Germans recommend certain software for secure communications

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I got this email at my gmail account (so ZOG of course read it):
We’re contacting your once more although we already did through your website. And yes, we could do so in German, but just to be sure you’re reading and understanding this, we’re going to do this in English. We know you’re a smart guy, so don’t worry. 😉
You’ve stated on your site that for “secret communication” to create a secret email on Hushmail and send it to your YAHOO email address. Dear John, you should know better: Yahoo is an email address from the (((system))) and rest assured that this very message you are reading right now is being read by the agencies as well – on both your Yahoo account and your Google account. Please make an attempt and immediately get a secured email address from ProtonMail at, fully delete all old system email adresses and update the contact pages on your website. THANK YOU! The great thing about ProtonMail is the fact that it automatically encrypt messages between users of the ProtonMail service and is being developed by privacy experts in Switzerland.
Further important security measures you should implement and forward to all awakened:
Should you choose to not install any of the mentioned operating systems to effectively fight surveillance via state trojans like is the case in Germany and likely on your computer as well, please make sure toat least install VeraCrypt Bootloader, which comes with the VeraCrypt tool. This will encrypt your whole harddrive and make it impossible for police and other agencies to see the data on your harddrive, should you have a police raid.
Why do we push these tools so hard? Because how effective is our resistance against the New World Order going to be, if our real foe can read every message, can create more traps and plan ahead until we’re dead? Security is KEY in order to win this holy war! So yes, if you’re up to it please publish the tools on your website in order to hit the foe real hard in his nuts! You may as well mention our own site (link on the bottom of this message) so that the resistance has at least been there once. Let’s fuck the (((system)))!
In case you know any honest German comrades, please forward these links to them:
Upright and honest greetings from Germany, may the ESAU BLESSING be with you!

The SELBSTSCHUTZ activists from

I replied:
Dear comrades,

Thanks for this info. I have used Protonmail for years but do not advertize it.
You can write me also in German, which I speak without accent, and write better than some Germans of the younger generation.  😉
As long as keyloggers exist, the NSA can still tell what you typed to the other person. I have read that even Linux can now be infected with keyloggers. And Linus Torvalds refused to answer when asked if the NSA had demanded he give them a kind of back door.
If you have a real solution to this keylogger problem, then please tell me so — and I will then write you for details from my Protonmail acct.
(In German) Sonst kommt mir das alles leider illusorisch und wie eine falsche Hoffnung vor. Die knacken alles, vor allem, weil das Internet bekanntlich ein Geschöpf des Pentagons ist.

Otherwise, all this seems to me to be illusory and a false hope. They crack into everything, especially because the Internet, as is well known, is a creation of the Pentagon.

Meines Erachtens müßte man ganz auf russische Staats-Software der Geheimpolizei umsteigen.

In my opinion, one would have to switch completely to Russian state software of their secret police.

John de Nugent

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