Rhodesian-South African calls majority of his white people “morons” and “insane” for learning nothing even from the most recent, searing tragedies; Trump, bribes, and Epstein blackmail

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Little white girl after a ceremony shutting down an elite, white, South African army unit, the 32nd Battalion, in 1994


I would only disagree with Jan about the perps like FW De Klerk in South Africa or Bishop Abel Muzorewa in Rhodesia as being “fools.” The people — oh, yes — they have always been utter fools. They always want to be deluded with nice-sounding promises how ‘if we give in, our enemies will love us and everything will turn out all right.’

But the perps, the politicians, are different. They were bribed or blackmailed, or both, by the Jews and Masons to consciously, deliberately betray their country, and thus their own flesh and blood, to a horrific fate.

General Meiring

Meiring directly threatened in the black-takeover year of 1994 to use the black troops and English-speaking white units within the SADF (South African Defence Forces) to fire on his own fellow Afrikaners if they resisted the black takeover.


Julius Malema riles up blacks against whites, who now are just 8% of the country


…..The bribed and blackmailed Trump is right now betraying his supporters, his causes, and his country

I have no doubt that the Jews have said to him:

Crush Iran and Russia, and you will be a two-term president, Donny, and you will go down in history, like Lincoln or Roosevelt, as a great war president.

Or do what you really want, and listen to your friend Steve Bannon and your voters — and end up indicted, impeached and removed from office by our puppets in Congress over faked Jeffrey-Epstein stuff — a bogus video we have already produced “showing” you having sex with minors, as did (for real) such VIPs as Epstein pals Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Alan Dershowitz, Ehud Barak, etc., etc.

Trump and Epstein 

You will lose the presidency, you will go to prison, and the Trump Organization that your kids stood to inherit will collapse. No one will stay in a Trump Hotel if, after our media campaign, the name “Trump” stands for “sex-with-minors”and “ex-president in prison.”


 ….See also

My hit video (54,000 views) on VIP pedophiles, especially Leo Frank and Jeffrey Epstein


Will reading about the white tragedy in South Africa wake Americans up? NOT BY ITSELF!

Black violence in Coligny, South Africa – whites fight back

Jack Sen & fmr Member of European Parliament Nick Griffin on black extermination of ALL South African minorities

American volunteer JB Campbell on the superior fighting skills of white men in the Rhodesian War

……Contact and support

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS



  1. Found a photo of Ivanka Trump before and after her plastic surgery. Wow! Scroll down to the second photo and tell me that isn’t a racial Jewess on the left side of the before/after photo. She looks like Chelsea Clinton, or any typical young Jewess from NYC. And that dark brown or black hair is her natural hair color – she’s a bleach-blonde:


    Her Czechoslovakian mother Ivana Trump (nee Zelnickova) is also a racial Jewess (Scroll down for photo):


    Notice that Ivana Trump’s Wikipedia page doesn’t say a word about her religion – hmmm, wonder why?:


    A search of “Ivana Trump, Jew” only brings up results for her daughter Ivanka. It’s as if the Internet search results have been scrubbed for anything about Ivana, aside from her Wiki page.

    This is why all three of Trump’s children from his marriage to Ivana Zelnickova (Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka) have married Jews. Are we to believe that Donald Trump Sr. didn’t know that his fiancee and wife-to-be Ivana Zelnickova was Jewish? That they never discussed her ethnic or religious background? Trump knew she was Jewish, and was okay with it.

    Trump lied to People magazine and told them his father was Swedish – he didn’t want anyone examining his German family tree and seeing all the fake “Christ” surnames. “Christ” is NOT a German surname – it’s a made-up name, commonly used by ethnic Jews who “converted” to Christianity.

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