New FB friend from Cornwall, UK, asks my view of the JQ and of paganism

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Jamie: Hi, John. Thanks for being friends. You seem to have a lot of good info and posts. Are there any good books you recommend on the Jewish question or pagan religion?

John:Hello, British cousin!
Btw, where I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the Cornish were among the first whites here, for the copper mines, and introduced the pastie, our “national” dish.😉
Anyway…. 🙂
For the JQ, the Jewish Question, I would recommend you read my own articles, which have absolutely unique content no one else has. I try to really get to the bottom of the JQ. I am preparing a blog and will send it to you on the JQ.
As for pagan religion, I have mixed feelings. I subscribe to the very factual belief that we are not alone in the universe and that the gods were advanced humans who took sometimes cruel advantage of primitive early humans.
Apollo skinning Marsyas alive for challenging him to a music contest
Zeus chained his fellow god Prometheus to a boulder and let an eagle tear at his liver for sharing technology with early humans
Christianity, as we know it today, also has it serious problems, encouraging reverence for the Jews, our mortal enemy. By claiming that Jesus was a Jew (when He was actually out to radically transform Judaism into a peaceful religion, failed, and was killed in a hideous manner), the churches in effect are working FOR the very Jews who killed their Lord and revile Him yet!
I will address this also in my blog.


  1. Foul-mouthed dago Anthony Scaramucci travels to Israel and bends over for the Jews:

    One has to wonder what type of blackmail they have on him. From the article:

    “Scaramucci was more free-wheeling in interviews with Jewish media on the trip, cracking jokes about circumcision and showing off his Yiddish by rattling off “three derogatory Yiddish terms for non-Jews,” according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, as well as highlighting his, and Trump’s, longstanding support for Israel and the Jewish community.”

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