Random thoughts on a GREAT and very white Superbowl

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Tom Brady arrives at the Minneapolis airport: I guess his fashionista wife Gisela Bündchen dressed him.

John de Nugent Ego causes suffering, Tom. — The Buddha


The Eagles quarterback was pretty darn good…. Texas German (“Foles” from “Volz”) https://section215.com/ ¦/blog ¦/190/files/2014/01/8051468.jpg Clean-living, and studying to get his divinity degree.

John de Nugent Zach Ertz, also GermanManage
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
Rob Ryan Good quarterback
John de Nugent I was surprised, or not, by how many key players on both excellent teams yesterday, Patriots and Eagles, were white.
Nancy Joan Mark The whites make the best quarterbacks as they r more intelligent and quick-discerning.
John de Nugent Nancy Joan Mark What AH [Adolf Hitler] said is that Aryans are more idealistic and innovative than other races. A football QB has to think on his feet (literally) and get rid of the ball in three seconds max, and think what is best for his team, not himself. Bingo — you need white quarterbacks.

John de Nugent Could not stand that fem-voiced wailing by halftime singer Justin Timberlake. Give me a voice like a man 


John de Nugent https://johndenugent.com/images/deep-voice.jpg Anybody can get a deeper voice with more gravitas!Manage
Nancy Joan Mark I’d like to see Bocelli. Justin is trash entertainment and went on anti Trump rants.he been quiet on that lately….jigaboo entertainment.
John de Nugent Bocelli? Too much class.  The goyim get only animalizing, lower-chakra tripe.
Nancy Joan Mark Exactly. As I said, they shove the jigaboo non music down our throats..
John de Nugent We we can all be grateful that this time Justin did not cause any “wardrobe malfunctions.” 


  1. Remember that comment I posted recently, in which I truthfully denigrated Newsweek as a Jew rag? Here’s the latest on them, from DS:


    I’ve been using certain “occult” meditative / prayer techniques to request necessary positive changes from the Universe / God / call it what you will, and they seem to be working. I’ve noticed time and again that the positive changes I request of the Universe come true.

    You can laugh this off as self-delusion, but the Jewish rabbis know very well the power of directed meditative prayer to achieve their goal of world domination over the hated “goyim.” It’s why the Jews have been able to screw us “goyim” over so badly for thousands of years, with no bad karma coming to them, despite all the evil they’ve done, and continue to do. The Jewish rabbis inject their evil desires into the astral plane, and the Universe responds automatically, like a machine, because that’s how it works – despite the fact that the rabbis’ “prayers” are all evil, destructive ones.

    I think it’s very important for every aware white person, and especially, WNs, to use this type of directed meditative prayer to request positive changes from the Universe / God / call it what you will, to end Jewish domination and usher in an Aryan rebirth. The Jewish rabbis pray every day for our destruction, but stupid and brainwashed Christians do nothing but pray to the fictional Jewish god-man, Jesus, who is nothing but a rabbi-created thought-form. Praying to this Jewish thought-form only strengthens the Jews, and it has no effect on whatever one is praying for – in fact, it has the opposite effect. Think of the millions of good Christians who have been slaughtered by Jews over the centuries, especially in Russia under Jewish communism and Germany during / after WWII. Did their faith in and prayers to the Jewish thought-form “Jesus” save them? No! In fact, it likely precipitated their own destruction, since praying to this Jewish thought-form only strengthened the Jews who created it. All of the Prussian military traitors who betrayed Hitler and caused Germany’s defeat in WWII were devout Christians – think about that.

    When I meditate / pray, I do not pray to the Jewish god-man, as that would be counter-productive. I assume a sitting meditative pose with hand mudras and eyes closed, with eyes directed upward and tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth, take ten calming breaths through the nose, and mentally request a list of positive changes from the Universe.

    I also study Rosicrucianism, and have picked up meditative techniques from them as well, although I don’t necessarily agree with all their “brotherhood of man” crap, as it sounds very Jewy and anti-white to me. But, as with the other website I use, the Rosicrucian meditative techniques are effective, and should be used by all of us “goyim” to end Jewish domination, because the more people requesting these positive changes of the Universe / God, and NOT to the Jewish thought-form Jesus or to the Jewish tribal demon Yahweh – the more powerful the “signal” to the Universe, and the more powerfully the Universe responds.

    Germany nearly won WWII against the combined forces of England, America, and Russia precisely because the NSDAP had discovered the power of the ancient Aryan religion, and were using it to great effect. It’s why they sent expeditions to Tibet and the Middle East prior to 1939, searching for ancient “occult” (hidden) knowledge. But the NSDAP were betrayed in WWII by Prussian military traitors – all devout Christians who prayed to the fictional Jewish thought-form “Jesus,” thereby weakening themselves and Germany, while strengthening the Jews. Christianity is also why America is now a fully Jew-owned country, due to all the millions of stupid “goyim” praying to the Jewish thought-form Jesus every day.

    These concepts are probably way over the heads of 99% of white people in America today, whose highest thoughts are of football, beer, and praying to Jeebus. And that is why America and the whole world are in the sad situation that exists today. But as the Jewish rabbis have proved, it only takes a small, dedicated core of people, employing directed meditative prayer, to have a huge effect. Jews now own the entire world because of their rabbis’ consistent occult efforts over thousands of years, and we “goyim” should learn from that. We greatly outnumber them, so if even a small percentage of us employed these techniques, it would have a huge effect.

    Meditative prayer and visualization work! Study the techniques and use them against the Jews, who have been using them against us for thousands of years.

    • Thanks.

      But it will take more than some prayer technique, however meritorious.

      The Jews win mostly by practical, earthly measures like usury (they print money out of thin air, and stuff it in their pockets) and by a psychopathic gift for lying. Their usury finances their vast campaigns of media takeovers, defamations and other lies.

  2. Agreed – but it is their rabbis’ occult manipulations of the astral plane that enables the Jews to get away with all of their earthly crimes without karmic repercussions.

    It’s also why rabbis hold such an esteemed position in Jewish society, despite the fact that most of them have never worked a day in their lives, and are exempt from military service in Israel. The Orthodox Jews and their rabbis study the Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah every day, and send daily evil prayers against the “goyim.”

    They’ve been doing this for thousands of years, and Jewish society encourages them to continue, because their methods work. If the Orthodox Jews and their rabbis were seen as being simply worthless freeloaders practicing ineffective mumbo-jumbo, the Jews, being practical people, would have kicked them out long ago.

    But no – they are valued and highly esteemed, because the methods they use work, unfortunately for us “goyim.” Which is why we need to use those same methods against them.

    • Since the email address you give is false (perhaps for understandable reasons) I was unable to notify you that I edited your comment and to explain why I did so.
      We can defeat the Jews only by both 1) practical counter-measures and 2) winning on a higher astral plane.
      Aryans are not gifted at skullduggery, curses, black magick, lies, manipulations, etc. Those are not our forte. We can only win with valor, idealism, skill and truth.
      And no one can cancel karma, no one.
      I must warn you that I tolerate no satanism or satanists. When I have the power, I will kill them all.
      And not because I am a “brainwashed Christian” — you are in grievous error on that — but because I saw them kill children before my very eyes.

  3. While people think of jews as very materialistic and worldly-oriented, which is true, they also have a spiritual side and are known for being practitioners of black magic.
    In fact, some authors believe black magic and some forms of witchcraft have been introduced to the west by jews.
    As one example of magic being used we have the repeated use of the six million figure in several instances before Hitler. Six is a magical number for jews.
    Another example known to gentiles is the magical over-the-head chicken swinging.
    The prescribed body movements at the wailing wall while doing their incantations there.
    It goes further with black magic being used to harm enemies and also “rebellious” jews, for example with the “pulsa denura” malediction. There is more to this subject than what is known by gentiles and even common jews, these “lesser brethren” as they are called by their leaders, and whom they follow so blindly and unwisely.
    I don’t know in what quarters this was initiated, but in the USA in ww2 times, there was once a meeting of witches who grouped together in order to perform a ritual to kill Hitler.
    Also interestingly, the west actually seems to be under the influence of some kind of spell.

  4. Nobody can escape karma, but jews seem to think that they can cheat it by “twisting the fingers while they are telling the lie”:

    The Kolnidre is an advance blank check that enables jews….well, to be jews, valid for one year.

    Then, they tell you subtly or not so subtly what they intend to do to you so that when they finally do it, then “it’s your fault” because you did nothing, which equates to your tacit approval.

    Satanists also seem to think that somehow they can cheat karma and not be “paid like satan pays” in the end.

    Many people get into satanism because they have evil tendencies in their hearts, but (initially) good people aren’t exempt to get in the way of satanism’s fangs.

    It is a pity that so many intelligent people are preyed on by satanism, for precisely intelligent and inquisitive people are those who most likely will fall in to its offers of more detailed knowledge of certain things that, initially, will have nothing to do with the occult, but with politics, religion, etc.

    They get illuminated with false light: “Ha!, now I know for certain that the Bible has been tampered with and I can therefore as well just throw it away!”

    But, since the bible itself says (in Revelations) that it might have been tampered with, it is therefore a basically honest book, and so its stern warning about the folly of winning the world but with that losing the soul (Jesus’ words!) is not to be taken lightly.

    So, in this example, our intelligent and inquisitive young man has not only been “illuminated” but dazzled. He has made a fool of himself by dismissing or even throwing away the book that actually has contents of wisdom that would have protected him. Now, he stands in the beginning of a road that will only lead to evil.

    Maybe our young man is excited about being in the “winning” side but….there is karma! – This is what Jesus was speaking about when giving his warning.

    With this I end my comment, but I want to make use of the opportunity to get “off-topic” and inform you about a good short treatise on chinese jews:

    “Chinese Communism and Chinese Jews” by Istvan Bakony, UDECAN Editions. Library of Political Series.

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