Long live the Croatian people!
Shame on the hundreds who sent me nothing in my hour of greatest need. You own your karma. A European sent me the funds to keep going, after an Aussie gave me a short-term loan & donation, and another Aussie plus two Americans. As Matt Parrott said recently on “The Daily Shoah” (and I had no problem at all with him or Heimbach until they pointlessly attacked me, au contraire…), WNs are pathologically unwilling to donate, even to highly visible street activists with wives and kids who are RISKING EVERYTHING. He told a joke: “What is the one thing cheaper than a ((()))?” ANSWER. An antisemite.” This is one more reason why I am creating a new religion, because ORGANIZED RELIGIONS, not BULLSHIT “spirituality,” are swimming in THE ONE THING WE LACK TO WIN, M-O-N-E-Y. Money is power. We have truth in spades; what we totally lack is the power that only money can buy.
George Lincoln Rockwell Demo