“Metro” – the terrible, black-run bus & subway system in Washington DC — drivers making $114K, lazy cops $82K

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Metro: A Culture of Complicity

A Washington Times investigative series

By Luke Rosiak

As true now as it was five years ago. I lived in Wash., DC  for 18 years (1977-92 and 2005-08) and was incredulous that almost every bus and subway train driver was BLACK!

Even Washington DC itself, never mind the suburbs, was only half-black. The suburbs, except for Prince George’s County to the east, were only 10% black.


Metro subway map

Metro train

A Metrobus

Metro derailed by culture of complacence, incompetence, lack of diversity

March 27, 2012

Ninety-seven percent of the bus and train operators at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority are black, with only six white women out of more than 3,000 drivers, according to Metro documents — a lack of diversity at one of the region’s largest employers that has led to an acknowledgment of failure in affirmative-action documents and spawned a series of lawsuits.

The homogeneity, interviews with dozens of current and former Metro workers indicated, is a proxy to a clubby culture of favoritism in which merit has little to do with promotions,

….and accountability, such as noting safety violations, is a career death knell.

Even with big salaries, Metro can’t fill its jobs

March 28, 2012

The mechanics tasked with maintaining the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s chronically broken escalators start at $81,000 a year. Bus driver pay goes as high as $114,000 for anyone with a driver’s license and a GED. Yet despite an economy that has left people from all walks of life looking for work, Metro says it can’t find qualified job applicants.

Metro transit police: Not quite the region’s finest

April 2, 2012

While police in Maryland, Virginia and the District work to keep the region safe, also among the mix is the Metro transit system’s lesser-known 600-member force, which uniquely has law enforcement authority across all three jurisdictions. But records suggest that the agency has conducted little enforcement of the transit system’s everyday rules and that the department also counts among its ranks people who have been arrested for violent and predatory crimes.

Metro gag order at odds with law

April 2, 2012

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s policy of forbidding employees from speaking to the media is at odds with a law designed to reduce impropriety at transit agencies by protecting insiders who bring concerns to light, an expert said.

Source documents on Metro: A problem of personnel
Detailed Metro workforce demographics
Race and gender statistics by job category.
Dr. Smithpeter physicians’ board trial
A doctor who rendered pro-Metro verdicts in workers’ comp cases was found guilty by a professional board of having sex with a…
McGee Deposition
A deposition in one of several cases in which white women sued Metro claiming discrimination.
Metro affirmative action plan, Part 1
Metro physician was unlicensed
Metro sent workers’ comp claimants to a psychiatrist not licensed to practice in the District.
Metro response
“We will use our pride as a shield against any attack they wage against us.”
Transit police complaints log 11/2010-12/2010
A log of calls that came through a line for complaints related to transit police over a narrow time period contained few…
Union newsletter Aug. – Sept. 2008
A breakdown of the union’s $20 million in holdings – plus an endorsement of, as they spell it, “Barrack Obama and Joseph…
Union newsletter Dec. – Jan. 2011
The union’s newsletters include descriptions of workers who were reinstated after being cited for malfeasance.
Union newsletter, Feb. – Mar. 2011
Metro’s main union’s president said it removed its newsletters from the Internet to prevent outsiders from reading them.
Union newsletter Oct. – Nov. 2010
The union says workers have known about safety issues and not reported them because of a fear of retaliation. An expert says…

……Washington DC on the map


It is the hottest, stickiest, least windy and breezy major Western city, and full of treacherous, backstabbing egomaniacs — politicians and their staff!

I did enjoy Georgetown University (photo), however, and the great museums.

But the whole place exudes evil.

The whole city is laid out in Freemasonic, luciferian, and baphometic  angles.

It sends forth death around the world.
The Pentagon
The day Trump starts a war with Russia, in 90 seconds this city will be vaporized.

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