NINTH UPDATE Is reincarnation remembering every detail of another life? and a call from Germany

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[This is a very important blog, and represents page one of two pages. The second and final page is found here:]


…….A comrade awakens from the Duke-Stormfront-DS-Alt-Right haze

Dear John [Edited]
I just read the above article by you and found it especially interesting since I had the misfortune to get to know Duke.
I’m about three years into White Nationalism or whatever name you want to put on it. Ideologically, I would say I identify most with the people over at Iron March, which would be NS/Fascist.
I found your article very striking due to the accuracy of your description of Duke compared with my own experience. As you probably know already, he is not very pleasant to talk to, primarily due to his narcissism.
I ran into your site because I was doing a little investigation on some of the “leaders” in White Nationalism/Alt-Right etc. I have been a Daily Stormer reader for over a year and have had intermittent suspicions and misgivings about some of the ideas and strategies being promoted.
Today I was browsing 8chan /pol/ and came upon some damning or at least suspicious information about Andrew Anglin and his tech guy Weev. This information got the wheels in my mind spinning once again due to some bewildering recent events such as the Charlottesville mayhem and the ensuing shutdown of several WN websites such as the Daily Stormer and Stormfront, in addition to recent fundraising ostensibly to pay for Andrew Anglin’s defense fund against the SPLC of more than $150,000. These and other occurrences led me to a few theories of potential conspiracies. If you are interested I can elaborate later. I can also elaborate on my past suspicions and misgivings. Here is a video which gives a lot of damning evidence against Andrew Anglin and Weev. Some of the photos with text are worth pausing the video to read.
I am sending this message because I am apprehensive and nervous about the direction White Nationalism is going and I felt compelled to write to you after I read your article. So far the people I find the most impressive are some over at Iron March/Atomwaffen. They get a fraction of the following of sites like the Daily Stormer and others in the Alt-Lite/Alt-Right, but I was very impressed with their knowledge, insight, sense of purpose, and seriousness.
Here is an amazingly good but also very long article from them which is their manifesto but also a harsh critique of the Alt-Right. I give it my highest recommendation even though you hardly know me.
Personally, I feel quite restless as I am still single and would like to both start a family and be useful to advancing the movement (Is it fair to call it that? Notingmuch is “moving”!) I have found difficulty in doing both of these things but right now I sometimes still have a good amount of time on my hands and nothing to lose so I want to be useful.
I wouldn’t mind giving my life to the cause because my life is not very good anyway, but I would only really want to do it if I felt like it could make an impact.
But right now, I am just left with a great feeling of restlessness. Anyway, I hope to hear back from you. I think I probably can give you some useful information on the Alt-Right that you don’t know as well.
Regards, [L]

My reply:

Thank you for this. I hope you will enjoy reading the information below.

Really, with Trump on mega-cuck, and statues of white heroes coming down everywhere, it is already Game Over — unless a giant of a man can save us now, like the God-Emperor (LOL) that Anglin built Trump up to be, an authentic leader bearing a new vision.

My coming religion the exact opposite of a cult

The enemy has achieved what they themselves call “full-spectrum dominance.” The Gentile Genociders have all the media, government, military, business, finance and even the Christian churches they loathe.

Our air, food and water are saturated with chemicals to make us zombies.


They control even much of white nationalism!  😉

Bogus “car incident” in Charlottesville; Richard Spencer, Secret Agent

And so I say: We can only win if Hitler literally returns.

Not just very brave and very smart as before….no, because the other side has such an awesome advantage in quantity. Quality does not always defeat quantity; WWII proved that.

….but this time Hitler must be a truly enlightened being,not just an idealist.

He must also be a man for all whites –Teutons, Slavs, Kelts and Latins. And he must reach out to all the world that suffers agonies under the Jews.


He must proclaim,not white separation, but the very opposite,  a benevolent new, overt white supremacy, and prove by word and deed that Aryans are the kindest, noblest and most gifted race, ready to govern the world right, for the benefit of all.

This is the only solution to the race problem — white power. Not “Little Europes.”

Rudyard Kipling said something profound in his famous poem “Take up the White Man’s Burden.” Other races –I know from a hundred conversations — concede us our greater racial nobility and talent — that is, if no Jew is involved in that empire, cruelly exploiting others for his greed.

This poem, btw, was an encouragement by the Briton Kipling to the Americans to take the Philippines — and start a white man’s empire of their own!


Take up the White Man’s Burden

Take up the White Man’s burden ” ”

Send forth the best ye breed ”

Go send your sons to exile

To serve your captives’ need.


To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild ”

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child.



Take up the White Man’s burden

In patience to abide

To veil the threat of terror

And check the show of pride;


By open speech and simple

An hundred times made plain

To seek another’s profit

And work another’s gain.


Take up the White Man’s burden ”

And reap his old reward:

The blame of those ye better

The hate of those ye guard ”


The cry of hosts ye humour

(Ah slowly) to the light:

“Why brought ye us from bondage,

“Our loved Egyptian night?”


Take up the White Man’s burden-

Have done with childish days-

The lightly proffered laurel,

The easy, ungrudged praise.


Comes now, to search your manhood

Through all the thankless years,

Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,

The judgment of your peers!


Source: Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden: The United States & The Philippine Islands, 1899.” Rudyard Kipling’s Verse: Definitive Edition (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1929).

For this, Hitler II — Back and Better — must create a new, credible, fact-based,authentic Aryan religion which qualitatively changes people, re-moralizes them, lifts them up, changes their very consciousness of who and what they are, makes them see realities both cosmic and earthly, and prize anew beauty, duty and honor ….Je He must return us first inside to the Aryan heights, the glories of which 1933-45 was just an appetizer. 😉




But we now are so few, and are as individuals so very affected by the degeneracy spewn all around us by tv, movies, music and school ever since our birth.

There is thus no “movement” at all!

Hitler did have a movement, and therefore he must re-emerge — and now.

And thus this blog. 🙂

Thank you again for your writing me, and yes, the Iron March people write excellent things. My best to them.

John de Nugent




…..What really happens in “reincarnation”?

Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death. It is also called rebirth, especially by buddhists, or transmigration, or, as in Ancient e Greek, palingenesis (“regeneration”).




A comrade who believes in reincarnation but does not understand it well (at all) wrote me:

I keep focusing on lifetimes in this physical world, but I have to keep reminding myself that we’re on a bigger journey as spiritual beings. Even though what happens here is important, I have to remember what is more important is the mission we are really on, to grow.

Of course we don’t have conscious access to that info, which would be helpful.

I replied:
Your first paragraph is accurate. The second shows, however, a deep misunderstanding of how reincarnation works.
We don’t need forever “access to that info” about all our previous sucky lives.  
…..all the tragedies, all the depressing failures, the disappointments, the betrayals (committed by or against us), the pointless arguments, and the hundreds of heartaches in our love life and with our wayward children…. or the wars, the agonies, the crushing defeats.
How would it help you NOW to churn back up FOREVER all that old stuff?  These things are to be reviewed ONCE, analyzed, and then you move on.
Adolf Hitler, right, views the once-beautiful, now bomb-damaged Reichskanzlei (Reich chancellory) in Berlin, Germany, in April 1945, shortly before his suicide. This is one of the last photos of Hitler. Person at left not identified. (AP Photo) — Adolf Hitler, rechts, begutachtet Ende April 1945, kurz vor seinem Selbstmord, in Berlin die zertruemmerte Reichskanzlei. Es ist eines der letzten Bilder des Diktators. Person links nicht identifiziert. (AP Photo)





What counts is how your heart changes when between each earth life we are forced to see a video of how we affected others, a 3-D “life review video.”



Of course, we can refuse to watch it, and we have free will in the afterlife too, just as the great Aryan called Zoroaster said 2500 years ago. His religious teachings fueled the rise of the mighty Persian Empire.
Nothing has any karmic value whatsoever unless done voluntarily, from the goodness of your heart.
The more you have to be nagged to do the right thing, the less value it has. If you have to be forced, it has ZERO value. (In the movie “Starship Troopers,” only those who volunteer for combat get citizenship…. It is choice and sacrifice that count, not reading books, blogs and threads by nerds. )
A robot can be programmed to behave perfectly, efficientlyand effectively. But it cannot be good or noble. It cannot decide, just obey.
We can and do choose the noble — or ignoble path. We are judged by our decisions, which come out in our thoughts, words and deeds, or lack of deeds and our failure to act. 
But if we reject seeing that life-review video, that is okay with the angels. Then we are packed off to a hellish world where everyone is just as rotten and as wilfully ignorant as we are.
There are, however, no easy pickings for parasites and predators there, no gullible victims, no prey, just other thugs like this recalcitrant one.
“Enjoy” watching your back there every second in gangsterworld.  Everyone has their knife out. Kill or be killed; be a gang boss or gang follower and you might survive a while in the badlands.
But what happens, as the German comrade Michael Winkler’s book “Die spirituelle Welt” (“The Spiritual World”) explains, is you see a deeply moving, powerful, “secret camera” view of the key scenes in your life, the bad and also the good. 
It is so real, so authentic, so unedited…. just YOU, doing your typical stuff.
The good, the bad and the ugly. 😉
 As Edgar Cayce said (and this famous seer was also a strong racialist and antisemite, calling the Jews “reincarnated criminals,” a fact which is now covered up), no mortal man has access to all the facts he would need to make perfect decisions.
Things can happen on the other side of the world that affect whether our plans succeed or not.
We are judged not by”results” that depend on other factors beyondour control, a FACT which the angels understand as being former humans themselves, but only by the true motives in our hearts and how truly hard we fought and tried, just exactly as the Bhagavad Gita says.
Was George Lincoln Rockwell a “failure” because on 25 August 1967 a walking rectal orifice named John Patler — a fellow white nationalist, a nerd consumed by his own hatred and envy (just like my own vile attackers), a man whom Rockwell had expelled from the NSWPP for his character defects — shot him dead by ambush, months later, in a vengeful rage?
 Be glad to have one tenth the good karma of Rockwell the “failure.” If he “failed” to wake whites up, then that was THEIR fault! But now the granddaughters of those Sixties guys are half-black and brown,and hooked on heroin, or they have no grandchildren at all. “Rocky,” meanwhile,got high-fives for HIS life and he will be back in a world that deserves him.

…..Was Hitler wildly charismatic like a rock star?

No, he was quietly impressive, solid,  self-controlled, to-the-point, clear, logical, gentle with women and children, and surprisingly modest and unassuming. (One hostile Wehrmacht general said he came across like “a train station waiter.”)
Those who met him were amazed what a regular guy he was. Those who judge me and my claims need to know this.
Rochus Misch was one of many who testified to this non-rockstar quality.
Misch was from Silesia, worked a bit in graphics, became an SS soldier and then one of Hitler’s bodyguards — and his main telephone operator 1940-45.
Misch liked Eva Braun very much, another average person with a good heart. 
Wedding photo; Hitler gave him and Gerda a case of very fine champagne. 
He heard the beginning of every phone call the Führer made during that time, he saw the corpse burning in the yard above the bunker, and he was horrifically tortured in Moscow’s dreadful Lubyanka prison by the Soviets to get out of him if Hitler had actually “escaped the bunker” and gone elsewhere. (He had NOT. What he HAD done was set up the vital postwar Antarctic operation, about which I have written extensively!)
Misch before his death in Berlin a few years ago
Misch did not have blond hair or blue eyes, btw, like most SS. What counted with Hitler was loyalty — and action. 


This what he wrote about Hitler’s personality, and every fair observer has said exactly the same thing:

(first in the original German)

From Misch’s first encounter with “the boss” (p 75 of “Der letzte Zeuge”
Ich weiß nicht, was ich erwartet hatte, aber es war alles ganz normal gewesen, keine Spur außergewöhnlich. Ich hatte weder ein Monster gesehen noch einen àœbermenschen.
Dieser erste Eindruck bestätigte sich über die Jahre. Der Privatmann Hitler war ein normaler, ein einfacher Mann, der einfachste Mensch, den ich kannte.
Mustache edited out; this color photo (with stache) was taken by the  American Life magazine
Nur nach außen schlüpfte er in seine »Führerolle«, dann musste alles protokollgerecht ablaufen, die Inszenierung perfekt sein.
Aber privat “ und wir vom Begleitkommando gehörten zu seinem Privatleben “ war er unkompliziert.
àœbergroß und herrschaftlich, das war der Staatsmann und alles, was ihn in dieser Funktion umgab.
Für sich selbst, als Privatperson, war Hitler jedoch äußerst bescheiden. Nach der ersten Begegnung mit ihm war ich jedenfalls erleichtert. Jetzt hätten zehn Hitlers kommen können, meine Angst war verflogen.

*** translation


Misch’ first encounter with the boss (from “The Last Witness”)



I do not know what I had expected, but it was all so normal, not in the slightest bit extraordinary. 

I had seen neither a monster nor a superman. This first impression was confirmed over the years. 


The private man that was Hitler was a normal, simple man, the simplest man I knew. 


Hitler early in WWI


Only to the outside did he slip into his “Führer role”, and then everything had to be done logically, and the dramatic production had to be perfect. 



But privately “ and we from the escort command belonged to his private life “ he was an uncomplicated person.


“Bigger than life” and “the great ruler” “ yes, that was the statesman and everything that surrounded him in that function. 


But as for his own needs as a private person, Hitler was extremely modest. 


After the first encounter with him I was in any case relieved. 

Now ten Hitlers could have come my way; my fear [of him] had vanished.


……Léon Degrelle on Adolf Hitler

Degrelle was the most decorated of the 400,000 foreigners who joined the Wehrmacht or Waffen-SS, and a French-Belgian fascist who had had his own big party, the Rexists. He knew Hitler very well.


Margi and I translated his entire memoirs for the Barnes Review magazine, as well as doing sixty other articles, both translations and original writing.

Later, our work was turned into a book.


Degrelle was a great military hero at the Cherkassy breakout, when surrounded German troops smashed boldly through an encirclement by the Red Army.


Here in Belgium with German general Jungclaus.

After receiving the Knight’s Cross with silver oak leaves from Adolf Hitler

Now here is what Degrelle said about the wild Jew stories that Hitler had some weird aura, or anything at all extraordinary about him as a person when you were in his presence:

And as I have never tired of reminding immature WNs who worship Hitler as a god, although he was a household word in Germany, he was rejected overwhelmingly by the German people until the Great Depression (and poverty and hunger) began, and with it the rapid rise among the working class of the terrifying Communist Party of Germany, controlled by the bloodthirsty Stalin and his German lackey,  Ernst Thälmann. Hitler was NOT a John Kennedy (or a Justin Trudeau) type that the masses swoon over.


The May 1928 election to the German Reichstag was a debacle for Adolf Hitler.

02.6% of the vote after eight years of hard work!


Germans considered him a nut, “a maniac obsessed with the Jews,”  the leader of a “crazy political personality-cult,” and possibly a homosexual, a “wartime coward who had a nervous breakdown,” a Jew (even a Rothschild bastard) and an agent of (take your pick!) Mussolini, Wall Street or Stalin!


Hess is far left in the photo, then the very short Streicher…. with Himmler behind me to the left, wearing spectacles.


So now along came a WN (who does some excellent work, btw) using a fake name and he challenged me, right after I did a radio show that many praised (, to show I am/was Hitler by a detailed knowledge of personal Hitler trivia.

Robert Craufurd (This was the name of a Scottish officer in the British Army…


I am just going to cut to the crux of the issue as I don’t really know how to say this any other way and I’m not good at hinting around:

1. It is obvious that you think you are the reincarnation of Hitler.

2. I think that all claims should be tested.

So here’s your chance. I know several very private things about the Reich, the rise of the NSDAP, etc. And I’d like to see if you can actually get these questions right:

“ Hitler did not want to be repetitively seen in public with any specific woman. He wanted people to think of him as a bachelor.

But there was one occasion, and I have this on an extremely reliable source, in which he allowed Unity Mitford to ride next to him in the back of one of those large Mercedes type cruisers he used to ride in. This only happened once that I’m aware of. There were three seats in the back. Hitler was on the far left, Mitford was center, and there was a man (from the inner circle) seated on the far right. Which man was it?

“ During the rise of the NSDAP party (in the 30s) which party members referred to Hitler as ˜Adi’?

“ Did Hitler like cats? Yes or no?

“ Who was Hitler’s best friend in the late 20s and early 30s?

“ Who helped turn around the NSDAP’s image in the late 20s (more business suits and less culty nonsense). Hint: it wasn’t Goebbels.

“ During the final downfall in Berlin, there was a shepherd puppy that Hitler frequently cradled inside the bunker. What color & gender was it? And what was it’s name?

“ There was a member of the inner circle who enjoyed working up Dr. Morell and getting him to tell his ridiculous stories (let’s be honest, it was a great way to irritate several people). Who was that person?

Finally, if you are Hitler then you need to stop blaming other people for when things go wrong. Personal responsibility matters.


My reply, which bounced back because his email address was fake:

Dear Mr “Craufurd”:
Reincarnation, which you clearly do not understand, does NOT mean, and thank God for this, that you remember every detail of previous lives. This is not a cop-out, sir, but standard reincarnation doctrine and reality.
In fact, as the Stevenson-Tucker research at the University of Virginia has shown, in the rare cases where kids do have some detailed memories of some events, usually traumatic ones, they fade away by around age five.
It is not good for our spiritual advancement to dwell on other lives, which often are full of disappointments and failures as well as triumphs.
Reincarnation is meant to provide a clean slate after one goes over one’s mistakes with one’s guardian spirits ” if one avails oneself fully of that debriefing possibility. There is free will on the other side as well as this.  
Between earthly lives there is every opportunity to speak with your spiritual case workers and do some soul searching, then work on your flaws while THERE, on the other side. Ideally, when you reincarnate, you are a changed and better person, ready to tackle new challenges both inside yourself and in the world about you into which you will be born.
By the way, then as now, and this is my value system speaking, which is unchanged, and not a memory of my old personal ways 72 years ago when I was in a very different life, culture and country, I still prefer dogs, who are usually far more unselfish, brave and loyal than cats,
although I did have a wonderful tomcat (male cat) for a little buddy in 2011.
In the darkest hours of 2011, when the renegade WN Henrik Holappa (now a race-mixing antifa!) and his handler David Duke were massively defaming me with the help of Stormfront, and Google put his psychotic slanders at the top of page one…..
Now an antifa, he wrote “I founded a Neo-Nazi movement” ( and boasts betraying not just me but his Scandinavian comrades.
…..well, that tomcat was sure there for me in every way, sensing my sadness, sleeping comfortingly on my left shoulder every night, and licking my cheeks every morning — which they say is a sign that a cat really loves you. 🙂 (I had to put him down myself after a car hit him while out chasing females. His hind legs were shattered, with raw white bones sticking out, and he was pulling himself forward by his front paws. I hope he is doing well in his next life, maybe as a fine human “young soul” right now.)
Now, as for this remark of yours:
Finally, if you are Hitler then you need to stop blaming other people for when things go wrong. Personal responsibility matters. 
Well, “Mr. Craufurd,” born in 1987, ten years after I began sacrificing every pleasure I had for this Cause (, here is the original and bitter, accurate title of Mein Kampf, by one Adolf Hitler:
Viereinhalb Jahre (des Kampfes) gegen Lüge, Dummheit und Feigheit, that is

Four and a Half Years of Struggle Against


Stupidity and


This barb was directed against the German public as a whole, and his fellow rightwingers in particular. He was b-l-a-m-i-n-g the cowardly, selfish, stupid majority of the German people — rightly — for most of his “failures.” You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink, and you can lead a people to the truth, but you cannot make them think.
(But I hid my fault in Mein Kampf, the shameful fact that I got sixteen good men killed for nothing by botching the Beer Hall putsch. Even a ten-year-old Jewish boy would know that to overthrow the government, first you do not release your bitter enemies on their supposed “word of honor,” such as the jealous rightwing governor of  Bavaria, Gustav von Kahr, a little hack politician motivated only by his rivalry and lust to be the glorious hero (thus hating me) — but he certainly got his in the Night of the Long Knives 11 years later.
(By then, of course, it was already too late. The crypto-Jew Roosevelt was in power in 1934, as was Stalin, busy building a gigantic war machine that would some day be in Berlin. In five more years, Churchill would complete the troika against me.)
Secondly, no Jewish kid would have failed to seize the Munich newspapers, train stations, telephone/telegraph offices, police stations and army barracks! 
Putsch 101!
(Max Amann, head of the Franz Eher Verlag and Hitler’s publisher, is said to have suggested the much shorter “Mein Kampf” or “My Struggle“.)
I take my share of responsibility, but others must take theirs as well. Often both leaders and followers do wrong things or fail to do the right things.
Both Henry Ford and William Dudley Pelley, founder of the Silver Shirts (who got 11 years in federal prison), gave up on the American people, saying bitterly they do not want to hear the truth ” or do anything ” about the Jews. 
Cowardice and miserly refusal to help have been endemic qualities in the majority for millennia. This is not a highly evolved planet, or do you affirm the contrary?  On what basis do you assert what you seem to be implying, that most whites are just noble heroes awaiting the right leader to spring into action? *;) winking 
The Germans, who demonstrably are among the best of all the whites, rejected Hitler in a landslide. So do not expect ANY white masses anywhere to embrace such a man unless they are both starving and terrified.
I will make a blog soon of your query below, and thank you for it.

John de Nugent

With hair dyed black for your convenience. 😉



…..A German comrade who knows all the biggies called me

The late German lawyer Jürgen Rieger, a wealthy, smart WN who died in 2009. In my opinion, he was poisoned.


I just completed a long and very important video conversation about me and the near future with a very important German comrade.  He knew Ernst Zündel (and sent me some correspondence with him), and Horst Mahler, Sylvia Stolz, the late Manfred Roeder and lawyer Jürgen Rieger (photo)– the entire top tier of activists.

Attorneys Sylvia Stolz and Rieger at the 2006 trial of Ernst Zündel in Mannheim.  I met with them both after a session.

His wife is a seer.

They visited the Berghof, outside of Berchtesgaden. They stood in the ruins of the basement of the Berghof and he had just said to her “I wish Hitler would come back.”



Today just a back retaining wall to the basement, overgrown with trees


She had a vision, and she said to him:

“He IS back, he has been back for a long time, and he is extremely active — but not in Germany.”

K is a big guy in Germany behind the scenes and knows everyone. He called me and we had a very useful conversation…………..



…..The sad Ruiter video on Obersalzberg then and now



…….End times — but not really — like 1932 😉

Alcoholism up 50% since 2001!

A new report shows the rate of adults in the U.S. with alcohol use disorder increased from 8.5 percent in 2001 to 12.7 percent 2013.
John de Nugent Any solution to our problems but the real one.  Up 83% among women…..
Ben Luger 1 in 8? It’s gotta be close to 1 in 4 in Wisconsin.
John de Nugent Well, alcoholism means you GOTTA have a drink. but I would agree that 1 in 4 drink 4-5 a day.
John de Nugent DUIs all over my town…. $1800 first offense. Many of the combat vets are drinkers. 
Ben Luger Yeah, I mean that kind of alcoholic. My town is riddled with them.
John de Nugent Ben Luger Sad. Eustace Mullins once said (Margi and I knew him) :
“1776 could have been the beginning of a Golden Age. Instead, look what they have done to this country, which had every bounty, including freedom.”
Connedor Craig Tfw me tbh
John de Nugent a lot of psychic pain, despair, hopelessness, a feeling of doom and pointlessness.
Connedor Craig That’s about it, fam
John de Nugent Connedor Craig In 1932, the last year of the Weimar Republic, there was a wave of suicides. It was Year Three of the Great Depression.Women were jumping off bridges into the river with their kids. Single women and war widows turned the gas range on and asphyxiated themselves. Men (esp. crippled war vets) shot themselves or stepped in front of trains, trucks and buses.…/alms-for-legless-german-wwi… And all thay had to do was not believe the bullshit in their lying newspaper and vote for the man who in just a few months would come to power and begin saving their country.

…..That went pretty well 🙂 I’ve begun to “come out”

Enjoy ¦..Nota bene: This uplifting music video by a Spanish comrade uses footage from the startling leftist 2015 movie “Look Who’s Back” that shows  absolutely R-E-A-L, unstaged, spontaneous reactions by very r-e-a-l people OF ALL RACES in Berlin, Germany during the filming!!!!!!


Video Player

One of the many interesting things about this anti-Hitler semi-comedy movie is that they deliberately gave the very blue-eyed Hitler brown eyes. His eyes and mine, however, are the exact same shade of dark, solid blue, not light blue (which is blue mixed with gray).
This is a rare color that mostly occurs in Germany.
Looking out a plane window, the natural, bright, indirect sunlight floods in ” and reveals his eye color accurately. This is a rare color for the eyes “an unmixed, DARK blue.
A webcam shot of me in 2011 in my room in a jew-owned motel full of black junkies, whores, and white bums. It was a most miserable time in 2011 after the full Jewish assault had begun on every material means of life and on my reputation. Why? I had planned on running against Obama for president in 2012. I had an excellent presidential video that cost thousands to make, and a specific presidential website with a solid platform. So the Khazars unleashed everything they had ” closing accounts, stealing the US mail once for ten days straight right when the presidential video was released, losing my house ” everything short of physical assassination was undertaken to keep me destitute and powerless.  As Captain Ramsay said in The Nameless War, the Jews paralyze their enemy. 
I had a good, unselfish black supporter, then, too, Clark Lightbridge, a computer whiz. Hard to say I represented a racial-hate movement with him prominently involved as a volunteer.
They pulled out the stops in 2014 also when I was in Apollo, Pennsylvania, exposing the Israel-triggered cancer epidemic in that town (,  and I had a prominent black ally then, too.
Anyway, going back to the actor playing Hitler Redux, Oliver Masucci (with an Italian father/German mother), he has light eyes, but had to wear brown-tinted contact lenses for the movie! ¦/oliver-masucci-ah-er-wieder ¦
They did this same deliberately dishonest thing also in the movie “300.” Irish-Scottish actor Gerald Butler (King Leonidas) had to die his hair jet-black ” and wear black contacts ¦ ¦ though the ancient Spartans were very blond and blue-eyed.
Now this movie came out already in 2015, before the Angela Merkel/Syrian-rapefugee crisis even happened, and the incredible thing is that people of all races in the new, multiracial Berlin (Turks, blacks,East Asians,and even the extremely brainwashed German or American whites) were very positive and smiling toward the actor dressed as Hitler in his full commander’s uniform.
The German media was v-e-r-y disturbed by this, because the joyful, smiling scenes at the Brandenburg Gate and elsewhere were NOT staged. Those are just real tourists.

The movie has an interesting conceit: AH comes back to Germany 70 years later, gets on the media, talk shows and everything, and everyone wrongly assumes he is just an actor, and this is his gig ” doing Hitler imitations.  But when he starts to speak (about immigrants, jobs, and filthy movies), people (once again) really listen and (once again) are fascinated ¦..

In this variety-comedy show run by a smirking Jew, the “actor playing Hitler” takes full control of the audience.

One libtard, however, finally figures out “the awful truth”   ” that this guy is NOT just an actor; he really IS exactly who he says he is ¦ He is rapidly gaining support once again, and he freaks “OMG, OMG!” out.  He actually shoots Hitler, but Hitler is immortal and comes right back. 

¦ ¦How are people taking what I am saying?


I was sent this pretty good article by Andrew Anglin and read it.

I just find it amusing that he and others are still business-as-usual. 

It will be interesting to see how Anglin responds when I really “come out of the closet ”   He is a born opportunist (this is said in a neutral way, not hostile), so ¦.if it flies, he will surely hitch a ride.
Of course, two micro-führers did freak out ¦.
What I have done is embed my message for now in long blogs, so only educated readers even “get it.” 

Video Player

But the response has been very good so far ¦ fervent emails of support and also, just as importantly, financial fuel, and local people supporting me here in Ontonagon.
By now, about half the town knows “who I am” ” “some big Nazi”;-)   ” and this is because I work the cafés and bars, ordering a little something, talking with the people and their children, and leaving a business card with certain ones.
Last night I had a drink with a retired US Air Force colonel ¦.. They see I am not a monster ¦
“He may be a Nazi [LOL ” that is the understatement of the year  ] but he seems like a very friendly, level-headed guy.”
Others go further. Vets with PTSD talk to me. Young people from broken homes, too, and who often were molested. Women confide to me about NDEs, and seeing their deceased loved ones ¦. People call me to drive them home, giving me the key to their car, if they drank too much. (Getting a DUI is a serious matter, and can cost $1,800 or more.) I get to drive a Cadillac Escalade. 
So this too is like the movie “Look Who’s Back.”  “Hitler is a really regular, friendly guy, and he listens well, and when he talks, he makes a lot of sense!” 
 After the scenes from “Look Who’s Back,”and reviewing progress, and the increasing powerlessness and impopularity of Donald Trump, it felt like it was time to begin to step forward.
But I also dread the danger and hatred that will also follow once things get going and the enemy kicks it into high gear, as in 2011.
I work out, practice shooting and rehearse street-fighting and killing techniques.
So I was walking up the hill to my house, and suddenly my eyes focused “all on their own ” on this one, brave, defiant little white daisy.
“Go for it, John. We can do this.!  )
I just have to finish now an important audiobook ¦ and then really “come out.”
This audiobook is on how a national socialist should view the Old Testament ¦. all those “nice Sunday school stories from the Bible” 
Doing this audiobook and online, illustrated book represents also the paying of a debt of infinite gratitude to an old friend, Dietrich, who died in 1924 in Berchtesgaden of depression and a broken heart, the day after Christmas.
The Beerhall Putsch had failed, due to my mistakes, though it might have succeeded. Sixteen very good men were killed, everyone was arrested for treason, and the party was banned.
Dietrich was my mentor and best friend ever in that life, equalled in this one by Margaret Huffstickler. A good man will be sent good friends. 


[Video width=”400″ height=”400″ mp4=”″][/video]

A “Wolfenstein” video — with the same Hollywood stereotype of 1942… the icy, arrogant, swaggering, brutal German Nazi SS officer…….


When people ask about the Hitler-reincarnation question, they forget why until recently I have strictly held back. If the SS was hated, then AH is even more so, tenfold. He is the most hated (and most loved….) man on earth, still. The Hitler-reincarnation issue is such a two-edged sword, a dagger that puts me already now, armed and vigilant as I am and far more so in the near future, into the greatest possible physical danger.

Five shots rapid-fire at 25 feet in pouring rain (wavy, drenched target)  

Image result for john de nugent walther

Freeze-frame of a Walther blast

My .380 pocket pistol and a $55 steel Cross pen for stabbing in the temple, eye, inside arm or kidney — while stomping on and breaking the foot

There are even courses in “ethics” where one question is posed to gullible college students: “Would it be justified to kill Hitler as a baby to save millions of other lives by preventing World War Two and the Holocaust?”

So if even baby Hitler should be killed to save the world, how much more so the man as an adult, in a new incarnation, but holding the same views and having similar goals?  …. not a worker, but this time Ivy League, a Marine, an American? 

This is the kind of agitation, the level of 7-day-a-week psyching, which the J-Team has been carrying out now since 1933 ..and on three entire generations of whites. And as the Parrottbeaks and Hymbachs mock away, we see that those on the other deluded extreme, the ones who worship AH as a god, which he never was, also join in with the jews in the hatefest.

But destiny, and duty, must play out. I have concluded that there is no other choice but to step forward, and soon with something extraordinary.

Poll: Nazi stigma even worse than pedophilia….



…..Facebook reacts

Richard Nichols Sir, you are legendary in the movement. Those that speak ill words of you — they are not worthy enough to scrape dog-doo off the bottom of your shoe. Your record speaks for itself. They will never accomplish a fraction of what you have done. God bless you, sir. I am honored to call you friend.


Layne Lawless John de Nugent, Why do so many ppl hate you? It makes no sense!

John de Nugent Three reasons, Layne:
1) COINTELPRO agents masquerading as WNs, and “turned” WNs whom the FBI “has something on” who attack me to stay out of prison, such as Henrik Holappa and Carlos Porter;
2) narcissistic and psychopathic individuals seething with competitive envy
(A long-time and major supporter since 2012 said to me a year ago, with a patient sigh  
“John, you’re presidential material — and these guys are just jealous dweebs. Of course they will hate you!”
Well…. And then I remembered how many people just hated John Kennedy because he unwittingly made them feel “inferior” — looks, charisma, ducation, eloquence, family… “the whole package” — without him intending to do so in the slightest…. He was not arrogant at all, but he remained “a giant among men”…. and they were not.
And being totally Khazar-wise to boot, he thus became the greatest threat to the Mogen David since that Austrian whom he praised in his secret 1945 diary …..
3) Most of all now, it is the “Hitler-reincarnation issue” that sets off dweebdom. This issue, explained and demonstrated on my site and a video, but agitating the projecting egoic minds of micro-führers, implies to them that people somehow should “bow down” to me, and their supporters should abandon them for me. (And that is their main objection.;-) ) 
Well, what I highlight constantly is AH was not a god. In fact, only the Treaty of Versailles and the Great Depression “made” him. (The bestseller by the Waffen-SS general, Léon Degrelle “Hitler: Born at Versailles,” proves this. Radicals and “kooks” have no chance during peace and prosperity.)
Most dismayingly, the Braunauer lost a winnable war because of his stubborn Russia policy of conquest.
Nor am I today any more than what you see, a talented mortal who means really well.
Basically, however, in view of these vicious and now increasing attacks, I must now seem to be a huge potential (but certainly not current) threat to the overall Khazarian plan… and who I am clearly “triggers” the swollen egos of the many little “micro-führers” all over the map. 
And maybe the immature amongst us feel “entitled to be saved” by a fictitious Divine Adolf, a being who never existed, then or now, and whom the gods never sent down to earth because the human race, as a whole, demonstrably does-not-deserve-to-be-saved.  
The masses hate truths that require sacrifice, and most WNs are part and parcel of that mass. Being wise to the JQ and race does not transform the CHARACTER!
But, keeping it real, it was the same exact thing in the 1920s. A staggering 96.4% of German voters rejected the NSDAP in the 1928 Reichstag election. Hitler was dismissed as a nut, although he was a very famous nut. … “No man is honored in his own family or country,” said Jesus.  And look how He ended up! “Hosanna in the highest, and hail the king of Israel” on Palm Sunday, and crucified five days later (“Good Friday”), abandoned by literally all. Even his fanatic supporter Peter “denied [knowing Him] thrice before the cock crowed.”
Believe me, Hitler Redux will be massively rejected this time too, and we see it already.
This is why a new religion is vital — so that whatever happens to me, the faith in our race and calling will “raise us up where we belong — where the eagles fly, on a mountain high” and for centuries and millennia of glory to come.

With Best Wishes for a Very Happy Birthday John
Many Years!

Happy Birthday John!


Lieber John, ich wünsche Dir zu Deinem Geburtstag heute alles erdenklich Gute und vor allem Gesundheit. Mit einer leicht abgewandelten Redewendung von Dr.G. möchte ich sagen: Bleib uns was Du immer uns warst, unser John de Nugent.  Grüße aus dem, wie Du es immer so humorvoll sagst, “Gau Granada”  L.G.v. Michael.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, closeup

happy birthday !

Natascha Koch to John de Nugent

2 hrs

alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Grüße aus Essen, Natascha


Happy Birthday, John. Have a good day.


Ich und meine Familie wünschen dir alles gute zum Geburtstag.
Sei wachsam und immer ein paar Schritte voraus. 


Alles Gute zum Wiegenfeste… 

 Karin Hattingh added a new photo to John de Nugent‘s Timeline.

3 hrs

Image may contain: text

happy birthday


Alles Gute zum Wiegenfest Kamerad wünsch Dir das Beste âœ‹

Happy birthday

Alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag, John!! Viele-viele mehr in gute Gesundheit von Suzanne 


Happy Birthday John! Best Wishes !

Chiara Capone shared a photo to your Timeline.

3 hrs

Alle Liebe zum Geburtstag und lass Dich mal wieder so richtig feiern!

3 hrs

Happy birthday!. ♡


Seenwense -vreugde en vryheid in ons tyd word jou toegewens 

John Seward to John de Nugent

5 hrs

Happy Birthday John.


Gelukkige verjaardag! En nog vele gelukkige en gezonde jaren erbij gewenst 


happy birthday my friend

Happy birthday!


Lieber John, alles Gute und herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Ehrentag!

I wish you all the best for your birthday! 

John de Nugent was mentioned in a post.
Jason Lovasz shared your post.

10 hrs

John de Nugent
A thousand violent Ukrainian rightwing nationalists clash with police outside utterly corrupt, Khazan-run Parliament ¦/396264-ukraine-nationalists-clashes-p ¦/

A thousand violent Ukrainian rightwing nationalists clash with police outside utterly corrupt, Khazan-run Parliament ¦/396264-ukraine-nationalists-clashes-p ¦/

Around 1,000 protesters, mainly from Ukraine’s nationalist movements, have blocked the parliament building in Kiev and several streets in the area, ¦

Happy birthday!!!!

Alles gute zum Geburtstag


alles Gute zum Geburstag

Gerzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag


Herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstage!


Happy birthday, John.

Tony Rawlings Have a good one, John.

Reply5 hrs




[As stated at the top, this is page one of two pages. The second and final page is found here:]



 ……Contact and support


–28 August 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–28 August 2017 via PayPal from C in Germany

–24 August 2017 via PayPal from L in Scotland

–23 August 2017 via Stripe from C in Maryland

–22 August 2017 donation via Stripe from S in USA and from P in Australia

–21 August 2017 loan from J in Australia

–21 August 2017 check from G in Utah


–15 August 2017 check by an NS old fighter from out west

–8 August 2017 PayPal to from D in French Canada

–7 August 2017 check from G in Nevada

–6 August 2017 pymt made for me by P in Albania (inside joke 😉 )

–5 August 2017 cash from M in Oregon

–5 August 2017 a jar of Napoleon garlic cloves from M in Michigan (Does this mean I should remember to avoid invading Russia?)

–5 August  2017 from R in Michigan a wonderful little book by Eckhart Tolle, Practicing the Power of Now

–3 August 2017 check from P in Florida direct to my webhost

–2 August 2017 check from K in Ohio

–31 July 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–25 July 2017 check from G in Nevada

–22 July 2017 PayPal to from M in Florida

–19 July 2017  book The Chief about press baron Wm. Randolph Hearst from S in Idaho

–17 July 2017 cash from C in North Carolina and a check from J in Utah


……Especially important blogs by John de Nugent


Reincarnation facts

Reincarnation Evidence

Psychopathy in leaders

Jews and Arabs descend from neanderthals

Neanderthals & Semites

WN bio of JdN

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent

UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars — and a German final victory marches toward its fulfillment —

Simon Roche: South Africa, the coming all-out race war, certain GERMANS to the rescue, Trump, WWIII — and the visions of the prophet Nicholas van Rensburg 100 years ago

Solutreans “ the white first Americans

Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world

The Jewish murder-war on the Kennedys

The Jewish War on the Kennedys


Captain Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” “ how the Jews do revolution

Youtube channel JdN

Normans “ white nordic aristocrats who married with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud

White safety zone “ Upper Peninsula of Michigan

White Safety and Heritage Zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

White South African tragedy

White South African Tragedy

Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia

Hitler’s love for the British people

Hitler’s love for the British people

My wonderful British grandfather and his eery return

Part 1 of 2 .

Part 2 of 2 .


Who really IS JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924


Little white boy tears up at Beethoven’s ”Moonlight Sonata” (4.8 mio views), another likely indication of reincarnation; WHO REALLY THEN IS “JOHN DE NUGENT”? & Trump, the thin reed

President Putin uses my website to send Trump a message

PUTIN uses MY site to WARN TRUMP to AVOID ASSASSINATION by Talmudists — Alex Jones, Russia 1 and Putin friend Kiselyov show my website and article

The Obama White House calls me directly with a threat

Dec 2015: Why White House threatened me and 2 friends; Amanda Blackburn, RIP; Miley Cyrus goes all-Satan; reports Obama flying in Syrians at night

The Hebrews of the Bible were roaming criminal hordes

The original Jews/Hebrews were roaming hordes of feared criminals, whores, fences and killers called Habiru; the folly of exiling, not killing, ancient criminals

Washington Post blasts JdN

Washington Com-Post fake news: John de Nugent and cohorts are defaming poor little Leo Frank!

My lady Margaret Huffstickler on Reichsmusik

Margi’s GREAT show on Music of the Third Reich


If my site goes down, please try or If my Facebook account is suspended or deleted, please go to

…..Contact and support

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953


Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689

(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



To donate or volunteer, click here

En franais

Auf deutsch



  1. Good morning! It has stopped raining, the sun is shining and the birds are singing!
    Happy Birthday, John, this is your day! Have a good one!

  2. Hello dear John!! Great to read this new article of yours!
    Do you got a paypal account where i can send you a late birthday gift?
    Greetings from a good friend…

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