White American children give Roman salute; fascist symbols on dime and in US Capitol

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Bellamy salute. Also known as the “flag salute”, it was the official salute created to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance, written by Francis Bellamy in 1892. Bellamy, a minister who was working for children’s magazine The Youth’s Companion, was given the task by the institution’s patriotic owner to write a pledge of allegiance to the flag, which came to include the gesture, reminiscent of ancient Roman homage. –

A group of U.S. schoolchildren performing the Bellamy salute, May 1942, six months after the US declared war on NS Germany 

Their salute in 1940 is clearly with the palm down, Adolf-style.

In 1917

In 1915


US dime (ten cents) in 1936, the Greco-Roman god Mercury and the fasces: 


Trump speaks to Congress with one of the two huge bronze fasces visible that flank the rostrum. (Faces were bundles of rods, a symbol of the State in Ancient Rome.  A rod — a stick –could be used to beat someone. 😉 )


The US Capitol is based entirely on the architecture of the Roman Empire in order to suggest vast POWER.

Way-cool WN video: https://johndenugent.com/images/Wouldnt-It-Be-Nice-WN-fantasy.mp4

The conclusion is inescapable: the US were designed secretly by Masons and Jews as a new, hyper-aggressive empire, masquerading as a “democracy,” and designed to dominate the world. Then it was assigned, as a giant golem, to crush all authentic gentile nationalist leaders (such as Hitler, Mussolini, Kaddafi, Saddam, Assad and Putin) and in the end, force the whole planet to serve the Jews.



Left side of the US one-dollar note; a Freemasonic  pyramid,  an eye watching everyone, a Jewish Star of David, and (using the letters clockwise at the angles) the demon Asmon.

right side of the same banknote

claws of a bald eagle

AIPAC meeting in Washington DC

My 2012 discovery!


  1. “The conclusion is inescapable: the US were designed secretly by Masons and Jews as a new, hyper-aggressive empire, masquerading as a “democracy,” and designed to dominate the world. Then it was assigned, as a giant golem, to crush all authentic gentile nationalist leaders (such as Hitler, Mussolini, Kaddafi, Saddam, Assad and Putin) and in the end, force the whole planet to serve the Jews.”……..and to get some “grateful” kicks in the ass, as for example, with the USS Liberty.
    The contempt and arrogance is obvious.
    Regards, J

  2. Its just incredible how they have “big, bad, Uncle Sam” on a leash, just like an attack dog.
    I am not an american citizen, but i find this disgusting.
    A superpower should have some pride.
    Regards, J

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