ENGLISH Kucinich Fed paying banks high interest to park money with Fed and NOT lend it to the public that bailed them out

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Elena Kagan — (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elena_Kagan) What qualifies her to sit in judgment of you, me, the Congress’s laws  and the laws of the states which founded this federal government?

Well, she has never been a judge.…. (So we are as qualified as she is.)

She banned the American military from recruiting young officers on the campus of Harvard University for the Judge Advocate General corps, because she considered the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy of the military to be discriminatory against “gays”.

Here are her REAL qualifications in the eyes of the illegal alien squatting in federal housing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Washington DC:

LESBIAN.  Like Janet Winer Napolitano, who ordered the arrest of my adjustant Henrik Holappa, Elena Kagan is a New York City lesbian, and that is important for the family-hating New World Order, and that also makes the likely bisexual Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro, the illegal alien masquerading as US president, feel comfortable with her.

(Let’s also recall the lesbian Janet Reno, Bill Clinton’s tall, mannish Attorney General who committed the Waco massacre. Never think for one second that all lesbians are “nice” like comedienne Ellen Degenerate-DeGeneres.)

Janet’s handiwork below; no one kills people better than a liberal. Eighty human beings were roasted to death in 1993 by Reno’s militarized federal forces after their leader, Vernon Howell (David Koresh)  had first been defamed (character-assassinated) falsely as a child molester. Fedzilla ALWAYS defames you first using their controlled media, just as leaders at Stormfront did with me, so when they kill you no one cares very much…. http://www.firearmsandliberty.com/waco.massacre.html

* * *

In 2008 there were ominous stories about the homosexual director of the choir at Obama’s black-militant church, the “God DAAAAAMN America” church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright that Obama  attended for 20 years in Chicago; in December 2007 this bungholer, Donald Young, who stories say was going to go public and accuse Obama of having had a queer affair with him, died of multiple gunshot wounds….http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,318267,00.html). The main source for these stories is the National Enquirer, which aside from celebrity gossip (which often turns out to be accurate; see the John Edward adultery/mistress/love child case), proved that OJ Simpson was a perjuring liar with reference to the Bruno Magli designer Italian shoes he denied wearing the day his ex-wife and her boyfriend were murdered;


This proof by the Enquirer led directly to Simpson’s conviction at his second trial.

The Juice wearing the Bruno Magli shoes he called [sic] “ugly-ass” at his first trial and denied owning or wearing. The Enquirer published several photos (which I could not find on Google or Bing images, but i saw the issue of the newspaper at the time) showing Simpson as a sports journalist/host interviewing sport stars in exactly those shoes that the murderer wore.



Time, 1996 (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,985629-6,00.html):

Free-lance photographer Harry Scull found a photograph he had taken of Simpson walking through the end zone before a Sept. 26, 1993, Buffalo Bills game; he appears to be wearing the Bruno Magli shoes. Scull sold the picture for $2,500 to the National Enquirer, which published it in April. During a deposition in September, Simpson was forced to backpedal, saying, “I know I’ve had similar shoes.”

And this is what the apiru who rule our nation want — a totally blackmailable puppet president!
Obongo’s master, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, son of Israeli Mossad officials.
His father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, a Jerusalem-born pediatrician, was a member of the [terrorist] Irgun.

* * *

–Kagan is Jewish; in fact “Kagan” is a classic name among the Khazars, the Mongoloid-Turkish mixed tribe that mass-converted to judaism in the 700s AD. Ninety percent of all “Jews’ today are descended not from the biblical Jews but from this Mongoloid-Turkish mixed people. (Just having a hooked semitic nose does NOT make you juish, for the simple-minded.)

The Khazar ju. Mikhail Markashev, who in 1997 in a random killing murdered comedian Bill Cosby’s only son, Ennis on a freeway; you can clearly see the Mongoloid-semitic mix typical of Khazar “Jews”….and the “wise-ass” expression.


Looking at this hideous half-man apiru Elena Kagan reminds me of what “Chief Wiggum,” the police chief on “The Simpsons,’ once said about a group of dumpy women: “Not a looker among ’em.” 😉

I was listening to National Public Radio this morning and the juess reporter was tossing off lightheartedly the fun fact that if Kagan is confirmed three of the nine Supreme Court justices will be juish…..

Apiru (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/03/05/english-introducing-the-apiru-the-ancient-and-modern-nomadic-crime-family) are two percent of the US population, but they will be hirty-three percent (11 times their number!) of the justices that sit in judgment over our laws. Now THAT”s “affirmative action” for you.

That is a royal race of conquerors.

There will then be not one Protestant on the Supreme Court. In 1775 every Founding Father was a white male Protestant of British ancestry (or German like Muehlenberg or General von Steuben, who should also be considered a Founding Father because of his essential work training unruly American troops at Valley Forge and thereafter to face the regular professional soldiers of the British Empire).

John Roberts – Roman Catholic

Antonin Scalia – Roman Catholic

Anthony Kennedy – Roman Catholic

Clarence Thomas – Roman Catholic BLACK

Samuel Alito – Roman Catholic

Sonia Sotomayor – Roman Catholic ( ??)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg – juess

Stephen Breyer – ju

John Paul Stevens – Being replaced by the juess Kagan

They couldn’t find a single white protestant male judge any more?

Btw (by the way), with the jewish supremacist lesbian Kagan on the “High Court” (which will reach new lows), the Court will not be three Jews, but possibly four. Sonia Sotomayor could very easily be a marrano, a crypto-ju. Spanish apiru massively underwent false conversions to Christianity in 1492 when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled all practicing juze from Spain. The Spanish Inquisition was created, in fact, primarily to ferret out fake conversos.

(See Bad Eagle’s column here; Bad Eagle is a conservative Amerindian leader: http://www.badeagle.com/2009/06/07/sotomayor-and-the-crypto-jew/ And note how this juish reporter expresses strong between-the-lines skepticism about Sotomayor being “Catholic”: http://www.politicsdaily.com/2009/05/27/how-catholic-is-sonia-sotomayor)

Not a looker among ’em…. You can see again the mongoloid admixture in this kindly race of genocidal turks….

So possibly four of the nine justices will be followers of the Talmud, the book that says (in the volume Sanhedrin 59):

Tob shebbe goyim harog!

“Even the best of the Gentiles should die.”

If religious symbols are banned on federal property, why is this menorah, the symbol of the juish religion (the Star of David is a symbol of the banking dynasty of Rothschild and of its political project, the State of Israel), erected every year on the South Lawn of the White House and lit by a high juish politician?

Because the US government has been totally captured by supremacist Jews.


Apparently there are no more cute Germanic girls in Austria, so they had to pick this  immigrant Turk…..

Call her Miss Ipecac!

German-language  headlines say: “Big strife over Aylin, the next supermodel of Pulse4 [whatever that is]: Is she really our prettiest?  Or Battle-axe of the year?”

I remember Austrian girls like this back in 1977……



Even in this constantly shocking and disgusting spectacle that is Washington DC, this video is truly shocking. The conversation is a hearing of the US House of Representatives, and the congressman is Dennis Kucinich, populist Democrat of Cleveland, Ohio

I remember back in my Georgetown days, spring of 1980, my course on “Introduction to Business”……

.. we had a good lady professor who was explaining the realities of the business world, basic principles of how our economy runs and how businesses thrive or fail.

One class she broke us up into four groups and asked us to discuss WHY on earth the Federal Reserve ever CUT the money supply after the Great Depression began in 1929.

Georgetown on the Potomac, ten minutes by car west of the White House

None of the four groups after 10 minutes could fathom why the Fed would have done such a disastrous thing. She then said to our surprise that she had no good answer either, and she looked at us as if to say

“Does any one of you get what I am saying?”

The goal of the Depression then was to foreclose on America. Roosevelt’s job was to engage in a flurry of activity to look as if he were trying hard. But his mission and the Fed’s was NOT to bring back our nation’s economic health, but rather to let America go at firesale prices to the juish billionaires who ran Roosevelt.

Foreclose on half the country.

Roosevelt in 1934 had this 33rd-Degree Freemasonic symbol put on the dollar

In Latin, the phrase below says “New World Order.”

Then the mystery of the Fed cutting the money supply makes sense.

Here’s another thing that makes sense. World War Two — the war against Germany — became, exactly as intended, a welcome relief from the continuing Great Depression……

And this same juish international crime family is at it again. (Ben Shalom Bernanke is an expert, Time magazine says, on the Great Depression.)  All the stimulus efforts are a SHAM so they can foreclose on yet more trillions in our property, and make us long for another world war to get us out of poverty.

Except this time we have the Internet, the first and second amendments,  and soon the Eternal Solutreans.


The last attempt to plug the catastrophic oil hole in the earth’s crust has failed.

Now they plan to fire garbage into the hole under high pressure.

Look at the comments.



The video just shows soldiers and plays march music, but it was banned by Occupied Germany’s YouTube. Why?

You decide.

Look at these wholesome, happy girls! I knew a German couple in the 1990s that had settled in Quebec, Canada after WWII, and ran a nice farm. The missus had been in the Federation of German Girls and told me that unlike modern Ju-merican music, the lyrics were almost never about boys, love, heartache and sex, and this pitiful “I can’t liiiiive, I can’t live without you….”

The songs they learned and sang were about loving the fatherland, praising this beautiful forest or that range of mountains, and missing on’e beloved home city or region, or about the future and the victories ahead.

Soldiers sang about courage, and the girl they missed back home, and even the possibility of dying.

Lili Marleen was one such song. Here is the British wartime version — by Vera Lynn.


The Germans under their Reich never sang the kind of sicko stuff I heard in the Virginia Army National Guard …..

….about “Susie Rotten-Crotch” ….

…..or “Hey, hey, pass the reefer!”

* * *

This is what we had — it was so precious — and this is what we will have again.


Here is the Kufstein song. I lived here 1975-76……in Adolf’s Austrian’s homeland. I’ve run this photo before, but that’s because it is perfect.

This video may seem corny (it sure is grainy), but maybe that is because we are now jaded and cynical about innocent pleasures.


A cookie-cutter liberal wrote me:

In June of 1987 my mother Gertrude Theresa Noerpel-Howard died of a massive stroke. She had acquired her American citizenship with pride about twenty years before; albeit she had to sign the “Fragenverbotten” to do so for her having been a BDM Fuehrerin in Bayern until 1945. I asked her once when I was around 16, what she had to say about Jews. Her response, “There’s one in every camp!” I have no doubt to Hitler’s Jewishness, Adolf Eichmann, or Alfred Rosenberg all being ersatz Catholics, any more than my good “former” Nazi mother did through her own family. I have no doubt there are Jews on your staff!!!

Its obvious that you have an agenda, and that agenda is racial superiority beyond separatism. I have no qualm in studying European history, but to call it “White” history belays the number of tribes that intermixed just to call English and French, Anglo-Saxon. And where the hell do you think the word Caucasian comes from, but from a people generally darker than the average European, noted from the Caucus mountain range, and most of civilization recorded 6000 plus years ago heralding from there into the fertile crescent, exclusive European tribes in the north painting themselves blue, and being nature cultists.

I replied:

* * *

The document was the “Fragebogen” (meaning Questionnaire). I see you did not learn German from your own mother.

You believe yourself in white superiority, because I would have to pay you one million dollars to move permanently to Africa. And you would need the million for your bodyguards.

If you read my blog on Hitler not being Jewish, you would not talk this way, or your attitude is “Don’t disturb me with the facts.” How courageous of you to parrot the Establishment line on everything.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln could not get the nomination of either major political party today, because they too were what YOU call “white supremacists.”

I never said whites are Caucasians. I say the exact opposite: Caucasians are part-neanderthals with coffee-colored skins, and are enemies of our race!

The Georgian Beria, mass-murderer for his fellow Caucasian Stalin. In the walls of his villa the bones of raped and murderd girls were found.

So, when are you leaving with a one-way ticket for Zimbabwe, Mexico or Bangladesh? ;-)

Oh, and send an email to this Israeli kid, since you dislike racial superiority:


”I am a Jew, I am an Israeli, I am a Zionist, and I am both racially and intellectually superior to you, the non-Jew. For your lies, your pathetic stupidity, and your anti-Semitism, your people will suffer under the punishment of the world’s future super-power, Israel. Jews are superior to dirty-blooded non-Jews like you. While your ancestors were sleeping with the swine in the forests of Europe, my ancestors were building the city of Jerusalem.

I am a Jew, you are not. I have the privilege of having god by my side, as well as the world’s supreme nation.

Perhaps you do not yet see that the worst is awaiting your kind, in the face of the coming Islamo-Christian War, from which my kind will arise victorious.

I am only 14 years old, but I have enough wisdom to see that you are nothing but a piece of gentile filth. No matter, perhaps god will find it suitable that a terrorist attack will end your misery. I shall personally pray for it to be so.”




Let’s end with some very good news!

The Republican In Name Only (“RINO”), and pro-Illegal alien-amnesty US seenator Bob Bennett of Utah got less than 40% of the GOP vote in the primary yesterday, and the Tea Party is rightfully exulting! http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2010/05/for-cornyn-and-nrsc-utah-senat.html

This is great: Replacing Republican sellouts with patriots! Let’s see if the number-one traitor in America, John McCain (who in my opinion deliberately threw the election to Barack Obama), will be  defeated by JD Hayworth in the Republican primary in Arizona  — if they don’t cheat via Diebold machines. …..the Arizona that just passed a law that state and local police can arrest anyone ( = Mexicans) who do not have their legal immigration papers ON THEM……

But most of all, there needs to be a national leader to stand up directly and state the painfully obvious fact:

Obama is not the president. None of his laws, therefore, that he has signed are valid. None of his Supreme Court nominees are valid.

The White House is legally empty.

We need a President of the Americans, a descendant via both parents of the original Americans who came here in the early 1600s, someone with the legitimacy and military credentials to confront head-on the illegal regime and rally the booming Tea Party millions.

The entire federal government is in total breach of the US Constitution. This is an Israeli occupation terror regime. This must be so declared and an alternate leadership for America set forth.

Both political parties are totally taken over at the top. All electronic voting machiens are corrupt. The media is judaized. Wall Street is a pack of juish hyenas. The Federal Reseve has been juish from the very beginning in 1913.

Israel did 9/11.

The United States government, as the puppet regime of a hostile foreign military power,  no longer represents in any way the American people and has no right to rule it.

The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776:

Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

===========YOUR SUPPORT

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road

Sarver PA 16055

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