The kind of person on social media I have to block

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A supporter was kidding me for, after due warnings, blocking on FB about 15 instant, abusive Trump-bashers and Trump-haters who began posting heavy abuse right after the Syrian missile strike.

I replied:

It was the instant and vicious bashing by certain kinds of people of President Trump that ensued after the Syrian missile strike that got people blocked.

It was the claiming without any proof that he was a scumbag from the get-go.

It was the asserting by wisenheimers that everyone was an idiot that had ever supported him.

It was the pretending to know, without proof (beyond his dad Fred donating to a Jewish hospital, etc.) that he was actually a genetic Jew.

And all THAT — not criticizing Trump fairly and factually, as I do — would still get someone blocked today.  

I just do not need THE KIND OF PERSON who puts a blanket INSTANT hating on public persons before sufficient evidence comes in.

Public persons, such as Presidents of the United States (five have been murdered, and three more shot in the chest!) and all sorts of controversial activists (like yours truly, or George Lincoln Rockwell, for example) risk their very lives.


Shot (here with my father)

Shot at; the man next to him was killed (the mayor of Chicago)

Shot and killed

WN activist shot and killed

Car-accidented, Austrian regional governer and nationalist Jörg Haider

His daughters and wife

Jörg Haider was a fantastic governor, a charismatic political leader,  and even a superb singer of Austrian folk songs


We high-profile people get shot, we get accidented, and stroked, and heart-attacked, and fast-cancered, and suicided.

Dr William Pierce died very, very fast of cancer as his organization was booming. It declined and collapsed after his death….

Beyond that, I myself have been a victim of absolutely vicious hate campaigns, gorged with lies spread by fact-averse individuals who have a fundamental nature that is full of rage, hate and abuse.

In fact, I am still now slandered myself and I receive vicious emails every week, and death threats every month.

Libelous accusations online against JdN

As for Donald Trump, his recent betrayal of Wikileaks hero Julian Assange (both he and his Attorney General have said this brave and severely persecuted whistleblower should be prosecuted) has led me to conclude that while Trump once, IMO, was sincere — though certainly never an angel, think “Pussygate” — he now has been completely “gotten to.”

The president IMO is simply no longer in control of his destiny. Trump has been known to be very loyal to his friends, and so some overwhelming threat has him in its grip, and IMO it is a literal death grip. He is afraid of being destroyed politically, legally and even, IMO, physically.

This is why I must step forward, leaving Trump to his destiny and his karma, so our race finally has an authentic and ethical leader, and not a man who can abandon his promises and even his friends.

But no man is my friend who dumps instantly on another man without proof.

For if he dumps on him, his character is so bilious that someday he will turn on me as well…. and on my friends….and someday on our Cause.

 A future for white men, women and children
John de Nugent
John de NugentThanks. This is a perfect example of vicious trolling, and I agree with the comment here:
“Steven Tibbetts · MAFIA WARS

So let me get this straight. A president that often is up by 6 a.m. and stays up till sometimes after 2 a.m. takes weekend vacations. He refused the presidential salary. He stays in his own house and golfs on his own golf course. Price tag $0. Secret Service expense is the same no matter WHERE he is. So all you got is the plane fare? Compare that to Obama bringing his own chefs with him when he visits England and Saudi Arabia to play golf.”
Jayson Butler We knew what we were getting with Hillary. It was still the better choice
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 8 mins
Roy Hurley
Roy Hurley Very well put, sad to say. We didn’t imagine that the “Deep State” went all the way down to hell.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 mins
Alexander Kern
Alexander Kern Well said!!! Ave!
John de Nugent I remember how Rockwell was called a Jew!

So if he was a Jew, then why did the Jews have him killed?

John de Nugent
John de Nugent And Matt Koehl, who succeeded him, was called a Jew! And a homosexual!

John de Nugent
John de Nugent I remember my father once discussing an election with a friend, and I asked: “How can the public vote for these liberal Democrats?” My father’s friend, Barry Gately, sighed: “People believe, John, what they WANT to believe.” I was literally STUNNED that such a thing was possible, and that facts, evidence and truth were meaningless to the masses! 😉
I had a lot to learn. But from that moment on I had doubts about the tempting myth of democracy. And whether really everyone should be opining online. 😉

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