Immigrants to Britain vote Pole as top WWII British hero

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Sir Douglas Bader was a true Englishman, and a certified RAF ace with 22 kills — and he flew the entire war with prosthetic legs. But thanks to manipulation by Radio Poland he lost a poll for biggest British war hero to a Polish pilot named Kornicki who was never even in the RAF. Lots of Poles actually have the cheek to claim to us Brits “Ve saved you in da var.”  


Polish migrants, inspired by Marxist Jewish journalist, decide that “England’s most important WWII hero”, is a Pole

July 16, 2018

by the European Knights Project’s author Carl Mason

Many of you have heard of Jacek Hugo Bader — the Marxist Jewish journalist who applied black-face to his putridly ugly mug so that he could set up a Black Lives matter campaign in Poland — where there are few black people

Well, one of his comrades based in our land [Britain] was instrumental in seeing that a Polish immigrant, also living in Britain, was voted as Britain’s most important WWII hero.

Yes, a Polish immigrant, promoted by a Jewish Marxist who is linked to a fella that put on blackface to create a Black Lives Matter movement in a nation with no blacks, has been voted our, yes, BRITAIN’S, greatest WWII hero, though he was a Polish  citizen and flew in a Polish Fighter Squadron, not the RAF, during WWII!.

I kid you not.

Instead of allowing our heroes to remain British, the migrants led by the same lot that orchestrated the Bolshevik revolution have now taken total control of our country, our culture, and are dictating our democracy – online and electorally.

Anyone who thinks people with foreign allegiance will ever vote with their conscience or remotely meritocratically need only reference the idiotic Eurovision song contest to know people vote for their own and then their neighbours, regardless of where they live.

“But, Carl, it must have been Sadiq Khan or Diane Abbot behind it” — I can hear the Tommytards shouting to me from behind their computers.

Nope, idiots.

It wasn’t a Muslim, as Tommy or Raheem will tell ya, or some Rastafarian as the NF will lead you to believe. It was the people behind Bolshevism who were responsible for the madness.

Yep, the same people behind the fall of South Africa, the wars we find ourselves in across the globe and at the fore of the push to see LGBT values taught to kids across the West. That lot.

I genuinely have no issue with acknowledging that many of the valiant men who fought ALONGSIDE us during WWII were foreigners.

We had Indians, Poles like the Polish hero who was anointed Britain’s most important hero (and let us make NO mistake — Franciszek Kornicki, the last surviving Polish World War Two squadron commander, is a HERO of the grandest proportion); Black Africans, Aussies and Canucks – all kinds of people from different countries and backgrounds.

Heck, the Nazis had tens of thousands of Jews serving in their ranks (and it is documented). They even had Indians fighting alongside them!

So much for ze Germans being white supremacists. There goes that myth.

Though I’ve yet to find a Jewish refugee who sacrificed a fingernail to help us liberate his people from the naughty Germans.

But, for people who moved here to OUR country to try and rewrite our nation’s proud history  is just a step too far.

For foreign-owned radio stations based in Poland to be broadcasting propaganda to people living here is bloody nauseating.

In fact, the Polish weekly news magazine, Newsweek Polska, and the national newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, both supported the campaign to have Kornicki voted number-one in the poll which was set up to celebrate 100 years of the RAF in 2018.

300,000 UK Poles, who arrived here because of our membership in the EU, voted online to name a Polish pilot Britain’s most famous WWII personality

After the war, Kornicki joined the RAF and served as an officer for over 20 years CREDIT: RAF MUSEUM

So….why am I so annoyed?

All I care about is the truth and simply can not tolerate people rewriting my nation’s history – neither the good nor bad aspects of it.

And I simply can not tolerate foreigners coming to my country and telling me what to do or telling me they rescued us, when they most certainly did not!

If you know Brits, no one needs to save us. We can do that on our own. Besides, we faced no threat to speak of until our banksters got to Churchill and the media poisoned the narrative against Neville Chamberlain.

It’s bad enough to have to hear how the Yanks rescued us from ze Germans, in spite of only getting involved because of their banksters’ lobbying (and the vast majority of them were Jewish as well, I’m sorry to have to tell you)  — but now the Poles?

The same warrior Poles that allowed the Germans to walk in and take their country in 72 hours. No offense to my Polish friends, but that’s also true.

Yeah, the Poles were such bright sparks that they couldn’t even fend off a few thousand Germans in their own land, but now they have the nerve to say they saved my country, stocked with some of the greatest warriors the world has ever seen?

Here’s how I found out about the bloody poll.

My mate was a labourer on a building site in town. He was laid off. The next day a Pole took his place. I got talking to Alex, who told me, “He was on less money than my friend — that’s how he got the job.”

He then proceeded to ask me if I could help him get a British passport for him and his Polish girlfriend. I replied rather sarcastically that if he could start acting and thinking like a Brit, I would consider it! He looked most astonished at my words and asked what I meant? To which I replied:

“You need a lesson in history, mate. Do you have any idea at all how we Brits and Americans and other members of the British Commonwealth saved your skins in WWII from the Germans? Our soldiers risked their lives to liberate you, and if anyone is talking about heroes I could name you a whole lot of names and they would all be British, American or from the CAfter the war, Kornicki joined the RAF and served as an officer for over 20 years CREDIT: RAF MUSEUMommonwealth. If you want to become a British citizen, you need to be thankful for being in this country and recognising what we have done in the past for your country. We are a proud nation and revere our heroes for their spirit and bravery.”

But this is how they all think.

Last year the RAF Museum decided to launch a public vote on who the greatest Spitfire Mark V pilot in history was.

Although I presume the RAF Museum expected that the victor would have been a Brit, they didn’t expect the expected target of the ‘People’s Spitfire Poll’, hosted on the Telegraph website, was the British public, whom the RAF have protected for 99 years.

But after being hijacked by a massive groundswell of public support from the newcomer Polish community – who care as much for us as we do for them — (difference is they are living in OUR country) Franciszek Kornicki, the last surviving Polish World War Two squadron commander, won the vote in a landslide.

But the Eastern European campaign nauseatingly was waged mostly here in the UK, with the Polish Embassy and ‘Polish Radio London’ urging the UK’s million-strong Polish population to back Kornicki, who turned 100 last year.

To think they can come to my country and act in this manner demonstrates the danger of allowing foreign nationals into the country. Whether it’s right wing Islamist conservatives or Polish nationalists — both groups empowered by Britain’s left — we are, in fact, importing people who are fiercely nationalistic for THEIR country and hostile to OUR country.

Speaking from his care home IN BRITAIN, Kornicki admitted he was “surprised and a little bewildered” at the overwhelming support, but was quick to point out that he was “just one of a great many” who helped win the war.

Thankfully, the man, born in a bygone era, had exponentially more class than modern -day Poles living here and in Poland.

Make no mistake, Kornicki was a great man and deserves our utmost respect.

That’s not what’s at issue here. It is about a foreign people now altering our history to suit their own ends; it is not about the truth and actual history.

Kornicki, a grandfather of five and great-grandfather of seven, recalled close comradery between the British and Polish pilots while in command at RAF Northolt, not least plying each other with beer during evenings off duty.

Kornicki remembered his old Spitfire fondly and always flew with a crucifix wired into the cockpit. Yesterday, he paid tribute to the men who kept it airborne.

“My aircraft was cared for by a fitter and rigger – great chaps – and my only regret is that I cannot recall their names because they deserve equal recognition for everything this wonderful aircraft achieved,” he said.

As does the Spitfire plane only we Brits could have built. The Poles at the time had barely mastered the bloody steam engine.


After the war, with Poland under Communist-control, Kornicki decided to remain in exile and joined the RAF; serving as an officer for more than 20 years. After retiring he was been an active member of the Polish community in Britain.

In 1948 he married Patience Williams, 94, and the couple have two sons: Peter, 67, a professor of Japanese at Cambridge University and Richard, 64, a former civil servant and chairman of the Polish Air Force Memorial Committee who was awarded a CBE in 2000 for services to the Home Office.

To celebrate his 100th birthday last December the family gave a surprise lunch at a hotel close to his home in Sussex.

While Richard Kornicki described the family as “delighted” by the poll, he insisted his father would want “equal attention paid to everybody who took part in that struggle”.

Sadly, class, tact and decency have been lost on many of the one million Poles that currently live in Britain.

Here’s a bit of the gloating

The results are in!

Franciszek Kornicki, the Polish pilot who took command of 308 Squadron during the Second World War has been named the winner of an RAF Museum poll to decide ‘The People’s Spitfire Pilot’. has done it!! He is the greatest RAF fighter pilot!

The poll, which was hosted by The Telegraph, was set up to celebrate 100 years of the Royal Air Force in 2018. A life-sized display of Kornicki and his story will now adorn the RAF Museum’s centenary exhibition, standing alongside the iconic Spitfire VB BL614.

“We hoped and we believed that this was such a strong idea that people would support it,” said Peter Devitt, curator at The RAF Museum on the poll results, “but we are absolutely astonished by how successful it’s been. Not just for the Polish pilot Franciszek Kornicki, but for all of the pilots who will feature in the centenary exhibition next year.”

Kornicki had been the runaway victor of the poll after a social-media campaign in his home nation of Poland and among the Polish community here in the UK saw him pick up 325,000 votes – nearly 320,000 more than second-placed Sir Douglas Bader, who picked up 6,300 votes.

Bader, a genuine ace, flew with artificial legs during the entire war.


A biography about Douglas Bader by Paul BrickhillReach for the Sky, was published in 1954. Some 172,000 copies were sold in the first few months alone.[162] The initial print run of 300,000 quickly sold out, as the biography became the biggest-selling hardback in post-war Britain.

Never a person to hide his opinions, Bader also became controversial for his political interventions. A staunch conservative with traditional Victorian values, his trenchantly expressed views on such subjects as juvenile delinquency, apartheid and Rhodesia‘s defiance of the Commonwealth (he was a strong supporter of Ian Smith‘s white minority regime) attracted much criticism.[148]During the Suez Crisis, Bader travelled to New Zealand. Some of the more recent African Commonwealth countries had been critical of British military intervention; he replied that they could “bloody well climb back up their trees”.[147] During a trip to South Africa in November 1965, Bader said that if he had been in Rhodesia when it made its declaration of independence, he “would have had serious thoughts about changing my citizenship”.[147] Later, Bader also wrote the foreword to Hans-Ulrich Rudel‘s biography Stuka Pilot. Even when it emerged that Rudel was a fervent supporter of the Nazi Party, Bader said that prior knowledge would not have changed his mind about his contribution.[149]

In the late 1960s, Bader was interviewed on television, where his comments provoked controversy. During the interview, he expressed a desire to be Prime Minister, and listed some controversial proposals should the opportunity ever arise:[150]

  • Withdraw sanctions from Rhodesia so negotiations could take place without pressure.[150]

  • Stop immigration into Britain immediately until the “situation had been examined”.[150]

  • Reintroduce the death penalty for murder.[150]


South African Jackie Moggridge, one of the first female pilots, who delivered more aircraft than any one else for the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) came in third with 2,600 votes. Belgian ace Baron Jean de Sélys-Longchamps closely followed with 2,200 votes, with Canadian maverick pilot George Beurling coming in fifth place with 1,900.

Chwała do Polski chwała naszej ojczyźnie! That’s loosely translated as “Glory to Poland. Glory to our motherland.” So much for people whom we let in respecting our Britain!



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