On turtles and white women

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Margi asked me to help this turtle safely cross the very busy high-speed road to Houghton (UP of Michigan), or return it to the lake. Her compassion and kindness are a wonderful feminine trait.

At the same time, I worry about women of northern-European stock. Margi literally won’t kill a fly. She will catch it and release it outdoors. 😉

I have met two platinum-blonde little girls up here who seemed to have no fear whatsoever of perfect strangers. One, as I reported in my blog, asked me, a passerby, for a hug.


It was as if this girl were from a different planet, a planet without crime, or pedophiles, or evil.

Another, whom I met today while seeing a Finnish farm family to buy two dozen eggs laid by free-range chickens, just started talking to me and Margi as if we were her long-lost friends.

While it was certainly touching, and kids seem to take to me and Margi both, these nordic children were projecting THEIR decency onto a world that is NOT decent, that is not nordic, that is not to be trusted, and that is certainly not safe for beautiful, naive, innocent white females.

(Btw, if you are wondering about my car headlight, my Crown Vic was hit by a deer. Yes, deer actually, literally, wait by the side of the highway and then jump out at cars — as pretty and as dumb as some supermodels!  )

Roger W. Smith Only Whites display such empathy for God’s creatures. Nobody else does.



Local blonde women at the Walmart in Houghton, UP of Michigan: probably Finns, or Swedes, or northern-Germans. This gal is almost six feet tall, and a natural blonde.

John de Nugent Two girls at the milk sectionManage
Harley Pence Ja………..

Andrew Kelley My Blond baby girl is 6’2″.


Dan Cunningham I have been there many times, got stuck in a snow storm coming home from there one night and had to walk 6 miles in knee deep snow. I love it there and most of the people are good people but liberalism is taking over in Houghton, Marquette, and the Soo because of the colleges. Alcoholism and mental illness is a serious problem in the U.P. mainly due to the isolation in many cases self imposed isolation. Many Yoopers that have never been out of the U.P. are shocked by what they see when they venture outside the U.P. some becoming victims to street wise hoodrats. Most Yoopers are naive outside the U.P.


Ken Simpson I was in the Atlanta Airport a few years ago. In the midst of black folks, there appeared, walking down the middle of the terminal, two HUGE blonds, husband and wife. Long blond hair. What a striking pose. Both VERY good looking. Perfect features Everybody cleared a path in awe, including me! To me they looked like they were 8 feet tall. Everybody just stared at the magnificent god like presence. It was a treat to see the minions at the airport watch them in somewhat disbelief. Obviously North European.


Dan Cunningham In Atlanta anything white stands out like a sore thumb.

Roger W. Smith My wife’s grandmother was from Norway and my wife is only 4 foot 11. Must be because her grandfather is Irish lol.


I really worry about our white women. It motivates me day and night to think what could befall them.

Falk Bund Many Buddhists actually do care.


Roger W. Smith A religion founded by Aryans….

John de Nugent Yes, indeed. To this day Asian Buddhists know he had been a prince of the Indo-Aryan nobility and had blue eyes.

John de Nugent As my massive article here has proved, and it deserves a careful reading, Jesus, the great teacher of a compassionate and forgiving God, was raised in the Jewish culture — He incarnated there deliberately to undermine and radically change Judaism — but He racially was not a Jew at all, but a Galilean and an Aryan, just exactly as Adolf Hitler and Houston Stewart Chamberlain always wrote.

UPDATED Jesus depicted as an Aryan by early Christians; NS writer Bochaca says Jesus was not physically Jewish — His native Galilee was “the District of the Gentiles”


Roger W. Smith He was their last chance and they killed him. Shocked? I’m not. They are the synagogue of Satan.

John de Nugent Early Roman Christians who knew what Jesus looked like because Peter was right there depicted him consistently on the walls of the catacombs as blond. https://johndenugent.com/…/jesus-nunziatella…Manage
John de Nugent To this day there are pockets of Aryan blood in Palestine and Galilee https://johndenugent.com/…/palestinian-white-girl…Manage

Roger W. Smith And the Church Fathers always taught that the Antichrist would be a Jew.


Fr. Andrew J. Anderson. The Antichrist: an Orthodox Perspective from the Church Fathers

Mark Hastings I have helped many a turtle cross the road ,cheers
John de Nugent That is noble (in Sanskrit: “Aryan”) 

Brennais Currugh Redheads… 

John Dinsky Brings to mind the animal pass in singapore…Manage
Image may contain: plant, sky, outdoor and nature

Joel Whaley Kangaroos are just like deers then. They are responsible for alot of road fatalities, usually anonymously. Sometimes entire hordes of them spring out from nowhere. Australian roads at night are extremely treacherous. You might not see one the entire time, but they’re always around.

Sorry about your car JDN.

Like what you wrote about projection. It’s so true.


JW Corrigan Well put, John.


Holly Bell Living in the southwest I don’t see many fellow blondes. Thank you

John de Nugent This was a blond/light-brunet, blue-eyed country when I was a little kid in the Fifties.
John de Nugent Only 6 out of 45 US presidents did not have blue eyes (I added Obama,to this list to make it six) http://lgstarr.blogspot.com/…/only-5-us-presidents-have…Manage
John de Nugent Six out of seven US Mercury astronauts had blue eyes https://johndenugent.com/…/us-astronauts-1965-white…Manage


John de Nugent And the French cop who sacrificed himself to free a female hostage from ISIS https://johndenugent.com/…/lt-col-beltrame-blue…Manage

Tom Watt This phenomenon was also quite noticeable in Colorado. Very different from the multi-culti hell we call Florida.

Peter Sorrantino I love being in a mostly white are as well. I used to live in a shithole full of blacks and street shitters. Since we moved and we go out all we see is mostly white folks. It really does make a difference in how you feel. We are so much happier.

Zacc Stirner Lots of Nordic blood on the UP, eh?

John de Nugent Yes, in pockets, especially in the western UP. Houghton-Hancock is full of Finns. So are areas of the countryside.
The eastern UP is more German, which is blond, blondish and light-brown hair.
A lot of working-class whites have some Indian blood, however, such as Ojibwa.
As a general statement, people are quiet but friendly, decent, honest and take care of their houses and property, unlike Appalachia, which has some violent and rowdy elements, and debris scattered all over the lawn.
We have a small number of Poles, Croats, Italians and French-Canadians, who fit in with the basically nordic majority.

Sarah Brackstone A little creepy, taking photos of women without their say.


Falk Bund for documentary reasons only

Sarah Brackstone
Sarah Brackstone Falk Bund riiiiiiiiight 😏
JW Corrigan Lay off. He’s trying to show what kind of people are up there and their faces aren’t even showing. Be careful before you throw the word “creepy” around.
John de Nugent JW Corrigan Thanks for sticking up for me. I blocked this Sarah Brackstone.  I have seen too many carping critics on Facebook, virtue-signalling, taking cheap shots, or much, much worse. I block ten nasty people a week on Faceberg. It represents the worst in human behavior and the worst of America.
On VK I have blocked just three people in three whole years!


Naomi Ruth There might be something to reincarnation. I did my zodiac once and it said I had lived eight other lives. I did my children and my youngest it said this was her first incarnation. She talks to total strangers. I have had to drill it in her consistently to not talk to strangers.


John de Nugent Good advice for now, but we really want a world where all white adults adore, love and protect every white child they see. I WANT a world where kids are friendly and adults are harmless and good!



Rudolf Covington Asians would have made soup out of that turtle……


  1. Go back to the Houghton Walmart in the fall and it will be packed with Chinese, Muslims, Indians, etc.. Michigan Tech makes more money off of foreigners. Did you hear them crying when Trump enacted the travel ban? $$$$$$

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