No, Hitler did NOT “escape” to Argentina but died in the Bunker to make the Allies imagine the war was really over

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Hitler did die exactly as stated. His SS bodyguard and telephonist Rochus Misch was with him 1940-45, saw everything, and worked in the bunker to the very end. Captured in Berlin by the Soviets, he was horribly tortured by the KGB (then called the MGB) in Moscow’s Lubyanka prison (photos) for years.
Finally, Misch actually wrote a letter to KGB director Beria, asking to be shot, because his answers were true and always the same, and any further interrogation was pointless.
Admiring his courage, the KGB actually decided to then release him.
One of the many things that Misch maintained to the Soviets under even the most horrific torture was that Hitler did indeed kill himself, as did Eva Braun, and it happened down in the bunker around 3:30 pm on April 30, 1945 — exactly as stated.
In German
Hitler (actually then a sick man with severe Parkinson’s Disease and other ailments)  killed himself mainly in order to deceive the Allies that the Third Reich was really over in 1945. It was not! 
And a man who fought for four years in WWI on the front lines, and got two Iron Crosses was certainly not afraid to die. He got the Iron Cross First Class for capturing five British soldiers with just his pistol! 
In fact, in what is called the Absetzbewegung (the “disengagement movement”) it had used 54 of its newest submarines, equipped with snorkels, to stay submerged from Germany down to the Equator, thus escaping both the Royal and the US Navies, and evacuated its key scientists and military (not the rocket and jet guys, but the ones working on anti-gravity, zero-point and Tesla energy) to the Antarctic.
It then got them also to huge underground bases in the Andes mountains in South America, which were created using a new technology that vaporizes rock.
Adolf Hitler most certainly did not go off and live some SELFISH LIFE OF LUXURY in Argentina — while his people were being massacred, raped, starved, and brainwashed with Khazar guilt propaganda.!!!!
No, no, 100 times NO!!!

And besides, the American CIA and Israelis would have sent out a hundred hit teams to abduct him,  drugged, for a show trial, or to kill him there so he could not say the truth about the “Holocaust” criminal fraud, his views on the JQ, and on who really started the war!

John de Nugent The bodies were burned to unrecognizability using gasoline by two SS soldiers. Hitler did not want anybody that Red Army soldiers could display, desecrate and have “fun” with in the way that Mussolini’s was displayed and desecrated by Italian Reds.


……Especially important blogs by John de Nugent

Reincarnation facts

Psychopathy in leaders

Jews and Arabs descend from neanderthals

WN bio of JdN

UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars — and a German final victory marches toward its fulfillment —

Solutreans “ the white first Americans

The Jewish murder-war on the Kennedys

Captain Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” “ how the Jews do revolution

Youtube channel JdN

Normans “ white nordic aristocrats who married with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class

White safety zone “ Upper Peninsula of Michigan

White South African tragedy

Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia

Hitler’s love for the British people

My wonderful British grandfather and his eery return

Part 1 of 2 .

Part 2 of 2 .


Who really IS JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

President Putin uses my website to send Trump a message

The Obama White House calls me directly with a threat

The Hebrews of the Bible were roaming criminal hordes

Washington Post blasts JdN

My lady Margaret Huffstickler on Reichsmusik


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  1. I believe all that stories in books, and on the “History Channel”, “Discovery Channel”, etc about Hitler’s supposed escape to Argentina, are only efforts to demystify and vilify a figure who, in spite of all the demonization campaigns and laws, seems to be loved more every year and everywhere, including in some countries that were on the Allied side, where he has secret admirers who would like very much to resurrect him.
    You are right, JdN, in stating that if that escape story were true, the manhunt would have been immense, especially if one takes also into account that according to the jewish law of Amalek, the foe is only truly defeated if they get his dead body.
    What an international show and joyous celebration this would have been! They would even have added to the Talmud a new book, perhaps calling it Esther II or something related. Not to forget new holidays in Israel.
    Obviously, they didn’t get him, neither alive nor dead, and so, because of that, his spirit might be around planning some vengeance.

  2. Sorry, i forgot to mention that they need the foe’s corpse in order to perform some dirty rituals on it.
    This also happened to some of the victims of the Nuremberg “trials”.

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