Two white women in repeat gun battle with black robber — girls, learn how to kill and end it; “Mr Confederate Man” song

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Two white women in a gun battle with an oppressed African-American. 


Let me say as a former Marine that many comments below this video about “they needed a bigger pistol” are based on ignorant pontification. A RIFLE round would take the perp down right away, but as for pistols, unless said big-caliber pistol or revolver round actually hits a VITAL ORGAN (eyes, brain, heart) or a major BONE (such as the femur, the thigh bone that lets you stand up), then said round or rounds will NOT take the perp down instantly. Forget all the cop, gangster and cowboy movies from Hollyweird. It may take a good thirty seconds for shock and blood loss to drop the perp.

Tyrone, full of (I guess) BLM outrage, comes back into the store, AFTER being shot, grabs pistol from the mother (and store owner), and hits her with it, forcing the daughter to shoot Tyrone again.

A friend (who is also a former Marine) shot a perp in Orlando who had attempted to rob him, hitting him five times with a .45 round, and this creep only began sagging and dropping to the ground after thirty seconds. And this is exactly what they teach you in any good concealed-carry-permit class for your pistol, such as the course we have here in Michigan.

So shoot him in the body (a big target, easier to hit), then shoot him fast in the HEAD. Otherwise he will still be dangerous to you for a good half-minute, where he can do lots of harm, or kill you, AFTER being shot 3-4 times!

This perp was clearly full of adrenaline and maybe even racial animosity against whites; he had lots of fight left in him AFTER being shot!


Tulsa’s Channel 8 – KTUL

18 hrs

WARNING: Graphic video.

Police say a liquor store owner and her daughter shot an armed robber multiple times last night. As you can see, this was a close call. But the owner’s son said there’s a reason they went for their guns: “We’re not going to be victims.”


“The suspect was gone by the time officers arrived, but he later showed up at a local hospital.The suspect remains in critical condition at the hospital.
Police have identified the suspect as Tyrone Lee [that’s what it says   ] and believe he’s connected to 10 other robberies in the area. They say Lee walked into the liquor store Thursday evening with a shotgun, demanding money.” 
John de Nugent This entitled diversitarian actually comes in again and argues with his victims! I guess he still wanted his repamarashuns.. from those wealthy plantation owners… I hope his worthless ass died.


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Jason Pujo I just watched this and read some of those comments about caliber, and really there is no way to tell what caliber they were shooting from that video. But a big caliber might have been very difficult to control, so there would have been no benefit. They made many mistakes. First was lack of readiness. They should have had their guns ON them. I don’t know OK or Tulsa’s laws, but if they could OC, they should have, and at the very least CC. I’m surprised that the perp didn’t grab them from the shelf. Second was the terrible, Hollywood style aiming. Which is why it’s so important to get training, and then regularly practice! Third; yes, John, the number of rounds fired was insufficient. Courses I’ve taken stress 4-5 rounds minimum, and that’s in rapid succession. But even with those mistakes, the ladies went home unhurt, and Robbin Hood went to the hospital.
John de Nugent Thanks for an excellent comment.
Ervin Vidarson They were close enough to actually place the weapon against his head and pull the trigger. I was trained by an what will remain an unnamed agency that SOP was two rounds to the center chest, one to the head……..every time. That’s how we trained. It was as reflexive as putting toothpaste on a brush. Not many people can walk away from a blast of that at legally defensible ranges.
Chuck Oliver They needed better training though.

Karen Fulp-Lilly

Perp that your Marine friend took care of? They told us as well, to aim for the chest/heart, as it is a much larger target with the vital organs and doesn’t bounce around as much than a head. Actually, come to think of it, I’m wanting to say that the Perp they were referring to had taken rounds in the head, but, it was from a .22……don’t quote me on that though, that’s just something that popped into my mind while writing this. Alas, you can be rest assured that at least 10 people received the correct training on that day here in the backwoods of North Cackalacky!
Chuck Oliver Consider a full weekend course in combat pistol. Most areas have a 3-level series from beginning combat training to advanced. A course to get CC is just the very ground level. They were much better-off than having no gun, but watch the video carefully. They almost lost control of one weapon, and the daughter came close to shooting Mom. With more effective training they would have put him down within seconds.
Karen Fulp-Lilly I noticed that, -the mother was terrified and yes, the daughter did almost shoot her. I don’t know if that was a panicked reflex or lack of training though. Most likely the latter, as the mother initially looked very timid when she grabbed the gun. We were taught to stand our ground aggressively and DO NOT show any fear.
And thank you for the info on Combat Pistol Training. That actually would be something that I would be interested in!
Karen Fulp-Lilly Another thing I noticed, she was firing at him once he turned his back to flee.
Chuck Oliver Yeah, a bad legal strategy. But is she had shot more aggressively and effectively before that, it would have been done with him down and not moving again.
Karen Fulp-Lilly You are exactly right!

John de Nugent It also really “strikes” me how presumptuous and lacking in impulse-control this African-American guy was, all puffed up, apparently, with a BLM attitude and the usual very high testosterone, leading to deranged levels of self-esteem. …. He actually seems outraged that they shot him for trying to steal their hard-earned money, and in his self-righteous folly he actually re-enters the store for more altercations, when the cops were doubtless on the way after the daughter dialed 911 and the sounds of gunfire went off. This fool should have been running for the hills! These are people who, as the Khazars grasp all too well, are VERY easy to manipulate, rile up, incite to violence and get to commit crimes: beatings, robberies, rapes and murders. One can understand why, from the point of view of white southern males, the KKK had to be founded, to mete out very harsh punishments to people who seemed not amenable to any reason. (I am toning this down since it is on Faceberg.)


Chuck Oliver I’m not even slightly surprised. Consistent with his ways, it led him right into getting really shot to hell.

Herbert Gille The only good black is a….well….you know
John de Nugent I understand, but I have actually met (a very few) truly nice blacks who were devout Christians, and tons and tons of trashy white atheists with their lives racked by drugs, booze, violence, molestation, lying, theft, cheating, obesity and cowardice.
Once my car got a flat on the Interstate near Mobile, Alabama, up on a causeway built on stilts over a swamp. There was no place to run if any bad dudes stopped. Well, a carful of blacks stopped behind me, they had just come from church, and they were in their Sunday best. Very dark-skinned, Deep-South Blacks… They came over and helped me change my tire. This was one of the things that showed me the sheer transformative power of organized religion, and I also saw very nice blacks with Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Herbert Gille John de Nugent I grew up around blacks. Had black friends. Knew plenty of trashy white people.

…..Best song about the Confederates

“MR. CONFEDERATE MAN,” A song by the band “Rebel Son.”



I was just a little boy in elementary school
English and Math and Science class
Learning the golden rule
I learned how to add and how to subtract
How to multiply and divide
I learned about bugs and I learned about plants
And I learned how to read and write
But my most favorite class of all was my last class of the day
When my history teacher would tell us tales of old times long gone away
I was amazed at the way she knew all the people and their names and the places and the dates
Cuz when I first learned about General Lee and his 13 rebel states.

One day she came to school with a big brown grocery bag
She opened it up we all helped her hold her up
This great big X-shaped flag
She said “Class, now only a fool would tell you this flag is a symbol of hate
It represents the men who fought and died with pride for our Confederate states
Your assignment tonight, I want you to write, I want you to pretend
That one of these brave men came back to life,
What would you say to him.

Well, the school bell rang, and I thought and I thought as the bus carried me across town
I got out my pencil and my notebook pad and this is what I wrote down

I wrote

Mr. Confederate man,
I’d like to shake your hand
For giving your life for Dixieland
Mr. Confederate man.

The next day in history class, I put my paper on the teacher’s desk
Then she called me up in front of everyone, because she said she liked mine the best
As I walked up to the head of the class, my teacher smiled and she nodded at me
Then I saw a tear roll down her cheek as I began to read.

I read

Mr. Confederate man,
I’d like to shake your hand
For giving your life for Dixieland
Mr. Confederate man.

I was at home reading through the news, just the other day
When I ran across my old teacher’s name and I saw that she had passed away
With a bitter-sweet smile I looked up at my wall, a wrinkled paper and an old wood frame
Where underneath penciled words almost faded away, she had marked a great big red A

Mr. Confederate man,
I’d like to shake your hand
For giving your life for Dixieland
Mr. Confederate man.

I wrote




¦..My little email to the band

Dear “Rebel Son”:

A Texan just sent me “Mr Confederate Man,” and I loved it. Just magical, esp. the simple words, and it keeps playing in my head.

Best song about the Confederates “ John de Nugent

I love the South, except for the hot’n sticky part *;) winking, and lived there for 20 years: VA, GA, LA, TN, and also NC & SC in the Marines. My lady since 2005 is from Asheville, NC.

I am about the most Copperheaded Yankee in the whole North. *;) winking  Never forget how many of us up here agree with you, and events have proved the South right!

Best wishes,

John de Nugent




  1. Deswegen würde ich immer eine kurze Schrotflinte Kal. 12 empfehlen 😉

    Ich bin ein Fan von Flinten zur Selbstverteidigung. Man kann verschiedene Munitionsarten verschiessen. Feines Schrot, Buckshots oder einzelne Slugs…alles gut geeignet zur Verteidigung auf kurze bis Distanz und für Zuhause und den Schnapsladen 🙂

    Vor allem ist die Manstopwirkung bei Slugs (bei uns heissen sie Flintenlauf-Geschosse) hoch weil sämtliche Energie im Ziel abgegeben wird und selbst Angreifer mit Schusswesten zu Boden gehen auch wenn die Projektile die Weste nicht durchdringen.

    Man kann die Patronen auch mit “nicht tödlichen” Gummigeschossen oder Steinsalz oder Pfefferkörner füllen.

    Das reicht schon wenn das aus kurzer Entfernung im Gesicht landet 😉

  2. Korrektur:

    Kurze bis mittlere Distanz sollte das heissen.

    Ansonsten hilft wohl nur noch eine Desert Eagle oder eine 44.Magnum 🙂

    Und das Ganze mit Dum-Dum-Geschossen. Der Neger hat aber auch gut was weggesteckt 🙂 Muss man echt sagen…die sind es gewohnt *gg*

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