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Margaret Huffstickler and I 
Steve Clark Beautiful photo!

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· 6 hrs


Layne Lawless
Layne Lawless Margie’s beautiful. You got lucky, John.

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· 4 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Thanks, Layne. The thing I guess I appreciate most is that she has grown over the years, as I have also tried to do, and our sometimes tense relationship evolved into something higher. I studied under a truly great guru from India, a brahmin, and when someone asked him during a “satsang” (“ask the guru” 😉 ) the $64,000 Question: “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?” … well, it stunned me as a Westerner that to this huge “conundrum” he answered instantly and with no need to ponder my question: “Relationships.” 🙂

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· 3 hrs · Edited


Benjamina Krueger
Benjamina Krueger You know, I’d love to meet a white woman around my age that isn’t completely worthless. But the worthy ones around here are all married with children already. I’m most certainly not going to ‘respect’ people who don’t respect themselves.

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· 3 hrs


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John de Nugent
John de Nugent This is a big part of why I am creating an organized religion and not just promoting “spirituality.” People really do need a place to meet VETTED potential mates…. And they require rules to live and raise their kids by, and a trained, ordained clergySee More

· Reply · 3 hrs · Edited


John de Nugent
John de Nugent As disgusted as I get at the women-bashing on Daily Stormer, I also see that a lot of these guys are literally starved for sex, love, companionship, the chance at fatherhood, and a woman who is not a libtard and shares our dream of a future for our race.

· Reply · 2 hrs · Edited


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Genesis: “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Or the woman.

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent How do we know Adam was a white man?

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Because not even God would take a rib from a black man. 😉

· Reply · 2 hrs


Benjamina Krueger
Benjamina Krueger That would be great, but what kind of religion would it be? Though I do consider myself ‘Christian’ for the sake of European continuity, I am well aware that our race practiced religions that predate Christ. And within those, we find that Christianity See More

· Reply · 2 hrs


Benjamina Krueger
Benjamina Krueger And the original gods Kek, i.e. Uranus, i.e. the primordial chaos, and thusly we call it stochasticism in an atheist context.

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent I agree with the Buddha to ignore the “gods,” who in many cases were literally extraterrestrial beings of dubious character or trans-dimensional entities of a bad sort. (Just read some of the stories of the Greek gods — feuding, raping, lying, jealousSee More

· Reply · 2 hrs · Edited


John de Nugent
John de Nugent The truth is we should worship our ancestors, not as gods, but as real beings who can help us. This is a key part of Shinto, the indigenous religion of Japan, and it gives that nation a profound sense of racial continuity and obligation. When a Japanese comes home to announce to his wife he got a promotion, he also goes over to a glass case containing photos of his deceased parents, grandparents, and other deceased relatives. He prays to them, he discusses his good fortune with them, and he bows and thanks them. Sometimes he asks for advice to come to him or strength so he can manage his new responsibilities with honor.

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· 2 hrs


John de Nugent

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Ellen Horn
Ellen Horn Thank you John.

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· 3 hrs


Constantin Von Hoffmeister
Constantin Von Hoffmeister Never! White women are mostly useless. Just like white men!

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· 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent “Aber ich liebe, was in ihnen steckt.” — AH 🙂

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent “But I love what is hiding inside them.” – AH 🙂

· Reply · 2 hrs


Constantin Von Hoffmeister
Constantin Von Hoffmeister And what’s that THESE DAYS?

· Reply · 2 hrs


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Unless and until we are literally genetically modified into cyborgs (I am not joking), we are all souls who at any moment can tire of selfish cowardice and choose nobility. Adi proved it 1933-45. 🙂Many of them have reincarnated now again, as have I. And now my message will be this: “You must be either the Greatest Generation in Aryan history, or you will be the Last.”

· Reply · 1 hr


Constantin Von Hoffmeister
Constantin Von Hoffmeister It’ll be the last. I have no hope. FINIS MUNDI

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· 1 hr


John de Nugent

John de Nugent Finis subhumanorum 😉

So, what do you think it must be done to basically save ourselves?
My answer:
We must erase the ego completely, and thus the angry past and the fearful future, and stop suffering and live in the now.
Stop always thinking, thinking, thinking…. This way of people today, there can be no enjoyment of life, only misery, and no hope of victory, just numbing fear all the time.
Thinking doth make cowards of us all — Shakespeare.
Every primitive black or muslim is able to just DO what he WANTS to DO!
Whites THINK — they overthink!
What do you mean by do what he wants to do?
If any white man in England or France touched a muslim woman, her menfolk would just go and kill him. They don’t think — they act. And so they dominate.

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