It always amazes me how the Average Joe WN has no critical thinking skills whatsoever, and to them I say “Don’t believe everything you think.” I just saw on YT a comment claiming Alex Jones was Jewish. I wrote (and it is probably shadow-banned, sigh):
“What E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E is there for Alex Jones being Jewish or part-Jewish? I am not talking about what he says. Did you know he was married by Texe Marrs? I suggest you take a real good look at HIS website; it is extremely anti-Jewish.
Also, I know someone well, a 9/11 activist, who personally knows Jones, and due to 9/11 he spoke with Jones for two hours finally about the JQ. He told me that Jones totally gets it about the JQ, but he fears they would shut him down or kill him if he “went there.” …..
And look at Trump — same thing! Trump only lasted less than two months in office as a friend of Russia and America-Firster, trying to to do the muslim ban, etc, but next thing you know, he bombed Syria, he endorsed NATO, and he put on the yarmulke……
You see, I have been defamed myself online, viciously, and so I always defend others who have been unfairly attacked. It cuts deeply into your support when you are successfully defamed.
Here is now some Alex Jones truth: Alex Jones has gotten tens of thousands of “normies” to first or second base. I know many, many; MANY WNs who originally started out with Alex Jones. (Photo of the blue-eyed and once blond-haired Jones as a teen and now.…/Alex-Jones-Bright-Faced-Aryan-Ch… He actually looks just like what he is, a Celtic-ancestry WELSH-American, like all Joneses.)
This SAME mindset (Person X,Y or Z is claimed to be Jewish, or a homo, agent, or whatever) lets people believe and spread crap against me — this sin of a “casual attitude” toward THE TRUTH!
Facts count! Evidence counts! Question what you are told by some joker or some closet agent!
And be warned: Anyone who defames another human being, who is struggling and only doing their best, is committing a serious, grave KARMIC SIN!
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