Nordics showed up in same place and time where UFO crash-landed between Sweden and Finland

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The UFO found in the northern Baltic Sea around 2012 bears quite a resemblance to the “Millennium Falcon” in the first “Star Wars” movie, which is no accident.

Hollywood has been flaunting all sorts of shocking truths, very contemptuously, at the Gullible Goyim for decades, perfectly confident that Gentile audiences will go and laugh it all off as just a story, hah-hah-hah. 

But under the luciferian rules, the laws of demonic black magick, you as the satanist may do anything to your victim — rape, torture and even slowly kill him — if you have already warned him and yet the cowardly fool shrugs it off and neither fights nor flees.


JdN to a comrade, “G”: I am going to do a blog just on the Baltic UFO… found 87 meters down.

It was great how you read my blog on nordics and quickly realized the possible connection to this UFO.

It  seemingly did a crash-landing, and apparently around 10,000 BC, in the Gulf of Botnia, right between Sweden and Finland.

This seems to also be exactly where and when the narrow-faced, tall, blond, blue-eyed nordics very suddenly showed up!

[Here is ANOTHER Baltic UFO article.]



The secret of the “Baltic UFO”

[Source: I edited the rather Swedish-sounding prose to sound better in English.] 

Scientists and oceanographers cannot rest when it comes to the mystery of this strange object discovered in the depths of the sea about five years ago.
It has already become famous as the “Baltic UFO,” and it continues to be investigated.

When, at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, at a depth of 87 meters, a strange object of a roundish shape with a diameter of about 60 meters was discovered with the help of sonar, everyone — “from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes” — became interested in the discovery.

The most amazing speculations involve it being either a sunken alien ship or a “fascist flying saucer” [dating back to the German Third Reich].

The ones who revealed this “UFO” were a group of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter LINDBERG and Dennis ASBERG.

The key members of the Swedish company “Ocean X Team” (, Asberg and Lindberg. 

They were struck by its correct geometric shapes, resembling a ship from Hollywood space-alien films, and also some ancient structure like England’s Stonehenge.

The first photographs of this unidentified object from a close distance showed that it left a dented strip and furrows about 300 meters long, very reminiscent of the track that would be produced by an emergency landing.

For several years a group of oceanographers has been studying this amazing find. Three expeditions with the participation of divers discovered several mysterious features which cannot be explained to this day.

Among them is the division between the object itself and the seabed on which it lies — a series of corridors with vertical walls on its surface.

There are also incomprehensible grooves in the corners of the USO (unidentified submerged object), many of which are exactly 90 degrees.


It also manifests a abnormal “radio signal” above the object, very strange deviations of the compass near it, unknown burnt organic materials on the samples obtained for testing, not to mention a significant round hole on the surface leading “in”,

and details very reminiscent of a staircase leading to the Upper Level platform.

According to the members of the “Ocean X Team” (, which was studying the find, electronic chronometers, cameras and satellite phones all stopped working near the object.

“Only when we sailed away from the object for a good 200 meters did they again begin to function. As soon as we got closer again, the instruments switched off again,”

…said one of the participants in the expedition.

Continuing to explore the mysterious object and examining the data obtained from the scanning sonar, some researchers concluded that this could have been a top-secret Nazi base under which antisubmarine weapons to fight Allied submarines were installed. A former Swedish Navy officer, Anders AUUTELLUS, suggested that a 200-by-25-foot structure could have served to block the signals of Soviet and British submarines moving through the Baltic area during the Second World War. This, in his words, could explain the fact that near the “UFO” some technical devices stopped working.#

Ocean X Team member Stefan HOGEBORN agreed with these arguments: “The facility is located directly on the line of the navigable path. Most likely, this is really a huge structure made of concrete.”

Genuine German U-boat pen in La Rochelle, France

Das Boot

The Nazis, retreating, supposedly “burned their bridges behind them,” sweeping away not only evidence of their crimes [sic], but also of the discoveries of their top scientists.

But there are many wild stories about the experiments that supposedly were conducted by them. A significant proportion of their secret objects were destroyed, and most of those men who engaged in this kind of research are not alive now.

Perhaps this installation was one of the last ones that they created, and this means in the singular, just one single example of them, considering that others (or even just similar ones) have not yet been not found anywhere.

A hypothetical Nazi base would in some way be quite capable of “jamming” radio signals, since it is believed that signals from Allied submarines have disappeared because of [NS] technology.

But there is a completely different explanation out there as well.

Professor of Geology Volker Bruchhert from Stockholm University believes that the object is “most likely of geological origin” — a rock that is just lying there on the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia (between Finland and Sweden).

As the expert noted, “the Baltic Sea was formed as a result of the glacier passing through this territory, which later melted and laid the foundation for its formation.”

After studying the samples of rocks collected at the site of the detection of a mysterious object, Bruchert asserts that the samples transferred to him were “pieces of ordinary basalt,” a volcanic rock.

The scientist suggests that basalt was once brought to this location by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it was on the bottom of a new sea. According to the professor, it was the northern part of the Baltic bottom that was affected by these moving-glacier processes.

So, both these rock samples, and the object itself, most likely, were at the bottom as a result of melting glaciers. And the fact that the basalt acquired an unusual shape is supposedly due to the fact that “huge ice massifs contained fragments of rocks. These stones were moved by glaciers for thousands of kilometers, and settled down where they are found now at the end of the Ice Age. Often, as a result of these debris, bizarre formation are formed, even resembling “flying saucers.”

Maybe so, but this geologist could not explain why the “rock fragments” also interfered with modern electronics.

During subsequent expeditions the scuba divers managed to chip off some particles from the strange object, on which traces of burned material were found.

Studies of this sample were taken to the Weizmann Institute ( and the Institute of Archeology at the University of Tel Aviv (

In their report, the Israeli scientists indicated that they were puzzled over finding materials which, “most often can be found in modern construction, or, for example, in a wrecked ship.

According to the latest news, appearing in the press and on the Web, American experts also have studied the underwater 60-meter object on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

Based on the fact that the sample presented by them showed anomalies containing a metal that nature [on earth] does not produce, they came to the conclusion that it has an alien origin and it may well be a UFO/USO.



It has turned out from the examinations that the mud which, as the Tel Aviv scientists determined, fell into the fissures of the fragments that were studied, was more than ten thousand years old.

That is, either the spaceship (if, of course, the artifact was a kind of ship and not some kind of rock, and thus a natural feature opf the sea floor) crashed into the seabed at such a speed that it lifted the mud layers of the sea floor that had been stored there for centuries,


or it itself has been there for this time, ten or even fourteen thousand years.

UFO specialist Ryan KASLDAIN believes that the object on the bottom of the Baltic Sea is only “part of the fleet of alien ships that crashed onto this earth.”

In his opinion, the whole crash site contains much more alien wreckage than has previously been thought, and it is necessary to continue searching there.

So, although over the years more information has come out about this unidentified object, and despite the many explanations offered and studies carried out, this “Baltic anomaly” is still a mystery, and its origin is still unknown.

What the object is, is still not clear.



G: One estimate I heard placed it to be much older, based upon sea sediment, like tens of thousands of years older.

JdN: It is believed by some that white race has been implanted here several times on our planet — and tragically has also wiped itself out several times as well via stupid wars and other catastrophes triggered by human greed.

Both the Atlantis story and the Flood of Noah involve water sweeping away intelligent but very spiritually primitive, egoic, selfish humans who provoked their own downfall.

According to this sad theory of repeated wipe-outs, because most humans never learn from their own history, the planet keeps on being re-devastated — and then having to be “reseeded” by someone else who is more advanced.

In the “Star Trek” series, devastated planets were “terraformed” so they had good soil again and things could grow.

G: Like adding yeast to bread? I believe that Adam and Eve were perhaps even tribes, not actual persons.

JdN: That is interesting…. Even the Book of Genesis admits other humans were alive then.

After Cain slays Abel, he goes and “takes a wife,” it says, but from where?

Adam and Eve have only one kid left, thanks to the murder — he himself! 😉

G: I saw a documentary that places the Garden of Eden, flooded now, under the waters of the Persian Gulf near Kuwait.
Evolution and creationism are gross simplifications of a much more complex answer that nobody has the complete answer for.

JdN: Yes

IMO we evolved on other planets, perhaps with help from much higher beings, and came here as fully evolved humans. But blacks may not be from elsewher, but instead the native “Terrans.”
A friend of supporter wrote a great book on blacks being evolved examples of homo erectus.
G: My wife and I have discussed the possibility of Asians being a race of Downs Syndrome people. 
I once saw a humorous cartoon of Neanderthals dressed like genteel Englishmen with canes, monocles and top hats, and tails. Anti-evolutionary of course.

JdN: Well, East Asians are certainly retarded in terms of empathy. Did you ever read “Ways that are Dark?”

It is a great book by Ralph Townsend about the true character of the Chinese. (He grew up there as the son of missionaries.) Later, FDR indicted him (and other “America Firsters”) for sedition in the Great 1944 Sedition Trial.

G: Insects. East Asians are like unemotional and unimaginative insects.

JdN: Yes…. perfect description of many, especially Chinese — intelligent insects….

Although the Japanese, being part-white (Ainu) can be really noble people. I was once close to several Japanese scientists who learned American accent from me at Harvard-affiliated teaching hospitals in the Boston area. Honor, honesty, quality and reliability are just everything to them.


….Pockets of nordics all over

Children in an Albanian valley, on the Adriatic and Mediterranean


Actual 1950s photograph of an American town in the Midwest

…..See also

Artwork by Jews and other satanists about killing nordic whites:



    The 53-year-old, who claims to have been visited by extra-terrestrials ever since being inside his mother’s womb, said the correspondence between Putin and the Nordics “is on par with America” during a Q&A session in Wallsend, North Tyneside.

    He said: ” Putin had been part of a group advised by reptiles. Nordics made the counter offer to Putin.

    “The technology the Nordics are giving to Putin is on par with America.”

    Speaking to an audience of around 30 listeners at The Vault, the father-of-three continued: “The Nordics have told Putin he no longer has to toe the American line, hence his resistance.”

    sounds crazy you know but i bet the truth is starting to show.

  2. Here is quite an interesting piece on the virtue of ethnocentric behaviour as an evolutionary strategy.
    It clearly states the advantage against the selfish approach and the humanitarian approach. They both loose to ethnocentrism.
    We in the West now have a leadership hell bent on the selfish approach, and a general population with ditto towards the humanitarian approach. Both loosing strategies.
    This is not earth shattering, but certainly another step in the right direction for the awakening of our race.

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