Red-pilled comrade has huge marriage friction — wife still on the blue pill

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How do you deal with a woman you married before you took the red pill? She’s liberal and thinks Im an evil nazi. We’ve been together 12 years and ever since I went fash our relationship went to shit. It’s affecting our kids… I don’t believe in divorce, as it will harm my children. She believes everyone is equal and other fairy tales. She has taken a few of the red pills I dropped along the way but she wants the passive liberal I used to be to come back and it’s not happening. I know I’m not the only one in this sort of situation…. any advice ? (Backstreet Goy on Facebook:

Here is the thread, and my comment comes at the end.

Jonathan Parker Chill out with it dude. You are bringing a lot of attention upon yourself and that’s probably what’s making her uneasy. When you put yourself in danger, you put those around you in danger as well.
Backstreet Goy That is not what the issue is.
Backstreet Goy I’m sure getting my jaw broken didn’t help. She was raised by hippies that brain washed her into believing this equality nonsense. She thinks her musician boomer dad who died of lung cancer was some hero. The man literally had nothing to leave his 6 children. 4 from one marriage and 2 from another. He didn’t save money but he sure did live for today like boomers do so well. I want the exact opposite for my children. I would like to leave them something behind, instead of partying and being a loser like he was. It’s tough as she idolized him. Fucking boomers
Backstreet Goy Pete Cooney what do you mean?
Carth Onasi Well first off how do you go about things? Do you explain it as a race realist/Nationalist or a full 1488 skin head?
Backstreet Goy I went with a mix of both really. I went full fash too fast. My transformation from basic bitch libertarian to fascist was overnight and it definitely was new for her.
Carth Onasi What I can suggest is, being a professional political activist. People I know are making a book that will red pill mass’s!
Carth Onasi One way I red pill people is showing them the absolute extreme of what these leftist support such as, violent riots, displacement of Europeans through forced multiculturalism. Sweden is a perfect example!
Trez Matthews The fact that you are a closet homo doesn’t help. You married the wrong gender
Nate Lemieux Do what I did, let her cheat on you, then let her kick you out, then let her take your house, then you buy a shitty little trailer and build a crappy little trike, while your kids are raised by a stranger. SIMPLE!
Backstreet Goy I’m sorry that happened to you, fam.
Nate Lemieux Meh… I’m over it. Child support is over in 2025, as soon as Ivanka is sworn in!
Backstreet Goy (((They))) have destroyed the minds of our women.
Backstreet Goy Nate Lemieux Men used to run around on the women and be the degenerates back in the old days, now the roles are reversed… the women have literally taken a shit on everything that’s good and decent… for what bix nooding and Jewry…
Paddy Tarleton There is not much you can do, brother. I’m sorry you have to endure this but you are not alone. Many people in this movement have found themselves in this predicament. You can only pray she’ll come around eventually but it is the culture. This culture perverts, tempts, and destroys the minds of our women.
Nancy Davis Sorry you’re faced with this situation. After I woke up, my number of friends went from about 10 to 2.
John de Nugent I went through this. Divorce, if kids are involved, rank as 200 points out of 200 on the Hans Selye Stress Scale.
The only solution is to become more spiritual, more philosophical, and wiser about life, and seek your inner peace and joy as your outer world is collapsing.
That means embracing the pain as real and normal, and overcoming it.
Or this process will take years off your life and turn you gray, or into a drinker, or a person with a bitter, mindless rage against all women.
I am creating a new Aryan religion, rooted in our past, but using the ideas of the German Eckhart Tolle (ten million copies of his books sold, and they are not fluff), because people today (and especially active WNs) are often put through a mental, as well as often economic and physical hell.
You can write me if interested, even though I am a Boomer  — and get a copy of “The Power of Now.”
I lost everything twice because of women, at age 35 and again at 50. My two kids (beautiful ,bright and successful girls, both now well married) were turned violently against me, and my multimillionaire father, a country-club Republican, disinherited me. I know all about hell.
This searing hardship c-a-n lead to greatness, and be what the French call “la traversée du désert,” traversing the desert. But most men do not transmute the pain and are simply destroyed by it — the choice is yours.
(Btw, I am sharing your opening thread comment on my wall.) In my case, since April 20 (yes) of 2005 I have had a committed WN woman in my life, and she is just awesome, Margaret Huffstickler. My religion will pull in good women, de-liberalize and re-feminize them, so they do what they do best, which is spread love, comfort, compassion, nurturing and caring, vital things which benefit a man fighting in the harsh battles of life.
Here is Margi, a hardcore NS, writer and translator, with me in 2007…/Margi-John-Old-Timers-Car…Manage
Backstreet Goy Id like to read that . Is it online or print? Things are getting somewhat better as my wife checked herself Into rehab. Relationships are hard work
John de Nugent Backstreet Goy Glad things are less bad than in July of last year when you started this thread, and I hope your wife will grow and awaken, but that is her karma. She might not. People dig their heels in and refuse to grow and change.
As for “The Power of Now,” it is a bestseller with 5 mio copies sold… I would borrow it from the library or buy it used on Amazon for a few bucks, and make it into your Bible.
The only problem is that Tolle assumes you believe in the soul, and see that as the eternal thing, the main thing, and not your body and this life, and this marriage, and these kids you have. Many today are atheists or agnostics, or give the soul and God lip service and are not really convinced. In the Marines,these are the same guys who crack up and get PTSD when death and suffering happen, as they do in combat. If you only believe in this one life and that you are basically just a very large organic molecule, and so when you die, “that’s it,” (which has been massively disproven by science) then the redneck bumper sticker kicks in: “Life’s a Bitch, Then You Die.” 


  1. The problem this guy has with his liberal wife is that they (liberals) don’t want to hear reasonable argumentation.
    Also, debunking common lies is difficult because there are so many of them, and because for each debunked lie, there come up several new ones.
    The best thing to do is to “let the horse speak” so his wife gets it directly “from the horse’s mouth”.
    Perhaps you should contact your comrade that has problems woth his wife and advise him to introduce his wife into what jews say of themselves, and make her aware of jewish-authored books like:
    – Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff
    – Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil by Mr. Menuhin (perhaps the most advisable book)
    – There are several other sources and comments available.
    He could show her the Talmud, the discourse of rabbi Rabinowich in Budapest, the comments of several present-day rabbis, etc. There is plenty material available to convince any reasonable person.
    If all that fails, he will have to consider the possibility that (possibly) his wife is herself jewish without him (or even herself!) knowing it….a tare.

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