The Jew York Times takes the bait — Trump not working for Putin.
(See my previous blog:
I strongly disapprove of Trump’s strike on Syria. But I ALSO u-n-d-e-r-s-t-a-n-d that he had to do it. And it has worked — now no one says Trump is a Russian puppet. SO HE CANNOT BE IMPEACHED AND REMOVED FROM OFFICE BY DEMONCRATS AND REPUBLICAN NEOCONS, and replaced by the worst choice possible, Mike Pence.
With Trump, he was down in the polls, then he did some rallies around the country and went back up. He went down again, and he did this Syria strike. He is under siege, and IMO desperately improvising.
Booh-hoo-hoo, Trump killed six Muslims. Fine, let Trump be impeached and removed from office as a Russian puppet, and Mike Pence be put in. (Pence authored TTIP, ran the fake anthrax scare in 2001, opposed the Wall against Mexico, wants one-way free trade, is an overt enemy of Russia and the most pro-Israel Born-Again fanatic in Washington.) Then you will get the full Georgia Guidestones agenda — and SEVEN BILLION will die.
Go, Trump! Gratitude and loyalty to a man tackling an immense task.
TRUMP WINS THIS WEEK: 1) Jobs 2) Unemployment 3) Sanctuary cities 4) Illegal Immigration 5) SCOTUS and it’s only Thursday.
LOL…. Daily Stormer dweebs just switched from worshiping Trump as the “God Emperor” to vituperating him as The Tool Of The Jews. Now they can feel good inside about never having lifted a finger for the man. What it all is, is what Carl Jung called “projection.” When people react with irrational hatred, they are hating in the other person, and projecting onto him, what they are ashamed to face in themselves.
Hope you are right John! Be a sad thing to see the Trump movement collapse!
I also hope you are right, but I just don’t see it happening. The smirking 36-year-old Jew brat Jared Kushner is clearly Trump’s Zionist handler, whose job it is to make sure Trump toes the Zionist Jew line. Kushner reports on Trump’s doings to Netanyahu, and Netanyahu reports to the Rothschilds, who are the real string-pullers. So, how is Trump going to move against the Khazarian mafia with Jared Kushner and his Jewish daughter Ivanka staring over his shoulder at all times? I recall reading an article months ago, soon after Trump had taken office, which said that Trump was making his big decisions on Saturdays (the Jewish Sabbath), in order to cut Kushner out of the loop, and this was probably done at Steve Bannon’s request. It’s reported that Bannnon and Kushner hate each other, and Bannon, who was the source of all of Trump’s pro-White, America First nationalist rhetoric which won him the presidency, is now being shoved aside by Kushner, with Trump’s implicit approval. Bannon will probably quit soon, and then Trump’s administration will be 100% Zionist Jews and their shabbas goy underlings like Tillerson and General McMaster. As Anglin says in the article below, Trump is obviously being blackmailed in some manner – the Jews probably have incriminating video of him screwing underage girls at his good friend Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedophile island.” There are also rumors that Trump committed incest with his daughter Ivanka, and plenty of very strange photos of Ivanka with Trump that lend credence to that rumor (her sitting on his lap while wearing a very short skirt, etc.)
Trump with daughter Ivanka:
Ivana Trump, Trump’s first wife, who bore him most of his children, including Eric Trump, is rumored to have been Jewish, and Eric Trump agreed with some Jewish radio host named Ross Kaminsky that David Duke “does deserve a bullet” to the head:
So, as much as I’d love to see your scenario play out, I just don’t see it happening. Trump’s moral character is deeply flawed, and the Jews have apparently used that as blackmail against him. They would never have allowed Trump to get this far if they didn’t have some major dirt on him that they could use to control him. And that’s exactly what is happening, in my opinion. Trump is a sex-crazed scumbag and a Zionist-controlled con artist, and he fooled us all. You are just too prideful to admit it.
I have covered all of your objections in full in 20 months of detailed blogging about Trump.
I am sorry you felt a need to project by calling me prideful at the very end. Respect is the highest virtue. If you lack it, then you can write hotshot things over at DS, where that is normal. Here there are no insults allowed, only listening, dialogue and learning. In harmony with this, I also deleted ten “friends” off my FB list who were not critiquing Trump, which I allow and do myself, but instead, heedless of my warning, were vilifying the President of the United States, a man risking his life and surrounded by vicious enemies, “trashing” him, in the vernacular.
A WN who beforehand was a race-mixer and was married to a Taiwanese/Chinese women (he is now divorced but still lives in Taiwan, and likes the people and the lack of degeneracy) speaks fluent Chinese. He told me this significant fact:
“In Chinese the character for ‘greatness’ and for ‘ruthlessness’ is the same thing.”
Do you know who the man on the right is? On the left is Kissinger.
On the left is President Gerald Ford.
On the right is President Ronald Reagan.
That man is my late father.
You might consider that others may know more about the Deep State than you, Osiris, and first-hand. 🙂
I will address one point, Ivanka:
Look at it realistically. Trump is in New York real estate, Jewish-dominated.
His kids go to private schools which are full of Jews.
Ivanka meets a pretty good-looking, very rich Jewish boy and swoons for him.
Would you really advise Trump to tell his daughter:
GAME OVER for Trump in real estate, presidential ambitions, EVERYTHING.
I grew up in these same circles of wealth and private schools, and my own father had to dance around the Jewish issue. One wrong word, and you are through.
I contend that Trump is a sleeper agent and a closet national socialist, and thus the biggest bullshit artist on earth. 😉
If you object, try doing it the George Lincoln Rockwell way, broke and ostracized. Good luck!
John, I’ve read all of your blogs about Trump, and you have not addressed the main points I raised. I understand that given his real estate business in NYC, Trump probably had no choice but to allow Ivanka to marry the Zionist Jew Jared Kushner. I don’t consider that to be the main problem with Trump. My main problems with Trump are as follows:
1) Jared Kushner is clearly Trump’s ever-present Zionist handler for Israel, and he has shoved aside his Gentile rival Steve Bannon, who was the man behind all of Trump’s nationalist, America First rhetoric that won him the presidency. How is Trump going to move against the Zionist mafia with Kushner looking over his shoulder at all times and reporting back to Netanyahu in Israel?
2) Trump is a deeply flawed character who was a close friend of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and Trump allegedly flew on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” plane multiple times to Epstein’s “pedophile island,” which I’ve read was thoroughly bugged by the Mossad for purposes of videotaping and blackmailing political leaders and corporate VIPs in sex acts with underage girls. Trump also had all of Epstein’s phone numbers, and referred to him as a friend who, like himself, enjoyed young girls.
3) Trump is rumored to have committed incest with his daughter Ivanka, and there are plenty of very creepy photos of them together, as well as very creepy comments made by Trump about Ivanka (see videos in my previous comment) which lend credence to that rumor. This is another potential source of sexual blackmail that may hang over Trump’s head, which Ivanka’s husband Jared Kushner probably knows all about.
4) Trump’s whole character is that of a sex-crazed, egotistical narcissist who is only interested in “grabbing ’em by the pussy” and making money. I think you will be disappointed if you expect any truly noble or patriotic acts from such a man. Trump couldn’t even carry Adolf Hitler’s jockstrap, and as for him being the reincarnation of General Patton, I don’t think so, despite Trump’s facial resemblance to Patton. Patton was a very serious man with a deep knowledge of history, whereas Trump gives every indication of knowing nothing about history or even current events, other than what his Zionist handlers tell him. In that respect he is much like G.W. Bush, whose Zionist handler was the crypto-Jew Dick Cheney. Trump said all the right things during his campaign when Bannon was feeding him ideas and probably writing his speeches as well, but now that Kushner has shoved Bannon aside with Trump’s tacit approval, Trump’s true Zionist colors are showing.
5) In earlier blogs, you said that a Trump presidency could be even more dangerous to White Americans than a Hillary presidency, because as a Republican and a supposed “America First” patriot, Trump would have the support of the military and White Americans, and could get away with declaring martial law and suspending all freedoms after some Israeli 9/11-style false flag attack, whereas Obama or Hillary would not have the military’s support in such a scenario. But now you’ve done a 180, and are saying that it would be a good thing for Trump to declare martial law, because it would allow him to remove the Jews from power. So which is it? I think you were right the first time.
Sorry to have called you prideful, but to me it’s obvious where the Trump presidency is heading. It will be the G.W. Bush administration on steroids, probably with another 9/11-style Israeli false flag attack (maybe nuclear this time), which will then “justify” another U.S. war in the Middle East for Israel, probably against Syria and/or Iran. As usual, Israel will win, and America will lose. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
It may well be that his role is to set the stage for the return of national socialism.
You may be right. I left a comment earlier before I read this. I really hope you’re right. There’s the fact that the Jews have made huge mistakes with false flags. Trump could easily point those out. Sandy Hook which from the former school security officer has no dead kids. It appears that this would be easy to prove and a complete destruction of the press. Building 7 on 9-11. It’s just impossible for a building to fall the same speed as a rock dropped in air. The building to do so would have to have been supported by air for roughly 108 feet or the structure boiled away to be the density of air. Why not just lay the whole thing out? They completely have their ass hanging out here. I understand it’s dangerous but before he did so he could get special forces to protect him and even vary where he stayed if necessary. At the same time cancel all security clearances for the Spooks.If he’s going to take on the Jews at some point he’s going to have to do something like this and he didn’t.
He’s also has too many Jews too close. Your arguments are all rational but they don’t necessarily answer the question, if he’s not going to come out in the open now then when and how? In order for us to get our country back I’ve come to the conclusion that the Jews must be routed. I would be fine with a less aggressive separation but they refuse to deal in any way that I can see.
I don’t see the pictures of Ivanka and him meaning anything. Photographers take all kinds of pictures and instants in time can totally change the meaning of a sequence of pictures. It is possible and not unlikely that he’s being blackmailed. The abrupt change is what worries me.
We’ll see but if he keeps up what he’s doing then the only reasonable assumption is they have him one way or another.