Putin, RT and the Russian national game of chess —

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“Putin is a Jew, Putin is a pedophile, Putin is still a KGB commie in his heart.”.. Yeah, yeah, yeah. …

Strange, then, how RT [Russia Today, founded by Putin] bashes Israel (factually, not with agitational verbiage, but with honest reporting), and does so day and night, how it lets commentators directly bash Jews, and how Putie arms Syria and Iran, the fanatic enemies of IsraHell…… 

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John de Nugent Strangest of all: Russia-1 tv network uses MY website for Putin to communicate to candidate Donald Trump and on the chosen day of September 11 of 2016https://johndenugent.com/…/putin-uses-my-site-to-warn…/Manage

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John de Nugent A Spanish comrade wrote me:



John de Nugent Sr de Nugent buenas tardes…..ud. dice que putin advierte que podrian asesinar a trump…yo tengo entendido que la juderia rusa apoya a putin y el yerno de trump es el judio-sionista jared kushner quien tiene un edificio de numero 666 y especulan que sea algo mas que solo un judio financista de israel, la pregunta es , Donald trump es el brazo oculto de la juderia?, aparentemente es nacionalista, pero digo yo, como es que apoyo a Israel al confirmar que la capital de ese pais genocida se traslade a jerusalem ?

y segundo punto…realmente es confiable putin ?, algunos dicen que es descendiente judio y no si ud. lo sabra pero el acuerdo de yalta fue en el fondo la reparticion del mundo entre la juderia norteamericana con roosevelt (cuyos asesores morgenthau y rosenfeld hicieron entrar a la guerra a los eeuu. eso ud. lo puede confirmar viendo el primer capitulo los kennedy donde papa joe es destituido de la nominacion a pdte) y la juderia sovietica representada por stalin, pero este no queria reconocer a la juderia norteamericana y realmente ese fue el verdadero conflicto entre occidente y los sovieticos, pero igual la juderia norteamericana no queria sacar a stalin del poder solo controlarlo. Eso esta en el libro: LA PINZA SOVIETICO-ISRAELITA ESTRANGULA A LOS ARABES – BAKONY, y lo puede descargar del sgte link :….. https://mega.nz/…Manage


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John de Nugent ENGLISH TRANSLATION. Mr. de Nugent; good afternoon ….. you.say that Putin warned that (((they))) could kill Trump … I understand however that Russian Jewry supports Putin, and Trump’s son-in-law is the Jewish-Zionist Jared Kushner, who has a 666 building and many speculate that he is something more than just a Jewish financier of Israel. The question is this — is Donald Trump the hidden arm of Jewry ? — apparently a nationalist, but then, I ask, how can he support Israel by confirming that the capital of that genocidal country is moving to Jerusalem?

And my second point … Really, is Putin to be trusted? Some say he is of Jewish descent, and maybe you know about this. Also, the Yalta agreement was basically the division of the world between American Jewry and Roosevelt (whose advisors Morgenthau and Rosenfeld brought the US into the war.) You can confirm that by seeing the first chapter of the Kennedys book –thelink fiollows — where Papa Joe [Kennedy] is excluded from the [Democrat party] nomination to become president [in 1940]) and Soviet Jewry, represented by Stalin, did not want to recognize American Jewry and really that was the real cause of the conflict [after 1945] between the West and the Soviets. But American Jewry did not want to get Stalin out of power, just control him. That’s all in the book: THE SOVIET CLAMP-ISRAELITE STRANGLES THE ARABS by BAKONY, and you can download it from the following link: ….. https://mega.nz/…Manage


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John de Nugent I replied: Estimado compaà±ero: Es agradable leer su mensaje. Sà­, Putin es confiable. No, él no es un Judio. Recuerda, senor eso: El juego nacional de Rusia es ajedrez. Sus movimientos en el tablero de ajedrez no deben permitir que Su oponente adivine Sus intenciones. Lo siento, pero debo salir. Mis mejores deseos para Usted, camarada. John de Nugent



John de Nugent ENGLISH TRANSLATION Dear comrade, It is nice to read your message. Yes, Putin is reliable. No, he is not a Jew.
Remember this: The national game of Russia is chess. Your moves on the chess board must not allow your opponent to guess your intentions.
Sorry, but I must go out. 
Best wishes to you, comrade.John de Nugent


  1. Putin has denounced Lenin (whose mother was Jewish, making him also Jewish), while praising Stalin, who was assassinated by his Jewish doctors with a Warfarin overdose in 1953 while in the process of purging all Jews from positions of power in the USSR:



    Article on the assassination of Stalin from the Jew York Times. Lavrentia Beria, the head of the secret police at the time and mastermind of the plot to assassinate Stalin, was likely a Jew, or part-Jewish:



    Article from Israeli newspaper which mentions that Stalin’s assassination just so happened to fall on Purim of 1953. Oy vey! Vat a Cohen-cidence!


  2. Admittedly, the evidence that Lavrenti Beria was Jewish is sketchy, but the Jews have a vested interest in claiming Beria was a Gentile, since he was responsible for the deaths of millions of Russians. The Jews also denied for decades that Lenin had any Jewish ancestry, when in fact he did:






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