Alcohol and low-T; is Colin Kaepernick on the J-Team?

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A South African comrade wrote me: “Do you think there is any significance that alcohol consumption — which white men engage in — decreases our testosterone levels, while it happens to be forbidden in muslim culture?”


I replied:

Excessive alcohol consumption does lower testosterone. But moderate consumption (2-3 drinks a day) does not.

The big problem, however, is BEER, which contains two ingredients that lower T. (Henry VII of England actually banned beer.)

Actually, many, many muslim rapes of white women have happened while muslim migrants (in Germany, England, France, etc.) were illegally drinking alcohol and were drunk. I have read this specific detail in news articles a hundred times.


….Good cartoon ((with some working-class English dialect) .. It mentions Poland as not having diversity. 


Poles demonstrate against EU demands that it take in muslims from Germany, which they are destroying.  


Good old Rocky…. I knew so many who knew him well… was in his party 1978-80. I think that niceness is also a “positive cover story” (the phrase that Catherine Austin Fitts uses…. a fmr Wall Street maven who awakened to the NWO) for SIMPLE COWARDICE.


…..But even the most beer-swilling NFL fans do hate Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick is said NOT to be Jewish (black biological father, white mother, then adopted by a “white couple” named “Kaepernick”), but the name (especially with the ending “-nick”), the non-African nose, and the big-headlines leftie agitation…. Hmmmmmmmm 😉


    • Thanks. Signorina Russo does indeed have, besides the blue eyes, a bit of a southern-Italian/semitic/Arabic/J-haplogroup nose that is seen right at literally the very first second of that video.

      Haplogroup J (which covers the ancient Neanderthal territory plus areas into which it expanded):

      It can also be that the black birth father was part-Jewish.

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