The student went to his spiritual master and asked him: “Please show me God”. The guru picked up a stick and hit the student on the head. The student ran to the magistrate, who summoned him. “This man asked you to show him God, and you hit him with a stick; now he has a terrible pain in his head. What do you have to say for yourself?” “Ah, well” said the guru, “If he can show me the pain; then I will show him God.” 😉
Moral: God is something that you experience, not see,but only if you are open, seeking, and appreciative. God does not need to prove Himself to a mortal. Does a private in the army have to see a general before he believes he exists? No. He feels the effect of his orders.
Mary and Jesus, by A. Hitler, Munich
Sickening Israeli “comedy” sketch .https://johndenugent.com/images/israel-comedy-mock-jesus-whining-gorilla.mp4
.I got a respectful, thoughtful email from an atheistic white nationalist, urging me to shun Jesus, Christianity and any dangerous, Pauline notion of a Jew, of all people, being the savior of the human race. I replied as follows:
Dear comrade R[],
The basis of my new religion is credible: my own and other normal peoples’ actual, experiential NDEs and reincarnation flashbacks.
It is not based on an eternally debatable historical Jesus.
I have a bachelor of science degree, Phi Beta Kappa (top ten percent), from Georgetown. I fully make the scientific method my own. My blogs are chock-full of trustworthy facts from good sources — and their analysis.
They, unlike us hoi polloi and the weak-minded, do not “need these comforting illusions about God and heaven.”
Hitler, who I was, gifted but flawed, then and now, also had the militant sort of atheists, the so-called “freethinkers,” thrown into concentration camps. Soldiers, even more than the rest of us, facing misery, horrors and then death need to believe in the afterlife — and that it is not all meaningless.
Respectfully yours,
John de Nugent
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