ENGLISH Cheney organized September 11 terror attack on America, says former NSA official Madsen; American high school says American flag on clothing offends illegals

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[Wayne Madsen was an official of the National Security Agency

9-11 Coordinated by Cheney, Says Wayne Madsen

By Wayne Madsen

Dick Cheney


The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America
Multiple U.S. intelligence sources have reported to WMR that a super-classified network with only some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activities that permitted the 9/11 terrorist attacks to be successful.
The “above top secret” network bears the acronym “PDAS.” WMR has not yet discovered what the acronym stands for, however, the system is limited to only a few hundred people with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Special Access Program (SAP) need-to-know access, in addition to the President and Vice President.
On September 11, 2001, PDAS was used to convey the information from the Air Force Chief of Staff to the White House, CIA, and other select agencies that the Air Force had successfully intercepted and downed a target over Pennsylvania. It is believed that the “target” in question was United flight 93, although there is no confirmation that the aircraft was in fact the one downed by Air Force interceptors.
The Air Force Chief of Staff on 9/11 was General John Jumper, who had become the top Air Force commander on September 6, 2001, just five days before the 9/11 attacks.

Jumper (Air Force chief of staff – September 6, 2001-Sept 2, 2005
There is also reason to believe that the PDAS terminal at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) at the White House was used to coordinate the activities related to the aerial attack on the Pentagon. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta claimed Vice President Dick Cheney was present at the PEOC at 9:25 am on the morning of 9/11, before the alleged impact of American Airlines flight 77 on the building.
Mineta testified before the 9/11 Commission that Cheney was aware of special orders concerning a plane heading toward Washington. Mineta said: “During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice Presidentthe plane is 50 miles outthe plane is 30 miles out.and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president ‘do the orders still stand?’ And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary?”
PDAS terminals are reportedly located at the White House, on board Air Force One, the Pentagon, CIA headquarters, the National Security Agency, the Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post that was seen flying over Washington, DC on 9/11 after the attacks, the Defense Intelligence Agency at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, DC, and the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania where Cheney hid out after the 9/11 attacks.
Mineta later followed up with reporters and stated “When I overheard something about ‘the orders still stand’ and so, what I thought of was that they had already made the decision to shoot something down.”
It now appears that PDAS was used by Cheney to implement on the morning of 9/11 a new policy issued on June 1, 2001 that provided for a “stand down” protocol that replaced a long-standing shootdown order for hijacked and suspected hijacked planes. The new order transferred the authority to shoot down aircraft from Pentagon and NORAD military commanders to the President, Vice President, or Secretary of Defense.

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/v/mcg_C41fS5M
Call this disgraceful traitor of a principal:
1505 East Main Avenue
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
(408) 201- 6100
* * *
The shocking March 27, 2006 incident at Montebello High School

1,000 Mexicans — why call them “Mexican Americans” after this?? — committed this outrage that proves the United States is noi more, that it is now the liberal-minority-white traitor kingdom of the Junited Snakes, a totally captured, enslaved country under an alien tyrannical occupation regime.

I think any red-blooded white American’s blood can only boil at this obscenity.

And hey, you brown-skinned kids, if your Mayheeko is so grande, why did you come HERE?
And if we mix with you and all become café-au-lait brown, where is the diversity then?
I think that you feel psychopathic hatred for anyone who looks like we do.


1 – Voting In Britain For War. Take Your Pick

By John Pilger

May 06, 2010Information Clearing House” — Staring at the vast military history section in the airport shop, I had a choice: the derring-do of psychopaths or scholarly tomes with their illicit devotion to the cult of organised killing. There was nothing I recognised from reporting war. Nothing on the spectacle of children’s limbs hanging in trees and nothing on the burden of shit in your trousers. War is a good read. War is fun. More war please.

The day before I flew out of Australia, 25 April, I sat in a bar beneath the great sails of the Sydney Opera House.


It was Anzac Day, the 95th anniversary of the invasion of Ottoman Turkey by Australian and New Zealand troops at the behest of British [JdN: Norman/juish-controlled] imperialism.

[JdN: “ANZAC” is an acronym that stands for “Australia-New Zealand Army Corps” in WWI.]

The landing was an incompetent stunt of blood sacrifice conjured by Winston Churchill; yet it is celebrated in Australia as an unofficial national day. The ABC [Australian Broadcasting Corporation] evening news always comes live from the sacred shore at Gallipoli, in Turkey, where this year some 8000 flag-wrapped Antipodeans listened, dewy-eyed, to the Australian governor-general Quentin Bryce, who is the Queen’s viceroy, describe the point of pointless mass killing. It was, she said, all about a

“love of nation, of service, of family, the love we give and the love we receive and the love we allow ourselves to receive. [It is a love that] rejoices in the truth, it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. And it never fails”.

Of all the attempts at justifying state murder I can recall, this drivel of DIY [JdN: “do it yourself”] therapy, clearly aimed at the young, takes the blue ribbon.

Not once did Bryce honour the fallen with the two words that the survivors of 1915 brought home with them: “Never again”.

Not once did she refer to a truly heroic anti-conscription campaign, led by women, that stemmed the flow of Australian blood in the first world war, the product not of a gormlessness

[JdN: “gormless [ˈgɔːmlɪs] adj

Brit informal stupid; dull

[variant of  gaumless, from dialect gome, from Old English gom, gome, from Old Norse gaumr heed]

….that “believes all things” but of anger in defence of life.

Mel Gibson (raised mostly in Australia, although he is an American from upstate New York) starred in “Gallipoli” about this obscene massacre.

The next item on the TV news was an Australian government minister, John Faulkner, with the troops in Afghanistan. Bathed in the light of a perfect sunrise, he made the Anzac connection to the illegal invasion of Afghanistan in which, on 13 February last year, Australian soldiers killed five children. No mention was made of them. On cue, this was followed by an item that a war memorial in Sydney had been “defaced by men of Middle Eastern appearance”. More war please.

In the Opera House bar a young man wore campaign medals which were not his. That is the fashion now. Smashing his beer glass on the floor, he stepped over the mess which was cleaned up another young man whom the TV newsreader would say was of Middle Eastern appearance. Once again, war is a fashionable extremism for those suckered by the Edwardian notion that a man needs to prove himself “under fire” in a country whose people he derides as “gooks” or “rag-heads” or simply “scum”.

(The current public inquiry in London into the torture and murder of an Iraqi hotel receptionist, Baha Mousa, by British troops has heard that “the attitude held” was that “all Iraqis were scum”).

[JdN: It is amazing: we are allowed to hate “ragheads” and kill them over there but are to welcome them as immigrants HERE….]

There is a hitch. In the ninth year of the thoroughly Edwardian invasion of Afghanistan, more than two thirds of the home populations of the invaders want their troops to get out of where they have no right to be. This is true of Australia, the United States, Britain, Canada and Germany. What this says is that, behind the media façade of politicised ritual – such as the parade of military coffins through the English town of Wootton Bassett — millions of people are trusting their own critical and moral intelligence and ignoring propaganda that has militarised contemporary history, journalism and parliamentary politics – Australia’s Labor prime minister, Kevin Rudd, for instance, describes the military as his country’s “highest calling”.

Here in Britain, the war criminal Tony Blair is anointed by the Manchester Guardian’s Polly Toynbee as “the perfect emblem for his people’s own contradictory whims”. No, he was the perfect emblem for a liberal intelligentsia prepared cynically to indulge his crime. That is the unsaid of the British election campaign, along with the fact that 77 per cent of the British people want the troops home. In Iraq, duly forgotten, what has been done is a holocaust. More than a million people are dead and four million have been driven from their homes. Not a single mention has been made of them in the entire campaign. Rather, the news is that Blair is Labour’s “secret weapon”.

All three party leaders are warmongers. Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrats leader and darling of former Blair lovers, says that as prime minister he will “participate” in another invasion of a “failed state” provided there is “the right equipment, the right resources”. His one condition is the standard genuflection towards a military now scandalised by a colonial cruelty of which the Baha Mousa case is but one of many.

For Clegg, as for Gordon Brown and David Cameron……

[JdN: ….the Tory politico who boasts and bootlicks about his part-juish ancestry!!! http://www.totallyjewish.com/news/national/?content_id=13853]

….. the horrific weapons used by British forces, such as clusters, depleted uranium and the Hellfire missile, which sucks the air out of its victims’ lungs, do not exist. The limbs of children in trees do not exist. This year alone Britain will spend £4 billion on the war in Afghanistan, and that is what Brown and Cameron almost certainly intend to cut from the National Health Service.

Edward S Herman explained this genteel extremism in his essay, The Banality of Evil. There is a strict division of labour, ranging from the scientists working in the laboratories of the weapons industry, to the intelligence and “national security” personnel who supply the paranoia and “strategies”, to the politicians who approve them. As for journalists, our task is to censor by omission and make the crime seem normal for you, the public. For it is your understanding and your awakening that are feared, above all.


================OIL SPILL

This is getting very, very serious, comrades.

But it must NOT lead to martial law but to the opposite, a PR catastrophe for the  Fedzilla tyranny and its enfeeblement.

An email analyzed things this way:

* * *

The Gulf of Mexico oil leak is currently losing 210,000 gallons a day of oil into the Gulf. It could increase to 2.4 million gallons a day.

The Federal government devised a plan to cap this kind of spill in 1994. But we did nothing to implement it as we had to give our money to the banks, foreign wars and Israel so we did nothing to protect the Gulf. The same can be said for Katrina. We had spent our money on wars and Israel and had no money to repair the levees.

Volcanoes on the ocean floor have been heating the water in the oceans which evaporates into the atmosphere and increases rainfall.

But oil adds a sheen to the water and reduces water evaporation and thus rainfall. A drastic reduction in rainfall could devastate American agriculture.

This oil slick could take three months to cap. By that time beach front property from Texas to Florida could drop in value. The oil slick could work its way around Florida to America’s Atlantic seaboard.

One volcano in Iceland shut down air traffic in Europe. If any more volcanoes erupt we could have another year without a summer. Icelandic volcanoes reduced agricultural output of Europe and sparked the French revolution.

We are heading towards an ecological and economic disaster.

Today there was a financial meltdown on Wall Street. The Dow was down a thousand points. Mike Rivero said he was told that TV news managers told their newsrooms to tell the public that the drop in the DOW was created by a glitch. It was even temporarily attributed to Citibank. But Citi later denied it. The Plunge Protection team entered the market and began buying to force up stock prices.

The dollar is through. The American Empire is through. The banks and the militarists will soon lose control.

* * *

Look at these photos! (click here): http://blog.alexanderhiggins.com/2010/05/03/nasa-satellite-images-show-gulf-oil-spill-larger-florida

Overlay of NASA satellite photo of Gulf oil slick taken May 1st,  2010 against full US Map in Google Earth. Here the area of the oil slick  has been colored in to show the size.

Thermal Image of  Gulf Steam Current and possible path of Oil  Spill

We are talking potential ocean death and world oxygen death here. We are talking Obama”s Katrina-type mega-FAILURE. Katrina was Bush’s Water-loo ;-); Deep Horizon is Obama’s Oil-loo. (Thanks to a comrade for this wry observation.)

So I will be addressing this in my Solutrean book and videos.

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055

[Donations gratefully received]

========New Duke campaign

A comrade asked me my opinion of David Duke’s plans to run for office. I replied that I wish David well, and as in all his many campaigns (1988, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’98), he will get out a good, moderate-sounding educational message, as he has done for forty years — while our percentage of the US population has nevertheless declined from 89% to 55%.

His two books, Jewish Supremacism and My Awakening, are superb, and his recent videos are simply stellar. (I had a close relative become totally awakend by these books.)

But no Tea-Partyism (which was basically what Ross Perot-ism in 1992 was) or Duke-style “equal rights for whites” bumper stickers or any more reasonable, factual, cerebral presentations will awaken or save us, nor have they ever  before.

Btw, here is a pretty funny leftist cartoon I found yesterday in Pittsburgh’s “City Paper” spoofing the Tea-Partyers….and showing they await a true Hitler in a truly American version

I will be presenting, in contrast, a new global vision, of a Solutrean international tribe that will survive the end of the judeo-christian West, with a new religious fervor and cross-border white tribal solidarity.

We must make it crystal clear especially to North Americans:

Columbus did not discover America; Columbus rediscovered Solutreamerica.

The whites from Europe re-solutrified North Solutreamerica.

And I was RIGHT all these last five years….

….on the ticking information time bomb about neanderthals, now that PROOF is coming in that Middle Eastern people ARE descended from neanderthals, exactly as I have said for five years. I stuck by my guns.
Now I see that Willis Carto took me up on my suggestion five years ago and has done a special issue of The Barnes Review on this topic.

May/June 2010


Michael Bradley, a Jewish scholar, opened up a Pandora’s Box with his inquiries into the history of Western man.

A friend in Florida called me to say even FOX News reported on it (partially). The place where they interbred (and not by consent, but by rape) was in the Middle East…. The neanderthals were hyperviolent and brutal toward women, as many broken ribcages testify.


This series of pictures is amazing….

Reconstructed neanderthal face….

Aaron Russo (a ju who had a good change of heart, then sadly died of cancer, but not before doing some great videos; RIP) — note somewhat sloping forehead, everted lower lip…. a partial neanderthal



We need a new tribe, a new consciousness, a new people — who understands yin and yang, and when do be rightwing and harsh, and when to be leftwing and compassionate….or blend the two energies….

..and thus the ways Hitler was overly yang (about democracy and about the Russians) .… and overly yin (toward the British at Dunkirk)…. to revere, respect, criticize and move beyond the flawed yet great man…..

(a small painting I commissioned in France in 2004….showing yin, yang and their blending as appropriate in each situation….the soft and hard, feminine and masculine energies)

…that understands psychopaths, even in our own race, the collaborators

….who grasp that juze are neanderthal psychopaths, later called apiru, later Scythians, later Khazars, who hate us permanently, genetically and karmically as their eternal Cro-Magnon enemies.

We must embrace the exciting truth about our many lives as ancient Solutreans, through the Bronze Age, and through to today, and the necesssity of duty performed now toward our remaning loyal folk — so our race will survive on this earth.

We are the whites who are not doomed. And this is the last hope, that Solutrea arise.


===========An Aussie friend sent this:
In May 2001 the Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA), as part of its 75th Anniversary celebrations, named “And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda” as one of the Top 30 Australian songs of all time.

When I was a young man I carried me pack
And I lived the free life of the rover
From the Murray’s green basin to the dusty outback
I waltzed my Matilda all over
Then in 1915 my country said: Son,
It’s time to stop rambling, there’s work to be done
So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun
And they sent me away to the war

And the band played Waltzing Matilda
When the ship pulled away from the quay
And amid all the tears, flag waving and cheers
We sailed off for Gallipoli

It well I remember that terrible day
When our blood stained the sand and the water
And how in that hell they call Suvla Bay
We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter
Johnny Turk, he was ready, he primed himself well
He rained us with bullets, and he showered us with shell
And in five minutes flat, we were all blown to hell
He nearly blew us back home to Australia

And the band played Waltzing Matilda
When we stopped to bury our slain
Well we buried ours and the Turks buried theirs
Then it started all over again

Oh those that were living just tried to survive
In that mad world of blood, death and fire
And for ten weary weeks I kept myself alive
While around me the corpses piled higher
Then a big Turkish shell knocked me arse over head
And when I awoke in me hospital bed
And saw what it had done, I wished I was dead
I never knew there was worse things than dying

Oh no more I’ll go Waltzing Matilda
All around the green bush far and near
For to hump tent and pegs, a man needs both legs
No more waltzing Matilda for me

They collected the wounded, the crippled, the maimed
And they shipped us back home to Australia
The armless, the legless, the blind and the insane
Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla
And when the ship pulled into Circular Quay
I looked at the place where me legs used to be
And thank Christ there was no one there waiting for me
To grieve and to mourn and to pity

And the Band played Waltzing Matilda
When they carried us down the gangway
Oh nobody cheered, they just stood there and stared
Then they turned all their faces away

Now every April I sit on my porch
And I watch the parade pass before me
I see my old comrades, how proudly they march
Renewing their dreams of past glories
I see the old men all tired, stiff and worn
Those weary old heroes of a forgotten war
And the young people ask “What are they marching for?”
And I ask myself the same question

And the band plays Waltzing Matilda
And the old men still answer the call
But year after year, their numbers get fewer
Someday, no one will march there at all

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
Who’ll come a-Waltzing Matilda with me?
And their ghosts may be heard as they march by the billabong
So who’ll come a-Waltzing Matilda with me?

1 Comment

  1. Good comment. I saw this German clip on Neanderthals, and Dr. Krause does indeed say that some modern popoulaiotrhjns may ber 10 to 20% n eanderthal genetically!

    And since he says the Middle East is the main area of interbreeding (I say interbreeding by RAPE) then it is likely the semitic peoples who have neanderthal genes!

    Because they look and act that way.

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