Comrade sees UFO that split up and rejoined in eastern Pennsylvania; medieval German UFO sightings and the 1870 UFO over New Hampshire

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John, I thought you’d be interested. I and my boys saw another strange triangular set of lights that converged into one, then something that looked round and almost translucent shot fast from left to right horizontally across where the light was sitting in the sky.

I mean, it was fast. Within minutes a telltale black chopper made a pass around the perimeter of where we saw it. It just circled around that spot for about 5-7 minutes. It was no airplane —  I’ll tell you that.

We live right near the Scranton-Wilkes-Barre International Airport, so we see planes all day and night. There’s no mistaking them.

[JdN: This area is in northeastern Pennsylvania, close to the heavily Jewish Catskill mountains in upper New York State, and of course close to Jew York City. As for me, I lived, worked and studied Vedanta and Eastern meditation techniques nearby, at the Himalayan Institute, back in 1993-94. Btw, Hinduism, especially the book called the Ramayana, contains stories of Vimanas, space vehicles, and of an ancient thermonuclear war. The ancient Indian archeological site of Mohenjo Daro has revealed green glass and radioactive skeletons that fell in place due to some form of sudden death that was not via swords, arrows or spears. ]

This is the third strange sighting we’ve had in a year, John. What do you suppose it might have been? It would be great to hear any ideas you might have.


I replied:

Hi, S[]. Wow…. It is common in UFO sightings for objects to either merge or do the opposite – fly apart. This is tech that is way, way beyond us.

He answered:

Yeah. It was the second time that we saw its triangular design.

It looked like it might have been wayyyy over the top of Dunmore borough or on the far, far side of East Scranton. I thought maybe it was a black-budget [federal “off-the-books”] craft like a TR3B, but they sure can’t split and rejoin.

It was a totally humbling experience, sharing the same space as something like that, within eyeshot at least, and was definitely surreal. My boys almost crapped themselves. That was their awakening also, an undeniable encounter to back up my years of what they thought were paranoid ramblings. LOL.

The increase in sightings, not only all over the world, but just the fact that my whole life has been spent not seeing them but just in the last year or so seeing more than one – it’s a confirmation for me that there is something just over the horizon, whatever it is: destruction, ascension to a higher consciousness, heaven, hell… whatever awaits us will answer all our questions once and for all, I suppose.

*** I replied

The triangular craft are normally a sign it is a US black-budget craft.  The giant vehicle seen over Phoenix, Arizona was triangular (, as were the vehicles seen over Belgium in 1989 for many months. (Belgium is where both NATO and the EU have their headquarters.)

But the splitting apart and rejoining is normally considered to be something which only higher species can engineer.  Many here on Lake Superior have seen these splitting and merging things racing over the lake, often bright white spheres.

I am glad your sons are now starting to believe you! 😉


Brian Avran damn, missed my ride home 😉
John de Nugent You would not want to hitch a ride with these guys. This is the US Deep State at its worst, the black-budget Secret Space Program.

Gunter Dieter In the late 80s into the early 90s I used to see UFOs over the St Clair River in Port Huron all the time.

I was a young boy, this was at the height of TV shows like Unsolved Mysteries which after a while were constantly scaring the shit out of me with alien stories that I just HAD to watch alone.

Now as a grown man I believe indeed that UFOs are NASA programs and that media and Hollywood intentionally threw everyone off about their true reality. One big fn psyop.

I assert after four years of research — and my own UFO sighting of a Grey freighter over McMinnville, Oregon in July 1989 — that there is a sinister, secret US program, which in contempt for the sheeplike public the Deep State has laid right out via the “X-Files” tv series and movies
AND also there are other species that are operating in our skies and underground — some humanoid, others very advanced humans.
They have used the earth as their mining planet for millennia, and do not view earth as “ours.”
AND finally there is the disengaged Third Reich, which evacuated its cutting-edge scientists, and has a fleet of UFOs, but is NOT able to liberate the West or even Germany with them, just defend themselves in their bases under the Antarctic and the Andes mountains. 

This is an 1870 photo of a Grey freighter over Mount Washington, three decades before the Wright Brothers, and thus hardly a US Air Force secret program.



This is a woodcut from a German newspaper back in 1561 of a full aerial battle, which was seen by all of Nuremberg and the surrounding area: 

This was the 1566 aerial battle over Basel, Switzerland: 
This was the 1697 Hamburg, Germany sighting:


……Do read 

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

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