VAN RENSBURG PROPHECY IN A NUTSHELL In 1917, during World War I, a former Boer soldier, respected farmer, and husband and father named Nicholas Van Rensburg, then being held in a British prisoner camp, had a strange prophetic vision. (NVR had had many such visions during the Second Anglo-Boer War, and his general, the heroic and revered De la Rey, kept him right by his side during battle to warn him psychically of British military moves.)
NVR prophesied, a year before it ended, the final outcome of WWI, a German defeat, and then predicted two more world wars, Germany also losing the second one. But the last world war ends through “horror bombs.”
NVR seemingly very clearly foretold Mandela, Obama, Trump and then a full-scale nuclear war between the US/NATO and Russia. Russia is destroyed, Britain completely annihilated, and the US is reduced by the devastation to minor-power status for generations. Down in the southern hemisphere, whites, Germans and Boers, carve out a white empire over what is now Black Africa.
(These Germans are Third Reich Germans – scientists, military and financiers – who escaped in 1945 to the Antarctic and the Andes mountains. Therefore beware, any and all Blacks thinking of massacring the whites of South Africa, of the white man’s return.)
A comrade wrote me:
Critics of Simon have told me that the prophecies don’t say that about the little black boy and the man with hair resembling a wig. Those are not in the book, “Messenger from God”. I asked Simon and I think he admitted they are not in the book but he said he could get original documents where this was written. He hasn’t done that yet and his critics contact me and insist I get that from him. So, I don’t know. Maybe we should leave out the bit about Obama and Trump. You can decide.
I replied:
“As for the Roche material, Roche told me that during WWII a Boer said that NVR had told these details to him, that Boer. And remember, back then the idea of a Black president of either the US or RSA was unthinkable. NVR was laughed at in 1917 for predicting these things at a time when the second Ku Klux Klan was growing, South Africa had apartheid, and Gandhi, then in SA, was kicked off the train and beaten for sitting in the white section.
So far, everything is coming exactly true as Simon Roche said. The firing of the semi-pro-Russian Rex Tillerson as foreign minister and his replacement by the ultra-russophobe and war hawk Pompeo is something no one would have predicted a year ago.
It is the very Jewy-looking, JdN-hating, and, IMO, jealous and envious Jan Lamprecht who is pushing this anti-Roche campaign.”
its getting obvious that Trump will lead the coming war! and he does not lead anything, he is another jew puppet, they lead him and decide who gets put in_hes is a devil you know the demonic vince mcmahon is a close friend of his, and they have worked the public as in wrestling thinking he was a patriot, when he said mind bending horseshit like this “nationalist/globalist” you know he was messing with the sheeps minds.
Good day John
With all respect I don’t know Jan personally but he could be right about Simon Roche being a ANC agent. 1: Suid Landers campaign to take whites to some secret location, which if you live in SA and see our highways get blocked off by normal protesting then one has to re think the plan. 2: As far as I know Jan points out the jews are causing the problems which means he knows the truth. Simon however is ignoring this fact. I have always been careful to pick sides with any one.
But for me I have always believed that the Third Reich went to Antarctica. And that one day maybe return.
And I also have not seen the prophecy where he mentions Obama or Trump could be wrong. All we can do is hope that NVR was right. But with all the events taking place now I think it is close.
Groetnes from South Africa
I looked at all of Jan’s info and not one item of it is probative of Roche being anything but a sincere former liberal.
His avoiding the Jewish issue is for obvious, practical and psychological reasons. The immediate issue is the blacks. He has been interviewed on my site, and on the YouTube of Brian Ruhe, and both he and I are fiercely antisemitic. (Ruhe’s YT channel was just deleted, wiping out six years of his videos, 1,700 in number, and three million views!)
I talked with Simon Roche about Lamprecht’s view that it is wrong to advocate a strategy of evacuation.
His view was that staying in urban areas so as to wage urban warfare, when Whites are often old, unarmed, and outnumbered 8 to 1, is suicidal.
In reality, both strategies have problems, because once you are just 8% of the population, and aging to boot, then just about ANY strategy except unleashing a biological weapons on the blacks, or hiring aliens to zap them ;-), has its problems!
Jan Lamprecht has written a lot of really excellent stuff over the years. So I really think he should stop bashing the Suidlanders — especially while preaching that infighting is bad. 😉
And reading his recent blasts against Roche, I can say that Roche does not look Jewish in the slightest. I grew up among Jews, and I know a Jewish face when I see one. And to be brutal, not to want to insult Lamprecht, but if there is anyone whom the Boers should know not to trust, it is a Brit with a Jewish nose. 😉
Roche told me that the writings in the 1940s by associates about what Van Rensburg had told them in 1917 or thereafter regarding the Trump-like, scowling, conservative US president with the hair like a wig, and of the future black presidents of the US and of RSA, are to be found “in the Lichtenburg Museum.”…