Understand without rushing to defame — example Alex Jones

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It always amazes me how the Average Joe WN has no critical thinking skills whatsoever, and to them I say “Don’t believe everything you think.”  I just saw on YT a comment claiming Alex Jones was Jewish. I wrote (and it is probably shadow-banned, sigh):

“What E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E is there for Alex Jones being Jewish or part-Jewish? I am not talking about what he says. Did you know he was married by Texe Marrs? I suggest you take a real good look at HIS website; it is extremely anti-Jewish.

Also, I know someone well, a 9/11 activist, who personally knows Jones, and due to 9/11 he spoke with Jones for two hours finally about the JQ. He told me that Jones totally gets it about the JQ, but he fears they would shut him down or kill him if he “went there.” …..

And look at Trump — same thing! Trump only lasted less than two months in office as a friend of Russia and America-Firster, trying to to do the muslim ban, etc, but next thing you know, he bombed Syria, he endorsed NATO, and he put on the yarmulke……

You see, I have been defamed myself online, viciously, and so I always defend others who have been unfairly attacked. It cuts deeply into your support when you are successfully defamed.

Here is now some Alex Jones truth: Alex Jones has gotten tens of thousands of “normies” to first or second base. I know many, many; MANY WNs who originally started out with Alex Jones. (Photo of the blue-eyed and once blond-haired Jones as a teen and now. https://johndenugent.com/…/Alex-Jones-Bright-Faced-Aryan-Ch… He actually looks just like what he is, a Celtic-ancestry WELSH-American, like all Joneses.)

This SAME mindset (Person X,Y or Z is claimed to be Jewish, or a homo, agent, or whatever) lets people believe and spread crap against me — this sin of a “casual attitude” toward THE TRUTH!

Facts count! Evidence counts! Question what you are told by some joker or some closet agent!

And be warned: Anyone who defames another human being, who is struggling and only doing their best, is committing a serious, grave KARMIC SIN!


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John de Nugent Oh, and most of all, hate other white nationalists. 



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John de Nugent This is why I am creating a new white religion, because we cannot win — we cannot attract mentally healthy people — based on a message of constant hate.



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John de Nugent ‘The atrocities committed by those others against our race must be exposed, and the underlying agenda of white genocide.



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John de Nugent But unless we love, we respect, we forgive, we understand and we cherish ourselves and each other, we will drive away the high-caliber white people we need.



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John de Nugent Now here is a concrete example of selective apathy, Carolyn Yeager. She has done great work on Germany, Hitler, national socialism, etc, also defending them against defamation and disproving the libel and slander against them.


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John de Nugent She has also had both me and Margi on her show.


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John de Nugent But then she began collaborating with the proven liar Carlos Porter.


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John de Nugent He defames me and exonerates the J-Team in the JFK assassination, defaming the innocent Lee Harvey Oswald.
He exonerates the traitor Captain (((Alfred Dreyfus))) in France.
He defames the innocent German carpenter Bruno Hauptrmann in the Lindbergh baby murder. (Not a word about the gangster Isidor Fisch!)
John de Nugent He defames the innocent black janitor Jim Conley, and exonerates the toilet rapist, pedophile, liar, briber and defamer Leo Frank in the Mary Phagan murder!

John de Nugent But for Carolyn Yeager, that’s all okay. 
John de Nugent All she cares about is defending Hitler. Everyone else, including me, can be dragged through the mud. 
John de Nugent So what she has is not a commitment to the truth per se. It is not a spiritual quality. It is not a principle.
John de Nugent She is fine with other people being defamed. 
John de Nugent And assassinated, or executed wrongly!
John de Nugent And then Jack Ruby (Rubinstein) shot and silenced him forever! https://johndenugent.com/…/shooting-oswald-ruby-dallas.jpgManage
John de Nugent This books shows who really was behind the Kennedy murder! https://johndenugent.com/images/final-judgment2.jpgManage

John de Nugent No problemo for Carolyn Yeager if Carlos Porter defames the utterly innocent Hauptmann, a German immigrant. https://johndenugent.com/…/bruno-hauptmann-charles…Manage
John de Nugent During the Third Reich period over in Germany, (((they)) wanted him to be electrocuted as the evil German murderer of an American baby.

Don Pennington · 3 mutual friends

Yes. Slander kills. It damn near killed me.
John de Nugent When Porter defames me, and Google puts it high on page one, his main source is Henrik Holappa. THIS Henrik Holappa, agent: https://johndenugent.com/…/holappa-betrayer-chinese-1.pngManage
John de Nugent And this is Carlos Porter, who has to defame me and innocent Gentiles, exonerating guilty (((murderers))), to stay out of prison. https://johndenugent.com/images/CARLOS-PORTER-MEME.pngManage
Richard Meyer “Socialist ex-wife of De Nugent”?
John de Nugent Richard Meyer Yes, he contacted my ex-wife of 2002-04.

John de Nugent Why does defamation work?
John de Nugent Because people do not give a shit about the truth, unless THEY or THEIR idol is the one being defamed.

Karen Fulp-Lilly That is truth. Some of the men I’ve ran across in WN are so in love with Hitler, it seems almost perverse to me….. can’t listen to anyone BUT Wagner, can’t do this, can’t do that or now it’s “what would Hitler do” (WWHD)?
I’m not making fun of people who love Hitler, I mean… I also love him. But some people within this movement let him preoccupy their thoughts just a bit too much. That’s all I’m saying..

John de Nugent The truth is that he was just a hero, not perfect. Humans do not deserve better than another fallible mortal. The greatest presumption is to think Providence owes us more than it does….

John de Nugent As the Buddha said, it is all about the ego, me-me-me, and my-ideas, and how-right-I-am.

Stephen East I’ve never really hated Jones the way many do who are aware of the gatekeeping, but I stopped going to him as a news source once I discovered sources that helped me to “join the dots” better.

He prided himself on not selling out and joining the corporate media but it looks like he only went half-way. Maintained enough integrity to not be a Fox anchor, but sold out enough to build an advertiser-supported media empire and personal fortune.

And marrying a Jewess and having half-Jewish children, he is clearly compromised as far as being a crusader against the Jewish problem goes.


Donald Orsomarso · 76 mutual friends

A marriage like that would compromise one, now wouldn’t it? “honey I’m in bed…help me with the jewelry”😂😂😂

Donald Orsomarso replied1 Reply
John de Nugent And the Buddha, who was a blue-eyed Indo-Aryan prince with the real name Gautama, summed it up this way, brilliantly and concisely: ego causes suffering.

John de Nugent “Ego causes suffering.”Manage
No automatic alt text available.
Don Pennington · 3 mutual friends

Ego, in and of itself, is not the problem. It is ego muddled by self-deception.

Self-deception is the problem.

John de Nugent It depends on the meaning of ego. In popular parlance, it means selfishness and vanity. In the Eastern view, and Eckart Tolle of Germany explains it very well in his two bestsellers, we are eternal beings with many incarnations, and the ego is a basically nasty construct based on 1) anger and remorse about the past in this one life and 2) fear of the future in this same life. So the person is not “in the now,” but always angry and fearful when they should be fully “present” in the moment, thus achieving more enjoyment, happiness, success and excellence. https://johndenugent.com/…/Eckhart-Tolle-Power-Of-Now.jpg
Don Pennington · 3 mutual friends

Ego is also simply our personality. And, I’ll be damned if our individual personality, free of self-deception, could ever be a bad thing.
Iria Enahoro Facts don’t care about your opinions or feelings and this is how the truth will always breach through everything! I agree!! The more divisions will take place within mankind, the more we will see who, where and how many will fall into aligned… a shitstorm ahead I’ll say.



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Karen Fulp-Lilly Jones got me to third base!

Donald Orsomarso
Donald Orsomarso · 76 mutual friends

Who’s the lucky guy to take you to home plate ?
Karen Fulp-Lilly Donald Orsomarso 😂
That didn’t come out quite the way I meant it 😬



Donald Orsomarso
Donald Orsomarso · 76 mutual friends

It came out just fine😂
John de Nugent When Jones says banksters, and the Fed, and then Rothschild, this drives more and more around the bases to score at “homeplate ” = the JQ. 

Karen Fulp-Lilly John de Nugent exactly! I listened to him for a while, and it took me that long to put two and two together. When I finally did round third to home… I went straight to WW2!
Danny R Thomson “if you want to change the world first change yourself” – Gandhi

Robert Schmadtke John de Nugent, in the end of this song Alex Jones himself tells so. He’s a shill, and that is all which counts for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHmy8YaZE6EManage
Danny R Thomson this 15 second clip is from a much longer video where jones says he is a LOT of things


Layne Lawless
Layne Lawless Yes, after I saw that I wondered if he was.

Layne Lawless
Layne Lawless But as JN says, if you openly oppose the J Team, they will destroy you. All I did was burn the Mexican flag in opposition to Mexico sending illegals here, and the ADL and the SPLC went after me, and destroyed whatever ability I had to make money.




Danny R Thomson when i first seen this clip i was completely convinced but then much later i seen the full clip and realised jones was saying something completely different i.e, “we are all…..”




Jason Pujo I still remember that show. I watched it live. He was arguing with a caller who was trying to say it was all the J-team’s fault. Jones won’t let that fly on his show.

Don Pennington · 3 mutual friends

As much as I resist jewish control in my life and spirit, even I’ll admit my problems are due to my own stupidity.

Oh yeah, and jewish kabbalic magic. And sympathetic magic. And lies.

Ándrea Montgomery He’s not of Jewish blood but very well could be actually on the side of the jews.
Seana Fenner
Seana Fenner I saw a video in which Alex Jones said he was Jewish. I guess it could have been fake but if real that’s pretty good evidence.


Robert Schmadtke replied4 Replies
John de Nugent All that matters is he is a conveyor belt. He moves people from totally brainwashed halfway over to the full truth. And he gets people angry, which is vitally important!



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John de Nugent Same goes for Andrew Breitbart and Steve Bannon. Both useful.


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Holly Bell It’s because his ex wife is jooish.



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Dion Gibbs
Dion Gibbs He is not one, but he is there puppet some 36 sponsors of his show are Jewish.



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Ándrea Montgomery replied1 Reply
Audrey Horne comment box working? Just texting not sure how that happened weirs>


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Arthur Bentley Gottgläubiger Alex Jones did invite the anti-Semite par excellence David Duke onto his show and, unusually for Jones’, he allowed David Duke to speak about the Jews almost uninterrupted.



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John de Nugent replied3 Replies
Don Pennington · 3 mutual friends

Tell you what. John De Nugent, I’ll submit my questions about AJ to my Gods and Goddesses.

I believe they will lead me to Truth on this. They’ve never failed me.


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Holly Bell What say you about David Icke



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John de Nugent replied1 Reply
Sterling ‘Kevin’ Smith His Wife is a Jew~ he was “tight roping” with her~ (now separated).



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John de Nugent replied1 Reply
Bob White Look like me when I was that age.



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Jim Gaul The man hits the streets with a bull horn. How many of you do that?



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Holly Bell Cute kid



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Ándrea Montgomery We all know he married a Jew who’s now his ex wife. Alex definitely has woken many up but I do believe he’s fear mongers the people. Also could be a agent with a secret agenda for us truthers.



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Stephen Wynne Ln Lawless said she heard him say that he was but I think he meant something else. He may have been married by Texe Marrs, but he married one of them. Bottom line for me is World War II. He gets that all wrong and insist on it people follow him blindly down the wrong path. Once they get off the track they never come back. I don’t believe that he’s helped a lot of people.

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