Henry Ford’s architect, Albert Kahn, was Jewish. He’s known as the architect of Detroit and he designed some beautiful buildings, many of them still standing today. One of those buildings was Ford’s river rouge plant (I guess Ford couldn’t find a suitable Aryan to do the job) The Kahn brothers also developed the system of steel reenforced concrete known as the Kahn system. I guess he didn’t work on the knesset building..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Kahn_(architect
Henry Ford’s architect, Albert Kahn, was Jewish. He’s known as the architect of Detroit and he designed some beautiful buildings, many of them still standing today. One of those buildings was Ford’s river rouge plant (I guess Ford couldn’t find a suitable Aryan to do the job) The Kahn brothers also developed the system of steel reenforced concrete known as the Kahn system. I guess he didn’t work on the knesset building..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Kahn_(architect