Legendary WN writer Revilo P. Oliver, though agnostic, supported reincarnation as a solid base for a credible Aryan religion to make us fighters again

James Leininger with his sister from his previous life when he was US Navy pilot James Huston, killed in 1945 at the battle of Iwo Jima
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…..A credible religion for Aryans who want real change



by Revilo P. Oliver

[Date sometime around 1984. Some photos have been added by me, John de Nugent. It is unfortunate that Oliver seems to have been utterly unaware of the serious scholarly work being done at the University of Virginia medical school in Charlottesville by Ian Stevenson, MD, the head of the division of child psychiatry there.

Dr. Stevenson, born in Scotland, graduated from McGill University, the top university in Canada. In 1965 he got a one-million dollar bequest from the estate of the late inventor of the photocopy machine, Chester Carlson, to determine if there was any hard scientific evidence for reincarnation. Dr. Stevenson found overwhelming evidence that there was.

He and his team studied cases of reincarnated children, a massive 2,500 cases, and this had been going on with scientific earnest for 19 years already by the time the author penned this article. One can see from this how the Internet makes it so much easier for us today to search rapidly for information. I bet Oliver had no idea of Dr. Stevenson’s work. So instead he discusses at length in the article below some New Agey outfit in California. 🙁 ]


MANY believe that, as is quite possible, a large population of mediocrities requires the spiritual sustenance of a religion that promises survival after death as a compensation for the inevitable disappointments and sorrows of human life. If that is so, a replacement must be found for the demoralizing cult of the Jew-god that has, for fifteen centuries, blighted our race and sapped its vital instincts. And if the substitute religion is not to impair our race’s vitality, it must be in harmony with the Aryan psyche.

An attempt to design and launch such a religion is being made by a group who call themselves “Reincarnation, Incorporated,” with perhaps a gentle pun in the title. Their initial promotion is a forty-page tabloid paper, oddly but cleverly entitledWhat Is, of which seventy thousand copies are said to have been distributed from the new Delphi (P.O. Box 3009, Agoura Hills, California). A second printing of the same quantity is in prospect to recruit more “New Age Activists,” as members of the cult like to call themselves.

The obvious basis for an Aryan religion is the doctrine of metempsychosis, which is congenial to our racial psyche and was a faith held wherever our race established its superiority, from India to Scandinavia. It reappears, with only a little modification, in Schopenhauer’s doctrine of the palingenesis of the will.(1) It is foreign to all the Semitic religions, and appears among Mongolians only under the influence of Buddhism, which was exported from India to China.

(footnote 1. Schopenhauer drew inspiration for much of his philosophy from the fifty Upanishads that he read in the Latin translation by Anquetil Duperron (Strassburg, 2 vols., 1801-1802), of which he said (Parerga, II, 185), “It has been the most elevating reading which (with the exception of the original text) there can possibly be in the world. It has been the solace of my life, and will be of my death.”)


*** Henry Ford


In his talk with Frazier Hunt and published in the Cosmopolitan Magazine, a talk that has precipitated a controversy that threatens to grow in volume, the Detroit automobile genius in declaring his belief in reincarnation said:

“Each life we live simply adds to our total experience. Everything put on earth is put here for some good–to get experience which will be stored up for future use. There is not one bit of man — one thought, one experience, one drop — that does not go on. Life is eternal — so there can’t be any death.”

And, in further explanation of his belief, Mr. Ford said:

“This earth is just a clearing station between past and future lives. We don’t know anything about what’s on those other planets–except life: I’m sure there’s life there.

“Service is what man has to give in this world. Serve people — do things for them — and you’ll get along all right.

I believe that there are entities or little auxiliary life atoms, or whatever you want to call them, flying about, and when a person is doing something to help people — doing something for people and not for himself — that these entities fly to him and help him. The vital stuff we need is all about us — it feeds and strengthens our spirit.

All we need is to keep our lives pointed in the right direction and what we need will come to us.”



Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 April 7, 1947) was the American founder of the Ford Motor Company and father of modern assembly lines used in mass production. His introduction of the Model Tautomobile revolutionized transportation and American industry. He was a prolific inventor and was awarded 161 U.S. patents.

As owner of the Ford Motor Company he became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. He is credited with “Fordism“, that is, the mass production of large numbers of inexpensive automobiles using the assembly line, coupled with high wages for his workers. Ford had a global vision, with consumerism as the key to peace.

Ford did not believe in accountants; he amassed one of the world’s largest fortunes without ever having his company audited under his administration.

Henry Ford’s intense commitment to lowering costs resulted in many technical and business innovations, including a franchise system that put a dealership in every city in North America, and in major cities on six continents.


In 1923, [Henry] Ford’s pastor, and head of his sociology department, Episcopal minister Samuel S. Marquis, claimed that Ford believed, or “once believed” in reincarnation.[63] Though it is unclear whether or how long Ford kept such a belief, the San Francisco Examiner from August 26, 1928, published a quote which described Ford’s beliefs:

I adopted the theory of Reincarnation when I was twenty six. [JdN: He was then 60 years old.] Religion offered nothing to the point. Even work could not give me complete satisfaction. Work is futile if we cannot utilize the experience we collect in one life in the next.

When I discovered reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan. I realized that there was a chance to work out my ideas. Time was no longer limited. I was no longer a slave to the hands of the clock.

Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives. Some are older souls than others, and so they know more.


Receiving a high award from the Detroit, Michigan consul of the Third Reich




The discovery of reincarnation put my mind at ease. If you preserve a record of this conversation, write it so that it puts men’s minds at ease. I would like to communicate to others the calmness that the long view of life gives to us.


Belief in the transmigration of souls is not inherently unreasonable. It is untainted by the trumpery ˜revelations’ and preposterously childish tales of the Jewish concoction called Christianity.

Since souls are, by definition, invisible and impalpable, one cannot prove that they do not exist and do not act as a catalyst, so to speak, in initiating and maintaining the chemical and bio-electrical reaction called life. And if souls exist as a kind of subtle energy, the transfer of the undetectable spark from one organism to another would conform to a psychic law of the conservation of energy, and one could, of course, give the doctrine a now fashionable embroidery by discoursing on analogies with quantum mechanics.

A soul thus conceived could be the real personality of an individual, and not entirely irrational explanations can be found for an incarnate soul’s inability to remember its previous incarnations.

*** JdN

The explanation is extremely rational why we do not remember previous incarnations:

We go over our mistakes between lives.

Then it is time for a fresh start. If we take the lessons to heart, then our next life will be more noble. There is no need to rehash old stuff from previous lives if you learn from each experience between lives, take the important things seriously to heart, and then move resolutely forward.

The life review video is a classic feature of  NDEs, Near Death Experiences, and they are discussed in great detail in many books.

People –souls — who are basically good go temporarily to a beautiful place. (Others go to a place full of nasty individuals, just like themselves, veritable  thug worlds, where they get a taste of their own medicine.)

In Near Death Experiences, you of course return from death; you get sent back onto the operating table and have again a heartbeat, breathing and brain activity again.

In other experiences, you die and then stay “dead.”

You then spend years or decades on the other side, learning, if you are wise, from spiritual mentors.

Then you come back to have another and hopefully better try at earthly life.

But most of us do not remember details of previous lives, and this would be counter-productive.

What we DO all retain is certain strong “feelings” — positive or negative –that we cannot otherwise explain about certain people, places and things.

Some people we become instant and deep friends with, for example.

Others become instant antagonists to us.

It is like: “Ahah, we meet again.”

In my own case, I felt from age five on a passionate love for all things German that baffled my parents, though I am only 1/16th German by blood. My father was a WWII vet and anti-German, and my mother never brought the Germans up either.

Now with a small percentage of kids who come back, about 5%, there are detailed memories, but they fade away by around age five.

In all cases where kids have detailed recollections, they had died in traumatic ways and when they were still young.

One perfect case is US Navy pilot James Huston of Pennsylvania, who was shot down by the Japanese during the famous Iwo Jima Navy-Marines operation in 1945, and came back four decades later as James Leininger in Louisiana. But the boy suffered flashbacks to being shot down and drowning which made no sense to his parents, who were typical Americans and did not believe in reincarnation.



See my powerful, factual essay:

Reincarnation Evidence


Unlike other religions, a faith in metempsychosis need involve nothing that is demonstrably false.

The doctrine of metempsychosis was brought to its fullest and most logical form by the Aryans of India, who perfected it by combining with it the concept of karma (karman).(2)

This produces a grandiose system of psychic evolution that neatly parallels the scientific fact of biological evolution. The individual soul is presumed to have begun with the lowest and simplest form of organic life and to have developed itself, through its experiences and actions in each incarnation, ascending gradually to ever higher forms of life and eventually to the higher mammals, who become capable of conscious moral activity.

By the time that we become human beings (perhaps even before), the moral quality of an individual’s actions automatically determine, by an unalterable natural law, his social status and his fate (i.e., what happens to him, as distinct from what he does voluntarily) in his next incarnation.

If he discharges faithfully his moral obligations in the status in which he is born, he will have a higher (and morally more demanding) status in his next life; if, on the other hand, he violates the morality of the natural law, he will revert to a lower social status and suffer in it condign tribulations, or, if his guilt exceeds such demotion, he reverts to a subhuman mammal and has to progress to human form once more.

(footnote 2. When one cites Sanskrit nouns and adjectives, one does not give the nominative singular, as in Greek and Latin, but the special base, or ˜pausa,’ form that is used in dictionaries and in grammatical treatises, from which the inflected cases are derived.)

This is, of course, a rational religion. Karma is governed by a natural law inherent, like gravitation, in the structure of the universe.

There is no need for a theodicy, the intellectual reef on which all monotheist religions are wrecked. There is no need for a creator of an eternal universe and no function for a god who intervenes in human affairs.

One of the six orthodox religious philosophies of India, the Nirisvara-Samkhya, is frankly atheistic in the sense that it excludes a creating or governing god, although it does admit higher forms of life to which humans may evolve and thus become beings that are superhuman, just as we are super-simian.

If you must have a god, the alternate (Sesvara) system will give you one who is like the god in Plato’s Politicus: he designed and fashioned the perfect mechanism of the universe and, after setting it in motion, left it to function automatically, giving no further attention to it and its inhabitants.

Only fools would try to attract his attention by performing childish rites or whimpering prayers, but by the moral law of the universe austerities and self-mortification automatically (and regardless of an individual’s intent in performing them) release the cosmic energy of tapas, and thus confer psychic powers that may be exerted in this or in subsequent lives.

You will have seen that this is also a socially perfect religion. However disagreeable may be your present status in life and however great may be the injustice and suffering that you must endure, you are thus expiating your moral errors in a preceding life, while your fortitude in accepting without protest the consequences of your past immorality automatically generates the moral quality that will raise you to a higher status in your next life.

The doctrine even reconciles the races: a nigger is assured that by good conduct he can ascend racially and eventually be born an Aryan.(3)

A society that fully accepts the belief in karma is one in which discontent, social agitation, political conflict, and revolutions are all impossible.

(footnote 3. The stages of transition from the Vedas to the doctrine of the later Upanishads is obscure, but one conjecture, drawn from the term dvija ( ˜born again’), applied only to Aryans, is that originally only Aryans were thought capable of reincarnation, while black-skinned Dravidians and apes were thought to perish like all other lower mammals.

That was a biologically wholesome attitude, and an historian may regret that it was superseded by formulation of the complete scheme of spiritual evolution called karma. By another conjecture, one regarding the origin of the caste system, one can suppose that the civilized white race that preceded the Aryans in the Indus Valley was included among the ˜born again.’)

Such is the perfectly logical and coherent religion that the Aryans in India fashioned from the religion of the Rig Veda that was theirs when they invaded that sub-continent and which they never formally repudiated, despite the implications of the doctrine I set forth above.(4)

The older religion and its analogues naturally dominated the great literature in Sanskrit. All belief in hyper-physical phenomena was, for a time, challenged by the strictly rational and materialistic (i.e., scientific) conception of the universe and life called Lokayata.(5)

The religious conceptions of India were profoundly perturbed and altered by the disastrous and egalitarian heresy called Buddhism, a religion that had been fashioned from gross perversion of the austere and profoundly pessimistic philosophy of Gautama.

And the common people, increasingly mongrelized by miscegenation in defiance of the Aryan Laws of Manu, while never doubting metempsychosis, sought to evade natural law by magic, that is, by invoking the intervention of a god (e.g., Krishna) or goddess (e.g, Kali) whom they pleased and flattered by sacrifices and other acts of special devotion.

(footnote 4. I have given a concise, perhaps too concise, summary of Hindu religions and religious philosophies in Appendices A, B, and C to my translation of the Mrcchakatika (Little Clay Cart); cf. Appendices D, E, and L. The essentials can be learned from any good reference work.)

(footnote 5. In a very early article, written with Spenglerian fatalism, I wrote:

“We need not be astonished that Hindu skepticism enjoyed only a relatively brief existence: no malism was ever more than transitory, for in philosophy, as in daily life, men are naturally cowards and optimists. “Skepsis” always consumes itself; it is a brilliant flame that, like a magnesium flare, bursts forth for a moment in the tenebrous night, and then vanishes, leaving the darkness more impenetrable than ever.”

According to Spengler, gerontic civilizations enter a period of “second religiosity” before they die; we may now have reached that stage. Other and perhaps better explanations are possible, such as the observed decline of the level of intelligence in proletarian and multiracial societies, or the necessary effect of a civilization that contravenes the innate instincts of our species. (I am thinking of an extremely important article by Alan McGregor that will appear in a coming issue of the Mankind Quarterly; I plan to consider it in connection with the phenomena of sexual perversion.))

It would be pointless to mention here the wild variety of grotesque sects, each with its gang of holy men intent on exploiting the superstitions of the populace, that flourish in modern India, but it may be relevant to give a glimpse of the corruption of the old Aryan conception of reincarnation and karma among the most highly cultivated Hindus of the age that followed the rise of Buddhism in India.

A good example is one of the great works of Sanskrit literature, the Kadambari of Bana (completed after his death, c. A.D. 650, by his less talented son).

It is written in the ornate and alembicated prose that is esteemed as more poetic than verse ” a mannered and artificial style that reminds one of Euphuism, but paradoxically also reminds one of the German style of Kant, for, given the incomparable lexical and syntactical suppleness of Sanskrit, it can be said of Bana, as it was of Kant, that he often dives into a sentence and comes up, several pages later, with the verb in his mouth. The Kadambari is a work that was accessible only to the most highly cultivated readers.(6)

(footnote 6. If you have sufficiently mastered Sanskrit to read the Mahabharata or the Kathasaritsagara without difficulty, you will find that reading Bana is like breaking trail in three feet of snow. There is an English translation by C. M. Ridding (1906), which I have not seen. Aside from the inimitably ornate and poetic diction, Bana’s work has a considerable charm in its sensitivity to the beauties of nature, but the late Arthur Berriedale Keith, the foremost authority on Sanskrit literature, was certainly right in saying that it will seem fantastic, uninteresting, and tedious to readers who have no settled belief in metempsychosis.)

The story opens at the court of a famous king and dramatist, Sudraka, whose very name shows that he was not a true Aryan. (He cannot have been a Sudra, but he probably was a hybrid like Dumas, his father’s Aryan blood mingled with that of a woman of lower race.)

To him comes a Chandala, a maiden of wondrous beauty, although she belongs to the very lowest and most despised caste.(7) (Don’t worry: you will eventually discover she is the goddess Lakshmi in disguise.)

She presents to the king a learned and eloquent parrot, who, after composing verses in the king’s honor, narrates a long and intricate romance, inset with subordinate stories, which is the body of the work but need not be outlined here. The wise parrot’s discourse causes the “veil of ignorance” to fall from before the king’s eyes, and he learns of his earlier incarnations on earth and, at the behest of the disguised Lakshmi before she ascends to heaven, he dies and eventually discovers that he is really Lord of the Night, Regent of the Moon.

His terrestrial sufferings have atoned for the moral lapse that brought upon him the curse that sent him to earth, so he rejoins his favorite wife and wins Kadambari, the maiden whom he especially loves and long desired in vain. The three thereafter dwell in his lunar orb, together with their friends and associates, but from time to time revisit the two terrestrial kingdoms that belong to them.

(footnote 7. The offspring of a white woman of the highest primary caste by a brown-skinned male of the lowest is the result of miscegenation so monstrous that he (or she) is particularly accursed. The descendants of such persons are Chandalas; they are legally dead and must carry rattles to warn of their approach so that decent persons can avoid the loathesome sight. They serve as executioners and porters of corpses, since they cannot be more polluted than they are by birth. They are, however, morally superior to Englishmen and Americans, who commit the heinous crime of eating beef and will therefore be reborn as pigs or worse.)

You will not need to be shown how drastically this story departs from the basic simplicity and rationality of the Aryan doctrine of karma that I outlined above. I have mentioned it expressly to show how the pure doctrine of karma can survive contamination by notions of deities who intervene in earthly affairs, incarnate divinities, and even the mystical efficacy of curses.(8) That should make us cautious in criticizing modern adaptations of the doctrine that are designed for popularity today.

(footnote 8. The parrot is an estimable young man who was reborn as a parrot because he was cursed, not by a holy man as is so common in Hindu story, but only by a maiden whom he had wearied with protestations of love.)

The concept of a transmigration of souls is, as I have said, native to our race.

It reappeared frequently in the literature of the nineteenth century (e.g., in two of Edgar Allan Poe’s most memorable short stories or Theophile Gautier’s Avatar). Langdon Smith spontaneously saw the parallel between metempsychosis and biological evolution in his one well-known poem, “When you were a tadpole and I was a fish,/ In the Paleozoic time.” In our century, the concept has been popularized by the “memories” of “Bridey” Murphy, Joan Grant, “Taylor Caldwell” (Mrs. Marcus Reback), and others. The doctrine, furthermore, is susceptible of a kind of “proof.”9


Most literate persons read in their youth vivid tales set in ancient or transcendentally exotic cultures, such as Ryder Haggard’s She, Flaubert’s Salammbo, Georg Ebers’ Der Kaiser, Merejkowski’s Tutenchamon auf Kreta, Maseras’ Ildaribal, Pierre Louys’ Aphrodite, or any of a hundred others.

Such stories, set in a panorama of a vanished civilization, make a deep impression on the minds of youthful readers, but fade from the conscious mind in subsequent decades. As the readers, especially if they are female, approach or enter middle age, their youthful impressions can be recalled in hypnosis; they may spontaneously mistake them for memories of a past incarnation, and they will almost certainly do so, if they have been prepared for a “past-life regression” by a skilled hypnotist.

There should, therefore, be a large and active market for a new religion based on metempsychosis and karma, now that Mme. Blavatsky’s Theosophy is quite worn out. It is not easy, however, to estimate the potential of Reincarnation, Incorporated.

The forty pages of its tabloid, half of them written by one man, are chiefly devoted to glowing descriptions of how wonderful it is to be a “New Age Activist,” and they have comparatively little to say about a specific metaphysical doctrine. One principal theme is a vehement but entirely justified polemic against the Jesus-jerks of the “Moral Majority” and “New Christian Right,” who are so lavishly promoted by the Jews’ boob-tubes and have already excited such mindless fanaticism that one of the chief hokum-peddlers has set himself up as a candidate for the Presidency, and the Revolutionary Tribunal in Washington has shown ominous signs of coming to a working agreement with the crude communism of early Judaeo-Christian cults. One can only applaud the polemic, which gives the new religion a present utility.

The bits of doctrine that one can gather from obiter dicta scattered through the forty pages indicate that the basic doctrines of karma have been incorporated in an odd mishmash. The sect teaches acceptance of the world as it is, and that is good, but then we encounter a blob of Christian sentimentality in the strange affirmation that “the Law of Grace supersedes the Law of Karma ¦ All your positive and loving thoughts and actions go to cancel out your stored-up bad karma.”

Now this directly contravenes the basic doctrine, according to which sentiments and thoughts have no effect in themselves, and actions are all that count.

The word karman means ˜an act, deed,’ and is in some writings taken as an antithesis to belief and the kind of thought that does not result in physical action.

Thus karmanurupa may designate what is in accord with a constant action or function, such as a chemical reaction, as well as the conduct and fate of a man that are in accord with his actions in a previous life. It is the latter conception, of course, that is fundamental to the religio-philosophical doctrine that takes its name from karman.

Then we are told “everyone is here on earth to fulfill their [sic] dharma and to resolve their karma by rising above fear and learning to express unconditional love.” I am not sure what this means.

Dharma is ˜duty, propriety, justice,’ and hence the prescribed conduct of a man (or woman) in the social status and position to which he (or she) has been born.

Fulfilling those obligations faithfully advances one spiritually; violation of that duty will result in rebirth in a lower and more unpleasant status. It is the dharma of a slave to serve his master loyally; the dharma of a soldier, to slay the enemies of his king; and the dharma of a king (as is so clearly stated in the famous Arthasastra ), to be merciless toward criminals and subversives, and to root them out, even by using a corps of “agents provocateurs.”

There isn’t a word about bubbling with love, conditional or unconditional.

The “New Age Activists,” we are told, “will be an army of people armed with love” and they will “replace repression and fear with peace and light.” So we end with more of the old buncombe. Such pie may be served in the sky, but it will never be found on earth, and it is a great disservice to arouse an appetite for an imaginary confection. I suppose this nonsense was put in to stimulate the glands of compulsive do-gooders.

I refrain from commenting on the two-page spiel by a certain Joseph Goldstein [photo], who twice assures us that “Sexual misconduct can most easily be understood as refraining [!] from those actions of sensuality which cause pain and harm to others.” If he means what he says, he should laud the famous Marquis de Sade, who was most emphatically not guilty of such misconduct.


What is most disturbing is that Reincarnation, Incorporated, carries with it a whole passel of fakirs and mystery-mongers, all eager to perform magic if you cross their palms with silver.

One female will bang a Tibetan gong (probably made in Brooklyn) to help you remember your past lives in Tibet and to “facilitate ¦the rising of the Kundalini.”

I forbear asking about her qualifications, but in my quite limited reading in the sources, if memory does not deceive me, it was implied that only males have a kundalini, a cute psychic snake that issues from the sexual organs, climbs up the spine, and enters the brain to fill it with transcendence.

There are “psychics” who will read your destiny from tea leaves, from quartz crystals (giving you “crystal energetics”), from the palms of your hands, just as they used to do in the tents of the old carnivals. “International authorities” will teach you how to raise your “vibrational level” and will introduce you to “spirit guides,” just waiting to act as your unseen (but not unpaid) cicerone and show you the sights of spookland; how to have fun in trances, even if you don’t know what you are doing; how to work up enough “psychic ability” to remember at least three of your past lives; and how to get such a big dose of awareness that you will be “attuned to the awesome power that guides the universe” and make “love’s psychic dimensions” work for you.

“Top parapsychologists” will teach you how to have “extra-sensory perception” and “nurture your ESP ability,” to the astonishment of your friends. (That should be lots of fun, but my guess is that any card-shark could teach you more about stacking a deck of cards and would do it for less.)

And to complete the show, there are astrologers all over the lot, and all of them have got computers now and can tell you with scientific accuracy just what the planets, including Pluto and, I suppose, the larger asteroids, such as Vesta, Ceres, and Pallas, are going to do to you tomorrow. One wizard, who has the same address as Reincarnation, Incorporated, will, for only $16.00, jiggle his “IBM System 36 ³ computer for you and give you a print-out to “bring energy to each part of your personality” and, you know, a big computer like that just couldn’t make a mistake.

Now I am sure that some prospective customers will be repelled by some or all of those side-shows and turn away from the main tent, and others will be displeased by the somewhat inept collocation on page 9 of “the liberal leadership, New Age practitioners, homosexuals (estimated at over 40 million)” as three groups, presumably equally precious, who will be run into “Nazi death camps,” if the awful “Fascists” get control after the impending collapse of this ruined and bankrupt country. What I do not profess to know is what percentage of potential customers will be alienated by such ingredients in the mishmash.

The potentiality of Reincarnation, Incorporated, furthermore, is delimited by the fact that if a new religion is to attract multitudes, it must exhibit a great novelty and seem to be radically new. It must differ drastically from all religions in vogue when it is introduced. The new cult, however, offers only crambe repetita, warmed-over cabbage. The chatter about “love” and “higher consciousness” and “transcendental values” that Theosophy peddled in its hey-day, when such figments of the imagination differed attractively from the dreary quibbles of Christian theology, are now stale and tedious; they are offered today by a hundred competing sects and with only slight variations.

To give a specific example: What does Reincarnation, Incorporated, offer that is not also offered by the Stelle Group, which I mentioned obiter in Liberty Bell, August 1984, p. 13? The differences are only in the trimmings of the worn-out garments.

If a new religion based on metempsychosis and karma is to command wide adherence, it must offer some doctrine that is not now tediously familiar to everyone who has gone shopping in the salvation-marts.

In sum, then, I am inclined to believe that the new religion is perhaps fatally flawed as it comes from its makers, and I should suppose that it has little chance of becoming more than just another weird cult for people who want to believe whatever is incredible.

But when I remember the jumble of inconsistent and even antithetical ideas in all of the most popular cults in India, of which the best is illustrated by the Kadambari, I prudently refrain from categorical predictions about what Weishaupt’s “marvellous mind of man” cannot be made to believe.

* * *

Source: Liberty Bell magazine, December 1986



Excellent article and I am grateful to National Vanguard for publishing it, since Revilo P. Oliver is esteemed by many non- and anti-Christians, and I do not like to see those comrades throw all religion, which can be unifying, empowering and energizing, out with the bathwater.

As my essay here points out:


… many very distinguished Aryans have believed deeply in palingenesis (or reincarnation, or metempsychosis) and entire nations have embraced it.

Beyond that, there is much highly persuasive scientific evidence that at least some of us definitely do reincarnate!  And this is why we have these mysterious likes and dislikes, and instant attractions or repulsions toward people, or a fascination with a certain period of time in history — because we had a real good life and feel “good vibes” about it!




I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?







Today the hacker team is attacking me from Switzerland……

BEFORE this, it was other countries. It is a worldwide, concerted effort. Sometimes it is a team of hackers in Canada.


Or in France

Or IsraHell….


If I were not paying EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH for a website monitor who sits there 12 hours a day, plus $150 for a Russian webmaster with an IT degree, plus $100 for webhosting, this is all you would see.


What other English-speaking blogger speaks two foreign languages fluently (German and French) and is conversant in four more (Spanish, Swedish, Greek and Russian),

–has lived twice in Europe (Austria and France)

–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor who watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.

I wrote this webmaster after he stopped not only hacking but many trolls posting disgusting comments:

It is great that individual trolls can be banned. Some are sick people and I feel unclean even reading their garbage.

Others are professional trolls with the NSA and pure evil. They are trained liars, slanderers and psychological warriors.

So thanks for blocking them!


…..Recent donations

— 5 December 2021 $90 donation via PayPal from H, a previous donor

— 4 December 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

Menhirs, prehistoric sacred boulders in celtic Carnac, Brittany, France

— 3 December 2021 500 euros (same in US dollars) via PP from S in Germany

Castle Eutin, Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany; I was here with the Marines in 1979 with a NATO “Reforger” exercise nd went through the town of Angeln, whence the “Anglos” in Anglo-Saxons. The last Reich president, Admiral Karl Dönitz, ran the last German government from here in May 1945.

— 30 November 2021 US$100 via PayPal from V in Denmark


“Ramund” (hin unge) is a Danish folksong from around the 1600s. I am playing a nyckelharpa, an ancient Swedish instrument. It started to storm as I played. “Ramund” has around 20 verses, and there are different versions written down. It is mainly about Ramund, a man who goes to battle with the Jætter / trolls and then sails to the emperor to take his daughter to marry and then decapitates the emperor.

— 27 November 2021 $400 Australian ( = US$285), photocopied information on Australian WWII PM John Curtin (very pro-white and apprehensive about China) and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 $70 Australian ( = US$51), Christmas card and letter from P in Australia

— 27 November 2021 300 euros ( = same in US dollars) from M in France

— 26 November 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Chicago

John Kennedy and Jackie in Chicago


— 25 November 2021 85 euros via PayPal from M in Texas

— 20 November 2021  300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 12 November 2021 another 300 euros (same in US dollars) from the heroic M in France, a working man, btw, not some millionaire!!!!!

St-Malo panorama at evening. St-Malo, Brittany, France

— 10 November 2021 250 euros via PP from C in Germany

— 8 November 2021 $40 cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 6 November 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France



— 2 November 2021 $10 in cash from S in Ontonagon, Michigan

— 31 October 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 30 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

Him in a previous life, also good at getting donations 


— 27 October 2021 $400 cash from fmr Marine Corps officer P in Florida, a donor and friend for twelve years

— 25 October 2021 600 euros from C in Germany

— 24 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 22 October 2021 $200 loan to keep the site going forgiven by P in Florida

— 20 October 2021 $200 via US Postal Service money order from K in Massachusetts plus the cost of $8.70 in priority-mail postage

— 18 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 10 October 2021 300 euros from M in France

— 6 October 2021 $50 cash from P in Florida

— 2 October 2021  300 euros from M in France


— 2 October 2021 $50 via PayPal from V in Denmark

— 1 October 2021 $200 loan from P in Florida

— 25 September 2021 300 Euros via Paypal from M in France

— 18 September 2021 300 Euros via Paypal from M in France

— 14 September 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 11 September 2021 300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 9 September 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 5 September 2021 300 euros (same in US dollars) from M in France

— 31 August 2021 500 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

— 25 August 2021 300 euros via PayPal from L in the French part of Belgium, Wallonnie (whence Léon Degrelle)

— 22 August 2021 $41 dollars via PayPal from V in Odense, Denmark

— 20 August 2021 $200 in cash from local supporter

This is a new trend — locals supporting me.


As of yesterday, it was another slogan:

“AH was right.”

All I can say is the Afghan combat veterans here in Onto are shocked by the Afghan debacle.

— 19 August 2021 300 euros and card from M in France

— 14 August 2021 Australian $400 ( = US$ 300) from P in Australia and letter re mRNA Covid vaccines

It being a windy day, I placed paperweights on the contents. I always keep them near in case wind comes up. 


— 11 August 2021 300 Euros from M in Belgium

–10 August 2021 $500 cash from G in Michigan

— 4 August 2021 500 Euros (same in US dollars) from L in Québec, Canada

— 28 July 2021  400 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 28 July 2021 $200 with letter from M in Texas

This Texan, who previously sent me a great holster,

…donated, as he had promised, two hundred dollars ($100 cash and $100 via USPS money order) — and he wrote me a beautiful letter.


— 25 July 2021 $500 in cash from S in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

— 22 July 2021 400 euros, photos and note from M in France


— 21 July 2021 300 euros via PayPal from M in France

— 20 July 2021 400 Euros via PP from C in Germany

— 16 July 2021 400 euros, photos and card from M in France


–15 July 2021 400 euros via Moneygram from C in Germany

–15 July 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from S in unknown location

— 14 July 2021 $400 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–13 July 2021 two superb historical books from J in New Mexico, Stalin’s War of Extermination by Joachim Hoffmann, and Chief Culprit, by the Soviet jew and military historian Suvorov, proving that Stalin was just about to massively surprise-attack Germany, in August 1941 (despite the Berlin-Moscow Non-Aggression Pact of 1939)  when Hitler Germany instead, with full justification, surprise-attacked HIM.

–13 July 2021 book from Stan Hess in Idaho Defensive Racism by the late WN lawyer Edgar Steele, who was later tragically framed for attempted murder on the word of honor of a convicted felon who had stolen thousands in silver coins FROM HIM!  Then the FBI created a deep-fake audio — using tech from the Media Lab at MIT — of Steele supposedly discussing ON THE PHONE having his own wife bumped off, which his wife Cindy  never believed for a second. Steele was then railroaded into prison, given “diesel-therapy” (moved around constantly from prison to prison (in a diesel-powered bus, hence “diesel therapy”) with his mail never forwarded, so he had almost no communications with his friends, supporters and family for months). He then died in prison due to the feds withholding his medications and probably despair as well. This book is superb. You can see from it why the jew-feds hated and feared him.

— 12 July 2021 100 dollars Australian [ = US$75], ltr, UFO/Annunaki info from J in Oz

— 10 July 2021 200 Euros from M in France

— 9 July 2021 50 euros and cards from S in Germany

–29 June 2021 200 euros and letter from M in France

— 29 June 2021 100 euros, silver bracelet for Margi, and a copy in Italian of the famous Serenity Prayer from E in Italy

The Serenity Prayer from Reinhold Niebuhr


— 28 June 2021 $23 in cash and ltr from W in Tennessee

— 25 June 2021 50 euros via PP from M in France

–24 June 2021 $190 in cash and ltr from N in Georgia


–21 June 2021 200 euros, photos from the Louvre Museum, and a kind note from M in France 


–18 June 2021 150 euros, photos of the Roman arena in ancient Paris, then called “Lutetia,” and card from M in France.

–17 June 2021 200 euros, photos and card from M in France. (Lower-right: I always carry a sandwich in case I get hungry …)

— 16 June 2021 100 Australian dollars ( = $60 US) from Australian comrade P

He ends his kind letter:


Please send John a donation — whatever you can spare.

John is doing wonderful work on the vaccine issue.

He is trying to save lives!


— 11 June 2021 $20 and note from T in New York State

— 8 June 2021 US$500 and kind note from C in North Carolina (Internet/phone cut-off notice on pink paper on the right)


— 8 June 2021 100 euros from M in France

— 4 June 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

These Amazon gifts pay for vital things I need or that keep Margi healthy so I can do my mission without a beloved spouse who is sick and dying on me, draining me in every way.

Among them, this incredible $40 book Virus Mania:


— 4 June 2021 100 euros ( = same in dollars) and Versailles pictures from M in France

–29 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–29 May 2021 $200 loan from P in Florida



— 28 May 2021 200 euros, photos and letters from the heroic M in France, who rightly quoted Mussolini to me: “If one cannot give his blood, at least one can give money.”

— 24 May 2021 150 euros from M in France



— 22 May 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–May 16, 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Illinois

— 16 May 2021 $50 via PayPal from H in Denmark

Kronborg Castle, Helsingfors



.(Not the donor) This was Povl [ = Paul] Riis-Knudsen, a very, very brave Danish national socialist whom I met several times via Matt Koehl, the then leader of the NSWPP.

For generations jewry has owned or controlled the main newspapers in Scandinavia (as well as in Holland), successfully brainwashing Germany’s neighbors and blood kindred to hate themselves, their race, all their German cousins — and obviously Hitler and his national socialists.

Incredibly, Denmark let SEVEN THOUSAND little German children, evacuated from East Prussia in 1945 to escape the mass murderers of the Red Army, perish of hunger and a total lack of medical care in Danish barbed-wire death camps after the war. Inconceivable with such an otherwise highly civilized and decent nordic people!

Anyway, Povl was a true hero to stand up for NS in a country that the Jews had taught day and night to hate our sacred cause, the true cause of the Scandinavian peoples too who now are being overrun by Muslim savages!

A comrade urged me to not overglorify nordic genes. Believe me, I do not. To let little children perish over the course of months over a Holocaust that the Germans never committed — and over an occupation which was a military necessity but also extremely mild — was a staggering crime against humanity and little blond Germanic children by their fellow nordics.

If people say, well, the Jews brainwashed the Danes, well, from 1940-45, under German occupation, they had also gotten THE TRUTH! And they rejected it! This is truly a benighted planet…
— 15 May 2021 Five letters containing generous donations (100 euros x 4 plus 60 euros) arrive suddenly from M in France!

– May 14, 2021 check for $20 from M in Indiana (US)

— 11 May 2021 220 euros, letter, photos of the Paris Métro and of Freemantle in Australia

–28 April 2021 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida
— 26 April 2021 newest number of the Circle of Friends of Léon Degrelle from G in France

— 24 April 2021 $5 in cash plus letter about Covid and the Talmud from R in Florida

— 23 April 2021 100 euros, cars, meme on change, and Montmartre/Paris photos

— 23 April 2021 check for 50 dollars and ltr from K in California

— 13 April 2021 100 euros, Paris photos, meme and card from M in France

— 6 April 2021 $300 via Amazon gift card from G in Nevada

— 6 April 2021 100 Euros ( = 100 US dollars), photo of the Paris Metro and card asking about Jesus’ one act of violence, His expelling of money-changers from the Temple

–6 April 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

— 5 April 2021 100 dollars and card from P in Florida


— 2 April 2021 350 Euros via PayPal from M in Germany

— 28 March 2021 100 euros, Boston postcard, card, meme from M in France

On the card:

Hello, John, and hello, Margi,

I hope you are doing fine, and Margi is recovering step-by-step.

For fun I enclose for you a postcard from Boston. I spent a couple of days in the  summer of 2008 visiting this city. I really liked the atmosphere of the old section. There is definitely a soul in those ancient buildings, not like the modern ones.

Bobby Fischer:

“They hate nature and the natural order, because it’s pure and beautiful, and also because it’s bigger  and stronger than they are — and they feel that they cannot fully control it.


Nature’s beauty and harmony stand in stark contrast to their squalor and ugliness.”

Sincerely, M

— 20 March 2021 100 euros, photos of Paris and a flyer on the Biderman list of coercive compliance techniques and the Covid lockdown measures, sent by M in France

— 19 March 2021 200 euros and cards from M in France, lit up like the sun by a “Fighter Flare”  prepper super-flashlight sent previously by M, plus his postcard from a trip to Freemantle, western Australia!  Un grand merci, monsieur!


–18 March 2021 Australian 50 dollars and ltr from T in Australia


— 17 March 20201 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 15 March 2021 $250 loan forgiven by P in Florida (I was literally borrowing money to keep the site going) and a $20 donation

–14 March 2021 three Fighter Flare prepper flashlights worth $180 from M in France! These things are great! https://shop.prepperspeak.com/preppers-flashlight-1

This is a combination of a super-bright flashlight;

an electronic flare if your car breaks down;

an accurate compass;

a rope (or seatbelt) cutter to  release you after a crash if wedged into your smashed-up car;

a special glass-breaking hammer to break autoglass (to get in or get yourself if trapped);

and solar panels to recharge your smartphone!


Compass on the bottom

Window hammer on the left and seatbelt cutter on the right


Recharge it in sunlight –perfect if out in the woods or at a sunlit window; a dot lights up very brightly when it is actually recharging


Recharging my cellphome FROM the Fighter Flare; the round steel thing is a very powerful magnet



— 13 March 2021 book on Atlantis, 20 euros, a $25 silver coin and ltr from C in Germany

— 12 March 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

— 8 March 2021 $310 and ltr re Gematria from F in Georgia

— 6 March 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida
— 6 March 2021 $100 via Amazon gift cards from J in Nevada
— 5 March 2021 100 euros and a letter from M in France, who also sends helpful emails. He KNOWS what is is like to live under a radical lockdown AND have laws literally against free speech plus NO right to a gun. This is a country where teachers get their heads cut off.

–23 February 2021 100 euros (same as dollars) from M in France with an impressive letter

— 22 February 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from W in Wisconsin

— 21 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Illinois

— 20 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from R in Louisiana

I know what you do is hard work that takes a lot of bravery, creativity, concentration, dedication, focus and brain power. Good tidings to the health of Margi, and to you as well, sir!

— 16 February 2021

–15 February 2021 $10 via Amazon gift card from S in Texas

–13 February 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 11 February 2021 20 euros, cash, and a nice ltr from S in Germany

–10 February 2021 100 Euros via PayPal from C in Austria

–9 February 2021 $100 cash and ltr re Battle of the Bulge from B in Florida


–8 February 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

— 6 February 2021 $600 donation by check from P in Florida (actually, it was the forgiveness of $600 on a $1,000 loan by a former Marine Corps officer to support my work)

–5 February 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–30 January 2021 gift of a “Frame Lock” pistol holster (Phalanxsystems.com, “Made in USA”) from M in Texas, which I now use to open-carry my .40 Smith & Wesson

Inside — loops for your trouser belt


Ready for attacks by BLM, Antifa, local thugs or anyone else who lusts to harm me and my loved ones 


–30 January 2021 $25 via Amazon gift card and letter from R in San Francisco, California

–29 January 2021 100 Euros ( = US$100) from M in France

–28 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–27 January 20201 $233 via PayPal from T in Australia

–23 January 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–21 January 2021 $40 and as ltr from N in Tennessee

–20 January 2021 100 euros from M in France


–14 January 2021 100 euros from M in France

–14 January 2021 $5 via Amazon gift card from S (a belated birthday gift on the sixth-month anniversary of my 66th birthday)

Created with GIMP

–13 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–13 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–12 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–6 January 2021 200 Euros (like US dollars in value) from C in Germany

–4 January 2021 $160 cash from K in Massachusetts

–2 January 2021 100 euros (around 100 US$) and a very kind note from M in France

(There you see again how in indoor light my dark-blue eyes, like those of AH, seem grayish-brown) 

M wrote:

Dear John and dear Margi,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for bringing light into this darkest of times.


–2 January 2021 100 US dollars from W in northern Virginia


This comrade wrote:

To John and Margi,


for all that you do and have done for our Folk andCause

Aurë Entuluva! (Daylight will come again!)

All the Best,




–1 January 2020 $75 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–27 December 2020 $50 via Amazon gift card from a former Green Beret

–23 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–22 December 2020 $1,000 loan from S in Florida

–17 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


–15 December 2020, from a long-term and generous Australian donor:  50 Australian dollars; a letter about the US 2020 election; a beautiful Christmas card with a springer spaniel; and a photocopy from a book about Quetzalcoatl — the mysterious, benevolent, blond, bearded white man who founded Ancient Mexico (I will blog next on this gift.)


Qzetzalcoatl may have initially worn a space suit and helmet for breathing in our atmosphere, and for practical reasons had no beard. Later, it seems he adapted to our air, tossed the suit and helmet, and grew his beard out, a hirsute feature of adult white males  which astonished the beardless Amerindians. 

Interesting how Quetzalcoatl just up and left one day.

Sometimes one gets soooo tired of peoples’ slow progress. In Conversations with God, the Creator says to author Neil Donald Walsch, to his shock, that he has already had HUNDREDS of lives…


Most people never get a grip on their own mind, and thus barely inch forward a few inches in each incarnation like a lazy snail. 😉

“Are earthlings a good use of my time?”

Thanks go today especially to donors of Amazon gift cards, which enable us to buy supplements which have helped Margi both beat and also prevent a recurrence of her one-time Stage III throat cancer. This happy development, in turn, frees ME up for my vital work.

–11 December 2020 100 Euros and note from M in France


–10 December 2020 $25 by check and letter from K in California


–9 December 2020 $150 in cash and a note from P in Florida (sent to Margi’s address)

–7 December 2020 100 euros [same as US dollars] from M in France


–4 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–30 November 2020 45 euros from S in Germany

–27 November 2020 100 euros [same as US dollars] from M in France


–16 Nov 2020 50 Australian dollars ($30) and card from P in Australia



Dear John and Margi,

I hope you are both well and that the autumn colours are affording some solace in these most critical times before us. The very near future is ominous and foreboding, not least in appearance but fundamentally.

So may you continue with strength in your noble endeavours for our people and the Aryan soul. This is desperately needed as clean air is to breathe. Keep safe and well.

Kind regards…



–14 November 2020 50 euros from M in France


–3 November 2020 $100 in cash from a fmr Marine officer, P, in Florida


–1 November 2020 $340 in cash and a letter from K in New England

–23 Oct 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from L in Kentucky

–18 October 2020 US$88  via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

–17 October 2020 50 Australian dollars,  letter and extensive photocopies from a serious book on Atlantis and other destroyed civilizations from J

–14 October 2020 50 euros [ = 50 US dollars] and a beautiful card and letter from M in France.

–10 October 2020 110 euros ( same in US dollars) from C in Germany

–3 October 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

My thank-you note:

Thank you for the Amazon.com Gift Card! I so enjoyed seeing my two recent visitors from the faraway Southland, but thinking also: “Soon, I will not be able to walk down the street or go into a bar and grill, unless I have bodyguards.” These are my final weeks of “freedom,” brother J. Then comes only the iron call of duty.

I am deeply grateful that you have stuck by me all this time. The supplements your gift cards (and those of another comrade) have bought have also saved Margi’s life. Even the Mayo told her in July of last year that with all of their wizardry she had only a 20% chance. So pat yourself on the back, dear brother.

— John de Nugent

— 1 October 2020 50 euros [worth $US50 also], a beautiful card and a thoughtful letter from M in France

— 30 September 2020 five beautiful leather-bound antique volumes with gilt edge of essays in German from B, a jewish-born WN activist (including at the dangerous confrontations in Charlottesville, Virginia) and a generous donor for over a decade; needless to say, big postage was paid for these heavy books in the old Fraktur font….

–21 September 2020 50 euros [ =  US$50] and letter from M in France

–18 September 2020 $100 in cash and a card from P in Florida,  a fmr Marine Corps and Navy officer and donor for 11 years

–18 September 2020 $88 via Amazon gift card from a former US Army Green Beret in Illinois

–9 September 2020 $200 via PP from T in Australia

–28 August 2020 101 euros from C in Germany

–19 August 2020 $88 by Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–15 August 2020 $88 by Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


–2 August 2020 50 Australian dollars and a note from J in southern Australia



To John and Margi:

Sorry, it has been a little while since my last correspondence and contribution.

Thinking of you both during your time at the Mayo [Clinic for Margi’s cancer]. I could only imagine the stresses you’ve both been under.

We are witnessing history right now and it’s not necessarily a good thing.

Now is the time, more than ever, for positive endeavour, not least spiritually.



Southern Australia

PS Hang in there. Keep up the good fight. People ARE realising!

–1 August 2020 50 euros and a letter from M in France

–17 July 2020 $70 in cash and a note from B in New Jersey

–14 July 2020 129 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–11 July 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from F in Arizona

–11 July 2020 60 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–10 July 2020 50 euros and an incisive note from M in France


–10 July 2020 320 euros, a heartfelt note and photos from E in Italy

–9 July 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from K in Oregon

–8 July 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from  J in Nevada

–6 July 2020 expensive supplements for Margi from J in Cicero, Illinois


–3 July 2020 $50 in cash and nice birthday card from fellow former Marine P in Florida


–29 June 2020 US$60 via PayPal from D in Australia

–29 June 2020 60 euros via PayPal from C in Germany

–26 June 2020 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois via Amazon gift card

And this Irish-American sent this along, too 😉

–26 June 2020  $335 from ten people for Margi’s MEDICAL FUNDRAISER ON HER NON-POLITICAL FB PAGE

–22 June 2020 Gift card from Amazon for $25 from G in Georgia

He sent this email as well [edited]

Hi John,

Brilliant blog work lately. I especially enjoyed and felt personal value in the “Reader asks my view of freedom and stories of ancient gods” entry.

[….] I’ll close with a sincere thank you for your light and love that you share with the world against all odds. My best wishes are with you.


–20 June 2020 three bottles of Liquid Oxygen from G in Cicero, Illinois for Margi

–10 June 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from L in New Jersey

–8 June 2020 50 euros in cash and a letter from M in France

–6 June 2020 40 Euros from C in Germany with letter


–5 June 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada



— 5 June 2020 50 Euros and note

–4 June 2020 beautiful, antique silver coin from the Third Reich, in 1935, memorializing two-time Reich Präsident Paul von Hindenburg (1847-1934), the chief German commander in World War One, victor over the Russians at the Battle of Tannenberg, and the head of state who appointed Adolf Hitler as chancellor in 1933 — plus a Euro donation — plus a great novel on the postwar Fourth Reich in the Antarctic by German author Michael Winkler, all from C in Germany!


–2 June 2020 US$65 via PP from D in Australia

–1 June 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from L in Tennessee

–1 June 2020 Urantia book from K in Massachusetts

This is a pretty amazing-seeming book, supposedly channeled from Nordics, and saying Jesus was, not “God,” but one of them — and a governor of the spiritual development in this part of the galaxy. His teachings were massively distorted EVEN IN HIS LIFETIME, BY HIS JEWISH DISCIPLES, AND ESPECIALLY AFTER HIS DEATH.

All this is exactly what I have felt intuitively for decades. I am also certain that “Odin” was from the same people — he had to keep eating apples from the goddess Idunn to stay immortal, btw,…. like the Greek gods needing their “ambrosia” and “nectar”…..

and also the bearded blond man Quetzalcoatl and the Viracocha who founded civilizations in Central and South America.

Earth keeps getting “missionaries” from higher Aryan worlds — noble souls who are appalled at the needless suffering here and either come here via some spacecraft as adults, or decide to incarnate here as earthlings, and then are called “starseeds.”

Humans learn and grow a lot more from being taught by a fellow earthling who undergoes all our travails with us, like the guy on the right (who should have kept that mustache, not adopted the Charlie Chaplin one 😉)


One someone is perceived as a god, he is then worshipped and then begged to do stuff for us which we can and should do for ourselves.

Jesus being made into a god showed exactly this problem:

“Jesus, save us” or “Jesus, take us away to heaven” (while the jews are allowed to do as they want to this wretched planet).

Here is the pdf of this massive, 2,000-page book:


–30 May 2020 $88 check via automatic bank draft from G in Cicero, Illinois

There are those very dark-blue eyes you only see on certain Germans, such as AH. A website claimed this was the color of the Hyperboreans during a lost Golden Age, back when the North Pole and most of earth supposedly was a warm and beautiful place.

–29 May 2020 five wonderful books, a surprise gift from an unknown donor. All deal with Mein Kampf, a book I have in fact perused in the past. 😉 I have no idea whom to thank for this, but thank you!

I added my optional vaccination device to this photo for the sake of my dear Antifa friends. Just in case their deep commitment as good Americans to the First Amendment may start to waver, my Second Amendment device helpfully kicks in to remind them. 😉 Seventeen rounds are missing, part of my weekly close-range target practice on head-shaped targets. Hit the body (a large target), then two to the head.

You want me to have a mandatory vaccine? Mine contains lead adjuvants, and might have side effects.


Sorry to be so mean to our dear friends.


–28 May 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from S in Montana


–27 May 2020 50 Australian dollars from P and a letter; check for US$50 from K in California and a letter

–21 May 2020 $25 Amazon gift card from L in Kentucky

–21 May 2020 $88 from a former Rockwell party activist in Cicero, Illinois

–21 May 2020 50 euros in cash and a letter from M in France

Very good how he always wraps it in aluminum foil to “foil” dishonest clerks.



This French comrade made a good point in his letter, which was composed both in French and in English, and no one “gets” his point more than I do.

“Il faut travailler à longue échéance, même s’il y a urgence d’agir. Il est important de sensibiliser, de conscientiser et d’amener le plus de gens possible à changer leurs valeurs et leurs comportements.”

in English:

“You have to work for the long term, even if there is an urgent need for immediate action. It is important to raise sensitivity and awareness in as many people as possible in order to change their values and their behaviors.”

And that only an Aryan, spiritual, religious community can do, where we join together with others who want to better themselves and the world.


–$5 in cash and card with a beautiful fleur-de-lys pattern from C in Mississippi


–17 May 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from Z in Virginia

–15 and 8 May 2020 checks for $88 from J in Nevada

–7 May 2020 $50 Australian and two cards

What a beautiful currency, with a kind of vinyl “paper” and flashing silvery icons on plastic windows that glint at certain angles.

Straight on one sees little, just these odd plastic windows.

But held at a tilt, you see more.

As per his recommendation: Claude Debussy – Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun

Maurice Ravel said “If there is music at the Gates of Paradise, it is this piece.” 🙂

–6 May 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from S in California

–2 May 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from M in Kentucky

–1 May 2020, 50 euros from France and a card and message

Margi is cross with me when I put out these less-than-flattering photos.  But hey, I earned every line and every gray hair. 😉 Can the world really be saved by any egotistical young hotshot now, with the vain old New York billionaire having failed, and now visibly going down?

Created with GIMP

Message on the front of this postcard:

“Sharing the world must replace dividing it”

..and on the back thereof, in almost flawless English, better than that of many Americans:

“Hi, John and Margi,

France is nearly totally shut down now.

But some people are waking up, thanks to the Chloroquine scandal.

Top managers at the World Health Organization are completely corrupt under UN control.

But regular medical staff (such as doctors and nurses) who swore the Hippocratic Oath [to never do harm] are getting out plenty of clear information via the Internet.

The next weeks are going to be crucial.

Trump must act carefully.

I wasn’t even born [in 1962] when the Cuban Missile Crisis happened. This (((Covid-19))) crisis again is putting the world on the precipice. —  M”

–30 April 2020 $50 via Amazon gift card


These Amazon cards have been essential in buying for Margi the anti-cancer meds which helped bring about, with many prayers and donations, and hundreds of hours of my time, her “miraculous” defeat of terminal throat cancer. And Margi’s survival in turn has freed me up, time-wise, financially and emotionally, to do my great task of changing the human race from wild and selfish animals to beings who are created in God’s image.  


–30 April 2020 $88 via check from J in Nevada (this is A DONATION by automatic bank draft every single week for well over a year)

The same applies to these $88 weekly checks as with the Amazon cards. I am deeply honored that a fellow Rockwell party street fighter has dug very deep, week after week after week after week, to support my visionary mission.

This time the world!

I worked at the Jehovah’s Witnesses world headquarters, across from the the doomed WTC, and sat at the head table with the president, Nathan Knorr, and studied all their tight operation for future use.


–16 April 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

At the Ontonagon post office, with a plaque honoring good old Ike…. Uggh!

–15 April 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–14 April 2020 20 euros from C in Germany

–9 April 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from B in Utah


–8 April 2020 $8 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–4 April 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from R in Ohio

–3 April 2020 (yet again) $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–1 April 2020 $88 via check from J in Nevada

–29 March 2020 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–25 March 2020 $88 by check from former Rockwell party stormtrooper J in Nevada

–23 March 2020 50 euros from M in France with 1) a letter about white religion, and fundamental laws needed for a solid, new white civilization, and 2) a kind note of congratulations to Margi (and me) on her cancer victory

A card from a marina in Brittany, the keltic northwestern corner of France

–23 March 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from T in Florida

–21 March 2020 $145 and a note from K in New England

–17 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–10 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–4 March 2020 50 euros and a card from M in France…

…. who said he especially enjoyed this recent article:

–3 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–29 February 2020 $100 in cash from B in Florida

–28 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada


–27 February 2020 $30 Australian, letter and copied material on the Ainu from P. in Australia

–26 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–24 February 2020 $30 Australian and card

–22 February 2020 two French postcards from the Dreyfus Affair period a century ago for Margi’s project on Dreyfus, showing the massive and successful Jewish effort to get the traitor off


“Rehabilitation of Dreyfus — he rejoins his unit”


–20 February 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card, sending me simply the Gift Card code number.

The comrade also emailed me:

Just saw on CBS News more disgusting nonsense, lies, distortions and demonization of whites over slavery. It was talking about a Texas history book that, God forbid, showed a picture/painting of some slaves that were not being terrorized or tortured — as if they were never well treated.

This coverage can do nothing but further anger and inflame the blacks watching it. It is so patently anti-white and does no one any good. These Jews in charge of the media are really something to be allowing and pushing this crap. They are in favor of this not because they like blacks, about whom they could care less, but because they hate America.


–19 February 2020 genuine Harper’s Weekly issues from 1899 and 1906 glorifying the “poor victim of antisemitism,”  Jew Alfred Dreyfus, showing the massive press campaign to whitewash this arrant traitor — this French army captain sold top military secrets to the Germans for whore, gambling and champagne money  — because the Jews stick up for each other when arrested IF it is a case that can advance their agenda. (Margi and I are finishing a big project on this.)

–18 February 2020 $88 from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper in Nevada

–16. February 2020 $25 via Amazon gift card from D (location unknown)


–11 February 2020 $88 from J in Illinois


50 Euro in aluminum foil with a letter from M in France

–9 February 2020 Book Hollywood Godfather by former Mafioso Gianni Russo from S in Idaho (because of the section on money laundering of Mafia drug money by the Vatican Bank and the murder of Pope John Paul I in 1979–  after only one month in office — because he had resisted this crime!)


–10 February 2020 Israeli stamp glorifying the Jewish traitor Alfred Dreyfus, who sold French military secrets for money for his whores, gambling and champagne — sent from Serbia! (This is for Margi’s and my Dreyfus project.)


–8 February 2020 $50 Australian from J in New South Wales

–8 February 2020 check $50 from an Irish-American in Utah

Digging out every day, and loving the exercise and fellowship with other white snow-warriors

–6 February 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Utah

check for $88 from J in Cicero, Illinois

check for $25 from C in North Dakota

–31 January 2020

Book on the Dreyfus Affair from M in Florida

Amazon gift card for $25

–30 January 2020 20 euros, a one-ounce silver coin from Degussa, two letters and a book catalog from “Der Schelm” (German for “The Rascal” 😉 ) from S in Germany

–29 January 2020:

check for $10 from J in Maryland

check for $88 from J in Illinois

two books from R in Minnesota, the Bhagavad Gita with comments by Sri Aurobindo, and Living in a Mindful Universe by fmr Harvard Medical School professor and brain surgeon Eben Alexander, MD, who had a dramatic NDE which ended forever his atheism

200 euros in cash, two interesting books (speculating on Jesus as a part-Roman and as a married man), photos and a beautiful pendant from E in Italy


–27 January 2020 $125 via MoneyGram from R in Canada

–23 January 2020 $20 Australian in cash (wrapped de rigeur in aluminum foil) from “Oz” from repeat-donor J with a beautiful card, thinking of Margi 🙂


Margi was touched by this greeting, and mustered the best smile she could, despite the then Stage-III cancer in her mouth and throat having weakened her jaw and facial muscles. Thanks, comrade! And her smile and voice are making a big comeback!

–24 January 2020 check for $150 from G in Michigan

–23 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $84.81 from J

–20 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $84.81 from CC in Florida


  1. I’ve been watching some Jordan Peterson videos on YouTube lately. He’s a Canadian clinical psychologist / motivational speaker who was a psychology professor at Harvard and later at McGill University. While he’s not a WN, and like most people, is clueless about real WWII history, AH, and the JQ, he is a great speaker and very knowledgeable on psychology. On his website, he has a section titled “Recommended Books,” broken into different sections:


    You’ll probably immediately notice, as I did, that he lists the Jew William Shirer’s “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” as one of his recommended history books, which reveals his ignorance of real WWII history and AH. But he also lists Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s “The Gulag Archipelago” as a recommended book, and mentions it often in his talks as an example of the hell that can result from a communist takeover of society.

    I’d like to see a “Recommended Books” section on your website. Like Peterson, you are obviously very well-read, and I’ve learned a lot from reading various books you’ve mentioned in your blog posts, but there’s no list of them all in one place on your site. I think such a list would be very beneficial for readers of your site who want to learn more. Just a suggestion.

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