Black steals three cases of beer and is shot; when should theft trigger the death penalty?

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Store owner arrested for shooting black who brazenly walked out with three cases of beer

The owner of a Lakeland, FLA gas station has been arrested for shooting a man who was allegedly trying to steal beer.

John de Nugent I suppose he needed that beer to feed his family.


John de Nugent One of my most important essays is on psychopaths, who are BORN as evil, sadistic bastards, and torture animals and set fires even as little kids. They love harming others for the sheer “fun” of it. And brain scans clearly show their psychopathy. They all need to be instantly executed, because psychopathy is both untreatable and incurable. They will never change or stop committing crimes, except if cops are right there.

John de Nugent England had the death penalty for 200 different crimes.
John de Nugent It also dumped criminals on the thirteen American colonies, over their protest!
John de Nugent To this day there is an old criminal element among old-stock American whites, who are constantly in trouble. This bestseller is shockingly honest about Appalachia, by an Appalachian boy who made good, escaped the crime, booze, meth and violence, and went to Yale, then into computers.…/j-d-vance-hillbilly…Manage
John de Nugent Crimes liable for death included repeated theft (especially horses or cattle), sodomy, hitting your parents, treason, spying, blasphemy, etc.
John de Nugent Once you grasp that you cannot really die anyway, just your physical body, then the death penalty is much less horrible.
John de Nugent I saw an interesting episode of the old Star Trek where the away team ends up on a totally crime-free and spotless planet where everything works smoothly, and there is the death penalty for literally all crimes.
(But after all, why, on a completely crime-free and poverty-free world, would anyone even think of stealing unless their basic nature was bad?)
John de Nugent Romanians to this day miss Vlad the Impaler, who ended all lawlessness by impaling people for all sorts of crimes, and also impaled the invading muslim Turks by the thousands, unnerving them and making them turn back. It was said that you could drop an open bag of gold coins on the street and it would be there for you three weeks later.
John de Nugent I have continued watching the old “Gunsmoke” series, which was the longest-running serious American tv series ever, 1955-75, and you constantly see psychopathic behavior on the frontier. A guy could commit a murder in Boston, get out of town fast, change his name (there was no ID system then), and if he made it out to Dodge City, Kansas, he became a hired gun. The US Marshal Matt Dillon then had to deal with him.
This was a moving early episode, but you have to think that if Dillon really believed in life after death, he would NOT have been racked with remorse for killing the three scumbags (or all the others he had gunned down). He was actually doing them a true favor by ending their bad karma toward themselves and others. Btw, the handsome actor who played the bad guy, Stanger, Russell Johnson, went on to play “the professor” on “Gilligan’s Island.”  )
John de Nugent As Martha Stout, PhD (UC Berkeley) wrote in her bestselling “the Sociopath Next Door,” these people over the course of a lifetime leave a swath of destruction behind them, affecting literally hundreds of innocent people.…/sociopath-next-door…Manage
John de Nugent I would say that one of my other most important essays is this one on the true origins of the Hebrew people, and it is based largely on a book by a Jewish author. The Hebrews of the Bible (called Habirus by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites) were roaming hordes of escaped criminals who vamoosed out of town and joined this huge, migrating ethnic gang.…/the-original-jewshebrews…/Manage
John de Nugent In other words, Yahweh “chose” a literal crime family as his people, and at Mount Sinai promised them that if they worshiped only him he would help them to take over the world.
 In Texas what the shop owner’s son did would not be a crime.
John de Nugent Libtard video condemns the victim! I agree with this commenter on YT:
Logan Nichols 
This dude should be killed anyway. Clearly plans on continuing his useless life. I mean you just got out of prison, and you’re going to drink alcohol and steal it while you’re at it. The son did an awesome thing. Hopefully the son gets acquitted and the thug goes back to prison for his stolen beer escapade.15 approve
John de Nugent
I totally agree. The perp is a psychopath, career criminal, and perma-parasite. Read “The Sociopath Next Door”!Manage
In the Third Reich, about 22,000 people were executed for various crimes, many by the guillotine. My old German friend Fritz S. told me there was the death penalty for looting, and so when the cities of Germany were cruelly bombed out by the Allies, at least you knew your belongings were safe. No one went house-to-house or apartment-to-apartment, stealing your stuff after a bomb hit the neighborhood and you and loved ones had fled to the bomb shelters. If the bombs did not destroy it, it was all still there.
This was the guillotine in Munich, where about 2,000 criminals were terminated.…/munich-third-reich…
John de Nugent In a great book which the J-Team has “disappeared,” entitled “A Year in Germany,” a British trade union official who spent a year studying the Third Reich and conditions there for the working class wrote: “A woman could walk alone at three a.m. along the docks of Hamburg and not be molested.”
John de Nugent In this crime video, the shooter/victim was white and the perp/shover was black — and in the comments below it, several noted that.
If you watch closely, after the black guy pushed the elderly white man down, he was advancing to hurt him further. He was pressing what he thought was going to be easy pickings.
This happened three days ago, and the (((media))) is trying to make it into a “Poor-Little-Trayvon”-type story, and so it’s been picking up steam — very volatile.Manage

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