can see this as being absolutely true, even to this day. They may claim to be first man and maybe they are, but at the same time THEY NEVER really evolved. The only reason Blacks have any advancement is precisely because Whites colonized them. If not, they would still be in the Stone Age, as many places are still.

    And, of course, you have many spouting that there are plenty of places where Blacks are successful and/or some black country/island is doing just fine.

    But what they don’t tell you is that is only because of the White man’s wealth and ingenuity, not from anything that Blacks themselves created. Ghaddafi was right. You remove him or any others that were basically the fingers in the [immigration] dike, so to speak, and then the West will be overrun by this people. He was right.

    • Very true, and thank you.

      But the problem of denial is universal. The truth is not sacred to earthlings of all races, including WNs.

      I showed a video debunking viruses by two very brave and sincere MDs, one Andrew Kaufman, MD, of the United States, and the other Samantha Bailey, MD, of New Zealand.

      It is at the end here: https://johndenugent.com/is-there-such-a-thing-as-a-virus-or-is-it-sick-cells-disintegrating-do-we-need-vaccines-against-non-existent-viruses/

      And a WN, a very bright fellow, btw, simply rejected the whole thing. Rather than listen to the arguments he undoubtedly mental-chattered to himself during the entire video: “This is bullshit; this is such bullshit. What about X? What about Y?” He did not stop this to truly listen, to truly engage with the arguments.

      And he added, and this is purely ad hominem, “I saw that video you wanted me to watch — by a jew and a bottle blonde.”

      First, Samantha Bailey, MD, a graduate of Otago Unmiversity Medical School (and Otago is the Yale of her country), is IMO not a bottle blonde. Look at her hairline in every single video she has done — no dark hair-roots whatsoever, not at any time in any of her dozens of videos published over the last few years. She is a genuine dark-blonde.

      Secondly, we LOVE jews who tell the truth, such as Bobby Fischer (and many, many other jewish renegades). Since when is merely being jewish proof that something is wrong? A jew invented the laser. Does that mean lasers do not exist?

      This hostile mindset is especially wrong-headed when the things Kaufman is saying are totally and very bravely against the vaccine-virus-Covid-Big Pharma narrative.

      How many anti-vaxxers have been deplatformed, lost their medical license, like Dr. Andrew Wakefield, or even been murdered?!?!

      This is a planet full of fibbers and liars, who tell and believe lies gladly, with no verification even attempted, because it agrees or clahses with their favorite notions.

      There are a very few jews who speak the truth, and, sadly, also very few Whites as well.

  2. Would the woke weasels call Ho Chi mihn, Nasser, or Moa racist facist Nazis for not opening up their borders to uncontrolled immigration. They were all patriots who loved their countries for their people , not for illegal gimmegrants or the world’s unless or poor to be given everything. Woke weasels thick about history .

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