Forget “running for office”!

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A very discouraged comrade who had thought of running as a Trump Republican for office wrote me: “Ever since I got involved in local politics in 2013 I had it in the back of my mind that I would run for office. Now, Democraps took over my whole county. We’re fucked. I don’t see how recovery will be possible. We would have to do a tax revolt. which will never happen.” (I replied) Hi, B[]. I feel for you. 🙁
But people are too stupid ” IQ-wise, emotionally and spiritually ” for any more running for office. It was bad in 1990 when I ran ” and now it is far worse. These dolts are full of chemtrails, cell phone waves, and artificial female hormones in the food (Bisphenol-A) and the water (estrogen from “the Pill”). Even the fish in our rivers are now hermaphrodites, with two sets of organs!!!
I would read and take seriously the words of Eckhart Tolle and prepare for my new religion. You cannot straighten out wild animals — human wolves, human pigs and human sheep.
As Tolle says, if you are not ready for what he says about human consciousness and the toxic, egoic mind, then that is okay. You just need to suffer intensely for a few more years, until you realize no long-term improvement is possible without a fundamental change in human consciousness, not in info, politics, PR or any clever little tactic or trick.



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