How Eckhart Tolle sees booze — and real relief from emotional pain, emptiness and loneliness; government sexual abuse at the airports

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In AA meetings, people sit in a circle and talk about their lives, how booze endangered them, their job and  loved ones, and facing with total honesty and without excuse-making what they and the overuse of booze have done. 
A friend send me the AA classic book from the 1930s (lower left) among other gifts I received on 9 November.
John de Nugent Good for you, brother! 


John de Nugent I am so glad you found the courage to do this and beat this monster! I have a friend who is a major WN and he goes to three AA meetings a week, mostly now to help others.
My father was in some ways an outstanding and successful man, and friend of two presidents, but he went through horrors in WWII and Korea in the Marines and had to see a Navy shrink for six months after Korea for nightmares. He could say very cutting and mean things after the THIRD drink, and so my stepmother would always signal to the waiter to not come over and suggest another drink, just decaf.  
I am so glad YOU have taken the bull by the horns, brother Andrew, and won this major battle! The whole country voted to amend the US Constitution to enact Prohibition, making booze illegal, and with good reason. Alcohol has destroyed millions of white lives.
 I just about dragged my cousin Holly to AA meetings — which I really enjoyed even as a non-alcoholic, because of the honesty and caring which I saw there. But Holly did not want to turn her life around, nor her husband Phil, who contracted early-onset Alzheimer’s IMO from alcohol overuse in his forties! So she finally died. Her liver became hard as a rock and she finally threw up blood all over her living room floor and perished alone. She was a kind, pretty, green-eyed redhead with freckles. but just not strong enough for this very tough world. Booze (or rather giving in to the booze) destroyed her and hurt her two kids and her mom, as well as causing great sadness to me, her two siblings, and her close friends who cared so much about her.
It is always discouraging to others when someone surrenders and gives up.  
Alkies need to understand that when they die from booze, and then go through the tunnel of light, and are set down to watch a 3-D life review “video” showing scenes from their life that just ended that affected others, then they see how their surrender to evil really hurt their loved ones and friends.
Same goes for suicides, whose giving-up often triggers OTHERS who are dejected to commit suicide. I taught as a very in-demand substitute teacher while between regular jobs in the public schools for 20 years, 1983-2003, and let me tell you that principals dread suicide by any one kid because then others will try suicide as well, “copy-cat suicides.”
Everything we do, say or even think affects others! This is what the life-review video shows, and for many it is a shattering experience. 

……Eckhart Tolle on addiction

People drink (or engage in other addictions such as binge spending, drugs, or sex with inappropriate people) because they have pain in their lives: traumatic memories, loneliness, and a feeling of meaninglessness and emptiness.

Specifically, alcohol makes most people feel good for about 90 minutes, then, being a depressant, as most people have read correctly at least once in their lives, it of course depresses them — and they actually feel WORSE.

Quite a few people commit suicide, or engage in horrible misdeeds under the influence of booze.

My first therapist for being molested told me that this is the toxic recipe for disaster:

  1. stepfather or boyfriend being alone around the kids of the woman he is dating/married to
  2. he drinks booze
  3. he takes drugs on top of the booze

Next thing you know a child has been molested, shattering its life and putting a devastatingly bad karma on the perpetrator.

Sherri Periwinkle, raped and murdered in Florida. What is totally terrifying to the child after the rape is that they realize that anyone who is willing to rape them probably really is also willing to kill them. The immature brain of a child is completely overloaded by the horror — and snaps. Children, like women, can literally faint from utter terror.  

I have been helping a young lady with effective healing ideas from Eckhart Tolle. She suffered this horror back when she was just eight — and from her own stepfather. She had never seen a man naked before, of course, or “his thing,” and after he raped her he threatened to kill her if she told anyone. He went off to prison, but she ended up with major anger and rage issues, and was put in one group home after another.  Women and girls have every right to expect that they will be protected — by their menfolk and by a civilized society. 

If they are not protected, but instead savagely and sadistically misused — molestation is always SADISM — they can feel anger forever at all men (unjustifiably, of course), and stay “messed up” all their life, drinking, fighting, slashing their forearms, becoming sometimes lesbians out of fear and loathing of men (I know this for a fact to be true — in some cases)… and even committing murder and ending up in prison, or committing suicide.

There is just about no crime more heinous than to rape a child. That is why the NWO is run by pedophiles — you have to prove your loyalty by agreeing to do anything, no matter how evil. And MANY OF THESE ABUSED, MIND-FRAZZLED KIDS ARE THEN PUT IN FULL MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMS.

*** the NWO requires you to molest or even kill children to become a top member 

I went through this as a child, but would not kill other children. While they debated how to break me, I decided to run away from home, and the decision was made not to eliminate me, I guess due to angels watching over me, a destiny I had to fulfill — and in the minds of my torturers, the problem of my family’s great social prominence. 

Killing another person on command, or torturing a friend to death, is the big test of successful MK-ULTRA abuse.

Mind-controlled GI waits to be shot by a buddy, and just stands there.

Note the horrific scene in the lower-left corner. This was a ritual rape-murder carried out by US Army and German satanists at Wewelsburg castle (yes, where once the SS had a center, so as to desecrate a place holy to all national socialists).  Want to be a NWO billionaire? Then this is what you have to do.

An upside-down cross, a child chained by the arms, stabbed in the chest, bleeding from the mouth, and being molested by a man… 

My 54,000-view video (with some Yiddish humor worked in right at the start) on VIP child-molesters, and with a very inspiring ending. (Most do not know that Hitler worked in Yiddish accents and humor in his early speeches, and the hostile jewspapers, fearing the effect of his sarcastic humor, began labeling him “the comedian.”)



For the entire book Unshackled, see this link here, and then you will know what she, I and thousands of other American white children have gone through at the hands of secret factions inside the  FBI, CIA, DEA and other federal agencies :

As a young woman, she was a perfect assassin, since men tend to drop their guard around women. She learned how to use poisons, shoot, stab, and snap necks. One of her big obedience tests was to slit her own baby’s throat — or they would torture the baby before her, and then kill it. All this lays incredible feelings of guilt and worthlessness on the subject. 

I spent many hours both reading this 400-page book and checking out even the tiniest details she put in and they all were accurate.

…such as, yes, a Barry Gilway (the big palooka seated before the weird fountain) did run the “Maryland Casualty Insurance Company,” which served as her cover job when not being sent off to kill people.

Suddenly I realized this was exactly what I went through,but clearly something even worse, because my brain has sealed it up.

(My father also ran a big insurance agency and would go away for days at a time. He definitely knew how to kill, and had five notches on his Korean-War Smith & Wesson .38 Detective Special revolver.)


The Manchurian program is the ultimate in horror, well beyond even MK-ULTRA, designed to guarantee the child, who is being groomed for important NWO roles that involve power,can never recall by trauma-induced amnesia, what was done, when, where — or by whom (JEWS).

Henry Kissinger, the early director of MK-ULTRA, photographing the only child of the mayor of Providence, Vincent “Buddy” Cianci. This girl killed herself with a heroine overdose in 2010 as an adult. My father is on the far right with his second wife. 


*** back to discussing alcohol

So, going back to booze, obviously it ss NOT the true answer to emotional pain, trauma, bad childhood memories, etc.

In fact, excessive alcohol can paralyze your brain’s frontal lobes and end your self-control. 

It can even open up portals in your etheric body for literal demonic forces to enter and take you over.


Here are two pages now from Eckhart Tolle’s number-one NY Times besteller, The Power of Now.

It is on addictive behavior.

First, it discusses being addicted, in effect, to your marriage/relationship. That means “my joy in life depends on another person” —  on my spouse.

I cannot feel any joy unless I get the expected love, support, approval and TLC and sexual relations I want and crave….

(I was in two such relationships. It can be torture. What was unenlightened about me was that 1) I expected another spiritually average person to try to understand me, to care about my problems, and try to heal me and make me happy, and

2) I kept on choosing “cold fish” as wives, the exact opposite of what I needed, because deep-down, I felt deeply unworthy to be happy.

That was the residue of the Manchurian mind control.

They always drum into you that you are worthless. Being raped and forced to watch or do horrible things symbolizes that you are just a disposable piece of garbage to your masters.

There is no love in the New World Order. The novel 1984 shows this brilliantly when Winston Smith decides to let the rats chew the face off his wife, not off himself.

All love, loyalty, truth and freedom must be crushed forever.

Then Eckhart Tolle segués into how not getting those things from this other person,who is as unenlightened as you are, or even more so, drives people to drink, or into other addictions, when said mate refuses to give them. This is the price of two egoic people (egoic, but not necessarily arrogant or unidealistic about fixing the world) who are living together…. terribly lonely even though they are together seven days a week.

Btw, I have also carefully read  and underlined the French and German versions of this book, and also using Tolle’s second bestseller, A New Earth. This is about changing the world AFTER we first change ourselves.

I have read both books — in three languages — so it really sinks in and transforms me inside. Being an idealist, or caring person, was not enough. Enlightenment means no ego — I am now 90% free from my own mind, past, thoughts, feelings, memories, traumas, hang-ups, complexes, issues and disappointments, and as a leader can focus on seeing each situation, really seeing it, as it is, as it is right now.

That “really seeing” of what is going down, unclogged by some argument two days ago, or by money worries, or by my disappointments about how majority of people are, THAT now-ness, that presence, is what is called “the power of now.”

From chapter five of A New Earth in French (“Nouvelle Terre”)

Chapter 5 

The Pain Body

The greater part of most people’s thinking is involuntary, automatic and repetitive. It is no more than a kind of mental static and fulfills no real purpose. Strictly speaking, you don’t think. Thinking happens to you. The statement “I think” implies volition. It implies that you have a say in the matter, that there is choice involved on your part. For most people, this is not yet the case. 

 “I think” is just as false a statement as “I digest” or “I circulate my blood.” Digestion happens, circulation happens, and thinking happens.  […. Then he goes into how automatic, compulsive thinking about our negative past and possibly dreadful future ruins both our joy and our focus on doing well in the now.]


In German:


……TSA groping is subtle sexual abuse by the government against everyone 

My comment below this 2010 article was:

What kind of a husband just stands there while his wife is being molested?

This government is molesting all of us in a hundred different ways. This is truly “1984.” Obama has not brought “change” but “chains,” and not “hope” but mere hype.

Opinion: The trauma of airport pat-downs takes security a step too far

By Deborah Petersen

Special to the Mercury News

Posted: 11/20/2010 08:00:00 PM PST
Updated: 11/20/2010 11:28:01 PM PST

In September, I had my own “don’t touch my junk” incident at Logan International Airport in Boston. I wish I had been clever enough to record it as software engineer John Tyner did at San Diego’s airport. Tyner, with a single phrase, has thankfully given voice to travelers such as myself who think the current policy on airport screenings is fast approaching the point of absurdity.

Unlike Tyner, I did consent to a full body scan ” unhappily, although I was worried about radiation, not vanity.

I stood in front of the scanner, hands up in surrender. Then I walked on.

“You’re not done,” the TSA officer called to me.

“OK. I’ll go back,” I offered, heading back for a do-over.

“You didn’t follow instructions,” she scolded.

It was my first experience with a body scan, I explained.

Then she said in no uncertain terms that if I wanted to get on my flight back home to California, I must agree to a pat-down.

“Why can’t I just go back?” I protested.

It is against the rules.

So, standing there surrounded by dozens of fellow passengers, I agreed to let her touch me with her gloved hands.

My arms.

My legs.

My what?

This woman was as near to my precious junk as I allow only two people: my husband and my doctor. Even I was surprised by my visceral reaction.

“Stop,” I said. “Stop touching me.”

My husband, hearing my shaky voice, looked over. The officer’s supervisor motioned, hand across his throat, for her to stop.

Obviously, I thought, he could see that this middle aged woman returning from her nephew’s wedding in Connecticut was no underpants bomber. This would be clear to any TSA officer paying attention to the cues they must be trained to look for. My husband walked over and put his arm around me. We thought it was over.

My graduate degree is in psychology, and post-traumatic stress disorder was my specialty. I used to counsel survivors of sexual abuse, most of them women. If I felt this humiliated, how would my former clients react?

Experiencing abuse, predictably, produces distrust and an aversion to surprises, especially when survivors are thrust into situations that might remind them of their abuse. Sadly, the number of women who fall into the category is not small. They don’t carry signs. They are our friends, relatives and colleagues.

Many of them are strong, competent people who have put these moments behind them.

Except in moments like this.

The new policy appears so haphazard that it is victimizing the very people it is designed to protect. If touching travelers in their most private places is justified by results, then Homeland Security needs to cough up statistics to show that being treated as criminals is somehow worth it.


The TSA would like us to believe that we control what happens to us in these security lines, but this just say-yes-to-body scans campaign is a fallacy, as my experience clearly showed. Indeed, I later found stories of women who had decided to stop flying rather than risk a pat-down.

[JdN: In other words, this woman agreed to the unconstitutional, Orwellian body scan but got the sexual grope anyway!!!]

Logan, infamously, is where the 9/11 terrorists [JdN: probably Israeli assets] chose to make their horrific move. I spent a year chronicling the aftermath, shadowing a woman who became a widow and single mother the day the terrorists flew a jet into her husband’s office. The last time I was in touch with her, she had yet to recover a single shred of her sweetheart[‘s body].

Flights need to be safe. I understand that. But since nearly 3,000 people were killed during the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, the pendulum favoring indiscriminate and invasive searches has perhaps swung too far.

As for my husband and me, our relief was short-lived.

The Massachusetts state troopers approached as a trio. The older, balding one took control.

JdN: What is mind-bending is that in truly ultra-liberal Massachusetts, the state police dress up like some Hollywood version of “Nazi troops.”  Mel Gibson’s character said in his brilliant anti-NWO movie “Edge of Darkness” that “in Massachusetts, everything is illegal.” 

Seeing that I was hugging my husband, he told me [absurdly] that whatever explosive material I might have on me, I had likely rubbed onto my husband.

I would have laughed had I not seen the fire in this officer’s eyes. And then he said, among other near rants,

“I will be the one who decides whether or not you fly. Do we have that straight?”


“Are you going to cooperate?”

I was speechless; that is rare.

Hoping to help, my quiet husband said, “Yes, she is.”

“Can’t she speak for herself?” the trooper snapped at him.

Eventually, he asked for my side of the story. Did I think the TSA officer was getting turned on by touching me? If so, file a complaint, he barked.

Again, I was aghast. With our flight scheduled to depart in 20 minutes, I tried reason.

“What do we need to do to resolve this?”

You guessed it.


For both me and my husband.

Then off we went, and America was safe.


DEBORAH PETERSEN is features editor for the San Jose Mercury News.


JdN: My comment is: Deborah, I am sure you would be happy to spit right in my “Nazi” face if I criticized your beloved Jews and your “diverse,” minority-ruled, judeo-bolshevik America. 

So now they are groping you and your worthless, ball-less husband.

We white nationalists warned you — Ford said it back in 1920, and Lindbergh said it again in 1941, Linds and your kind of truth-avoiding libtards just laughed.

Now enjoy the foreplay, baby!

The next thing will be body cavity inspections to get on the train.

Bend over for your rectal search.

Traveling, breathing, eating, living, and even dying, are no longer rights, but privileges granted and regulated by the moderate, diverse Obama government you so love.

Remember, it is you and yours who sneered at us “haters” when we said the Jews are creating a police state.

In fact, you were okay with the police state — as long as it was JUST DIRECTED AGAINST US.

August 2017: Virginia state police break up at ten a.m. on Saturday, August 12, 2017 a lawful, peaceful WN rally (protected by a federal court order!) to save Confederate monuments in Charlottesville, Virginia, home of Founding Father, US president, and, yes, very overt white racialist and slave-owner Thomas Jefferson 

I remember the night I entered the Marine boot camp on shark- and swamp-surrounded Parris Island off the South Carolina.

It starts with the DI jumping on the bus and bellowing “Get out! Get out of my bus!” Another DI, outside, yells: “Get on the [painted] footprints!”

One million steps toward the ultimate goal of total and instant obedience, then followed, starting with 48 hours of sleeplessness, yelling and hurrying around, zombyizing us with fatigue, stress and confusion.

(In defense of the Marine Corps, this training is not sadistic but designed to produce both instant obedience (–vital to any military unit —  and immunity to stress, where you can do your job no matter how hellish things get.)


And YOU liberals call us white nationalists “Nazis”. ¦.. Nobody demands more blind, sheeplike obedience out of people than hook-nosed Uncle Sam.

I’m gonna grope your breasts and vagina, lady, and in front of your own husband. You got that straight? And ˜cuz you hugged your husband WITHOUT PERMISSION, I’m gonna grope him too!


You’re gonna learn to obey your master!

Realize that under my jew rule, you are only FEDERAL HUMAN PROPERTY!


…..I am creating a new Aryan religion that mixes Tolle and the truth about racial differences/Jewish psychopathy/wonderful national socialist achievements 

You can help now by the low-profile but vital sending of donations to me to support my website and writing. (As you may have noticed, my site was hacked for a week in October, and lost two months of blogs. I will restore them as donations come in.)

My site has been hacked constantly since 2009, and was down 50% of the time in the final two years of Obama, 2015-16.

My articles had every photo deleted (and you know how important photos are to my blogs). Every hyphen, quotation mark and accent mark was turned into “cybercruft” like this:

weird As, copyright symbols…

 … and diamonds with a question mark inside were added.

Excerpt: []

1990 Tennessee Republican primary for US Congress

Congressional candidacy announcement, July 10, 1990, State Capitol, Nashville, Tennessee  [photo deleted]

In July-August 1990, de Nugent, using the campaign name äJack Nugentä (respecting a Southern political usage of nicknames, such as äBillä Clinton or äJimmyä Carter) ran in the Republican primary for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee, south and east of Nashville, on a platform that he consistently designated as äpro-white.ä[49], [50] He was officially awarded 26.7 percent of the vote in the primary election held on August 2, 1990 (the same day as the Invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein), albeit de Nugent suspects that massive electronic vote fraud[51] denied him an outright victory on primary day, August 2, 1990. WSMV-TV (Channel 4) coverage shows anchor Jeff McAtee (photo)[52] saying during the news show äScene at Sixä[p.m.] that ävoter turnout is light in the Sixth Congressional Districtä. Reporter Steve Linn says the light voter turnout is expected to hurtNugent.ä Yet that same evening, on the same station, WSMV, during äThe Scene at Tenä the same anchor, Jeff McAtee (jumbling his words several times, and referring to the race as äthe Sixth State Senate raceä) says äHere is what the results show so farä ä and then the wrong race results are shown. (In fact, they are for Sheriff of Davidson County, which contains Nashville, with 161 of 164 precincts reporting, i.e. 98%).

Jeff McAtee, anchor, WSMV-TV, Nashville, August 2, 1990 [photo deleted]

A political analyst, Lee Smith (1996 photo),[53], [54] then comes on to say ä[Nugent] was running a fairly credible race in the earlier election results that I sawä and the news anchor, McAtee, agreed that it was credible äfor very much a newcomer!ä (Nugent was not only a newcomer to the state but was a New England äYankeeä running in a Southern state as well.) The analyst, sweating visibly in the air-conditioned television studio, then editorialized: äIt would be an acute embarrassment in this day and time if he won.ä By then the voting machines already had stopped counting Jack Nugentäs race at 6% of the vote tallied. photo purchased from a Nashville TV video service from the station in 1990 by John de Nugent; Lee Smith, Tennessee political analyst, WSMV-TV, August 2, 1990, äScene at Tenä news (10 pm). (Click on small box icon ä upper right ä to see the enlarged photo.) Finally, reporter Steve Linn of WSMV (photo)[55] says the exact opposite of what his station had reported at 6 pm: äHeavy voting and minor problems have delayed the vote tallyä and..[..]..there is no clear winner.ä The voting machine tally had been stopped by then since 8 p.m., for two hours, but not for the other election races in Tennessee. The WTVF-TV äTen OäClock Reportä reporter lists äGregory Cochran [later deemed the winner] at 37%, Wallace Embry at 33% and Jack Nugent at 30%; thatäs pretty closeää and the screen says äPrecincts Reporting: 6%.ä (See photo of TV screen and primary results.)[56]

You can see from this hacking the power of the Jewish religion, which engenders fanaticism, unity, and hefty donations to their organizations defeating the Gentile liberals, moderates, conservatives and white nationslists around them.

This is part of why I am creating a new Aryan religion. For without power and unity, we have nothing.

LOL! (except “my” problems are our problems – we have no dynamic movement)

This “flutterby” lit on my hand as I walked my dogs one day, and just would not leave ¦ He stayed on my hand tenaciously for the entire walk. Another sign to never give up, but to press on to start my Aryan religion, end our suffering, remorse and fear, and make us again, the Aryan race, victorious inside and out?

Red, white and black — good color scheme 😉

Please join those who get good karma by sacrificing financially — low-profile — so I can do my unique mission and risk my life for you, your loved ones, and your future.



John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953

Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689

(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA

Need secrecy? Then start a

or account and then send me

your new secret email address.





¦How to donate & recent donors

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 PayPal: to

This is my dear “M. Huffstickler,” about to sing an Irish art song at a speech I gave in Michigan





winter (Marine EGA “ eagle, globe & anchor “ in the window)



I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn. 


Almost 3.8 MILLION hits on Google


checks to “John de Nugent”

cash in a greeting card (or aluminum foil)


US postal money order (or Canadian postal money order in US dollars)





even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

IF YOU SEND CASH OR COINS, WRAP THEM IN ALUMINUM FOIL!aluminum-foilus-20-dollars-aluminum-envelope-250-euros-germany-aluminum

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I and Margi since 2005


Many supporters have contacted me asking if there is a quicker and easier way to donate to my work. The good news is, yes there is.

If you already have a Paypal account, you can get a PayPal reload card, and then send me by email or phone call the numbers off the back and amount.

(Ask me then for the proper email address for Paypal ” they banned me   ” and Andrew Anglin and others ” BUT I have several friends with PP ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦..  )



Or get a PayPal account yourself and send funds that way. Rather than filling out forms and re-inputting your card details over and over again, you can donate simply by providing your email and password.

Yes, it really is that simple. The solution is to set up a personal PayPal account. You will only have to input your details once and then attach your credit/debit card to your account.  When making a donation in the future, you only need your email and password and it is all done automatically.

It’s quick, easy and hassle-free “ no more filling out endless forms. Please set up a personal PayPal account here:

Once your account is set up, please go to the “Wallet” section and add your credit/debit card and then enjoy the ease and speed of contributing to my Solutrean work in the future.

  “sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

“Vanilla gift card

From a fellow fmr Marine, this “Vanilla” Gift Card for $50: “John, Happy Christmas and Bright, Prosperous and Healthy 2017! ” P[]”

“Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)


I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?







¦ ¦.Actual donations

“9 November 2017 cash and US Marine Corps insignia (and playing cards) from P in Florida, a book from S in Idaho, and a battery charger and rechargeable batteries from C in Wisconsin

“6 November 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

“4 November 2017 loan from B in Oregon

“2 November 2017 check from K in San Francisco

“26 October 2017 Stripe from T in Texas, N in Englöand, P in Maryland; Paypal from B in Massachusetts

[due to hack, all donations as well as all blogs are missing Aug. 29-October 29, 2017]

“28 August 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

“28 August 2017 via PayPal from C in Germany

“24 August 2017 via PayPal from L in Scotland

“23 August 2017 via Stripe from C in Maryland

“22 August 2017 donation via Stripe from S in USA and from P in Australia

“21 August 2017 loan from J in Australia

“21 August 2017 check from G in Utah


“15 August 2017 check by an NS old fighter from out west

“8 August 2017 PayPal to from D in French Canada

“7 August 2017 check from G in Nevada

“6 August 2017 pymt made for me by P in Albania (inside joke  )

“5 August 2017 cash from M in Oregon

“5 August 2017 a jar of Napoleon garlic cloves from M in Michigan (Does this mean I should remember to avoid invading Russia?)

“5 August  2017 from R in Michigan a wonderful little book by Eckhart Tolle, Practicing the Power of Now

“3 August 2017 check from P in Florida direct to my webhost

“2 August 2017 check from K in Ohio

“31 July 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

“25 July 2017 check from G in Nevada

“22 July 2017 PayPal to from M in Florida

“19 July 2017  book The Chief about press baron Wm. Randolph Hearst from S in Idaho

“17 July 2017 cash from C in North Carolina and a check from J in Utah

“14  July 2017 cash from E in North Carolina

“13 July 2017 cash from M in Oregon

“11 July 2017 donation via PayPal from B in New York

“10 July 2017 check from J in Utah

“9 July 2017 donation from C in Maryland via Stripe

“5 July 2016 50 Euros ($55) via PayPal from C in Germany to

“5 July 2017 donation via PayPal from J in Australia

“1 July 2017 check and letter from a brave, intelligent comrade and author in San Francisco, California with possible cancer

Also cash from P in Florida and a birthday card! 

Also, a Stripe donation from J in Pennsylvania


“30 June 2017 check from J in Maryland

“29 June 2017  PayPal from L in Australia

“28 June 2017 book on national socialism from C. von Kanwetzburg


“27 June 2017 PayPal from J in England, P in Connecticut,  B in New York, and P in Maryland,

and a check from J in Utah

“15 June 2017 cash from M in Oregon

“10 June 2017 donation by check from G in New Swabia

“5 June 2017 cash in foil, letter and nice card from S in Germany

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