CIA and Merkel prevented arrest of ISIS Muslim who then crushed 12 white Germans with a hijacked truck

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Anis Amri, a known ISIS terrorist, was released by both Italian and German authorities on CIA orders. It seems the German police, tired of being blamed for Amri’s bloodbath, are leaking info to this author to show they had this human turd in their cross hairs — but Merkel ordered him to be left alone.

GERMAN CIA and Merkel prevented arrest of ISIS Muslim who then viciously crushed 12 white Germans with a hijacked truck on 19 Dec. 2016 at the Berlin Christmas Market (book by former anti-terrorism cop and bestselling author)…/

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Avran Iv their blood is on your hands, Frau Merkel

John de Nugent “The Destabilization of Germany” reveals the German Army is practicing crushing civilian uprisings at a huge camp outside Magdeburg.Manage

Avran Iv how exactly do germans in the german army give (and follow) orders to do this?


John de Nugent Avran Iv As I explained, comrade, in this video with 54,000 views, the West is ruled by a khazaro-masonic PEDOPHILOCRACY. In other words, the JWO demands that you must become a blackmailable pedophile and actually — yourself — rape and kill children on camera to become a general (or top banking partner, media mogul, etc). 


Albert Afraim Avran Iv the military leader that gives the orders is a complete puppet

John de Nugent Albert Afraim Yes, and once you have raped and killed a kid, proving thereby your “loyalty,” you have passed through the moral sound barrier, doing the most heinous crime imaginable. There is no turning back.

Avran Iv John what about the foot-soldiers?
Albert Afraim Take orders from the the leader. German military tradition with no supervision needed from the top. He makes the call. “ SO GOES THE GENERAL SO GOES THE SOLDIER” a German friend of mine thought me this 15 years ago

John de Nugent Avran Iv Some of the senior NCOs (top sergeants) are also compromised. But for most, it is a question of having a wife, kids and bills, and losing their career if they disobey orders. (In time of war, disobeying an order can also get you shot on the spot by your officer with his pistol, or arrested by the military police.)

Albert Afraim John de Nugent better explanation then mine
John de Nugent He drew the line when they demanded that for him to reach the big leagues of finance he must rape a kid.
Avran Iv in america you have 3-percenters and oathkeepers, although a lot of them are just talk. and in Israel there are refusniks who don’t want to kill Palestinian children. Are there no equivalents in any European army or police force? are all these police and army just mindless drones?
John de Nugent The JWO is taking no chances. All key commanders must be proven pedophiles.
John de Nugent And it is like in the old Mafia — you have to kill someone they want dead to become a “made man.” That way you cannot back out.
John de Nugent Avran Iv Yes, there are many who resist or are thinking of resisting. In Germany the AfD is now the second biggest party in the country!

John de Nugent But it gets actually worse. The Trotsky way was to abduct the wives and kids of Russian Army officers.


Avran Iv maybe every single cop and soldier is on the hook in some way


Avran Iv American cops are all order-followers.

John de Nugent What the Rothschild “British Empire” did in its concentration camps in the Second Anglo-Boer War under “Lord” Kitchener was starve 30,000 Boer women and children to death. This caused the Boer men to give up the fight. Boer girl Lizzie Van Zyl…/lizzie-van-zyl-camp-boer…Manage
Albert Afraim Avran Iv Hitler said this “ they will take your livelihood away via economic means.”

Albert Afraim John de Nugent 🇬🇧 yiddish empire

John de Nugent Albert Afraim Good way of putting it!

Albert Afraim That’s why Mein Kampf is a Bible on the Jews, and and he is the prophet. He detailed the Jew like no other.

John de Nugent We are dealing here with an unfathomable evil that the average Joe refuses to consider possible. In other words, his tyrannon kicks in, and he goes into denial, because 1) he just cannot imagine anyone raping and killing a kid, and 2) the tyrannon (his out-of-control mind) tells him, “Deny it so you can sleep at night. It’s just a crazy conspiracy theory.” And the JWO gives the masses a “positive cover story” (a Catherine Austin Fitts term) for why they need do nothing. Faced with the evidence that our government is ruled by satanic pedophiles, people (ruled by their tyrannon) WANT to believe it is not true, because otherwise any man (or woman) worth his salt, although perhaps married with a family, would nevertheless have to act and go up against the gigantic machinery of the government.


Avran Iv i tried to explain this to a couple in church, about pedogate an pizzagate. the wife and husband both said “I can’t believe that”. I told them your denial is what allows it to continue. they could not continue conversation with me after that. This is the problem I am having in church generally. I signed on to Christ to fight for the good, only to discover the churches are full of cucked whimps.

John de Nugent Avran Iv Not just the churches. My dad was a combat Marine in two wars but he feared the J-Team too, and especially being labeled a Nazi.

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